Comprehensive Freedom

v1.2 chapter 4th Emperor\'s Tool - The 9th cut

Early next morning

The three people who were sleeping soundly in the bedroom were awakened by the knock on the door outside, and drove the two women to the bathroom in the bedroom for cleaning, but walked naked to open the door.

“Aha! What’s the matter?” Noel yawned and asked the woman outside the door.

“Sir Noel, the minister sent someone just now, please wake up and go there!” Seeing the appearance of Noor’s naked body, the servant girl was not scared, but only slightly blushed.

“Well, I know! Go and get me some food!” Noel thought about it and ordered to the woman.

Seeing the female subordinate bowed and retreated, Noel walked into the bathroom.

When the two girls saw their masters coming in, they quickly stepped forward and served Noel to clean up.

“Wait for me to go through the minister, and the two of you will drive away the male creatures in the other courtyard, and you will be disobedient or teasing you to death!” Noel was slightly right while enjoying the service of the two women. They said.

“Guarantee the completion of the task!” The two women replied firmly.

Under the service of the two maids, the clothes were cleaned and dressed quickly, mainly because Noel did not have a big animal hair in the bath room, so he could finish the washing so quickly.

“By the way, I asked someone to bring breakfast and you are busy eating! I’ll go to the minister to rub the rice!” Noel said to the two women in the house before leaving, and turned away.

“Master, it’s so nice to us! And it’s so powerful in that respect!” Lena smiled as she looked at Noel’s leaving, holding her face in both hands.

“Yeah, not only gave us more than ordinary people’s ability, but also cared about us so much!” Aiya also holding her back in the face watching Noel’s departure.

Regardless of the two idiots, Noel found a guard in the other court and asked him to take him to the place where the minister lived.

It’s true that the Royal Palace is like a labyrinth. After a few laps, Noor doubted whether he could get out, and after all the hardships and turns, he finally reached the residence of the minister.

“General Noel, have you eaten breakfast yet? If not, let’s go together.” The minister at the dinner table continued to tear the rou pieces in his hand, seeing Noel came in from the outside and said.

“Are you ready to ask me to come over, Minister?” Noor, who was planning to rub the rice, would not ask him to take the food directly and sit down.

“Of course you are ready, let’s go after breakfast!” the minister said lightly, but kept stuffing his mouth into his mouth.

“Oh! Who is hiding kuei’s face from the door?” Noel asked without looking back.

The guy with half of his head at the door behind was startled. The minister had to be anxiously introduced in the future. He squawked into the living room and walked towards Noel after screaming.

“Who are you talking about, I’m…” Fork’s face hasn’t finished talking, seeing the other person’s hand has entered his mouth, and the whole body is cold and sweating and dare not say a word.

“Want to know what your heart is like?” Noel squinted and smiled. The murderous air from his body caused the chill in the house to rise straight, and his hands clenched each other’s heart little by little.

“Fuck things! Hurry to apologize to General Noel! General, he is my son. Today I decided to exclude myself from the practice and come over to get a piece of Emperor’s self-defense!” The minister said nervously, knowing that Noel had already killed, but still I hope that the other party will let his son pass.

“Yes. I’m sorry.. General Noel, I am wrong..” Chacha now regrets his death. He didn’t expect that the other party was an embarrassed person who beat General Boulder. With a little clenching, the other party is really capable of taking out his beating heart. “The minister is your son! This time it is fine, be careful next time, I am not so generous every time!” Noel said with a smile, but the chill was a bit cold. No reduction, withdraw the hand in the other person’s body.

Seeing the other person retract their hands, Chacha kept falling back and sitting on the ground. He kept looking at the mouth but saw no scars and opened his mouth in surprise.

“Minister, let’s go! I’m not in a mood to eat anymore. See what emperors you have.” Noel smiled, not looking at it, and glanced at the fork on the ground.

“Okay! And don’t sit on the ground and daze to follow!” The minister responded and said to the son who hadn’t recovered from the ground.

Soon the three came to the Emperor’s safekeeping room and entered the house to watch the few Emperor’s tools placed on the table.

“These are the imperial collections, and no user’s emperor has been found yet!” the minister brought the two to the remaining emperor and said.

“Emperor: Shangri-La-Space Emperor Emperor, can instantly move the target to a designated position, and its performance is also unique among all emperors.”

“Emperor: Scream—The emperor of flute, which can freely manipulate the feelings of the listeners. Although it is known to encourage morale on the battlefield, in fact it can manipulate up to dozens of emotions, but repeated listening to the words Will be resistant to the song.”

“Emperor: Black Marlin—-Emperor of Emperor’s Ring, made from the organs of aquatic dangerous creatures that manipulate the flow of water, and the equipment can freely manipulate the liquid in the things it touches.”

“Emperor Tool: Two Great Axes—-Emperor Tool of Axe, only those with excellent arm strength can wield it, but the corresponding attack power is also very strong, and it can also be separated from the middle into two axe throws. There is still power to track the enemy.”

“Emperor: the ability of five visions [thousands of eyes]—-Emperor with five abilities of farsightedness, penetrating vision, future vision, inner vision, and illusion.”

‘Three of the emperors are the three beasts! It’s still saying that the Queen’s Queen hasn’t called them! ‘Thinking, Noel listened to the introduction of the Minister, and looking at the Emperor Gu in front of him felt depressed and there was no one useful. If he had an ark, he could send it as long as he wrote down the coordinates. The pass of the three beasts did not conform to his own aesthetics. The remaining one is stealing the kuei weapon. It is not generally ugly to take it with. It is super ugly…

“Secretary, is that all? Nothing else?” Noel asked stubbornly, hoping that the minister would still be able to come up with a few so that he would not have to struggle.

“It’s gone, doesn’t it suit the general’s heart? I think Emperor Shangri-La is very good!” The minister introduced him eagerly, but the face of Chacha, who was beside them, had been staring at the emperor’s emperor.

“Look, your son’s eyes are about to fall, you still give him a good deal! I’m looking at it!” Nuoer said indifferently, and ignored the two of them silently contacting the system.

When the minister saw that no one wanted it, he took his son to Digu and began to choose.

‘System King, can the emperor with five vision capabilities be transformed or integrated? “Noel ignored those two, and said in silence.

Host! Reshape appearance: 500 points are required, you can choose any shape! Fusion: 1000 points are needed, the ability to extract props can be integrated into the body!

‘Then integrate it, anyway, the points are also placed! What should I do? ’

Host, just put the props like Hell Butterfly into the body and other systems will process it!

Now that he knew what to do, Noel stepped forward and took Digu: Qianliyan picked it up and swallowed it into his palm, ignoring the surprised eyes of the two, waiting for the system to fuse.

Fusion starts to extract ability: smashing props fusion is completed..

Consume 1000 points, remaining 800 points! Welcome to use next time!

“Well, this ability is okay, just use it!” Noel’s pupil flashed red, and he could see clearly what they were thinking through the subtle expressions of the two people. As far as he is not interested in the two men, so Did not try.


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