Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

“What do you mean by that?” Kita’s expression was a little angry, and she puffed up her little face, but no one would feel serious, but they would think she was cute.

“Senior, she obviously has many advantages!” Kido said unconvinced, taking half a step forward by the way, his face close to Mo Xiu’s side, “Like independent, generous, beauty-loving, sociable, alternative, endurance, gentle, considerate, insightful, demeanor, coquettish, willful and beautiful, kind, generous, elegant, quiet, vulgar, pure, cheerful, virtuous, lively, straightforward, cute, naïve, dignified, gentle, virtuous, talented, handsome…”

She said as if she were a few family treasures, listening to Mo Xiu was stunned, how can you say so much with this little mouth.

“Stop…” Mo Xiu really couldn’t listen anymore, and quickly interrupted Xiduo, who was already full of nonsense, “A few of these words you said are related to Liang’s ancestors, these are completely your own imaginary personalities!”

“Don’t listen, don’t listen! In my heart, she was the embodiment of perfection. Xiduo looked unreasonable, and Mo Xiu directly felt that his teeth were aching.

‘Forget it, and the brain residue powder is inexplicable. Mo Xiu sighed in his heart, helplessly watching Kita go crazy there.

“Since the things have been delivered, then I will leave first, and Kita-san will see you in the afternoon.” Mo Xiu had already probed the information he wanted to know, turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Kita greeted him, and then escorted him away, and Jia Baili on the side was also staring at Mo Xiu until he walked out of the classroom with his legs raised.

Kido noticed that Jia Baili’s gaze had been focused on someone, and she couldn’t help but remind: “Xiaojia, you won’t have any curiosity about Mo Xiu.”

“I’m really curious, and I feel that Kita-san has a somewhat delicate relationship with him.” Jia Baili nodded in acknowledgement.

“I… There is no deeper relationship with him as just a member of a band. Kita saw that she had a tendency to misunderstand, swinging her hands in front of her chest to try to clarify herself.

“In this way, then I understand Kita-san.” Jia Baili thought thoughtfully, she remembered that Hongxia had also said before that she was the leader of a band, so it seemed that they were probably members of the same band.

“Ah by the way, does Xiao Jia have any plans after school?” Kita, who is good at dealing with people, squints and smiles and tries to change the subject.

“I’m going to go home after school, after all, I haven’t joined any clubs yet, and I still have some things at home that I haven’t packed up.”

Jia Baili said casually, tilting her head to the other side, looking at the scenery outside the window, the near noon sun reflected through the leaves from the window, leaving a patchwork of light and shadow.


Inside the stars, the dim yellow light is not bright enough, but it brings a touch of warmth, and the narrow environment in the basement gives people an indescribable sense of security.

“Did you watch the new variety show at Tepco at 9 p.m. last night?” Xiduo smiled very happily, she covered her mouth slightly, so that her smile was not so rude, “It’s really funny, you must watch it…”

At this time, there were no customers in the store, so it seemed very deserted, and the people in the band were surprisingly not practicing music or working, and gathered together to discuss some of them.

Of course, it was mainly Kita who was talking alone, while Hongxia and Mo Xiu were on the sidelines, with headphones on one ear, she was not interested in these topics at all, so she was not listening carefully at all.

As for Kazuri Goto? If it is a musical topic, she can still insert one or two, but these are contemporary JK discussions, she can’t say a word, but after this time of getting along, she has completely let down her guard against the rest of the band, although she did not speak, but also listened, not lowering her head to think about her own business.

If there is any problem, it is that her seat is a little close to Mo Xiu, Goto Ichiri still turns his head to look at Mo Xiu’s face from time to time, and the whole Mo Xiu feels a little uncomfortable, if it were not for the fear of hurting the other party’s fragile heart, he would have staggered his body to open the distance.

It feels a little bad, but she is not active at all, just put it like this, there will be no problems in the band, and in the end it is she who is most worry-free.” ‘

Mo Xiu doesn’t want to pay attention to those messy things at all, just want to play the band well, be a copyist to earn cause and effect, fall in love or something, wait until he achieves a little more freedom, after all, this world is too chaotic, if one day the lazy angel next door idly blows a horn, he will be inexplicably banned, it will be too bad.

“Don’t talk about some of it there, you’re looking forward to payday finally arrived, so thank me!”

The store manager didn’t know when she pushed the door and walked in, she leaned sideways at the beverage counter, holding a wad of envelopes containing money in her book, slowly fanning herself with a smug look.

“We deserve it, you evil capitalist!” Hongxia didn’t protect her own sister’s face, and directly complained in person.

“Hmph! You kid is getting less and less cute, be careful I don’t pay your salary. The store manager of Xingge snorted coldly, put aside a cold face, and deliberately did not look at Hongxia, “You guys don’t hurry up to get the money, you don’t want the salary, right.” ”

Oh!” The four people shouted in unison, only Goto Kazuri slowed down by half a beat, followed by himself and added another “oh”.

Five people went over one by one to take their share of wages, only Mo Xiu showed dissatisfaction after getting the money, he flicked the envelope in his hand, opened it, and found that there was only one.

So Mo Xiu said to the store manager with a black face: “Have you forgotten something and paid yourself less.”

“What’s there…” the store manager looked away again, pretending to be very innocent, “Everyone works the same intensity, and the natural salary is the same.” ”

‘You’re really good, store manager, just so quietly, greedy for the other 2/3 of my salary, right?’

Mo Xiu’s face became more and more ugly, but he didn’t have any way to ask for wages, and it was impossible to say to Hongxia that he threatened her sister to double his salary, and now your sister repents, go and help me get it back, this kind of thing.

“Store manager, a hundred causes will have results, if you do something wrong, maybe one day retribution will come.” Mo Xiu said coldly, and the envelopes in his hands were pinched and deformed.

“I do not believe in God, what retribution can there be, retribution will come to me.” The store manager looked like he didn’t care, anyway, this kid didn’t do it authentically, and he could tell Hongxia in the open that it couldn’t be done.

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