Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

The Fuze Yuji in the wallet dissipated like a snowflake under the warm sun, and in the originally bulging wallet, there was less than 1/3 left in an instant, and Mo Xiu felt distressed for a while, but this is a necessary consumption, after all, the original synthesizer has too few functions, and it is simply not enough to support the use and play of Mo Xiu’s music level now.

After settling the account, covering the searching gaze of ancestor Liang, Mo Xiu hid his wallet on his body again, and his whole body belongings could not be found by this guy.

Ignoring the Liang ancestor who showed a disappointed look because he didn’t find where Mo Xiu’s wallet was hiding, Mo Xiu took the keyboard and walked towards the outside of the store in three steps and two steps, seeing this Liang didn’t care to continue to observe where the wallet was, and quickly caught up with his reserve meal ticket.

“Mo Xiu, why are you walking so fast, what are you doing?”

There was a slight urgency in Liang’s words.

“Because Liang, don’t you want to eat the crepes from the shop next door, I heard that the store has been famous recently, if you go late, you may have to queue for a long time.”

As early as when she was upstairs before, Mo Xiu noticed the brief loss of concentration of the ancestor of Hui Liang, and her eyes were looking at the store.

“Hmm…” Senior Liang was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect that he would be noted down by the other party after a few glances just now, “I didn’t say that you want to go, it’s you who want to go, and I won’t pay at that time.”

“Yes, yes, even if I invite you then, hurry up.”

In the face of Yamada Liang, who wanted to be a white, Mo Xiu was not angry, after all, he had originally planned to ask him to eat cold, and now he was just a little more occupied by her.

After waiting for the passing car, Mo Xiu took Liang Ancestor across the road and walked to the opposite crepe shop, the table in the store has been half full, this shop is not simply selling crepes, drinks and light food, in fact, it is more like a fast food restaurant.

Walking through the aisle and coming to the front desk, Mo Xiu turned his face sideways to look at Liang, who was staring at the menu and thinking, and asked: “What flavor of crepes do you want from Senior Liang, although I want to treat you today.”

“This is what you said

, this, this, this…” Liang’s finger clicked on a few accessories, seeing that she actually didn’t add anything to Guili, Mo Xiu was also inexplicably relieved, but soon he regretted it again.

“Except for these few, add everything else to me!”

Yamada waved his hand coolly, as if it was not her money at all, ah yes, it was indeed not her money.

“Ah, do you want all this? I can’t fit in the pie! Not

only Mo Xiu, but also the clerk instantly panicked, spreading crepes for so long, I really haven’t seen such a demand.

“Then decorate everything less, brush the sauce less, anyway, I want a crepe with everything on top.”

Ignoring the clerk’s words, Liang said willfully, she had a somewhat girlish appearance at this time.

“Miss clerk, try to do as she asks, I will pay.”

Mo Xiu said helplessly, he already knew that he would not pretend, and he directly ordered food for Liang’s ancestors, and there were not so many moths.

“Little brother, you are really good to your girlfriend, but such a beautiful girl really deserves to be spoiled, if I am a boy, no, even if I am a girl, I am a little moved.”

Seeing Mo Xiu’s helpless expression and the coldness of the retaliatory ordering on the side, the clerk said with a smile.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Moxiu tried to clarify himself.

“Isn’t it fast, if it weren’t interesting on both sides, boys wouldn’t just invite girls to eat, and girls wouldn’t accept it casually.”

While talking to Mo Xiu, the clerk kept her hands on the fire, brushed oil on the surface of the pan, poured soba batter after heating, and spread it out.

The Moxiu DNA seen in this scene is out, this is ripe, isn’t this a pancake fruit?

“I only invited her to eat because of human favors, and the relationship is really not so close.”

However, although Mo Xiu tried his best to clarify that there was only a fairly pure relationship between himself and Liang, the clerk still looked like everything you said was right, but I just didn’t believe it.


Seeing this, Mo Xiu was too lazy to continue clarifying, he turned his head to glance at Liang beside him again, and found that she was watching the clerk making crepes intently, and did not notice Mo Xiu’s gaze at all.

After the crust is cooked, the clerk brushes it with chocolate, honey, cream, jam layer after layer of sauce, sprinkles with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, hazelnuts, pine nuts, badamu… and other fruits and dried fruits, even if each only adds a little to the crust of the pie is almost not rolled, and the paper cup used to hold the rolled crepes can’t fit at all, and it is replaced in a plastic bag, which looks more like a super added version of pancakes.

“Mo Xiu, don’t you want crepes?”

“No more!”

Yamada Ryo, who took the crepe, asked Mo Xiu, and he felt distressed at this time because of the price of this crepe, this cake cost Mo Xiu 3,000 yen, if his aunt knew it, he would definitely be scolded as a loser.

I don’t know which unlucky bastard will look at this loser in the future, according to the level of the loser, even if her family opens a hospital, it can’t withstand the construction!

Looking at the cold that had been gnawed beside him, Mo Xiu thought on the yin side of his heart.

—— —— ——It’s

time to go home!

On the street, took out his mobile phone, the time had reached 11 o’clock, now that Mo Xiu had finished buying the keyboard, there was nothing else, so he thought about it and went home.

“Senior Liang, are you okay? If not, I’ll go back first…”

“You can’t go.”

Before Mo Xiu finished speaking, he was interrupted, and Yamada Ryo directly grabbed him.

“No, what is this for?” Mo Xiu wondered.

“It’s time for dinner, you haven’t eaten yet, I know there’s a nice coffee shop nearby.” Ryo Yamada hinted.

“I was with you all morning, I definitely didn’t eat ah, but you just ate a 3,000 crepes, did you watch me eat it after you got there?”

“Girls have another stomach for dessert.”

Yamada Ryo covered his stomach, saying that there was no problem at all in eating another meal later.

“AA? A just go. Mo Xiu went straight to the point.

“Mo Xiu can’t be so petty when dating girls.” Liang glanced at Mo Xiu resentfully.

“Who is dating you, don’t slander my reputation casually!”

Seeing that the person in front of him was actually so shameless, Mo Xiu’s anger suddenly came up, and sure enough, he shouldn’t have met this guy and dealt with her today.

—— —— ——

coffee shop, the teenager and the girl sat opposite each other, the blue-haired girl was committed to destroying the plate of curry in front of her, while the black-haired boy was so angry that he couldn’t eat it at all.

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