Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

In Xiuhua High School, the teacher was lecturing on it, Mo Xiu was lying on the table and slept, and he finally finished studying his notes all night yesterday.

The new skill naturally appeared on the modifier, but now Mo Xiu is entangled in whether to add points, and the previous incident of solving the Takuma family also gained 5 causal power, Mo Xiu did not expect that the unrecognizable plot of this magic change can still give points, perhaps these magic reform stories are already part of the future of this world.

I still don’t order it, now my level of understanding of spells is enough to understand those simple spells, so let’s save these points for later use.

Mo Xiu thought about it, still distressed about the causality, and did not add points.

However, the Goto guy still fell ill.

Mo Xiu glanced at the back row, the seat belonging to Goto Kazuri was empty, and no one in the class cared about missing a person who did not have a sense of existence except herself, after all, she didn’t even dare to enter the class group, let alone deal with other classmates.

In other words, I saw Kita on the road today, she doesn’t seem to be in a very good state, she actually supports coming to school, is she so studious?

Mo Xiu couldn’t sleep when he was lying on the table, and the thoughts in his heart began to diverge, and he didn’t think about the margins.

At noon, Mo Xiu sat alone in the space under the stairs, eating, and without Goto Kazuri he always felt that something was missing.

Mo Xiu was originally a talkative character, when he first crossed here, because he didn’t know the world, if he held it for a month, now there is no Pochi card tree hole that can be persecuted casually, and he feels suddenly a little uncomfortable, so it’s better to go to Kido later.

Saying go, Mo Xiu packed up the dishes and chopsticks, and was ready to leave for the third shift, but before he went over, he took a cup of hot water, always have to find a reason to go over, saying that he was visiting each other in the past, it was better than saying that he was idle and panicked, just wanted to find someone to chat.

“Is Kita-san there?”

Mo Xiu knocked on the door panel of the third class of the year and asked inside.

“Ah, ahem… Come in. Kita

Yuyo’s voice came from the classroom, but she obviously did not have the vitality of the past, and her whole person was weak and sick.

“Kitasan, I saw you in a bad state in the morning, so I came to visit.”

Mo Xiu held a cup of hot water and walked towards Kita, who was lying on the table to rest and recover his strength.

“Ahem… Then thank you, I now regret that I didn’t listen to you at noon yesterday. ”

Kita’s throat inflammation seems to be very serious, and she has to cough for a while every time she says a word, fortunately she is wearing a mask, otherwise Mo Xiu would not dare to enter the third class classroom.

“If you are uncomfortable, don’t force yourself, come and drink some hot water, our hot water package cures all diseases.”

Mo Xiu looks like an iron straight man, but Neon has not said that inviting girls to drink hot water is a low emotional intelligence, and Mo Xiu will not be swept away and say that the head man.

“Then Mo Xiu Xie…”

Before Kita Yuyo’s words could be spoken, he was interrupted by Mo Xiu, and it would not be fun if the voice of the lead singer of the band was so scourged by himself.

“You’re all sick like this, not resting at home, why do you still come to school.”

Mo Xiu asked with concern, a cold means that you need to rest more to get better, don’t her parents care about their daughter?

“Well, actually, I have to come myself…”

said Kita Yudai weakly, as if there was some hidden secret.

However, Mo Xiu could see at a glance what the little thought she was hiding in her heart was, and said to her: “You won’t be like this, you still want to go to work, see your Liang ancestor!”


Kita Yuyo lowered his head in shame, looking cautious about being pierced.

“Forget it, I’ll ask Senior Sister Hongxia for your leave, we are a service industry, and if we are sick and go to work, we are not only responsible for ourselves, but also for our guests.”

Mo Xiu said and took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Hongxia, saying “Xiduo is sick, she and herself are not going to work”, and Xiduo’s brows on the side furrowed.

“Ahem… Mo Xiu, why don’t you go?

“I, ah, you and Goto are both sick, what am I going to do, one person for three people’s work?”

We have an old saying in Donghuang called “It is impossible to work part-time, it is impossible to work in this life”, why not touch the fish if you can touch it. Mo

Xiu was talking nonsense seriously, and the corners of Xiduo’s eyes almost didn’t tighten when he listened, sighing how this person didn’t have any sense of responsibility.

Just when Mo Xiu was getting up, Kita Yudai glanced at his mobile phone and reminded him: “Mo Xiusang is about to start class.”

“It’s time for class, then Xiduo, you take care of your body, remember to rest more, drink more hot water, don’t be too tired, I’ll go first.”

After Mo Xiu finished speaking, he put the water cup on the Kita table and turned to leave.

After he left, Kita Ikuyo looked at the hot water in the water cup in a daze.

Maybe Mo Xiu is not so out of tune as he imagined, but others are actually quite good.

Kita Ikuyo took off his mask and took a sip of hot water and thought.

The bell for the end of class in the afternoon rang again, and Mo Xiu also left the classroom for the first time, waiting for someone in the corridor.

At the door of the third class classroom, Kita and her friends also walked out from inside.

“Hi, Kita-san here, here.” Mo Xiu greeted the other party.

“Naw, Kita-chan, your little boyfriend is looking for you.”

The girl with black hair who had previously been called Yu-chan joked.

“Hmph! It’s you guy who can’t hang out with Kita-chan every day, and I won’t give Kita to you. The

dark-green haired girl became angrier the more she thought about it, and finally almost rushed over to fight Mo Xiu Zhenren, but fortunately was pulled by Yu-chan behind her.


Mo Xiu looked at the reaction of Xiduo’s friends, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times, how Xiduo your friend has the same temper as the store manager, and it is the life of an old leftover girl at a glance.

“Really, don’t make trouble, okay, me and Mo Xiu are really not what you think, cough…” Kita

saw his friends’ reactions, and his scalp was also numb, and he coughed as a result of trying to clarify.

“Ah! It’s okay Kita, I’m not kidding you, Sato-san, don’t be so angry.

Yu-chan said with concern, caressing Kita’s back in an attempt to make her feel better.

“What are you here for?”

The girl with dark green hair called Sato questioned Mo Xiu.

“Actually, when I went home with Kita, I came to take her home.”

Mo Xiu pretended to be sincere, exuding the unique Asassi of the male protagonist of Riman.

“Uh… In that case, let you send joy all the way, but don’t think about anything else. The

smell of Asashi on Mo Xiu’s body almost choked Sato sugar, the taste was too strong, and the other party’s thoughts were also good, she could only warn the other party at the end.

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