Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

At five o’clock in the evening, it is called the time of the devil, which is called the time when ghosts and gods are most likely to haunt, and it is also the moment when people and ghosts can appear at the same time.

In Tokyo, a metropolis of several cities, a deserted construction site that should have been a large wealthy neighborhood a year ago, soldiers and modern war machines are arming themselves.

These troops are directly under the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense’s Supernatural Disaster Response Office, and they are special forces dedicated to fighting supernatural disasters.

This abandoned construction site is one of Tokyo’s spiritual vein nodes, and whenever the time of the devil comes, the spirituality in the spiritual vein here will be wrapped in those obsessions that dissipate the soul and return to the present world, only this time they will return with malice towards all the creatures in this world.

In a secret room where security is extremely secure, several big people in suits and leather shoes are discussing the incident here, they are all people affiliated with the Neon official or military, and the reason why they gathered here is also because of a big incident yesterday.

“Report sir, the Hanged Motorization Squadron of the Special Tactics Section 1 has all been dispatched to clean the spiritual vein nodes throughout Tokyo, and we found that someone used a large illusion formation when we used a large amount of Imperial God Water to purify, which caused a loophole in the previous arming.”

On the big screen in the secret room, the news from the front line came, and the hearts of the big people became heavier.

“Those spirit exterminators in the supernatural countermeasure room of the Ministry of the Environment are really not sons of man, enjoying the resources mobilized by the entire country, and there is such a big mistake, if it were not for the news from the demon exterminator of the people, I don’t know how many evil spirits would continue to run out.”

The big man of the Ministry of Defense slammed an angry punch on the table.

“Don’t be so angry, isn’t this also our opportunity, just to join them fiercely.”

A big official who directly belongs to the official said with a smile that the officers of the Ministry of Defense had already seen the Ministry of the Environment as unhappy, but now they just found an opportunity to fight their opponents justifiably.

“Is it useful to join them? At most, it is only to cut their funds, the country needs spirit masters, and the army of ordinary people who use special weapons cannot resist those spiritual disasters above the B level, and when the time comes, these worshiped masters will still be needed. The

big man in the military said viciously, in fact, special forces will have casualties when dealing with ordinary spiritual disasters, and the special instruments they are equipped with can only allow them to see the vague outlines of inhuman things, and sometimes they cannot be found by those monsters.

And every time the army dispatches, it will consume a lot of resources, imperial god water, spell bullets, even if these technologies have been analyzed and can be mass-produced with modern technology, but the output is still limited, not to mention those top evil spirits, they are not afraid of these weapons at all, and this level of attack power is very difficult to even shake their souls.

“Haven’t we already cultivated our own special squad that can see those demons? They seem to belong to the four special operations departments alone. The

official in charge of funds and logistics asked, he only knew that such a fund was transferred, and he did not know the specific situation of these teams.

“There are far fewer people who have the ability to see evil spirits and have hatred for those monsters than we thought, only cultivating a four-person squad, but they do have great achievements, much stronger than ordinary human troops, and with the mobilization of all the resources of the Defense Ministry, they have even destroyed a threat level B evil spirit.”

The military man said confidently, but he immediately continued to make a bitter face.

“But it’s still not as good as those spirit exterminators, it is said that the leader of the spirit exterminators, the head of the Tugong family, only needs one blow to cure the B-level spirit calamity, the strong is like a monster, no, he is a monster.”

The officer sat in his chair and bowed his head in disappointment.

At this time, news from the front line came again on the big screen in the secret room.

“Report sir, according to our statistics, a total of thirteen spiritual vein nodes have been arranged with illusions, and it is estimated that more than ten thousand evil spirits have escaped.”

“What are you kidding, if there are really so many evil spirits who have escaped and wandered around various cities in Tokyo for an unknown amount of time, then the entire people of Tokyo are afraid that they will die.”

The commander of the Ministry of Defense slammed the table again angrily and roared at the officers on the front line.

“This is all true sir, we just received news from the Ministry of Environment, the reason why those evil spirits did not kill seems to be because their soul bodies have been artificially adjusted, so the level of these evil spirits will not exceed level C.

They will only attack those who can see them, that is, those who have spiritual powers, and because there are no high-level evil spirits to lead, low-level evil spirits will gather in various no-man’s land out of fear and anger, and only some relatively strong evil spirits will roam the streets day and night. Officers

on the front line continued to report to their superiors.

“Only attack those spiritual powers, why? Who planted the illusion and transformed these evil spirits? The big guys asked at the same time.

“The people of the Ministry of the Environment speculate that the existence of the illusion and the transformation of evil spirits is the guy who caused the spiritual vein in Tokyo, it is still unclear whether the other party is a human being, as for why it only attacks the spiritual power, the spirit extractors say that this is a grand sacrifice, and that being is sacrificing something with spiritually rich blood.”

After hearing this news, the big people in the secret room fell silent.

“Inhuman beings, did He actually sacrifice more than 10 million people in Tokyo?”

The officers collapsed weakly in their chairs, human beings only stood at the top of this era, but since ancient times they have never been the masters of this world.

—— —— ——No

matter how big things happened outside, it had nothing to do with Mo Xiu in the stars, he just wanted to let Hongxia’s qi dissipate.

“I’ll forgive you this time, there will be no next time!”

Hongxia looked at Mo Xiu, who was about to shout his voice in front of him, and finally relented and forgave this guy.

“Yay!” Mo Xiu cheered.

“Don’t be happy first, the reason why I forgive you is only because if you don’t work anymore, the guests will come, now I will assign work to everyone, quickly give me work!”

Hongxia glanced at Mo Xiu and said angrily.

“I can work, and my family’s land is mine.”

Mo Xiu said and rushed to the starry utility room, took out the cleaning tools, and got to work.

“Then you can clean up here first, Pochi-chan, Kita-chan, and I’ll go, I have other work for you.”

Hongxia looked at Mo Xiu, who was working hard, and was also completely discouraged, at least this guy in front of him was still a little conscious compared to Liang, he had not completely become a crumb man, and he could be saved.

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