Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

However, now that he has figured out part of the worldview, some of the plans that Mo Xiu prepared before should also change.

For example, spiritual power skills can be upgraded without rushing first, after all, the spiritual power in this world is useless without spells, and spiritual power will not improve your physical fitness, at most it is to improve your perception ability.

After all, even those Yin-Yang Masters in King Ren are practicing spiritual power while practicing martial arts, and they are better at using physical transcendence than using spells to remove demons.

“Maybe I can consider adding some skills such as fighting techniques, improving my physical fitness can be much more useful than adding spiritual power, and a strong body can make me last longer in the face of the attacks of those evil spirits.” Mo Xiu thought.

The ghosts that have no entity in Renwang belong to the weakest supernatural creatures, and some powerful ghosts can switch between the virtual and the real, but they are still very dish.

Lonely souls and wild ghosts without entities, usually even ordinary people can’t die, in the zero series, those evil spirits look fierce, just because they are contaminated with Huangquan miasma, the attacks are enchanted, ordinary people after contact with these forces that do not belong to the present world, light is a serious illness, the worst is mutated in place.

The fierce spirits and demons with entities are more powerful, they can usually expand the field called the ordinary world, in the ordinary world, all human physical strength, strength will be weakened, they will condense the entity at this time, and then kill the enemy with physical attacks.

Yes, even ghosts in this world prefer to use physical attacks, and they can be injured by physical attacks in this state, so it is a real dish.

“I don’t think I can see monsters or anything in the city, and the ones that can threaten me are ghosts and the like, and if I meet them, I will run directly.”

“It is difficult for ordinary ghosts to kill strong young people, basically people are scared to lose the ability to resist before they are killed, and the ordinary world released by those powerful ghosts is usually within a few meters of the ghost as the center, and it will not be affected if it leaves the ordinary world.”

“It’s better to be safe, and collect some information on the Internet, this world may not know how many works have been sewn, and you can’t completely look at the things in this world with the information in the Zero series and Renwang.”

After thinking for a moment, Mo Xiu began to look up information on the Internet again, but this time he was not looking for information about supernatural events.

“There are too many stories told in those supernatural events to make people distinguish, so I directly turned to those exorcists and exorcists.” Mo Xiu tapped on the keyboard and thought to himself.

After searching for keywords related to exorcists, a post that seemed completely unrelated to the keyword was pushed up in front of Mo Xiu.

“Huh? Is this post a forum advertisement? ”

Test whether you have the real qualification”

Mo Xiu also clicked in after thinking about it.

Please write down all the words or numbers held by the characters in the following set of pictures in order.

Mo Xiu didn’t care at first at all, because in his opinion, these photos were completely portraits, as long as he was not blind, he could see those words, but then his pupils instantly contracted when he saw the comment area.

Anonymous user: Isn’t this exactly a scene shot? What characters and words there are.

Anonymous user: You don’t need to look at it, I have scanned this set of pictures with the most advanced technology, and there is nothing on it.

Anonymous user: Doesn’t this forum delete posts that don’t have authenticity? Why hasn’t this broken post been deleted.

Reply to the user above: The poster specifies that it has something to do with dog management, and this post has been hanging here for several years and has not been reported.

After Mo Xiu saw these comments, he also immediately wondered if they were all anti-string.

But after seeing that the comments below this post are basically like this, I also dispelled this suspicion.

“I obviously searched for spirit remover and the like, but pushed this post to me, right?”

After thinking about it, Mo Xiu wrote down the words on the photo on the paper in order.

Demon Eradicator United Official Website: *******

“Has even the Demon Remover advanced to this extent with the times this year?” After Mo Xiu saw that the message was actually a web address, he couldn’t help but complain.

Mo Xiu followed this URL, typed it into the browser, and then jumped to that webpage.

After the web page was loaded, it was also prompted that an account was required to continue entering, and after answering a few questions and describing the scene on a few supernatural pictures, Mo Xiu also created an account and finally entered the website.

As soon as he entered the website, Mo Xiu saw the top post.

“The Field Family Recruits Any Aspirant to Join Us”

Mo Xiu summed it up after reading this post.

What I basically said earlier is that there are fewer and fewer people under the sky who can see things of common knowledge, and we must unite, whether you are members of the fallen family or lucky people who accidentally gained the ability, you can join the field family and become a member of the field.

It was the benefits promised by the field owner behind that made Mo Xiu glar.

They promise that as long as they join, they will have a monthly subsidy of 500,000 yuan, five insurances and one housing fund, and even find a wife, and they can also use the channel of the farm family to accept commissions to obtain bounties and contributions, and these contributions to the field can be exchanged for Shikami and treasured spells.

If you are an ordinary person who has just gained the ability, the field family also provides instruction in the mysterious side of common sense and some spells.

Even if the family or themselves are tainted with a curse, get into trouble with a monster or something else, the family will help solve it.

In Mo Xiu’s opinion, in addition to helping to find a wife, other benefits are simply ridiculously good, but the bottom of this post is basically scolding.

Anonymous user: When is Shizuji Lemon sour!

Anonymous user: Your farmer entrusted me to solve the monster last time, and the information given was not accurate at all, and the other side killed my gods, and I am not finished with you!

Anonymous user: Why don’t you send someone to solve the matter of the Tokyo spiritual vein, and don’t let the people under you only hang out outside of Tokyo.

Anonymous user: Your farm family recruits so many outsiders, and there are several other families with real farm blood, oh, I forgot, your farm family is originally a large family formed by the union of several small families.

Anonymous user: Shizuji your monster creditor, when will you take your life away, save you this scourge still has disgusting people in the world.

Anonymous user: Those half-hanged newcomers cultivated by your farmer, the sealed monster ran out in two days, causing me, the intermediary, to wipe their asses, I don’t know why so many people entrust your farmer.

“It seems that the welfare treatment of this field family is good, but the reputation is too bad, and the name of the field Jingji is a little familiar, which work is the field family of the demon people.”

“Family, bloodline, youkai, field? I remembered that if it was that work, I should be able to search for that person on the Internet. Mo

Xiu’s mind flashed, and he quickly clicked on a webpage and searched on the Internet.

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