Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 76

The holy relic is not a red cloak fragment, that is to say, it is not a holy relic that can summon the conquering king.

To be honest, although Alexander the Great was not the strongest Servant in the Fourth Holy Grail War, his strength was undoubtedly at the level of a first-class heroic spirit. If he hadn't met the King of Heroes, he would have most likely won the final victory in the Holy Grail War.

King Arthur? Kamijouha admits that she is also very strong, but can her Noble Phantasm defeat thousands of large armies at once? The enemy just stood together stupidly and focused their faces to catch the light cannons?

Kamijouha didn't mean to underestimate King Arthur, he just judged based on the actual situation.

If King Arthur's Noble Phantasm cannot defeat all enemies with one blow, or explode the inherent barrier, or directly kill the King of Conqueror himself, then she will probably be swallowed up by an army of tens of thousands of people and eventually be defeated.

After all, the effect of the Conquering King's Noble Phantasm [King's Force] is a unique barrier that continuously summons his subordinates during his lifetime as"independent servants" to fight the enemy. The summoned soldiers were no ordinary soldiers. All members of the legion were"independent servants"!

It is only limited to the ability of the King of Conqueror. None of the members of the legion have any Noble Phantasms, ranks or skills. But in other respects they are similar to Servants, and there are a few among them who are stronger than the Conqueror himself.

The reason for this situation is simple, because the conquering king himself has great achievements, but his personal military power is not that good. But with this Noble Phantasm, among the same first-class heroic spirits, there are not many beings that can compete with it.

Of course, King Arthur is also a top-notch heroic spirit. It is not impossible for her to win. This is because the chance of winning is probably not as high as that of the Conquering King.

"It's a pity. If I can summon the King of Conquerors and I think of a good way to deal with the arrogant King of Heroes who underestimates the enemy in the simulation, then it may not be impossible to win the Holy Grail War."

Kamijouha really feels pity. He originally planned many things, and he was probably the same in the simulation. But now looking at the holy relic that is completely different from the red cloak fragments, the plan must be to make a big 10 It has been greatly modified.

However, what is a bit interesting is that although this holy relic is not a red cloak fragment, it is also red, and is a small red spear tip.

"This red spear tip looks a bit familiar, but although there are not many guys using red spears, they are not few, and I don’t know who it is."

Looking at the red gun tip placed in the box in the simulation, Kamijouha thought for a while.

Many speculations came to his mind, and some of them were quite powerful. If he could really summon one of them, then this Although the advantage in the Sub-Holy Grail War is not particularly great, there is still a possibility of victory.

【"Teacher Kenneth, which hero does this spear tip come from?"】

【You had a lot of guesses in your mind, but you couldn't guess who it belonged to, so you asked directly】

【"This is the spear of the curse, the tip of the legendary spear that pierced the death thorns.

Well, it is the weapon of Cu Chulainn, the famous hero from the Ulster region of Northern Ireland."】

【You blinked when you heard this. You were not surprised, but you were not disappointed either. All I can say is that it’s probably not too unexpected, and it’s barely acceptable.】

"Cu Chulainn, it's okay."

Kamijoha also feels that this one is barely acceptable.

Cu Chulainn is also an excellent warrior, and his strength has reached the level of a first-class heroic spirit, but he should be at the middle or lower level of the first-class. In a certain world line, against heroes Wang held him back for a long time. This alone was enough to prove that he was very capable.

"Moreover, if Cu Chulainn of the berserker class can be summoned, the chance of winning is actually quite high. Although, under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible to summon Cu Chulainn of the berserker class."

Cu Chulainn adapts to the three classes of Lancer, Caster and Berserker, but the Berserker class is artificially created in a certain world line, and normal summons cannot summon that one.

"No matter what, the [Piercing Death Thorn Spear] is a cursed spear that can definitely penetrate the opponent's heart. If it is operated well, it will not be a problem to kill the enemy servant. Even the King of Heroes can win if he is accidentally pierced through the heart and becomes disabled even if he is not dead."

Although it seems that this spear has not really penetrated the hearts of many heroic spirits, it is because Cu Chulainn has bad luck and has a bad compatibility with his master, which affects his performance.

Kamijouha is confident and let him be the master. As Cu Chulainn's master, he has a chance to win!

【"The tip of the spear had lost its power, and it was a miracle that it was ever found. However, if it were used as a holy relic, it would almost certainly be able to summon Cu Chulainn. He possesses a one-hit magic gun, so there are probably not many people who will be his opponents."】

【Having said this, Kenneth paused and said to you seriously】

【"If you really encounter a servant who is more powerful than Cu Chulainn, you can try to let him kill the opponent's master. If a servant loses his master, even if he ignores him, he will disappear on his own because there is no magic power supply."】

【"Yu, I know that you are innocent and kind by nature, but the world is not that beautiful. When fighting the enemy, don't worry about the means and do your best to kill the opponent."】

"Good guy, he is indeed an excellent magician. However, although I also have such thoughts, it is hard to say whether I will think so in the simulation."

Kamijoha is actually not surprised that Kenneth would have such an idea. After all, a qualified magician should be like this. Even if he is arrogant, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Besides, since it is a war, it is a battle to kill each other. Use everything. Isn't it a matter of course to use means to defeat the enemy?

Even Kamijouha, who has confirmed that he is a war mad man, also recognizes this. There is no conflict between enjoying fighting powerful enemies and doing your best to defeat them. The difference lies in what you want to do.

However, this is what he thinks in reality, but it’s hard to say what he would think after being affected by [Innocent Heart] in the simulation.

"Fortunately, I still have [rational thinking] to back it up, so the problem shouldn’t be big."

Kamijoha said he was not panicking. Besides, since he had chosen [Innocent Heart] and [Rational Thinking] this time, he was somewhat mentally prepared.

It's okay. If the result of this simulation is not good, I'll just do it next time. The main purpose It’s about learning magic. This one has been mostly completed. If you want to go further, you have to find someone else. Kenneth has learned all there is to learn.

"Next time, I'll see if I can summon a caster and learn from magicians from the gods or myths, so that I can take a step forward in my magical attainments. Speaking of which, Cu Chulainn also has a caster class...forget it, that guy doesn't know much."

Although the Holy Grail War has not yet begun and the simulation has not ended, Kamijouha is already thinking about what will happen next.

【"I know what to do, Mr. Kenneth. So, when is the specific start time of the Holy Grail War?……"】

【"You have a week to prepare. I have already arranged the air tickets and hotel for you, but I can only go so far. Next, it's up to you"】

【After saying that, Kenneth gave you a few more words and asked you to go back and make preparations.】

【"Will the Holy Grail War begin in a week? It seems a bit late."】

【After returning to your room, you looked towards the east and sighed secretly.】

【After Kenneth told you that you only had one week, you suddenly realized something - you started on this day and could not interfere or change the past. In other words, you passively missed several important things.】

"……Not to mention, I almost forgot about it, but I couldn't help it, this was the result of the boy's start."

Kamijoha in reality couldn't help but sigh. There was really nothing he could do about it. He was a little regretful. He was affected by [Heart of Innocence] in the simulation. He was afraid that it would have a greater impact. He just hoped that it would not affect future events.

【"Try to make up for it"】

【You muttered slowly to yourself, and then began to prepare for the Holy Grail War】

【However, you didn't notice at this time that someone was passing by your dormitory and accidentally heard a certain word】

【"Holy Grail War?"】

【The short boy frowned and looked at your dormitory, thinking about it.】

【A week later, a five-star hotel in Fuyuki City】

【Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, you looked thoughtfully at Fuyuki, who was still"peaceful" now."】

【At this time, on the ceiling of your room, mercury liquid came out of a small vent and fell, forming a sphere floating behind you.】

【"There was no bomb planted, and there were no suspicious people nearby... Weird, this doesn't make sense."】

【The information sent back through the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid makes you a little confused. A certain bomb maniac didn't plant a bomb in the hotel where you are staying?】

【"Is it because I just arrived and I thought I would check carefully so as not to alert others, so I didn’t arrange it in advance? Or maybe he hasn't come yet?"】

【Considering the methods of a certain man, this is not impossible. You guessed this, and then divided the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid into ten parts to continue patrolling. The actual capacity of this thing is 10L. If it is just for patrol and exploration, the variables are enough. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Of course, this operation is not easy, but for you, a magic genius, this is just a trivial matter not worth mentioning.】

【"According to the information, there are still three days until the Holy Grail War officially begins. Teacher Kenneth asked me to come early because he wanted me to find a suitable place to summon during these three days."】

【You muttered slowly to yourself, and then prepared to summon in the mountainous area of Fuyuki. When you entered the hotel earlier, you noticed that there was a spiritual branch there. It would be easier to summon in that place.】

【Just do it if you think of it. You can just leave a clone in the hotel to mislead someone. Even the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid can be left here to continue patrolling. The main body secretly came to Fuyuki's mountainous area to prepare for the summons】

"Hehe, who would have thought that a genius magician like me could also do ninjutsu? I can’t bring props and weapons for the time being, but my own abilities can’t say I can’t bring them, right?"

Seeing this, Kamijou Ha couldn't help but smile proudly. This Holy Grail War seems to be a battle between servants, but in fact it can also happen between masters. With his fighting power, let alone crushing others Now that he is a Master, even fighting against a Servant is not a problem.

And this is one of the trump cards that makes him confident that he has a chance to win.

However, [Evil Haunted] and [Romantic Turret]】,【Even if the Supreme Throne is not in hand, his own combat effectiveness will indeed decline, so he will not be too reckless. Of course, the talent of [rational thinking] will not make him reckless.

【You arrived at the appropriate location, quickly set up the magic circle, and then began to summon the servants.】

【You don’t know if it’s a coincidence or fate, but at this moment, on the other side of the mountainous area where you are, a short boy is also summoning a servant.】

【At the same time, 317 contestants from the Tosaka family, the Matou family, the Einzbern Castle thousands of miles away, and the Gosan family all summoned their followers at this moment.】

【"Close it, close it, close it, close it, close it. The cycle begins again, followed by five"】

【After placing the holy relic, along with the chanting of the incantation, the magic circle resounded with dazzling light. Your body is linked to the magic circle and becomes the gear that connects you to the Holy Grail】

【"……Declare - you are under me!"】

【At this moment, the magical wind blooming from the summoning magic circle is getting more and more violent, and the summoning ceremony has reached its most urgent moment.

【However, at this moment, you suddenly have a strange feeling】

【"What do you desire?"】

【You couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. A very sudden voice appeared in your mind. You frowned and subconsciously wanted to stop calling.】

【I'm afraid someone is taking the opportunity to interfere with you, right? You are cautious and think like this. However, before you stop calling, your mind subconsciously responds.】

【"Become stronger!"】[]

【what happened? With a look of astonishment on your face, you find that your subconscious is responding to the unknown question.】

【"What about after becoming stronger?"】

【"Keep getting stronger until you become the strongest!"】

【"Become the strongest...then, what are you going to do?"】

【"fighting! Keep fighting! In constant fighting and constant victory, you quickly become stronger!"】

【"Yes, very good idea. So, keep calling】

【However, you don’t want to continue calling. You are cautious and think that you may have been plotted. At this time, for the sake of safety, you should stop calling.】

【However, I seem to be aware of your thoughts. The voice of the unknown existence sounded again, and this time, you can hear it very clearly. It was a voice full of majesty and stern as a queen.】

【"Keep calling and I can grant your wish. I will train you myself, and I can also fight with you. As you wish, keep fighting and getting stronger!"】

【You seemed to recognize who the owner of this voice was, but you still subconsciously asked】

【"So, what's the cost?"】

【"Haha, I like smart people like you. The price is, surpass me and then kill me!"】

【At this moment, you are already convinced who this unknown being is, so you continue to call without saying a word!】

【"Come from the wheel of restraint, guardian of the scales!"】

【Huge magic power soared into the sky, and what appeared in the light was a graceful purple figure holding two blood-red spears.】

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