Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 73

Although Kamijou Yu knew that now that the system has been upgraded to level three, the probability of extracting golden talents will increase a lot. But even so, he didn't expect to be able to draw a new golden talent so quickly.

After carefully looking at the talent wheel in my mind, the"two" in the middle, which symbolizes the level, has become a"three".

The proportion of white talents has once again been greatly reduced, while the corresponding proportion of green talents and blue talents has been greatly increased. The proportion of purple talents and gold talents has increased appropriately, and the increase is much greater than last time.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Kamijou Yu saw a little black and gold color in the talent wheel!

Yes, the black gold talent has finally appeared! Although the proportion was very small and he didn't draw it this time, it finally appeared. And this also means that he has a chance of drawing it, instead of not having this possibility at all like before.

"The golden talents are already very good, and even some purple talents can play a very strong role. So, how powerful will the role and effect of the black gold talent above this be? Really looking forward to it."

Kamijoha is really looking forward to it, but no matter how much he looks forward to it, he has to wait until he draws it later. As for now, he has to turn his attention from the roulette wheel back to the system interface to see what good talents he has drawn this time.

【You have drawn talents: Magic Genius (gold), Rational Thinking (blue), Chef King (green), Heart of Innocence (purple), Foodie (white), Slam Dunk Master (blue)】

"With one golden talent, one purple talent, and two blue talents, this configuration is more luxurious than any before!"

What else can Kamijou Yu say? It is indeed a talent roulette at level three. No wonder the system says that level three is no longer the novice stage, and the difficulty of upgrading has increased a lot. Because with this luxurious configuration, I want to get it. It seems that it is not difficult to get a high evaluation.

Of course, good talent is important, but proper operation is the most important. And if the talent is not selected well, it is likely to cause bad things. Kamijouha, who knows this well, will be happy if he forgets this. After that, we began to carefully examine the specific effects of these talents.

【Magic Genius (Gold): You have genius-like magical attainments. You can learn any magic quickly, and you even have the ability to improve magic, and even have a certain chance of creating your own magic! (PS: You may be the new Magic King, just maybe)】

【Rational thinking (blue): Think and do things rationally and do not act based on emotion. Emotions are weak and a little bit weak. For example, 717 has no special circumstances and basically acts purely rationally. (PS: Go one step further and you will become a purely rational machine)】

【King Chef (green): If you like someone of the opposite sex who is a king, you may actively pursue them when you meet them. (PS: Wherever my king’s sword points, our hearts are headed!)】

【Innocence (Purple): Have an innocent heart, be frank, benevolent, upright and sincere. Most people tend to like you easily. (PS: You are the protagonist of the hot-blooded series, right?)】

【Foodie (white): delicious and edible. (PS: It’s hard to support someone without money)】

【Slam Dunk Master (Blue): You have excellent basketball skills, and winning the National Basketball League Championship is not a dream! (PS: Not magical enough, not as good as Heizi)】

"The golden talent is [Magic Genius]】……Good guy, this talent comes at just the right time!"

Kamijoha was both surprised and lucky. The surprise was that this talent could be put to great use and it came at the right time. Fortunately, he hadn't drawn this talent before, otherwise he would have to give it up no matter how high the level was. But, isn't it? If the talent had been drawn before, let alone the golden talent, even the black gold talent, Kamijou Ha would not necessarily choose it.

Without him, in the world of Zanchitong simulated before, there is no such thing as a magician, or even Zanchitong. There should be no magic in the world.

The previous [Elite Jonin] was actually in a similar situation, but with that talent, he could learn several good ninjutsu by himself, and it did not consume much chakra. It could be used normally and had many effects. It has little effect.

But this [Magic Genius] does not work. Although it shows that you can create your own magic, the rigid condition for performing magic is that you need magic power. Without magic power, being a genius is useless.

This talent was really useless before, but now It is useful, because the Xingyue world he wants to simulate is a world with a large number of magicians! In fact, magicians in the Xingyue world are one of the main representative groups in the world.

There is a name in the Xingyue world. The"Clock Tower" is one of the headquarters of the Magic Association and the highest institution of learning for magic. If you want to learn magic, you can go there without worrying about anyone.

Although the Clock Tower generally does not accept people of unknown origin, this It’s not a big problem, as long as someone recommends or invites (ajcb). As for who to recommend, just see where he will appear during the simulation, and then act according to the actual situation.

"This [Magic Genius] is a must-choice, and I can also solve energy problems later on."

Until now, Kamijouha doesn't know how to absorb the energy in the air and then use it for other energies.

Although after drinking [Devil's Essence], like Esdeath, his body will absorb it on its own. There is energy in the air, but learning the relevant skills will definitely bring you to a higher level in this regard. By the way, you can also teach other people this skill and become stronger collectively.

"However, I remember that the magician over at Xingyue seemed to need a magic circuit or something. This thing……"

【The host does not have to worry. The system will be compatible with this matter. The magic you learn can be simply modified. You and others can learn to use it normally without worrying about magic circuit problems. 】

Before Kamijou Ha finished speaking, the system proactively reminded him of the guarantee, indicating that it didn’t matter whether the b magic circuit existed or not.

"As long as you can handle it, there won't be any problem."

Kamijoha breathed a sigh of relief. Xingyue was a little troubled at this point. Magicians in other worlds don't need any magic circuits, so it only needs them here. Fortunately, the system can handle it, so there is no need to worry about Chitomi and the others.

Of course. , Chitong and the others should not be able to become magicians, but simple magic is not difficult to learn. The most important thing is that the basic skill of absorbing energy in the air and converting it into magic power must be learned. Injecting magic power into oneself can Instantly strengthen physical fitness, and inject weapons to enhance the power of weapons. These are just basic strengthening techniques. It is very simple to learn.

"Okay, this is no problem. Then, there are two more talents to choose from."

Looking at the familiar talent, Kamijou Ha was somewhat surprised.

"【Rational thinking] Ah, long time no see."

This is the second talent he has drawn through simulation. Although it was only a few days ago, Kamijouha really feels that a long time has passed.

"However, last time it was green level, this time it is blue level. Has this level affected me to the point where I am emotionally weak? And according to its description, further purple levels should directly turn it into a rational machine."

This is similar to the previous reminder of"being too rational may not be good." The description of this talent reminds Kamijou Yu that choosing it will have a big impact and he needs to choose carefully.

"Although this talent had a lot of positive effects before, some of the thinking during the simulation process really surprised me. Well, let’s press the button first and look at other talents."

Kamijoha remembered that in the simulation, he was thinking about whether to give up saving his parents in the simulation for Esdeath. Although he did not do so in the end, just having such an idea was a bit cold and excessive. At the time , It’s just that the green level thinks like that, but now it’s the blue level. The talent introduction shows that you can basically act with rational thinking. If you choose it, Kamijou can also testify what you will do in the simulation.

However, Kamijouha didn't rule it out directly, because the positive and negative effects of this talent are obvious, and he really needs to consider it carefully. Before that, let's look at other talents first

"【Chef Wang】……Well, next one."

Kamijouha immediately eliminated this talent. Although this talent may have some wonderful effects when combined with [Rational Thinking], just like the second simulation, Kamijouha said it was better to forget it.

"Purple talent [Innocent Heart]? What is this? The difference between this and [a good person]... well, there is still a difference."

The original [Good Person] talent was just to become a good person, but this [Innocent Heart], just as the description says, is the essence of a hot-blooded protagonist.

Frankness, benevolence, integrity, sincerity and other positive qualities He possesses all of them, which will make him a knight more than a knight and a real protagonist of Guang Zhengwei.

Such a person is indeed always very likable, and even normal people would not hate it.���Such people, so it is easy to have a good impression of them

"However, this is a bit holy, right? Although it's not a bad thing,……"

In the Xingyue world, good people also have a hard time... Moreover, it also shows that only"the majority of people", not everyone likes such people. This is normal. Some people even hate money. It’s impossible to have someone that everyone likes.

"This is still a purple talent. Based on past experience, choosing it has a huge impact on me. But correspondingly, the effect of feeling good will not be bad. If you have this, the effect it can achieve is actually not small. Kamijouha was weighing the pros and cons. After all, he believed that it is true that good people are sad, but the effect of making others feel good about him is not bad.

After all, a high favor means that the relationship is in place, so when he learns magic, the teacher will do his best. Teach him, and he may even be favored by the Twelve Monarchs (the highest-level magic families). Being taught by these great magicians will definitely be much better than being taught by ordinary teachers.

Also, if he participates in the Holy Grail War, no matter who is summoned Anyone, because of this talent, the relationship between the Master and the Servant will be good, and then they can cooperate well in the subsequent battles.

"There are advantages and disadvantages, so let’s not list them and let’s take a look at the last two talents."

After thinking for a while, Kamijouha finally couldn't make up his mind to choose this purple talent, so he decided to look at the last two talents.

However, after seeing the last two talents clearly, Kamijouha couldn't help but be stunned. (Kanbao) For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"【Foodie], and [Slam Dunk]? What the hell!"

Kamijou Ha was not angry, but he was amused. The only white talent [Foodie] actually has no negative effects, but it also has no positive effects.

As for [Slam Dunk Master], this should be the one he has seen so far. , a talent that is effective but completely useless.

Those"XX control" and"XX", if you choose, you can still fight and work hard for the person you like, which can produce positive effects to some extent.

But this [Slam Dunk Master]】……Who the hell wants to be the champion of the basketball league’s national competition? Its description even teases that it's not magical enough, not as good as Heizi?


"I was careless. I just thought there was one gold, one purple, and two blue, so I would definitely have trouble choosing. I never expected that the only ones I could choose were the first four?"

Kamijouha really feels that he was too happy before. It seems that if the talent itself is not very good, then the higher level will have no effect.

"The last two are eliminated directly, then the only options are [Magic Genius]】,【rational thinking】,【Chef Wang】,【[Innocent Heart] These are the four"

"【Magic Genius] must be selected, and then there are two left, or just like the second simulation, combine [Rational Thinking] and [King Chef] to produce some wonders... No, wait."

Suddenly, Kamijouha discovered something very crucial.

"【Rational thinking] will make me emotionally indifferent and basically act with rational thinking. [Innocent Heart] will make me even more of a knight than a knight, a super good person... Doesn't this conflict?"

On one side, he is emotionally indifferent and will turn into a rational machine. On the other side, he is innocent and a good person who will 100% take the initiative to help others. Can these two be the same person? Impossible, this is an obvious conflict.

"Although people are very complex beings, good people also have an evil side, and evil people also have a good side, but……"

Kamijouha thought for a while, then the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, his eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

【Ding! The host has selected"Magic Genius (Gold)""、"Rational thinking (blue)"、""Innocent Heart (Purple)" three talents】

"I'm curious, what will happen when these two conflicting talents are combined?"

At this moment, Kamijouha said that he was going to think about it. He just wanted to see what would happen if he did this.

Of course, he was not completely having fun, because this situation was likely to happen again in the future, and he had to see what would happen. See what effect this will have and come up with the best solution for similar situations in the future.

【Due to the particularity of the moon world, one of the world lines is now randomly selected.……】[]

【Ding! The"Fate/Zero" world line has been randomly selected! Start simulation now!】

【The screen is being generated in real time】

【When you open your eyes, you find that you are sitting in what appears to be a university classroom】

【"Kamijou-san, please answer this question. If you answer it correctly, I will teach you some magic tricks you want to learn after class."】

【At this time, standing on the podium, a blond man with an erect slender head has a serious face, but looks at you with encouraging eyes.……】

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