Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 50

【Simulation settlement is in progress…Settlement is completed. This simulation evaluation is S level.】

【You have three goals in this simulation, ① change the world; ② let the empire and royal family continue as much as possible; ③ obtain the imperial equipment you need】

【Goal 1 is perfectly achieved, you have completely changed the world structure, and the empire dominates the world; Goal 2 is perfectly achieved, because of the constitutional monarchy, although the empire has changed a lot after a thousand years, it is still an empire in name, and the royal family still exists; Goal 3 is perfectly achieved, you I have already obtained all the Teigu I wanted to obtain.】

【After comprehensive evaluation, you will get the most perfect S-level evaluation in this simulation!】

“The S-level rating was no surprise, but I didn’t expect that all three major goals were achieved perfectly. And it has obviously changed the world tremendously. This simulation is rated higher than any simulation in the past.”

Kamijouha was not surprised by this scene at all. After all, when he extracted and saw those talents, many operations had already appeared in his mind, and in the simulation, he basically realized all these operations.

There was no way, [True Dragon Emperor] This talent, combined with his own strength and other inherent advantages, still did not use the”memory of the previous life” this time, but he successfully accomplished many shocking things

“That is to say, the upper limit of the simulation evaluation is only S level, otherwise I will have to give me an SS level evaluation, or even an SSS level evaluation.”

Kamijoha was a little proud. After all, the simulation this time was fast and perfect. It was perfect. This made him unable to think of how to operate it in the future to make it even more perfect than this simulation.

“It feels like there are almost no other new and good ideas. Next time, I will choose to travel to another world. Complete this world and then switch to a new simulated world.”

Kamijoha didn’t make a random decision, he did it after careful consideration. After all, what he wants in Zanchitong’s world should be basically obtainable in the rewards of this simulation. In this case, next time he will do it directly Clear the world of Chi Tong, get all the last remaining things, and then bring Chi Tong and the others over to this world depending on the situation.

“Isn’t Esdeath troubled and has no strong enemies? There are gods here, and she is afraid that she will run over immediately after hearing this… Well, you have to keep an eye on her then. Don’t fight the gods directly, but use someone weaker, such as a magical beast or something like that.”

“As for Chitong and the others, my world is considered peaceful under normal circumstances, and they should like it. The most important thing is that they are not only my women, but also excellent warriors. Their arrival can be of great help to me.”

Although Kamijouha is confident that he can handle many things, doing things alone will inevitably cause various troubles. If there is a group of absolutely trustworthy women to help, then this problem can be easily solved.

Thinking of this, Kamijouha I have begun to look forward to the moment when Esdeath and Chitong come to this world.

“However, let’s take a look at the good rewards this time.”

After the review was over and the future arrangements were decided, Kamijouha immediately checked the rewards this time.

【Ding! Since your simulation evaluation this time has reached the most perfect S level】

【You can choose three of the five rewards below!】

【1. You have learned the Three Body Techniques, including the immobilization technique, the instant body technique, and the invisibility technique.】

【2. In the simulation, your imperial power comes with excellent political foresight and political talent.】

【3. The Imperial Equipment”The Protector of the Country”Supreme Throne”” comes with the Imperial Equipment”Dimensional Phalanx” Shangri-La」”】

【4. The Teigu”Romantic Turret”Pumpkin”” comes with the Teigu”Gem Headdress” Ireston」”】

【5. New ability”I remember”, comes with”Memory of the previous life” (7/7)】

【PS: The goals are all completed perfectly and have a huge impact on the world. This evaluation has reached the upper limit of S-level evaluation, so each reward will be accompanied by other rewards.】

【PS2: Using Ninjutsu consumes mental power and physical strength. It can be performed without sealing but requires more mental power and physical strength. Ninjutsu can improve its proficiency through continuous training and make its effects more powerful.】

【PS3: There is no bloodline restriction for the host to use the Imperial Equipment”Protector Machine God”Supreme Throne””】


At this moment, even Kamijouha couldn’t help but blurt out a national quintessence sentence when he saw such a rich reward.

There was no way, this reward and this explanation made Kamijouha extremely excited!

“I was right. This simulation evaluation has reached the current maximum limit, and new rewards have been given as a result. The number of rewards can be said to be doubled!”

If it weren’t for the fear of waking Shinomiya Kaguya, Kamijouha felt that he would laugh out loud with excitement

“The most important thing is that the rewards this time are all excellent, and I want to win them all.”

Isn’t that right? Except for the last new ability”I remembered” which he didn’t know what it was, all the other rewards are very good.

“The first reward is the three-body technique learned in the simulation, which also includes the techniques of immobilization, instantaneity, and invisibility. This is a must-have!”

Kamijoha chose the first reward without saying a word. Everyone knows how valuable it is to be able to create a clone with combat effectiveness. Even if the reward is only the shadow clone technique, Kamijouha must choose it.

More What’s more, the Transformation Technique, Substitution Technique, and the three new Ninjutsu that come with it, you can tell from the names that they are very useful. And as he thought before, this Ninjutsu has no chakra limit, and can be improved through exercise. If you don’t choose any of these, you’re really out of your mind.

“The second reward is imperial power and political talent. Well, it’s actually very useful. After all, this simulation relied on these two abilities to get such an excellent rating. If we encounter a similar situation in the future, it should be able to play a huge role.”

“However, the restrictions on its use are still a bit large. In a world where there is no emperor or where it is impossible to easily become an official, its effect is greatly weakened. Although the rewards are very good, they are a bit inferior compared to others.”

If there were no other good rewards, Kamijouha would probably choose this one. However, subsequent rewards seem to be better than this one, so he is not prepared to choose this reward.

“The third reward, the Imperial Equipment [Supreme Throne], comes with the Imperial Equipment [Shangri-La]. The strongest ‘Gundam’ Teigu at first, and the only space-based Teigu!”

Seeing this, Kamijouha suddenly became excited. He couldn’t help but be excited.

In the past, he had found the [Supreme Throne] after overthrowing the empire, but this imperial weapon was exclusive to the emperor, even if the previous Kamijouha Even with the talent of [Weapon Master], he cannot use this kind of bloodline-restricted imperial gear.

It is probably because of this that this imperial gear did not appear in the previous rewards, after all, it cannot be used.

However, this time he has the ability in the simulation Although he is not of royal blood in reality, he can use this imperial weapon in the simulation, and this imperial weapon belongs to him personally after he ascends the throne.

“So, because of this simulation, I can finally get it, and there are still no bloodline restrictions, so I can use it as much as I want.”

Can Kamijou Ha be unhappy? Although the [Supreme Throne] was destroyed by someone using [Evil Haunting] in the original work, that was the user’s problem. The person who used this imperial weapon at that time was just a little kid emperor. He Do you know what fighting is? It’s just fighting randomly with the help of the power of the Teigu itself.

Using Jiaoha instead, he is confident that he can easily defeat himself wearing the [Evil Ghost Haunting]. Of course, if [Evil Ghost Haunting] is used again, If you want to evolve further, let’s talk about it separately.

“However, this is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is the space-type Teigu [Shangri-La]. In terms of function and value, this Imperial Instrument is no worse than the [Supreme Throne], and in a sense is even more valuable than the [Supreme Throne]!”

【Shangri-La], the only space-based Teigu, can set a mark in advance and then instantly move the target to the predetermined mark coordinates, but it cannot be activated continuously because it requires huge energy consumption. The ultimate secret is to send people to a different space from which they can never return.

It seems to be quite restrictive, but this Teigu is actually a powerful Teigu that can perform sudden kills, break through and retreat, trap and encircle enemies, etc.!

“I mark a place like an abyss or a poisonous pond, and send the enemy there with a teleport. Even a strong person will be killed if he is not careful. Not to mention breaking through and retreating, there is always a way out, if you can’t defeat it, just run away.”

“As for trapping enemies and killing them, whether it is teleporting to a suitable place or directly teleporting to a different space, this can be done so that the enemies cannot escape even if they want to.”

And these are just a few ways of use that Kamijouha casually pointed out. If operated properly, there are too many places where this Teigu can play a role.

Therefore, the strongest Teigu in the beginning and the only space-based Teigu , Kamijou Ha has absolutely no reason not to choose this third reward, he must choose it!

“The fourth reward, the Imperial Equipment [Romantic Turret], comes with the Imperial Equipment [Ireston]】……Well, hello Fort, we meet again.”

Seeing this reward, Kamijouha was a little embarrassed. From the beginning, he wanted to take this fort to make up for his lack of strong long-range attack capabilities. As a result, this reward appeared several times, but he has not chosen it yet. It.

Moreover, I may not choose it this time. Therefore, Kamijou Ha is inexplicably sorry.

“The reward that comes with it is the Imperial Equipment [Ireston]. If the opponent is not an Imperial Equipment user, then this Imperial Equipment is completely useless. And the most important thing is that my future enemies should not have Teigu users.”

【Ireston] is a gem-type Teigu that can be worn and used. It is an anti-Eiku that can destroy the opponent’s Teibu. As long as the enemy enters the range, the opponent’s Teigu can be destroyed at the cost of breaking the gems. Damaged gems only take a week to regenerate, but cannot be used until then.

Not only does this effect have a limited range, it can only be used once per battle, but it also only targets the Teigu… This Teigu is not useful even in the world of Zhan Chitong, because if the opponent is not a Teigu user, then it is waste. In the real world where Kamijou Ha lives, there are probably no enemies who are Teigu users.

“【[Romantic Turret] is very useful, [Ireston] is useless. Alas, if the final reward is useful, then I will have to temporarily give up on [Romantic Turret] again.”

“Fortunately, [Supreme Throne] has the long-range attack capability of a light cannon, and its power is also quite powerful… Well, my need to choose [Romantic Turret] seems to have been reduced again.”

Kamijoha said that he was also helpless. When he needed it before, his position was taken away by better and more useful rewards. The result is that it seems to be somewhat unnecessary now, and if the last reward is more effective, it will be even less likely. I chose [Romantic Turret].

Thinking of this, Kamijou Ha could not help but look at the last reward.

“The fifth reward, the bonus reward is”memory of the previous life”, this time is quite a lot, plus my previous one, it can be used ten times in total. But if it was just this one, I probably wouldn’t choose it.”

So the key is not this, but the new ability”I remember”. This name seems to be somewhat similar to”Memory of the previous life”.

And this term reminds Kamijou Ha of a certain anime. That anime The protagonist in it suddenly comes up with this sentence while fighting, and then the memory of his past life wakes up, and then he violently beats the enemy.

“System, please quickly explain the effect of this ability.”

【””I remember”: After consuming five times of the available”memory of the previous life”, in the simulated world or the different world traveled through, the host will have the ability to designate any person and transfer any memory of the past simulation. There is no limit to the number of uses.】


At this moment, Kamijou Ha’s eyes couldn’t help but shrink, and a lot of new operations appeared in his mind.

This ability is an advanced version of”Memory of the Previous Life”, and it can be used in conjunction with it. It consumes five times, It has the ability to use unlimited times and convey memories to anyone in their dreams.

“Okay, okay, I have already thought about how after traveling to another world, I can get an evaluation that is no worse than this simulation. Even if you can’t reach the maximum limit like this time and get bonus rewards, you can definitely get an S-level rating easily.”

I haven’t used the”memory of the previous life” ability much before. It’s not that Kamijouha thinks it’s useless, he just thinks it’s not necessary to use it for the time being. It’s better to save precious times and use it at critical moments.

Moreover, the next simulation will not be used Now for the simulation, he was preparing to travel to another world. At that time, he was planning to use it at the beginning. Then he quickly solved everything, and then brought Esdeath, Chitong and the others to this world.

Now, with this With his new ability, not only does he not have to worry about who can use it to achieve the best results, but because there are no restrictions on its use, he can even have the luxury of giving it to others. He will gain a huge advantage from a good start, and then push it quickly.

“So it’s decided! I choose the three rewards: first, third, and fifth!”

【You have selected the reward, now load the reward for you】

【Warm reminder, the current level of host simulation times per day: (2/4). And it only takes one more S-level evaluation before the next upgrade.】


Because I couldn’t save the manuscript for the double version, I published several chapters before it could be put on the shelves. But this is not a problem. Xiaoyi will be coding all day long today. I also hope that book friends will support and subscribe. Xiaoyi is very grateful.

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