Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 5: Daughter of Athena

It’s not about the challenge with Annabeth. It’s not a competition. And yet, as he stands there with his back against the cabin’s back wall and stares down into the blonde’s grey-blue eyes, Percy has already decided that he’s not going to let her get him off with just her mouth anymore than he let Clarisse and her friends do it.
Why? Well, it’s simple really. He tells himself that it’s because he can see she wants more. Looking into Annabeth’s eyes as they stare up at him through her mechanical, technically sound movements up and down his cock, Percy feels like he can tell that she doesn’t want to just stop at a measly blowjob. And yet, if she manages to get him off… he thinks she would all the same. Because it’s expected of her.
That’s what he tells himself anyways. And just like in the bathroom, once he decides he’s not going to cum, he finds himself in no danger of doing so. Even though he’s basically had five different girls put their mouths on his cock over the past fifteen to twenty minutes, Percy feels like he could go hours longer without cumming if he truly wanted to.
Hm, that did beg the question… why had he came from just Annabeth’s hand so easily before? Was it because he didn’t have a reason to access this inner well of resolve before? Or was it simply because he was distracted by their conversation?
He didn’t really know, but also it didn’t really matter. While a part of him wanted to reward Annabeth for her efforts, seeing how hard she was working right now… the larger part of him could tell that she was trying to stake some sort of claim on him. And if she wanted to stake a claim, she might as well go all the way, right?
Bobbing up and down his cock, Annabeth truly does give it her all when it comes to oral. She’s not some spectacular fellatio expert he doesn’t think, but she’s better than Clarisse or the others were. There’s still a hint of desperation to her efforts, but she doesn’t ever get sloppy with it like they did. Percy never feels her teeth, and the movement of both her lips and tongue remain uniform rather than getting too out of hand.
And yet, still he doesn’t cum. And finally… Annabeth seems to realize he’s not going to cum. Not just from her mouth anyways.
The daughter of Athena pulls off of his cock with a pop and gives it and then him a frown as she slides her hands up and down his length a few times thoughtfully. He considers egging her along, pushing her down the path he feels like they both want to be on… but ultimately, he stays quiet. It has to be her call. Her decision.
Suddenly, Annabeth pulls back and stands up. Percy watches blankly as the blonde tucks his dick back away into his boxers and pants, fixing up his clothes right then and there. For a second, it seems like his plan has backfired. Perhaps he’d misread the situation. Perhaps he’d toyed with Annabeth too much and now she was going to leave him blue balled?
It would serve him right, truth be told. If he was actually wrong about how far she was willing to go, then he should have been a little nicer to her. As Annabeth turns away from him, he sweats a little bit, considering if he should finally speak up and apologize or something… but no.
“Follow me.”
She’s not leaving him high and dry; Percy suddenly realizes. She’s merely moving things somewhere a bit more private, or so it would seem. Glancing around, Percy can’t say he blames her. Then again, maybe he should be a little irritated. She’d had no problem taking HIS dick out back here behind the cabin… but suddenly, when it comes her turn to get naked, she gets a little squeamish? He could be misreading the situation of course, but somehow he doesn’t think he is.
Still, Percy follows Annabeth wordlessly, his cock definitely still rock hard but at least its not… too visible unless someone is looking down there. They move fairly quickly through Camp Half-Blood anyways, and no one stops them or approaches them to interact. As far as Percy can tell, no one even pays them much notice as Annabeth… leads him back to the infirmary?
Blinking owlishly, the young man follows the blonde inside, but once they’re both past the infirmary cabin’s threshold, Percy breaks his silence.
“Annabeth? Why are we back here?”
He looks around, wondering if she thinks by bringing him back to the place she previously got him off, she can repeat the feat. Does she think he has some sort of… medical fetish or something? He doesn’t. Except now he has this mental image of her in a sexy nurse outfit and… maybe he does?
Of course, the grey-eyed blonde just looks back at him and gives him a smirk.
“This is one of the few places in the entire Camp outside of the Big House that has a private room. Seeing as no one’s using it right now… I figured we could instead. Don’t worry, I’ll clean up once we’re done.”
Well, she’s not wrong about no one using it. In fact, the entire infirmary is empty for the moment at least. And so Percy lets Annabeth take his hand in her own and lead him to the back. True to her word, there is in fact a back area of the infirmary properly walled off with a furnished patient’s room complete with bed inside of it. Once they’re in with that door closed behind him, Annabeth pushes him towards the bed… and begins the process of taking her clothes off.
To his credit, Percy only watches her strip naked for a second before following suit. His own clothes come off swiftly enough that by the time Annabeth is done, so is he. Her panties follow her bra to the floor just as he’s dropping his boxers and stepping out of them, one hand immediately going down to grip his erection.
Still immensely turned on, Percy steps up to Annabeth… only to have her in turn step up to him. She places a hand on his chest and pushes back gently but firmly, causing Percy to take steps backwards… until he falls back onto the bed.
Annabeth climbs onto him somewhat awkwardly, giving away her… inexperience with this situation. Her movements had been so suave as she pushed him back towards the bed, but now she looks almost gangly as she gets on top of him. It hits him in that moment… Annabeth has never had sex before, has she? She’s a virgin.
Then again… so is he. They’re both virgins. They’re both about to not be virgins any more. One of Annabeth’s hands curls around the base of his cock, holding it steady as she raises herself up over him. Her other hand is back on his chest, this time for stability’s sake. Meanwhile, Percy doesn’t know what to do with his hands at first… but in the end, he decides to grab onto her hips… to provide even more stability, maybe? It seems like the thing to do.
Annabeth freezes for a moment when he grabs hold of her, but then relaxes when he doesn’t do anything else. They both stare into each other’s eyes as she lines him up with her slit, her sex undeniably slick if not incredibly wet. It feels like they should be saying something, but for the life of him, Percy has no idea what to say in this situation. Annabeth either feels the same or doesn’t think there IS anything to say.
This isn’t like with Clarisse and the others in the bathroom. That was a competition. A challenge. One that he’d won handily. There was no connection there though. No intimacy, not really. Just… physical contact. Failed physical contact at that.
But with Annabeth, there’s something. Percy can’t put it into words, but as the daughter of Athena carefully lowers herself onto his cock, piercing her pussy with his prick and sinking inch by inch onto his mast. Percy could have, in that moment, slammed her down with all his might and impaled every last inch of her on his cock.
He doesn’t do that though. Instead, he uses his hold on her hips to keep her exactly where SHE wants to be. He doesn’t control her, he supports her. And as she finally loses her virginity to him, his member tearing through her hymen, he’s able to hold her aloft as she gasps and tenses up, wincing visibly. Even if it feels good how her pussy flexes and clenches around his cock… he’ll let Annabeth decide the pace for now.
To her credit, the blonde doesn’t have to wait long before she’s going further. Sliding down his cock a couple more inches, she gasps as he stretches her out. Percy hopes it’s in a satisfying way, but truth be told, he can’t say for sure one way or the other, it’s not like he knows Annabeth’s every passing thought. Still, at least the grimace fades from her face overtime. At least she’s getting more and more flushed as she wiggles her way up his length only to slide down it again.
She doesn’t bounce. Not ever. She doesn’t even really ride him either. It’s a somewhat awkward, inexperienced movement as she drags herself up his cock and then slides back down again. Still, as soft moans begins to leave her lips, Percy thinks… well, he thinks Annabeth is enjoying herself if nothing else. And so is he.
That said, the more she slides up and down his cock, the more Percy aches to do something on his end. He’s not… he’s not cut out for staying on the bottom and all this minimal movement, he quickly decides. Annabeth is cute and all, but he wants… he wants to take charge. He waits until every last trace of discomfort or pain has disappeared from the blonde’s face of course. He waits until she’s basically taking almost his entire length inside of her.
Then, the next time she’s close to the base of his cock, Percy reaches up and rolls them, taking Annabeth by surprise as he suddenly puts her on her back on the bed, pinning her in place.
Grinning a little impishly at her, Percy can’t help but chuckle as he shrugs his shoulders while looming over the daughter of Athena.
“Sorry, I was getting bored. Hope you don’t mind.”
Annabeth scoffs a little at that, blushing deeper as she squirms for a moment before glaring at him. Though, not with much heat Percy quickly decides.
“… If it’ll help you cum, then fine.”
Was she still on that? Percy just shakes his head. Just when he thought he was getting somewhere with her, she threw that at him. He thought he’d been reaching a point where he maybe understood how Annabeth ticked, but instead… well, in the end, it didn’t matter. He grunts as he begins to thrust into her. He’s in charge now. He’s controlling the pace.
Belatedly, he realizes it’s a lot of responsibility. A lot of pressure, in fact. Before this, his scant few sexual experiences have all boiled down to him just letting a girl do what she wanted. From Clarisse and the other Ares girls in the bathroom, to Annabeth both in this very infirmary and behind that cabin. Hell, even the first half of their first time having sex together had been Annabeth doing all the work.
Now that he’s doing the lion’s share of the work, Percy can’t help but feel a little self-conscious. So… he just tries to go with the flow. He tries not to let his inexperience show too much, but he also decides not to worry about it either. He lets his body move… and finds that it actually moves quite naturally once he stops stressing so much. In fact, his body almost seems to have a mind of its own.
Percy doesn’t want to toot his own horn or anything like that… but it turns out he’s quite good at sex. How does he know that you might ask? Well, there’s the way Annabeth’s face grows even redder as he fucks her harder and faster. As he fluidly slides into her clenching cunt again and again, her lips part and her soft moans become a little louder. More than that, her inner walls are flexing and squeezing around his cock, until finally.
Annabeth Chase doesn’t say she’s cumming or anything like that… but Percy knows she has. The crass language that just erupted from the blonde’s mouth, combined with the feeling of her insides flooding his length is all the evidence he needs to know what just happened. Grinning rather goofily, Percy keeps on pounding her. Annabeth whimpers, her body clearly sensitive as she glares at him heatedly.
“Y-You… why won’t you just c-cum? D-Damn it…”
Tilting his head to the side, Percy hums for a moment… before finally nodding.

The question seems to take Annabeth aback. Had the daughter of Athena really not thought that far ahead? Because honestly… for shame. Still, before he can tease her about it, Annabeth comes to a decision.
“M-My tits… you can cum on my chest. I… there are plenty of ways to clean it up in here.”
When she speaks, she averts her gaze to the side, making excuses for her decision. Percy, privately, thinks that she just might want him to cum on her tits. Still, he’s not going to question it. Pulling out of the beautiful pale blonde, he sidles up the length of her body… and jacks off right onto her exposed breasts. It’s the work of moments once he decides he WANTS to cum. Then, he’s jizzing all over her, coating her tits in his seed.
Once he’s done, Annabeth lets out a shuddering breath, staring down at the glazing he’s just given her with a bright red blush that contrasts quite nicely with the white cream all over her chest. Finally, she shakes her head.
“G-Get off me… need to get cleaned up.”
Shrugging, Percy rolls off and lays back on the bed, watching her hurry to towel herself off. He’s expecting her to get dressed and make her excuses for leaving at that point though. She’s clearly feeling self-conscious. And yet… to his surprise, Annabeth comes back to him. Still naked, though now wiped clean, she crawls into bed and awkwardly cuddles up beside him.
He’s happy to wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her in close, basking in her presence for a little while. However, after just a few minutes, Annabeth looks up at him.
“I want you to say you’ll join my team for the next Capture the Flag.”
Blinking owlishly, Percy tilts his head to the side.
“Huh? Capture the Flag?”
“It’s Camp Tradition. Every Friday. It’s not… it’s not as childish as you think. Especially considering we fight it out in the monsters-filled forest and wield real weapons. Think of them like… like military war games. It’s to help us train. Keep our senses sharp… and of course, bragging points.”
Bragging points. Hm. While a part of him still thought calling it Capture the Flag was a little silly, it did in fact sound like it wasn’t quite as childish as he’d immediately thought. Even still… Annabeth wanted him on her team? Was that why she’d done this? Why they’d had sex? But no, that couldn’t be it… could it?
And yet, something about her actions so far was starting to feel a little off to Percy. Was she really on the up and up? What did she really want from him? Did he really want to know?
… After a moment, Percy opens his mouth, coming to a decision.

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