Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 13 - Your egg

After falling asleep, Wu Ruo had a long dream.

He dreamed that the people of the Wu family in the last life carried the dead bodies of Wuzhu back to Shuqingyuan. At that time, the whole family was distraught and no one could accept the fact that Wuzhu died. The following year, Shuqingyuan was in sorrow. However, it wasn’t until Wu Xi’s marriage that Shu Qingyuan had a bit of joy. Slowly, everyone came out of their grief and didn’t want to. Two years later, they would receive U Xi’s bad news. The parents who lost their children one after another suddenly grew older. When they arrived at Uhi’s in-laws’ house, Uhi’s body had been cremated, and they saw only one grave.

Since then, Shu Qingyuan has no joy. Until he accidentally broke the Changsheng card to gain spiritual power, his father and mother had a smile again. As a Wu family, he worked very hard, not only to learn the mysteries in the brain every day, but also to take the time to learn the yin and yang techniques of the Wu family, summoning gods, signing contracts, and getting a lot of companions. Fame, but did not expect to end up in the hands of his friends.

Wu Ruomeng woke up to the last curse before his death, and suddenly stunned him with a pair of eyes without white eyes, but because his body was too fat, he couldn’t sit up with his own strength, Back on the bed again.

“Fat, what’s the matter with you calling this place?” The owner without eyes is a five- or six-year-old child, holding a large white egg in his arms, wearing a gorgeous red robe, with countless small heads on his head. The braid, exquisite and cute, but extremely proud, floated in the air, watching Wu Ruo with the eyes of the world.

“I call you?” Wu Ruo was sweating, wasn’t he sleeping before? When was the child summoned? Did he accidentally call someone in his sleep?

He looked at each other carefully. From the eyes without white eyes, the child was either a ghost or a demons, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar the child was, especially when the kid was dressed up and signed a contract with him. Exactly the same.

Wu Ruo felt more and more like the more he looked, in the end, he was quite sure that the other party was the thorny Devil who had signed a contract with him in the previous life.

He was pleased in his heart and wanted to call the other person ’s name, but after thinking about it, this guy was always proud, even if he called the name, he would not necessarily buy his account, but he became suspicious of him, just like in the previous life, he also experienced After many things, he barely agreed to sign an equality contract with him.

Wu Ruo suppressed the joy and apologized: “I’m so sorry, I may have summoned you in my sleep accidentally.”

“Called me in my sleep?” Quill surprised his eyes and stared at Wu Ruo, apparently disbelieving his words.

However, when he was called, the man was indeed sleeping, and no summoning array was arranged around him. Did he really accidentally call him in a dream?

Wu Ruo’s attitude was sincere: “Yes.”

The thorny drama whispered: “Fat, have you ever heard that it’s easy to ask the devil, but difficult to send the devil?”

Now that he was called, it would be difficult to send him back.

Wu Ruomu’s eyes moved slightly, what he wanted was to stay with the thorns. The magic power of this demons was very high. With his help, it was even more powerful.

“What do you want?”

Spiny eyes froze: “Aren’t you afraid I will kill you?”

Wu Ruo said nothing.

He knows this demons, although cold-blooded, he is also arrogant enough to disdain humans with a lower ability than him.

After seeing Wu Ruo’s calm face and feeling particularly boring, he threw the big white egg into Wu Ruo’s arms: “Your egg, return you.”

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