Come to The Peak

Chapter 7 - : Enemy Narrow Road

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Chapter 7: The Enemy Road Narrow Duobao Pavilion is a large-scale shop with many elements such as the largest weapons gathering, medicinal materials, meta-ores, and cheats in Bailu Town. Even the guards and guards of the five guards have unpredictable strength and background. , The three major families of Bailu Town did not dare to be rivals.

“Excuse me, what do you need?” Asked the young girl with a beautiful face after entering.

“Where are your martial arts skills? Luo Yu asked

“On the third floor, Gongfa Pavilion”

“Thank you, thank you. Luo Yu came to the third floor alone. Many people in the Gongfa Pavilion are choosing martial arts. The Luo family also has Gongfa Pavilion. Qualified to go, even if his father is the owner.

The Luo family has strict regulations that the following day will not be able to select martial arts in the family’s Tibetan scripture cabinet, and his own martial arts “Moon Moon Spear” and many Shaolin martial arts that are not triple-sky cultivation are not practiceable.

Luo Yu walked to a row of martial arts bookshelves and picked up a brief introduction to martial arts. “Falling Rock Fist” practiced successfully, such as a rolling stone. The power is unmatched for ancient martial arts athletes with the second day after tomorrow. Luo Yu shook her head. It is suitable for you. “Golden Hand” is suitable for three or more days, “Big Stela” and “Stone Leg”, even after reading several books, it seems that it is too low to even find this martial art.

I looked at other bookshelves and found that I didn’t find what I wanted. Then I went to the Medicine Pavilion on the second floor and bought a lot of medicinal herbs to pay at the front desk.

“A total of three hundred and twenty silver”

“Ah, three hundred and two!”

Luo Yu has a total of more than three hundred and two. The money was still given to him by Na Lanfang, otherwise the family would not be able to pay him such waste materials. The two hundred and twenty silver is enough for the average family life of two or three years. It ’s true that the rich and the rich are rich

It was quite painful to take out three hundred and two, and the shopkeeper took out a black card

“Because you have spent 320 silvers at a time, our son gave you a black iron VIP card. With this card, you can participate in the monthly auction of our Duobao Pavilion.”

“Oh, the auction?”

“Well, all the precious things that can appear at the auction are there, there can be anything you want,” said the shopkeeper proudly.

“Oh, thank you so much”

Luo Yu stowed the card, walked out of Duobao Pavilion, returned to the family, and came to his own courtyard. Soak the medicinal materials bought from Duobao Pavilion in hot water to stimulate the acupuncture points with gold needles, and then start Xuanyuan’s determination to slowly breathe Gas refining …

After a month, Luo Yu woke up from the practice and gently spit out a spit.

“The day after tomorrow”

A month of ascetic energy has increased several times

“It’s finally possible to practice martial arts”

In just one month, I was drunk from the first training to the third training. This is the terrible quality of the roots. The poor Luo family still regards Luo Yu as a waste material.

There was a crisp sound from the bones when I got up.

“You have to have weapons to practice the lingering marksmanship, hey … but you have run out of money for your own cultivation, and it is not good to ask your mother for money again.”

This is also a stumbling hero.

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Walking out of the room, Luo Yu walked to the family’s Tibetan Jige, and could not practice the residual moon martial arts.

“Oh, isn’t this the famous waste material of our Luo family? It’s been a long time, why are you free to come to the Zangjing Pavilion today?”

The path of the enemies is narrow, which is one of Luo Hua’s sarcasm named Luo Hu.

“Is the Scripture Pavilion where you can come?

“Good dogs don’t stand in the way, let go” Luo Yu said lightly

Yo! What’s wrong today? The sun came out to the west. Normally Luo Yu saw that they had to take a detour. Today they dared to talk back to them. Interestingly, this seduced Luo Hua’s interest.

“Boy, dare to scold me, you’re looking for death”

Luo Hu couldn’t hold a punch on Luo Yu’s face, Luo Yu reached out and shook his hand, firmly holding Luo Hu’s fist in his hand.

Well, Luo Hu is also stunned. I did n’t expect Luo Yu to catch his punch. Although he did n’t use the inner strength, he left the palm to Luo Yu again, but he could split it with the inner strength.

court death!

Luo Yu dared to make sure that the bone would be broken. Luo Yu released Luo Hu’s right hand, flexed sideways and hid, then kicked his legs and swept fiercely at Luo Hu’s waist without protection. Luo Hu slammed and fell to the ground.

“Little brother…!”


Luo Yu stepped forward and stepped on Luo Hu’s chest, making the latter unable to move. A flash of cold light flashed in Luo Yu’s eyes and said, “If I am a waste, what are you, are you even worse than waste!”

“You … I want to kill you”

Because of his angry red eyes, Luo Hu was crawled to the ground by the person he looked down on most and stepped on his feet. His self-esteem made him unacceptable.

“Waste, you let my brother go!” Luo Long growled. “Oh? OK.” Luo Yu sneered.

Huh! !!

One kick on Luo Hu, kicked Luo Hu to Luo Hua and others, Luo Hu suddenly spit blood and passed out.

It happened too fast. Luohua was shocked and didn’t respond.

“Huh! I said you were so stingy? I didn’t know how many times I studied there.”

Luo Hua said that he would shoot

“Hua brother, let me come” Luo Long raised Luo Hu to grit his teeth

“Brother I avenge you!”

Luo Long drew a sword from his waist and went straight to Luo Yu. Luo Yu did not dare to fight hard and had to dodge left and right.

“Hum! Don’t hide the waste!”

Luo Long saw that Luo Yu’s body skills were flexible and could not be approached. In fact, what Luo Luo ’s body style was just the instinctual reaction of the warriors of the previous martial arts. Although he did not practice martial arts, the combat experience was still there, and he was able to escape under the sword

“Do you think I’m as stupid as you? Standing and waiting for you to stab!” Luo Yu sarcastically hid.

“Ah … I’m going to kill you, Nine Flowers!”

Luo Long saw Luo Yu sneer at herself under his sword, and was furious. She drank a few sword flowers in the air and stabbed at Luo Yu with a light drink.

Luo Yu saw that the stabbed sword had no choice but to regret that he had not yet achieved martial arts, otherwise it would not be possible to retreat. Seeing that it was blocked by a sword

“Luo Long, you are too much. Luo Yu won’t martial arts. You use martial arts.”

The person here is a beautiful girl with a well-developed eyebrow

“Qing’er, you protect him again, Luo Yu, do you dare to hide behind a woman?” Luo Long gritted his teeth.

Come here is Qinger

“Qing’er, thank you for helping me again” Luo Yu smiled wryly at the girl standing in front of herself

“Little Master, I don’t dare to have anything with them,” Qing Erjiao stared at Luohua.

“Hum, after all, it’s just a waste, and it must always be protected by women.”

Luo Hua sneered

“let’s go!”

“We’re not done with Luo Yu”

“Oh, I’m waiting!”

Luo Yu chuckled, now that he has recovered his muscles, would he not be afraid of them? All he lacks is time

Luo Long glanced at Luo Yu fiercely, holding Luo Hu down, and followed Luo Hua away …

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