Collapse: Join Anti-Entropy at the Beginning and Dominate the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 48

At this time, Tianming Film and Television Headquarters. As the world's largest film and television company, Tianming covers an area of ​​363,000 square meters, including buildings, parks, public areas and filming centers. This huge headquarters complex is divided into 12 districts, each of which has its own projects underway. One of the projects is shooting a youth campus-type movie, and the final work is currently underway. But what makes the general manager Zofia headache is that the theme song of the movie has not been decided so far. Zofia not only placed an order with Anti-Entropy, but also with Zhuhuo. The two companies sent her no less than ten songs, but she rejected them all. It's not that these songs are not good, but Zofia always feels that something is missing. For this reason, Zofia convened a meeting of all the film directors. Looking at the dozen or so managers who had a say in front of him, Zofia knocked on the table.

"Our film will be released next month, but the theme song has not been finalized yet. Let's talk about what to do."

Everyone looked at each other, and after a moment, one person took the initiative to say: "Minister Zofia, we have received more than a dozen songs, including works by A-level composers, but you rejected them all. This-"

Zofia glanced at the man: "What? Do you mean this is my problem?"

"Don't dare." The man lowered his head quickly. As one of the four ministers, Zofia's work style belongs to the kind of vigorous and resolute type, and she is very strong. These executives dare not provoke her.

Zofia glanced at everyone and continued: "This movie was specifically nominated by President Otto, so it must be the best. The plot of the movie must be perfectly matched with the music. Don't you think so?"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this, and no one responded to this.

Zofia was a little angry: "Okay, in that case, I will be more democratic. I will put all the songs out and let everyone vote for their own choice. In the end, I will respect everyone's opinions, so that you won't think I am too overbearing and unreasonable!"

An executive smiled bitterly and said: "Minister Zofia, everyone doesn't mean that. The main reason is that there is no better choice at the moment, right? We don't have much time left, so we don't have that much time to carefully select. Look, didn't we send a custom order to Anti-Entropy before? Uh, have their works been sent over?"

He said the latter sentence to another person.

The man nodded quickly: "It has been sent, but it is still going through the review process-"

"Don't review it yet, bring it here and listen to it together!" Zofia waved her hand and sat down, "Since we don't have much time, let's not do anything else today, just listen to the theme song and decide on the song here!"

Everyone looked at each other, and someone hesitated, "Is this okay?"

"What's wrong with it." Zofia snorted coldly, "Okay, stop dawdling, hurry up and take out all the songs and play them in order!"

Everyone had no choice but to insert the USB flash drive with the songs into the computer. There were as many as 17 songs. After connecting the speakers in the room, Zofia directly pressed the play button.

The first song was written by a B-level composer, and the demo that came out was also a demo, not a complete recording, but it could still be heard clearly by everyone.

After listening to a song, everyone shook their heads slightly.

Although this song is also about youth campus love, it is too straightforward, making it seem like two veterans in love are competing against each other, without any immaturity or haziness.

Obviously, this song was PUSSed by everyone.

The next song was written by an A-level composer. It is indeed much better than the previous one, and it also writes about some immaturity of love, but -

An executive shook his head with some regret: "The rhythm of the song is too slow, it does not have the vigor of young people, but rather it is like an old man in his twilight years."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Those who can sit here have the most basic ability to appreciate music. Even if they don't have it at the beginning, they will learn at least 800 songs in their daily work.

In addition, they participated in the filming of this movie themselves, and they are very familiar with the plot, so they can quickly find the discordant factors between the song and the plot.

Soon, everyone listened to the songs one by one and rejected them one by one, even if there were indeed two songs that were more in line with the

The theme, but there are also some flaws.

Finally, there was only one song left, and Zofia looked at everyone.

"How about it? Can you tell me which song can be used as the theme song?"

Everyone didn't say anything, but it was obvious that everyone's choice was exactly the same as Zofia's, and no one had any favorite songs.

Zofia laughed twice: "Now there is only one song left. After listening to it, everyone will vote. We will choose the song with the most votes as the theme song."

Everyone had no opinion. After all, the song had to be selected in the end, no matter whether they were satisfied or not, otherwise, the movie couldn't be released directly without a theme song.

But just choosing one song like this, everyone always felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

Just when everyone was worried, Zofia clicked the play button of the last song.

The sound of music came through the speakers around the room, and a moving voice sounded in the beautiful melody.

[In those fleeting years, we

How many times did we say it

We will delay after we say goodbye

It’s a pity that no one has

Love is not just a

Eloquence on the seven emotions

In those fleeting years, we

Hurriedly left behind

Unbearable promises

Only waiting for others to fulfill them......]

During the singing, everyone’s casual eyes suddenly became sharp, and even couldn’t help but prick up their ears.

And Zofia’s expression was a little strange.

Didn’t she just click on the last song casually?

Why did she feel that this last song seemed very different from the previous ones?

She couldn’t help but take a look at the song information.

Song title: "In those fleeting years"

Company: Anti-entropy

Lyrics and music: Qu Yin.

Qu Yin?

Zofia had some impression, but couldn’t remember who this person was for a while.

As the singing continued, everyone in the conference room couldn’t help but be moved.

[If we can't have red eyes when we meet again

Can we still have red faces

Just like that year when we hurriedly

Carved a beautiful rumor of being together forever

If the past is still worth cherishing

Don't let go of the past too quickly

Who is willing to be like this

We have nothing to do with each other

We owe each other

Otherwise, how can we remember each other?]

As the chorus of the song sounded, the plot of the movie suddenly popped up in Zofia's mind.

In the last part of the movie, the scene where the male and female protagonists meet again after 15 years is the climax of the movie.

If this song is played in the background music...

Zofia's eyes were red, and she closed her eyes involuntarily.

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