Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2433 - His goal has never been someone else

When I woke up again, my neck hurt as if I had been chopped. I even thought I might have to fall off my neck.

Then I felt a shake.

Not someone is shaking me, but myself is shaking with the bumps underneath me.

This feeling is no stranger to me anymore. I soon heard the sound of snatching from my ears, and the kind of jerky movements from side to side, I knew that I was in a carriage.

Instead of opening my eyes, I thought for a while in the darkness that was already too familiar to me, and finally remembered clearly what happened before the coma.

Someone broke into the courtyard where we lived, knocked down the two little girls who took care of me, and then–

Then I was arrested.

My heart is not painful or helpless. After facing so many ups and downs, I am just a bit depressed and can’t help sighing.

At this moment, a hand stretched over and lifted me up.

From the beginning, I felt that there was a second person in this carriage besides me, but in order not to disturb the other person, I did not open my eyes immediately, but I wanted to come, I was blind, others were not, I was a little bit The movement, in the eyes of others, is clear.

That hand was not too powerful, and even felt that he was a bit weak when he was holding me, watching me fall down again, and the other hand was stretched out again.

I said, “No need, I sit by myself.”

Having said that, two hands supported the soft cushion under him, and slowly sat up against the back of the car.

The man stopped talking, and faced me quietly.

I thought for a while and said, “How long have I been unconscious?”


“Where have we been?”


“Has Dongzhou passed?”


“None of the Iron Knights stopped us?”

The other side didn’t say a word, there was no sound, I sighed and said calmly: “Qimuge, you have been so boring, and I know who you are, it is better to say something.”

Immediately, I heard the other person take a sigh of cold air.

A husky voice asked in confusion: “You-how do you know?”


Really did not guess wrong.

The voice was not others’, it was his mage. Obviously he was also a bit surprised. I even said his name accurately. I didn’t answer immediately when I saw it. He moved a little, and I felt that there was A little wind, I know that he is shaking in front of me, to see if I am really blind.

I said calmly, “No need to shake, I’m really blind.”


“Actually, no matter whether I’m really blind or false, I’ve been arrested by you, and there is not much difference.”

He then sat back slowly, but apparently still a little surprised: “You, how do you know it was me?”

I said calmly, “Because, I can’t guess anyone else.”


“Because you once broke into my tent, right?”

He took another breath and said more puzzled, “How do you know it was me?”

I said, “That time, I hit your shoulder with a cane.”

He seemed to be stunned, I heard him seem to reach out and touch his shoulder, and then continued: “Later, you took me a long way on horseback, although there was no trace of injury, I think You have been holding on, but then later, when we are going to meet King Tiemen, you will not be able to hold on. “


“So when we were going to meet King Tiemen, you said your arm was hurt.”


“People on the prairie, riding horses is like walking. How could they be hurt by riding horses and hurt their arms?”

His breathing became heavy: “Since then, have you doubted me?”

I thought about it and shook my head: “No, from an earlier time.”

“Earlier? When?”

“When I saw you from the words.”

“she was?”

Qimu Ge said in surprise: “Why?”

“Fantastic, she looks familiar to you, as if she has seen you.”

“She, she followed Tieqi Wang in Wuwei for so long, and I have been stationed in Wuwei again. It is not surprising that she has seen me.”

I said lightly: “You sent a team of people from Wuwei to **** me. There are so many people besides you. Why does Miaoyan only have a special impression on you?”


“If she had ever seen it in Wuwei, she wouldn’t be surprised.”


“It will make her feel weird. In that subconscious, she must have seen you somewhere where she shouldn’t have seen you, or, in other words, where you have appeared before, you shouldn’t be here again before she will Have a special impression on you. “

I heard his breathing sink a bit more.

But my voice softened, sighed, and said, “You, are you from Pei Yuanxiu?”

His breath was choked again, but this time he didn’t say anything, but he was silent for a while, then said softly: “Ms. Yan, though her eyes are broken, can see more clearly than those who have eyesight.”


“However, since you have long suspected me, why not watch out for me?”


“You kept asking me to follow you to Shengjing, and arranged me not far from you?”

I was silent for a while, and then slowly said, “I’m guarding you so that you won’t deal with wonderful words or Yangchu.”

He looked at me, seeming a bit heavy: “Is it?”

I didn’t continue to talk, but slowly leaned back on the board to make myself a little more comfortable.

His hand was a bit harsh, and the back of his neck was still as painful as being cut by a knife. He didn’t know how long the bump had been on this carriage. After waking up, the pain in his bones swarmed, making it difficult for me to deal with it for a while.

Fortunately, he didn’t bind me.

After all, a blind man, it is almost difficult to escape from heaven, and-since it is Pei Yuanxiu, it should not be too bad for me to think about it.

Pei Yuanxiu …

I have been on the alert. Pei Yuanzhang is watching out. Even Tieqi Wang and Tiemen Wang are watching out. Everyone speculates that even Pei Yuanxiu will act on the wonderful words and Yangchu’s wedding. They guess he will Assassination of the wonderful words, or the beginning of Yang, so the power of almost the entire palace, the victory of the capital is used to protect them.

But did not expect–

No, I should have thought about it.

His goal has never been anyone else. When he first separated on the Jiehe, he also told me clearly that one day we would meet again.

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