Club Luna

161. Tired & Frustrated

With Kaylee and her parents all safe I just wanted to get back home again. The accident scene was swarming with cops and EMT people and I really didn't want to have to talk to them. Plus even more people kept showing up with cameras and stuff, to try and record what was going on.

Neither me or my other self would abandon our girlfriend though, and she didn't want to leave her parents. And despite still being in shock, Mr. Holt knew that if they left the scene it'd only lead to more trouble later on.

So he and his wife stayed put and Kaylee stayed with them, which meant me and Cassandra stayed there too. It didn't take long before cops and EMTs were trying to check all four of us over, including me and my other self. They assumed that we'd been in the car with the Holts during the crash, since we were on the scene so quickly and refused to leave their side. They also assumed Kaylee was in some sort of costume, and kept asking her about taking off her ears and tails.

The whole thing was kind of frustrating, for everyone involved. Like the EMTs quickly figured out that nobody was injured in the crash, despite the Holts' car being folded in half and full of blood. They also figured out that Kaylee's foxy bits were real, which caused quite a stir. Then when the cops were asking what happened Mr. Holt straight up told them that his daughter was dating a goddess and that I showed up and saved their lives, that I healed him and Mrs. Holt with my divine magic.

That was awkward and embarrassing, plus I couldn't shake the feeling that Cassandra had picked up a couple more worshippers. The way our girlfriend's parents were acting and looking at us along with what her dad told the cops made it pretty clear.

The cops talked to us as well, and it was obvious they didn't really believe anything we said. Cassandra was totally honest with them, like she told them almost everything. There wasn't much point lying since Mr. Holt already outed us. So my other self told the cops we were at home eating pizza when our girlfriend prayed to us, then we teleported straight to the accident scene and rescued Kaylee and healed her parents and everything.

She also told them the truck driver wasn't at fault, that he'd been enspelled to cause the accident. She even went on to say it was caused by agents of the council, and explained they were a secret international organization sworn to keep the supernatural a secret from the public.

I could tell my other self was fed up and it seemed like she'd decided if the council wanted secrecy she was going to flip that on its head and be completely open and honest about everything.

The police dutifully wrote down everything she said, but it was obvious they didn't actually believe any of it. They even asked if we were really a goddess, and Cassandra told them we were. They wrote that down too, but when they ran out of questions they said none of us were allowed to leave the scene until they gave us permission.

At the same time other cops were talking to the other witnesses, and they were all more or less confirming our story. Like they hadn't noticed our magical arrival, but they definitely saw us rip the roof off the smashed-up car, and they saw Cassandra use magic to save Mr. and Mrs. Holt.

The truck driver was also interviewed and got medical attention by some other EMTs, and even though he wasn't physically hurt they ended up taking him to the hospital to recover from the shock and everything. They offered to do that for Mr. and Mrs. Holt too, but despite their near-death experiences the Holts both said they just wanted to go home.

As soon as she heard that Cassandra told the cops, "I'm going to take my girlfriend and her family home now."

"I can't let you folks go just yet," one of the cops in charge stated with a scowl. "Not until we get some straight answers. So if you want to try again without any of that magic bulls-"

He vanished mid-sentence, then reappeared a few dozen meters away and a couple meters up in the air, standing ontop of the truck trailer in the middle of the intersection. A few of the other cops saw it happen, and they all went quiet as they stared at us in shock.

"We're leaving now," Cassandra stated, and it was clear from her tone that she had finally run out of patience. "Unless anyone else wants to try and stop us?"

Nobody else said a word, they all just kept staring wide-eyed. Cassandra and Kaylee both looked to our girlfriend's parents, then my other self teleported all four of us directly into the Holts' front hall. That's when my goddess half finally stepped back and left me in control again. I wasn't sure if she'd tired herself out or if she figured now that the emergency was over she wasn't needed anymore.

Kaylee and I spent the rest of the evening at the Holts' place, helping her folks calm down and everything. I also took a few minutes to text the club's group chat, so the rest of the gang would know what happened and that everyone was safe. I texted my parents too, to keep them in the loop.

As soon as my mom and mum got the news the two of them came right over, so they could try and help Mr. and Mrs. Holt deal with the shock and mental trauma and everything. Although I wasn't sure if maybe it was even more shocking for them to find out my parents were actually a couple angels. Meanwhile Nina texted that she was going over to the clubhouse to make sure the others were all ok too.

With everything going on I lost track of time, but it seemed like another hour went by before me and Kaylee finally got some time alone, so we could talk and stuff. We were still at her parents' place, but we sat down in the kitchen while the adults were all in the living-room.

"Thank you for saving my parents," my girlfriend whispered as she slipped an arm around me and cuddled up against my side. We had a couple kitchen chairs pushed right up close together so we could cuddle. It wasn't very comfortable, but it was better than sitting separately.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her tightly as I replied softly, "You're welcome Kaylee. It was mostly Cassandra who did all that? She took charge and handled everything, I was just along for the ride."

The small kitsune shook her head, "I'm thanking both of you. Cass and Cassandra. You were both there, you're a team. It doesn't matter so much which of you actually did what. Just like you're both here with me now, you both stayed with me and my parents to make sure we're ok. So thank you."

Hearing her say that actually made me smile a bit. I leaned closer and gave her a kiss then told her, "All right Kaylee. You're welcome, from both of us. I'm just sorry we didn't find some way to prevent it from happening in the first place."

"If it turns out that substitute teacher's involved after all, me and Cassandra are both going to feel awful," I added with a sigh. "Maybe we should forget about privacy and stuff, maybe we should start reading people's minds regardless. Like just in case?"

Our girlfriend was quiet for a few moments, then she shook her head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea Cass. Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like one of those 'slippery slope' situations? If you get used to violating people's privacy to read their minds, maybe it won't be a big step to start changing them. And that's definitely a bad idea."

I grimaced, "Yeah. Good point."

We held each other quietly for another few minutes before she finally whispered, "I think I'd like to go home now. Maybe we can check in with our folks and make sure things are ok here, then you and I could head back to our place?"

"Ok Kaylee," I agreed. Then I pointed out, "Odds are when we get back to the clubhouse the rest of the gang's going to have a million questions."

She sighed, "That's another reason to go home now, so we can get that over with."

Rather than just teleporting home without saying anything, the two of us went into the living-room first to let the parents know we were leaving.

Our girlfriend gave her mom and dad hugs and made sure they were ok and everything before telling them, "Me and Cass are going home now, if that's ok? Mom, dad, are you both going to be alright?"

Mr. Holt nodded, "I think so Kaylee. How about you hon? Are you feeling better now?"

She nodded, "Yeah. I just want to curl up in bed with my girlfriend, but we're probably going to have to deal with a bunch of questions from the rest of our friends."

"I'm sure they'll understand if you tell them you need your rest first," Mrs. Holt responded. Then she looked at me and added, "Thank you again Cass, for everything. Raymond and I both owe you our lives."

Mr. Holt nodded in agreement, "Thank you Cass. And thank you for keeping Kaylee safe too."

That got me blushing again as I replied, "You're welcome. I'm just glad I was able to help."

"Are you two going to be ok?" my mom asked us. "I'm sure it was a very upsetting experience, for both of you."

The two of us looked at each other, then our girlfriend slipped an arm around our waist and one of her tails wrapped around our leg as she nodded. "We'll be ok. Me and Cass will take care of each other, so long as we're together we'll be fine."

After that I said goodnight to my folks too, then we finally teleported back home. Sure enough the whole gang was waiting for us when we got there. Nina was with Sasha and Willow on one of the sofas, while Cerys and Melanie were cuddling on the other. And all five of them had questions. So we got some drinks, orange soda for Kaylee and water for me, then we cuddled up together on one of the comfy chairs.

Melanie kicked things off, "Social media's been going wild tonight. Y'all weren't subtle about showing off supernatural strength, or about using magic in front of the public."

"We were mostly just focused on saving Kaylee and her parents," I mumbled as my cheeks went red. "I guess secrecy wasn't really a priority at the time."

It looked like Cerys Willow and Sasha all had questions they were about to ask, but Nina spoke up next. She suggested, "Maybe instead of bombarding them with questions we should let Cass and Kaylee tell us what happened? Then if we still have questions we can ask afterwards."

That sounded like the best idea, so I let my girlfriend begin. She described the accident, and how she got pinned in the back seat of the car and started to panic and everything. Then I took over and told them what Cassandra did, and what we discovered when we checked on the truck driver. Kaylee finished up by saying how we finally teleported her parents back home, and my folks came over to help and everything.

"Tanya and Julie were still there when we left," she added after another sip of her drink. "I wanted to come home though. I'm sure my parents are going to be ok. Between Cassandra healing them and a pair of angels helping them deal with the shock and everything they should be fine."

There was a long quiet pause before anyone else spoke up. Then Melanie stated, "Crud that all sounds really scary! I'm glad y'all are ok Kaylee, and your folks too."

Cerys asked, "Do you figure the council attacked tonight to try and disrupt your plans for tomorrow? And are you still going to the cave after all that?"

Cassandra didn't take over again but she was still around, and she asked me to pass something on to the group.

"We're still going," I told them. "Cassandra thinks maybe you and Melanie should skip work and stay home tomorrow, just in case? She also thinks we should invite Violet and her girlfriends over here too, since the house is warded it's the safest place in town."

I added, "Hopefully the council won't go after anyone else, like we're hoping they'll be busy dealing with us at the cave? But after what happened this evening, Cassandra's worried they might try and attack our friends to distract us or keep us away from the cave."

The two wolfgirls exchanged a look, then Melanie sighed. "I can call in right now and tell them we're both going to be off sick tomorrow."

While she was doing that Cerys added, "Our manager's been pretty good about stuff, but he's starting to lose patience with me and Melanie for taking so many sick days. Especially last-minute stuff like this."

"Maybe Cassandra can talk to your manager?" I offered. "She could probably vouch for you both or something."

The blonde wolfgirl grinned, "A goddess's note is probably even better than a doctor's note."

Melanie grimaced, "That's assuming Mr. Jacobs believes it. He's not exactly what you'd call open-minded."

"I'm sure Cassandra could convince him," Kaylee responded while her tails twitched around. She grinned and added, "My goddess girlfriend can be very persuasive when she wants to be."

Sasha had been quiet for a while but she finally spoke up at that point. She asked the small kitsune, "Did you have a chance to talk to your father before the accident, about any new hires at his work?"

My girlfriend grimaced, "Yeah. Dad said there is someone new there, a woman named Clara Davis. He's only had one shift with her this past week, so it's not like they brought her on as a direct replacement for Alison? He said she knows her stuff though, so if she is with the council then she's also a trained EMT."

"I guess there was no way to track down who enspelled the truck driver?" Willow asked.

"Cassandra says no," I replied as I shook my head.

After a moment I clarified, "She might have been able to do it if she didn't dispell the magic on him? She said maybe she could have used the active spell to trace whoever cast it, but at the time she just wanted to free the guy since he was innocent."

"And uh, she was pretty angry at the time too. The tracking idea might not have come to her until it was too late," I added softly.

Everyone was quiet again after that, and I couldn't help worrying they were all thinking of how dangerous an angry goddess could be. I was just starting to worry that maybe all my friends were going to be scared of me or something, when Melanie broke the silence with a laugh.

The older wolfgirl shook her head as she smiled, "I still can't believe y'all were throwing magic around in front of all those people tonight. The council must be losing their minds right now, considering how their whole deal is about keeping that stuff hidden."

I blushed, but somewhere inside I could feel Cassandra smiling. She took over just long enough to comment, "Thank you Melanie. You've just given me an idea."

The two wolfgirls exchanged a look, then Cerys stated "Well that's not ominous in any way."

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