Club Luna

128. More Surprises

"This is too cool," Kaylee half-whispered, then she stifled a giggle. "Can I go show the others?"

I grimaced, "Do you mean show them the spell? Or do you mean sneak around and prank them?"

My girlfriend held back another giggle as she replied, "Both, obviously!"

I couldn't see it but I knew she had a wide mischievous grin on her face. The two of us were standing next to each other in our bedroom, in front of the full-length mirror on the back of our closet door.

My own reflection appeared normally, I was wearing some dark patterned leggings and a long short-sleeve top. My girlfriend's reflection however was nowhere to be seen. I'd spent the last hour or so teaching her a demonic spell to make herself invisible, but I was already having second thoughts about whether or not that was a good idea.

"Maybe don't prank our friends?" I asked quietly. "I don't want any of them to get angry with you. Or with me, for teaching you this stuff."

"Aww," she pouted.

Not that I could see her pouting, but I could definitely hear it in her voice. I was able to see a faint outline of purple magic around her when I looked directly at her, but it was hard to make out any details.

Meanwhile she asked, "Why even teach me this stuff if you won't let me have fun with it?"

I sighed, "For one thing there's practical applications. Like instead of making your entire body invisible, you can just hide your ears and tails. They'll still be there obviously, but nobody would be able to see them. That would let you blend in with people, without having to actually change yourself into a human again."

"And all this is leading up to you learning the teleport spell," I added. "Wasn't that the whole reason you wanted to be part demon?. Or one of the reasons anyways."

She appeared by my side with a wide grin on her face after dispelling her invisibility. Her tails were all wagging up a storm as she asked, "Does that mean I can finally learn to teleport now?"

"Soon," I replied. "It's a complicated spell and if you get it wrong the results can be really terrible. And we don't have enough time to start a new lesson this afternoon anyways, especially not something that complicated."

Before she could protest I told her, "Anyways I think the one we'll work on next time is the transformation spell? It can be really versatile, like you can use it to disguise yourself as a human but it can also be used as a sort of overpowered healing spell? By transforming away injuries or illnesses."

"Kind of like what Melody said way back when," I added. "If she got sick or injured she could just shape-shift to a form that's healthy again."

My girlfriend frowned, "Why would I need to worry about that? Demons don't get sick, do they? And they're really hard to injure. Or is it because I'm not a full demon yet? I'm still at risk of injury and illness until you make me a full demon?"

"Yeah I guess that's part of it," I replied with a slight shrug. "You're already pretty tough and probably don't have to worry about disease or illness as it is? But you're not indestructible or immortal. Even full demons aren't truly immortal, they can still be killed or injured. It's just really really hard to hurt them."

Kaylee's eyes lit up as her tails all started wagging again, "Does it work on other people? Will I be able to transform other people? This is going to be awesome!"

I actually cringed and shook my head, "Demonic magic isn't permanent on people. Not unless you get them to sign a contract or something? Otherwise it'll just wear off in a bit. But please Kaylee, if you start causing all kinds of havoc you'll get us both in deep trouble with my parents."

"Aww," she pouted at me. "But I'm your little demonic kitsune of chaos! I could be out there causing havoc and getting into hijinks all in the name of my chaotic goddess girlfriend!"

That left me frowning as I wasn't sure how to respond. Like on the one hand she had a good point, spreading chaos and shaking up the status quo was definitely a good thing. At least I thought it was. And knowing her magic couldn't permanently affect people meant whatever she did would wear off fairly quickly. But at the same time I really didn't want more lectures from my parents, and I didn't want anyone getting hurt. Including my girlfriend, I didn't want her getting into more trouble than she could handle.

After a couple seconds she sighed, "I wouldn't do anything nasty. You know me better than that Cass, I'm not evil!"

I shook my head, "I know that Kaylee, it's just this is supposed to be serious stuff. We're doing all this so you can go to university without raising all kinds of alarms, so you can disguise yourself if you need to. And so you can protect yourself and look after yourself incase of trouble, since you'll be all on your own seventy kilometres away from the rest of us."

She was still pouting, but it eventually gave way to a smile. "Ok Cass. Sorry for acting so silly, I'm just really excited. All of this is really exciting. And I know it's only going to get better. When do you think you'll be able to finish my demonification? Can we do that soon?"

That made me cringe again, but before I had to come up with an answer we were both distracted by a knock at our bedroom door. That was followed by Cerys's voice, "Sorry to interrupt you two, but some club business has come up and you probably want to hear this."

Kaylee made a face and whispered, "I hope this isn't more of her paranoia about our purple-haired neighbour."

I shrugged as I moved to open the door. My girlfriend followed, and the two of us went out to the living-room to find out what was going on.

Willow had arrived while Kaylee and I were busy, the cute sorceress was sitting crosslegged in one of the recliners and she looked worried. Sasha and Nina were sitting together on one of the sofas, and Cerys joined Melanie on the other sofa. I moved to sit on the second recliner, and my small kitsune girlfriend perched herself sideways on my lap so we could cuddle during the conversation.

"Hey Cass, Kaylee," Willow greeted us both. "Sorry to interrupt, I hope you two weren't up to anything important."

My girlfriend shook her head, "It's ok. What's going on, is something wrong?"

The sorceress nodded, "Yeah. I wanted to talk to you all sooner, but I didn't want to call or text, I figured we'd need to discuss this in person? I'd have come earlier but I ended up having to work again today, I only just got off a little while ago."

"You sound stressed Willow, want a little tail treatment first?" Kaylee offered as she twitched her tails around. "You know I can help with that."

We all knew by now that as a demon Kaylee fed on stress, and the easiest way for her to do that at the moment was by getting people to pet or stroke her tails. It didn't work on me unfortunately, and she couldn't feed on Nina or our parents either. I was pretty sure Sasha was immune too. But she could feed from Willow and the two wolfgirls, they were all human enough and mortal enough for it to work.

Willow grimaced and looked a bit awkward as she replied, "Maybe later Kaylee. Thanks for the offer though?"

"Anyways," she said as she got back on track, "Something happened last night after dinner. I was hoping to talk to my folks again, to see if they'd made a decision yet about me moving in with all of you here? But before we could get into that discussion we had a couple unexpected guests show up at our front door. You all remember Steve Ford, right?"

She paused and glanced around the room, we all nodded quietly. Except for Sasha, she'd never actually met the guy. She remembered the name though, it was only a couple weeks since Willow had that encounter with the bully and had to use her magic on him.

"He didn't try and attack you again did he?" Nina asked nervously.

Willow shook her head and grimaced, "No. This was even worse."

"So the first surprise is the transformation curse never wore off," she sighed. "It's been about three weeks now right? It should have worn off after seven days. So my mom answers the door and there's someone standing there looking like a lot like a slightly smaller version of me, but with cat ears and a tail. And obviously that freaked out both my parents."

Me and Nina were both cringing slightly at that point, but at the same time I could hear not-me's quiet laughter. I hadn't forgotten that she said Steve had a fifty-fifty chance of triggering the follow-up curse and making his situation permanent.

Meanwhile Sasha asked Willow, "You said there were a couple guests. Who was there with Steve?"

The sorceress replied, "It was the mother, Mary Ford. Apparently Mrs. Ford heard all about what happened, like with my curse and stuff? I guess it makes sense, she wouldn't have recognized her own child after my curse so she'd have had a whole lot of questions. So both the Fords knew I had magic, that I'm the one who did the transformation curse. And now my parents know that too."

"And once my folks knew I could do that," she continued, "It took them about two seconds to figure out that me turning into a girl a couple months ago wasn't a 'freak accident'. They realized it had to be me, and now they know I did that to the former bully too. And they also figured out that means I could do it again, to other people."

She shook her head and sighed, "I tried to explain that it really was an accident? Like I still don't have great control over it now, but back then it was almost impossible. By that point they weren't really listening though."

Cerys asked, "So your parents know you're a sorceress? And both Steve and his mom know that too I guess. Steve hasn't said anything though right? It's been three weeks and this is the first you've heard from him?"

"Actually that's a good question," Melanie stated with a frown. "Why'd it take him so long to come and confront you? Or I guess maybe he's finally learned it's not a good idea to threaten or attack someone who can use powerful magic."

Sasha added, "I assume Steve and his mom were there to ask you to reverse the curse and make him normal again? Were you able to help him? Or did that go awry?"

Willow grimaced again, "Actually no, that's not why they wanted to see me."

"So what did they want?" Kaylee asked. Her ears twitched and she frowned, "Oh, are they trying to blackmail you? Take advantage of your magic or they'll expose you or something?"

The sorceress responded, "No. Honestly that'd be pretty foolish considering they both know what I can do. Anyways this is where it got strange. Or at least, this is the part that really surprised me?"

She paused for a deep breath then told us, "She came to ask if I could use my magic to come up with new ID for her? Apparently they were looking into doing that the conventional way, and ran into some hurdles and stuff. Not so much with the name change part, but the other details. And she also asked if I could use my magic to uh, fine-tune a few things about her new body."

"Hold on," Cerys frowned. "You're saying Steve Ford, the big annoying bully, has decided he wants to stay a small catkin? Are you sure that curse of yours didn't mess with his head at all?"

Willow's cheeks went bright red and she cringed, "I'm positive Cerys. I don't know any magic that can mess with people's minds, and I never want to learn anything like that."

"Did you find out what happened to make the curse become permanent?" I asked quietly. My cheeks coloured a bit to as I continued, "When we went to check on him back when it happened, Steve seemed pretty certain he wanted to change back to normal."

"Yeah," the cute sorceress sighed, "According to what they said, she was having a rough time of it and ended up spending a lot of time with her mom. That's what did it? Apparently their relationship had been really strained since Mr. Ford walked out on them a few years ago, and this kind of brought them back together."

Everyone was quiet for the next couple seconds, until I spoke up again.

"I just realized that you're using she-her pronouns for her," I commented softly. "And apart from the very beginning, you've been careful not to deadname her either. I take it those are the 'other details' she was hoping you could help change on her ID?"

Melanie's eyes widened as she looked at me, then at Willow. "Seriously? Are you saying Steve Ford is trans?"

Willow shook her head, "I'm not saying that. I don't know if she's trans or gender fluid, or maybe she's gender casual. All I know is after a few days of repairing the relationship with her mom she realized that something positive came out of my curse, and she doesn't want to give that up. And now she needs help with ID and a few other things, which is why she and her mom came to see me."

"And incase anyone's wondering," she continued, "She gave me permission to out her to you, since I told her I'd need to discuss all this with some friends so we could help her. And she said it was ok."

Finally she added, "Meanwhile my parents found out I'm a sorceress in the worst possible way. They figured out I transformed to myself into a girl a couple months ago, then a few weeks ago I accidentally used similar transformation magic on Steph as well."

"Steph?" Nina asked. "That's her new name?"

"Yeah, sorry I should have mentioned that," Willow replied. "She's going with Stephanie as her new name, or Steph for short."

The sorceress looked at me as she asked, "That's where I'm hoping you can help with your goddess magic? I know you can take care of her ID, since you did that for me back when I changed. And I was hoping you could help with the adjustments she wants to her body too? I'm afraid if I try that I'll only screw up and make things worse."

I didn't actually remember helping Willow with her ID, but then I realized it was probably not-me who took care of that for her since it was 'goddess stuff'.

Meanwhile Will frowned, "As for my folks I have no idea what's going to happen there. Like this all happened last night after dinner and they've been freaked out ever since. I haven't even spoken with them yet today, I just went straight to work this morning then came straight here afterwards."

"I'm sure you'll always have a place here with us Willow," Sasha stated. "I hope the tension with your parents is quickly resolved, but if not then at least you know you're welcome here."

Melanie asked, "What sort of stuff are your folks saying? Like you said they're freaked out, are they acting like they think you're evil or something? Or are they afraid of you?"

Willow shook her head again, "They're mostly just acting like they're in shock I guess? Maybe a little scared of me, or of magic in general? They were freaked out enough back when I changed, like that's when they had to accept that magic was a real thing? Finding out I have that power myself was another big surprise for them."

"Hopefully that's something they'll get over pretty quickly," Kaylee responded. "Maybe they'll even realize how it's beneficial?"

"Maybe," Will sighed. Then she looked at me and asked, "So do you think you can help Steph? Maybe we can arrange to meet at some point? You and me and her? I can see about bringing her over here, or maybe you and I could go to her place?"

I grimaced but nodded, "All right. I guess if you want to set something up, then just let me know when and where?"

Willow smiled, "Thanks Cass."

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