Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The waistband that hides the dark power!

“Can you smoke again? This time I will definitely shout.”

Fang Ran flew tightly in front of the light blue page, and asked with fiery eyes.

【Ding! Can’t


Fang Ran felt like a mouthful of old blood spurted out, right? He was stunned and looked at the magic book in his hand.

Stop making trouble, do you really want to use this ability?

In a place similar to the infinite flow dungeon, zombie enemies are everywhere, full of apocalyptic style, I actually want to use the magical girl’s ability to fight the zombies!

Hold the grass…this style is wrong!

A group of magical girls fighting against zombie monsters, except for one became a god, all others are dead, okay?

Magic girl is a high-risk occupation…

Fang Ran felt that he might also embark on the road of no return, no, this is ah, there is a sense of proper cannon fodder in fighting with this ability.

Which protagonist, do you see, relies on this kind of not handsome ability to be awesome! ?

No, calm, calm, I want to be calm, Fang Ran, twenty years old, no bad record, no smoking, no drinking, no relationship, virgin, single time is about equal to age, in short, pick it up first.

“I… calm down your sister!!”

couldn’t help but screamed madly, and fell fiercely.

【Ding! The distance stop effect is over…]

“Hey, wait!”

patronizing Tucao, almost forgot that he was in a weird place at the moment, with a fatal threat behind him, not the time to think about it.

“At least tell me, how to use the ability!?”

【Ding! Ability is bound by the user and proficient]


Fang Ran was dumbfounded, feeling that this sentence broke through the sky.

Why didn’t I know that I was still proficient in the power of magical girls! ?

Picked up the magic book, tried how to activate it. After three seconds of hard work…

Go on, this lock won’t open!

You don’t give me a card, let me hold this thing as a brick and fight against the thing behind it?

【Feel the user’s will】

【Acquisition times: 1/1】

【Unlocking progress: 0/52】

[Do you want to draw for the first time? 】

“No, I smoked again, my face is not good, you have never heard of Great Onmyoji, I am…”

Fang Ran couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, pressing his forehead, only felt that he had no strength, and didn’t know what to say.

The cartoon of the Kuro card, he did watch it when he was a child, and he knew exactly what the thing was doing, but the time was too far apart, even he couldn’t remember every detail.

According to my vague impression that I only watched it a few times when I was a child, not all of the 52 Kuro cards are combatable. There are quite a few cards that are fascinating and do not know what they can do.

In case my face turns black, I directly draw out a Kuro card that is not used indiscriminately, like sweets, lights, flowers, etc.

properly belch!

Oh, no, flowers are still useful, you can add some aesthetic meaning when you die.

“God bless, God bless,”

At this time, I can only think of this old-fashioned life-saving prayer line, and then slowly stretched his hand to the magic book.

But to be honest, Fang Ran doesn’t have much confidence at this moment, just that…

It’s like you are on stage performing a show, and you always feel the kind of instinct that might be ashamed.

I am no longer the one I used to be, so what if I have the ability?

He is an ordinary person who knows nothing, can he survive this zombie situation if he has the ability?

Ordinary people with guns can hardly survive in an environment full of bad guys. That’s why.

And until this moment, life-threatening zombies are behind him,

There is not much sense of superpower that I have to have.

Perhaps everyone has had this desire since childhood, but how long can it last?

The moment he stretched his hand to the Magic Book, he didn’t actually pray much, unlike what he said.

He just wants to rest for a while, try to run for a while, it is best to find a safe place to hide, even better.

But the moment the fingertip touches the cover,

The magical book in his hand floated, the golden light of arcane faintly drifted away, the lock on the book seal clicked open, and then it seemed that countless touches and thoughts turned into a warm breeze.

blew away the smiley mask he put on himself.

He showed his trembling eyes, watching the pages of the blown book fly and open, turning page by page, the golden particles spread warmly, and some magical unreality made him want to hide his expression at this moment and bow his head. Grit your teeth.

Why… only now…

A certain page stood upright, and the card drawn on the parchment slowly lit up. The golden particles gathered and condensed into the shape of the card, and then shone off!

looked up at this scene blankly, feeling as if there was something warmly broken in his heart.

It turned out to be true, this world really has such a thing.

It turned out,

The things that I had longed for, the kind of ordinary things that break fate…

really exists…

myself…no…it turns out, no…

The golden card became an entity, floating in front of Fang Ran, slightly reflecting his dull face, with a kind of warmth and moving power.

【Sword Card——(THESWORD)】

[Symbol: real search, reward, and sometimes destructive power. 】

[Introduction: The magic wand itself becomes a sword, and its power depends on the magic of the user’s heart. 】

subconsciously took it, opened his eyes unbelievably, and started with a thick, soft, and unknowingly material card, exactly the same as on TV.

The pattern on the face of the card is a golden chain, which is wrapped around a slender sword. The card body is more than 20 centimeters in length. When you rub your fingers, there is a magical feeling.

Wow! ! ! !


At this moment, there was a sudden crackling sound from the surrounding space, and the effect of Shi stopped completely. The zombie let out a roar and rushed towards Fang Ran!

called him back from the turbulent trance, so that he had no time to think, and continued to rush towards the street ahead!

ran and chased one by one, shuttled in this night city.

“You tell me how to use this!”

【Ding! Ability is bound by the user and proficient]

is bound and proficient by the user! ?

What does this mean! ?

Squeezing the last part of the body’s strength, Fang Ran rushed to the street under the night, and his brain turned rapidly.

Normally, it shouldn’t be necessary to lie to me, it means that what it says is true, and I’m proficient, it means that I definitely know the method.

Is it to be like in the animation? ?

Thinking of the shameful lines and actions of the magical girl transforming in the cartoons that I had watched, she was a little suspicious of life and refused.


But the infiltrating roar of the zombies was behind him, so he had to abandon those indifferent shame.

“…Wait, I remember it was…hidden…”

No… why suddenly I feel that something is missing from the TV…

It was really hard to decide to put down the morals and prepare to call out the lines to save life first, but Fang Ran suddenly found a shocking fact!

He doesn’t have a magic wand at all.

According to the animation, all Kuro cards are activated with a magic wand.

He doesn’t even have a wand, activate an egg!

【Ding! Tip: Use random metal objects to bind magic wands]

“It’s cool in the dry! You said it earlier!”

Fang Ran can’t wait to hold it down and squirt wildly, and then quickly fumble for what is left on his body, metal, metal, metal, I go!

I didn’t bring my wallet or key today, and my phone seemed to be dropped during the escape just now!

No, the feeling of this pill!

Fang Ran’s hands were trembling, cold sweat broke out, and his breathing was short of breath. UU reading www. couldn’t believe it happened to have no suitable metal objects to bind the wand!

Isn’t it? I just have hope, do I want to hang up like this?


Even if he died, Fang Ran did not hope that his death was due to the power of a magical girl, but he could not transform without a magic wand when he was chased by a zombie…

“Wait a minute, right!”

Fang Ran suddenly thought of something on his body, and then suddenly felt a sense of extinction in his heart, that kind of joy, the feeling of finding hope from despair, I believe that everyone who has experienced it will feel it deeply.

Thinking of this, Fang Ran didn’t hesitate to speed up two steps, then turned around abruptly, like a Japanese samurai drawing a sword.

pulled out his waistband!

did not hesitate at all, and yelled out without any shame:

“The waistband that hides the dark power!!!”

【Ding! Wand binding successfully]

【Ding! Ability update completed]

【Ding! End of the novice guide]

【Ding! Night battle-the beginning, guide success]

【Ding! Ability, activation! 】

A series of reminders sounded and swiped past her ears, but Fang Ran couldn’t look at it. He only felt a burst of light shining in his hands, and the waistband in his hands seemed to have changed in some way.

made the zombies stop in a little fear.

Then, Fang Ran saw his waistband,

changed from a soft look like a whip to a hard waistband.

Where the light dissipated, Fang Ran and the zombie stared at each other for two seconds…

Then ran away!

“My his sister knows that super powers are all nonsense!!!”

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