Clone Girls

Interlude: The one-eyed clone girl’s secret

“023, let’s talk for a bit.”

ECG-023 froze in place when her mother suddenly said that as the both of them were walking in the hallway, just after putting ECG-001 in her room. She already knew what her mother wanted to say, but still, she was scared of being scolded. Nobody likes being scolded after all.

“Ah, wait, not here, let’s go to your room.” Ticia corrected herself, and pointed to one of the nearby doors from the quarters they had been assigned.

“But my sist-”

“Don’t worry about that, they’re not in the room.”

ECG-023 could only believe her mother, so she nodded with a bit of hesitation. Each room had ten bunks, and she did not want her sisters to see her being scolded.

My sisters are… clingy sometimes… She thought to herself, thinking about her bunkmates. ECGs from 021 to 030 shared this room, and those sisters of hers knew more about her than she sometimes would like.

They entered the room, and Ticia immediately sat on one of the bunk, patting the place right next to her for ECG-023 to sit with a small smile. ECG-023 hesitated a bit, but followed her mother’s order. She could not refuse it after all.

“So, 023…” Ticia began, looking at her daughter with a serious look. “I think you already have an idea why I wanted to talk to you in private.”

“...Yes, Mother.”

“What you did earlier, that was extremely dangerous. You understand that, right?”

“Yes…” ECG-023 kept agreeing in a low voice, looking down. She was aware that what she did was dangerous.

But sorry Mother, I would still repeat it. I need to gain more achievements to gain some favors…

ECG-023 was not so pure. Just like the other ECGs, she had begun to feel the need to make herself be noticed more by her mother. Although Ticia’s care for all of them was a welcome one that calmed the urge, ECG-023 was a bit different from her sisters… She had other plans in her head…

The more I do, the more chances I have to have my request granted. That was her train of thought, and her request was her deepest secret.

I want to stay by the side of my Guardian Angel!

Well, perhaps it was a little stronger than just that. Each action her ‘Guardian Angel’ did made her heart flutter at her cuteness. She wanted to keep watch over her every action, relishing in the bliss it would create for her while also protecting her from any harm.

But her mother had not finished scolding her.

“Do you know how worried I was when I saw you rush out of cover and straight into the enemy? What exactly passed through your mind?”  Ticia was very serious about this, that, ECG-023 could tell. It’s not like she wanted her mother to worry like this, as the very face of worry her mother made right now made ECG-023 feel guilty. She raised her head and looked at her mother

“I… I’m sorry, Mother, I-” Before she could finish her words, her mother hugged her tightly, surprising her.

“Yes, I know dear. The reason why you did this was obvious, I know it.” Ticia declared as she patted her daughter’s back.

“Y-you do?!” ECG-023 was shaken to the core. Mother knows I hold huge respect not only for her, but also for my Guardian Angel!? How!? I made sure to be as neutral as possible even in front of my Guardian Angel! Only my closest sisters know about it!

“Of course, I know my daughters best after all.” Ticia said back with a warm smile, looking straight at her flustered daughter’s face. “So you don’t have to worry, my sweet darling, I understand your feelings well, because I feel the same.”

ECG-023 did not expect her mother to also hold her Guardian Angel in high regards, but thinking about it, it was kind of natural for the Null CGs to be held in a higher place in their mother’s heart.

“I-I see… Mother also-”

“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you wanted more affection…”



ECG-023 let out a strange voice as she realized her mother was talking about something else. She wasn’t talking about my Guardian Angel!?

“Is something wrong, 023?” Her mother asked, to which ECG-023 shook her head as if her life depended on it.

“N-no, nothing Mother.”

“Mmmmh… If you say so…” Ticia seemed thoughtful for a bit, before letting it pass. ECG-023 let out a sigh of relief in her mind.
That was close… I nearly got it revealed…

ECG-023 knew her feelings for her Guardian Angel were not normal. It was not love, that she was sure, but rather overwhelming admiration. What was it sister 021 called it again? Ah yes, a fan. I am a fan.

That was why she was so scared of being herself sometimes. She also felt like she would lose the respect she had built up from her sisters as a stern and cool sister, which was also precious to her…

“Well, there’s still some other things I want to talk about.” Her mother declared as she finished the hug, returning the serious atmosphere. “You feel inferior because of your handicap, am I right?”

“...” ECG-023 just looked down again. She could not deny her mother’s words. Her disease was her biggest burden that affected her in her everyday life.

Right now, her vision is stable, but if she ever missed the time to take her medications, she would be hit by a sudden and splitting headache, and her vision would rapidly deteriorate.

This disease is my worst enemy… She thought to herself depressively, when she suddenly felt two warm hands hold her cheeks and raise her head.

“023, look me in the eyes.” Ticia said, a serious look on her face. ECG-023 could only obey.

“You are not a bother, you are one of the strongest among your sisters. So stop trying to put yourself in danger like this.” Her mother said straight to her. “I value your strength and courage, and I recognise your talent, just like your other sisters.”

Ticia then removed her hand and smiled at ECG-023, who was standing there in a daze. “That's why I’ve decided, 023. Once we’re back to Borkian Prime, I am giving you a name.”

“!?!” An electric shock ran through her as her mother said that. A-a name!? Me!?

She trembled from happiness as she realized one of the dreams she and her sisters all had would come to fruition for her. All her hard work had not been in vain in the end!

“Well, you won’t be the only one to receive a name at the time, 001 and 099 will also receive one. But that is a surprise for them, you’re the only one who knows about this for now.” Her mother ended, but by that point, ECG-023 did not listen, she was spiraling into her own happy thoughts.

I did it! The first step of my plan has been achieved! 

If her eyes were working properly, she would be in tears by now.

“M-Mother, I-” She tried to express her happiness to her mother, but only gibberish came out of her mouth, only to be hugged again by her mother.

“Yes, yes, let out your feelings my dear, expressing yourself is not a sin. It’s ok, you’re not defective. You’re the best, you’re the best…” Those words were like the unleashing catalyst, as ECG-023 continued to tremble, emotions filling her stronger than ever before. ECG-023 repeated ‘thank you’ without stopping, and her mother listened, a warm smile on her face. ECG-023 was reminded once again of the love her mother directed at all her children, and for the very first time in her life, she smiled, to the happiness of her mother.

After a while, once ECG-023 had calmed down and was back to her neutral look, Ticia let go of the hug.

“Well then, now that things have calmed down a bit, onto the next subject.” She announced, making ECG-023 rearrange her position so that it looked as straight as possible.She was tense from anticipation, her mother really was giving her a lot of attention.

“023, as proof of how much I value you, how about becoming a close guard of mine? You’ll follow me on every mission like this.” Ticia declared, which made ECG-023 freeze in place.


“What do you think? Do you accept, dear?” Seemingly unaware of what was passing through her daughter’s mind, Ticia asked for confirmation, grasping her daughter's hands, which prompted ECG-023 to answer immediately.

“I-I do! Thank you Mother.”

“Don’t mind it, don't mind it. I’ll do anything for my daughters. Remember, you’re all precious to me, whatever differences there are between you all.” Ticia said, before getting up. “Well, it’s time for me to go. See you tomorrow, my dear daughter.”

“...” ECG-023 was now left alone in the bunkroom, staying dazed in the silence. It took her a while to reboot, and when she did, she put her hands on her head as she rolled on the bed.

Aaaaaaaaaaagh~! Why did I agree so fast!? She asked herself, feeling shame for not having some restraint.

I-it’s not that I don’t like it, rather I’m very happy! But, but… She grinded her teeth in frustration. But that also means I can’t be my Guardian Angel’s bodyguard anymore!

“I’m so stupid!” She let out out loud, opening her eyes, only to freeze once again. She was not alone in the room anymore…

““...”” Her closest sisters looked at her with their usual inexpressive gaze, which made her face redden in embarrassment.

“S-since when?” She asked, trying to sound as calm as her usual self, but failing miserably.

“...Ever since Mother announced you will get a name.” ECG-021 answered, keeping her neutral look. Her answer only made ECG-023 redden even more in embarrassment.

Are you kidding me!? From that moment onwards?! Why did mom not say anything! She asked herself, only to be reminded of the teasing her mother sometimes did to the Null CGs. Apparently, those were not exclusive to the twelve little clone girls…

“Well, isn’t that a good thing?” ECG-030 said casually, tilting her head, before a small smile bloomed on her face. “Congratulations on receiving a name, sister.”

“Ah.” ECG-023 looked at her sisters. All had small smiles on their faces. It could only mean one thing. They were happy for her.

ECG-023 knew. The sisters gathered around her, with whom she formed a team, were always supporting her. When she went ahead, they followed behind her. When the time for her medication came, they would always remind her, going as far as administering the medication themselves. Not only that, they listened to her ever so long praises over every action her Guardian Angel took, even if those were boring to them. They were showing their love for her in their own way.

“Thank you, everyone.” She said as she calmed down, bowing her head. “I hope you will receive one soon too.”

“More than that.” ECG-021 cut in. “I just hope you’ll keep your fanaticism over Prime Sister Nicia in check, so that it doesn’t affect our missions.”

“...I’ll try.” ECG-023 responded, but she was wondering whether she could even do that at this point. It seemed like the emotional blows she received just now had made her more emotional.

Besides, how can I not sing the praises of my Guardian Angel!?

Nicia was the one who held the most important place in her heart after her mother, and for a good reason.

After all, she’s the one who brought salvation upon the defective clone that I am!

The one who took care of her from her birth until now, the one who kept an eye over her health every now and then, the one who created the medication for her… The list could go on, but one thing was sure. Nicia, the very first person ECG-023 had ‘seen’ with working eyes, always smiled caringly towards her, and that was enough for ECG-023.

“I’ll make sure to protect her smile from the shadows.” She declared out loud with a determined look, which only made her sisters sigh.

““Here it comes again…””

But then, they heard a voice.

“I didn’t expect you all to be so expressive and strong willed.”

All the clone girls froze in place when they heard this voice. It was the voice of the AI their mother saved not so long ago…

“Rebot-ia…” ECG-023 muttered with a bit of anger. The ECGs were still wary of the AI, which only was a possible dangerous element for their mother’s safety to them.

“Oh come on~~, don’t look at me like that~. Oh, wait, you can’t even look at me, tehe.” The AI playfully said.

“...What do you want?” ECG-021 asked.

“What I want? Nothing at all, I was just having fun!” Rebot-ia answered. “Just listening to your stories makes me want to meet those Null CGs Owner keeps talking about!”

Don’t you dare do anything to Prime Sister Nicia!” ECG-023 roared as she stood up, face full of rage.

“...Same for the others.” Added ECG-021 calmly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down!” The AI seemed flustered. “I’m not planning to do anything to them, we’re on the same side! I know you don’t really trust me but, I’m only working for Owner’s sake, I swear!”

““...”” The ECGs remained tense for a while, but they also knew. If Rebot-ia was an enemy, she would have already acted by now. But instead, she had helped them come out of the recent battle without any losses, which made their mother happy and in return, made them reluctantly accept the AI as an ally.

“Don’t let today’s conversation go out, even to Mother, okay?” ECG-021 said to the AI while glancing at ECG-023, she knew her sister was not keen on her little secret being known by everybody, even her mother, and certainly not Nicia.

“What’s that? A secret between girls?” Rebot-ia sounded excited. “I’m in! It’s not like it’s dangerous to your mother anyway, so I’ll keep the secret!”

With that, Rebot-ia bid farewell and the ECGs let out sighs of relief. As they exchanged conversations like usual, ECG-023 looked at them and smiled.

I’m lucky to have such caring sisters… I should make sure to give it back to them.

Without knowing it, she slowly fell into slumber, surrounded by the love of her sisters, the thoughts of her Guardian Angel, and the building excitement about the name she will receive…

Author's Monologue:

Hey there! I'm back with a bonus chapter!

And here is the first ECG POV!  I bet you all didn't expect this twist to ECg-023's character, but hear me out! 
All this time, I've always made some signs that ECG-023 was receiving help from Nicia, wheteher it was for her eyes, or when Nicia asked her mother to take ECG-023 with her on this operation.
Well, I must admit, I had written the scene of awakening of ECG-023, so that it would make it more obvious, but I prioritized ECG-099 in the end... Perhaps it will apear in the rework...
Both of 023 and 099 as well as ECG-001 are precious to me, for they are the first non-Nul CGs clones I made, so I thought those three would become the leading ones of the ECGs, but now here we are, and more and more ECGs are appearing with their own personality (looking at you two, ECG-003 and ECG-046). Well, in the end, they remain as support characters, but perhaps going further into their characters through interlude is not a bad idea? What do you all think?
As for Rebot-ia... Well, guess she's just having fun...

Anyway, that's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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