Clone Girls

Chapter 43: The Borkian military parade

Ticia closed her eyes as the shaking intensified, calming her growing tension. The space shuttle she was in would soon touch the ground…

Today would be a big day for her and her daughters. She and Rika had planned it ever since they learned that they would be part of the military parade.

She looked around, despite the room being only eliminated by a faint red light, she could see her daughters around her. Well, only the ECGs, her twelve little girls were already on the ground, and would watch her on the big screen from a safe house. There was simply no way she let them parade in front of millions of people when the goal was clearly to show them as trophies of war. Ticia wanted to regroup with them soon, but now was not the time.

“To all personnel: We will land in 3 minutes.” A voice said through the speakers, to which Ticia nodded internally.

“You heard the voice, girls.” She said to her daughters, making a last speech to them before the landing.

“Once this door opens, we will be the center of attention of millions of people, but it doesn’t bother you at all, right?”

““No, Mother.”” All responded unanimously, without an ounce of hesitation.

“Then I have nothing more to say, you girls already know what to do.” Ticia nodded to herself, before letting out a small smile. “Let’s show them what clones are, just like they wanted.”




The streets of Borkian Prime were packed with people in a festive mood today. Which seemed weird to strangers, why were the Borkians celebrating when they just entered a full war with the Ionians less than a month ago?

The answer was simple. Today was a celebration day. A day where the soldiers who had fought on Brelia 7 came back, and would parade through Borkian Prime’s capital main avenue.

Three weeks ago, Ionian Republic’s troops had retreated from Brelia 7 after suffering a heavy defeat in a month-long skirmish, which resulted in the death of a high ranked Ionian general who just so happened to be the current Ionian president’s brother in law. The Ionian president cried revenge out loud, and sent an official war declaration to the Borkian confederacy, escalating the conflict immediately by assaulting Borkian strongholds all over the frontier between the two nations.

The Borkians had replied in a similar way, and the war had now dragged along the small states that were dependent on each side. Still, the Borkian government had yet to make any official comments on the war, until recently that is…

In a statement that shocked the entire known galaxy, the Borkian president’s spokesperson announced that his nation had managed what had never been done before… His nation had managed to acquire ancient clones, and not a dozen, but one hundred and thirteen!

They also explained that the skirmish on Brelia 7 had been a consequence of both nations wanting to control a newly discovered facility which was still running, but so that their enemies could not take any profit from the facility, the ‘perfidious Ionians’ had destroyed the facility before retreating.

He then proceeded to mention that all those clones had sworn loyalty to Brigadier-General Rika Doesson, the Unkillable Valkyrie.

This caused a wave of cheers among the populace, who were well aware of the general’s exploits, but also a small uproar from the ones in high places. They immediately put this choice in question. Why was Rika Doesson allowed to become the owner of those clones without any consultation from the senate? It was clear to anybody that they were jealous, but it was indeed true that those decisions would usually pass before the senate first, even if just for show.

To their protest, the president’s cabinet did not give a straight answer, only saying that the decision was made by the military, and that they had no choice in the matter. And to support this claim, the Twill faction, to everyone’s surprise, replied when asked that this was a reward to Brigadier-General Doesson and all the contributions she had done for the nation, and that she deserved it.

Those words from the faction that had the most influence in the armed forces quietened all discontentment. After all, who would oppose the ones who were in control of the army? The disgruntled politicians and corporations could only stay in the ranks now and watch the situation unfold…

Not soon after, a military parade had been planned for the return of the valiant soldiers of Brelia 7, under the leadership of general David Fika. Military parades were a long tradition in the Borkian confederation, where the people in charge liked to flatten their ego, so the citizens of Borkian Prime City were used to military parades, and enjoyed them like any regular show.

And so, when a variety of small spaceships began to arrive into the atmosphere on the planned day, they were welcomed with fireworks, and a military fanfare began to play.

The spaceships landed on a huge place called The Parading Venue, and their airlocks slowly but surely opened. The first vehicle that came out was a hoverer command car, in which, in full military parade attire, David Fika and his aides stood proudly.


Cheers erupted immediately after. David Fika had made sure to polish his public image for his political campaign, and he had become a popular figure for the masses. David smiled at the attention he received, and began to wave his hand at the crowd welcoming him.

“Kyaaaaah! The general waved at me!”

“Stop bullshiting, he waved at me!” Two women began to argue, a fight nearly ensued if not for the quick action of the policemen stationed nearby who gave the women a simple glare.

After him, Borkian soldiers began to follow, marching with proud looks and weapons in hands, the flags of both the Borkian Confederation and their unit’s flag waving in the air. The crowd acclaimed them as they came.

Commentators began to describe the heroic feats of each unit, increasing the crowd’s applause at the passing soldiers, and after a while, once the remnants of the 303rd mixed infantry brigade (wounded included), and the 506th cavalry company had begun marching and now liberated the place, large armored vehicles advancing at a slow pace came out next from the spaceships, with a half-track leading them.

“That’s the Old Devils!” Somebody shouted out in recognition before the commentators could even say anything, and another wave of cheers erupted. Berdo, whose upper body was standing outside through the hatch on the roof of his halftrack, stood sternly, unaffected by all the cheers. He gave an overall cold feeling to the crowd, who cheered at him despite that. This wasn’t his first parade on this avenue, and the Borkians were used to the old general’s antics.

But the cheers he and Fika received paled in comparison to the next unit who paraded. The first thing people noticed was a small group of hoverer bikes…

“I-it’s her! The Unkillable Valkyrie!” Somebody shouted, and the crowd’s attention was now all on the group of six hoverer bikes, one of which, at the forefront, had a black haired woman with scars on her face, and a simple yet recognisable officer uniform… It was Rika, who, just like Berdo, was unaffected by the cheers she received. She was surrounded by two flag bearers on bikes, one with the flag of the Borkian Confederation, and the other with the flag of her unit.

Under the praises of the crowd, the 9th assault brigade paraded on foot behind their general, reflecting the same expression as her. They inspired awe in the gathered crowd.

“Whoa… As expected from her, I feel the force of a hundred men behind her gaze…”

“W-what an aura… I think I’m falling for her…”

“Eh? Get yourself together! Hey! We got a fainting person here!”

Then, as the next unit appeared, a wave of surprise took the crowd. It was a rather… peculiar unit, to say the least, and it was the first time the Borkians ever saw it.

“Eh? W-what’s up with the next unit?”

“Huh? No flag?”

“What the- Did I drink too much?”

Following Rika's soldiers were a group of soldiers in what seemed like armored skinsuits, but this wasn’t what shocked the crowd, but rather…

“Th-they all look the same!? And it’s all women with white hair!?”

The next unit was Ticia and her daughters, parading in their armored skinsuit, but without the helmet. A choice Ticia had made, since she wanted the Borkians to see for themselves the faces under the helmets. They all had expressionless looks on their faces, even Ticia,  and they created a special aura around them.

Ticia was at the head of the formation, walking with her R-31 laser rifle. The ECGs followed after her, their shield in hoplon mode, and their R-33 laser rifles in the right hand resting on their right shoulder. They marched at a slower pace than the Borkian military usual pace, but still managed to do so in rhythm with the music as a silence emerged…

“They’re the clones!” One commentator shouted in sudden realization, and other people also made the link. Cheers erupted once again.

Ticia sent discreet glances around her, looking at the expressions of the public. These varied greatly, some were simply shocked, others were overjoyed, while a small fraction looked at them with fear in their eyes. She nodded to herself, they had achieved their objective: mark people’s minds with their appearance, not as trophies, but as a functional unit of the Borkian army.

"So these are the clones we won huh? Now I understand why they want them so much…"

“What a group, they seem extremely reliable…”

“Yeah, like, if I ever go to the battlefield, I’d want them to be my allies.”

“Not to say, but they’re also kinda hot…”

…She made sure to not react to the last comment despite her urge. How dare that man lust over her girls? He wasn’t worth them! Yes, she recognised that her daughters were beautiful, but this was this and that was that! She continued on, but made sure to note the man’s face…

Still, the first impression she and her girls left was positive, just like she wanted.

The march continued for a while, until they reached a gigantic building. This was the siege of the Borkian Confederation’s government, and a gigantic stage with rows of seats filled with important people and a podium had been installed at its feet. Multiple high ranked persons were seated there, watching the parade, and once every unit had arrived in front of the stage, and their commanders had joined the stage, one man in his sixties, who looked pale and sick, stood up and went to a podium set up in front of it. He became the focus of attention immediately, and the huge screens all over Borkian Prime City were displaying his every move now. He was George Rollers, the current president of the Borkian Confederation.

“Citizens of the Borkian Confederation.” He began. “It is with great joy that we welcome our valiant heroes from the front, who fought the perfidious Ionians for the glory of our nation.”

His speech continued on, praising the actions of the soldiers and their commanders, and how it saddened him that they had to go to war yet again with the Ionian Republic.

“But fear not, citizens, because this time, luck is on our side!” He suddenly said, pointing to a man who had joined him on the podium. “I have just received some great news from the ambassador of the Techno-empire of Phillio, they have reached a hand towards us in our time of need and proposed an alliance against the Ionian Republic!”

““Whoaaaaaaah!”” Cheers and applause erupted at this sudden announcement. A lot of people on stage were also surprised by this announcement.

“It is my pleasure to announce to you all today that our Borkian confederation has now entered an alliance with the Techno-empire of Phillio!” The president declared, and another wave of applause rose. The Borkians were not particularly on good terms with their neighboring nations, so this alliance proposal from the Techno-empire of Phillio, a nation they had skirmishes with for a while now, was a great surprise that the Borkians welcomed.

Another moment passed as both the president and the ambassador shook hands, praised each other and signed the alliance’s  papers in front of everybody with smiles on their faces and hearty laughs. If they wanted to put on a show about their good relations, they had managed to do so quite well, as they looked like two old friends who met after a long while.

“I will now free the space and let our heroes say some words to you all.” The president said, waving his hand at the cameras before descending from the podium with the ambassador in toe. David Fika took his place.

“Fellow citizens.” He began, a small smile on his handsome face. “I had the heavy task of commanding our forces on Brelia 7…”

His speech continued for a while. He praised the actions of his soldiers and how he could not have won without them. He lamented with a sad look at the losses he suffered, before reminding the crowd of the success of his operation. That is, the obtention of clones.

He played with the crowd's emotions so well that a wave of applause rose after his speech, but as people were expecting another general like Berdo to say some words after him, they were bewildered to see not him, but three women standing up on the podium…

“That’s… General Doesson and… clones?”

Rika glanced to her left towards Ticia, the latter noticed her gaze and gave her a small smile. She smiled back, before facing the cameras again. Nobody missed that small complicit exchange between the two, and furrowed their brows.

“People of the Borkian Confederation. I thank you all for this opportunity given to me to address you all, I have a lot to say, yet so little time…” She began, her face serious. For all the people who listened, this was the first time they ever heard the voice of the Unkillable Valkyrie, who always stayed out of the camera's views before, and they all wondered what she had to say to them…

“I would like to begin by thanking you all for the warm welcome you showed us all, my men appreciated it. It is not often that they have such an opportunity to show themselves to you all.” She said with a thankful look, which made the crowd applause.

“I am also delighted to have received the prize for our hard work.” She sent another glance towards Ticia, who was acting like the perfect bodyguard, standing straight and expressionless. “For some time, I have learned to know the clones, and now know that while being fearless warriors, they are no different than ordinary people, and so, for them to give the best results to our glorious confederation, I will make sure that they are well taken care of, as human beings and not just weapons.”

The message behind her words was clear. She considered the clones like any other soldier under her command, and that is a human with rights, thoughts, and emotions. Not all were agreeing with her standpoint, but since she had been recognised as the one in charge of the clones, they could not say anything to her.

Before Rika could continue her speech, Ticia and the other clone spoke up.

"We are thankful for the general's kindness. This is why we would like to swear our oath of loyalty again in front of this crowd of witnesses." Ticia declared, keeping her face expressionless.

"A what now?" The crowd was bewildered by her words, but she continued on, unperturbed. She signaled with her eyes her daughter, and the both of them simultaneously put their left hand on their chest.

““We, Clone Mother 0 / ECG-001, as first and second in command of our daughters/sisters, and representing our fellow clones, swear loyalty to you, general Rika. Wherever you go, whatever order you have for us. We will follow it until our last breath. Such is the way for us clones.””

“Thank you.” Rika said back to the two of them with a solemn look. “I will do everything to uphold the trust you all gave me. I'll make sure none of you die under my command.”

It was a strong declaration, and the words were easily understood by the crowd, who cheered and applauded this proclamation. The people on stage could only follow after, albeit begrudgingly for most of them.

“I would now like to talk about more personal things…” Rika said with a sad look as she refocused on the cameras, changing the mood. “I have received undeniable proof of my family's heinous deeds against me and my men. Hence why, from here on, I am giving up the name Doesson. I have nothing to do with the Doesson family anymore.” She declared, provoking another wave of surprise.


It was not everyday a well known person renounced their family name entirely, and for a popular figure such as Rika to do so brought deep shame upon the Doesson family. People on the stage began to look at Doesson family members next to them with various expressions, from pity to sneers.

“... This is not a decision that came out of the blue, citizens of the Borkian Confederation.” Rika continued. “The relationship between me and my family has always been tense, and I personally consider the soldiers under my command to be family to me. One that perhaps cares more about me. That's why, I cannot deny this choice might have heavily influenced the next one I am going to announce.”

As she said those words, other people joined her on the podium, standing by her side on an equal footing. Those were people the crowd recognised, like Berdo, and some new faces they had just seen, like Captain Rowla and Andrew Tilton. It also did not escape people’s view that Ticia and ECG-001, were standing on the same line as them, meaning they were considered equals.

“The people you see standing side by side with me are my allies, people I fought side by side  with in the recent conflict on Brelia 7 against the Ionians, and after the most recent tough fights, we discussed our becoming, our place in this confederation of ours, so to say… And we came up with a decision. We will be forming a new faction.”

““!?!”” Gasps of surprise could be heard everywhere, even the people on the stage stood up from the surprise, some of them outraged by what Rika just announced. Who was this person, to declare the birth of a new faction just after denying her birth name and having no real support?

Most people wanted more details from Rika, but she did not say anything more, instead going down the podium, followed by the others. For a small moment, all you could hear were the whispers of the people around, until the president came back on the podium, unaffected by what had just happened.

“I am sure most of you are surprised by this turn of event.” He began, calming the whispers. “But this choice is not without any thoughts. Our nation has long been divided into factions that only saw their own interests and cooperated with one another out of necessity…”  He stated the truth that everybody knew about.

“Of course, some people are not in agreement with those methods, and our dear Unkillable Valkyrie is one of them.” He said, sending a look towards the range of seats where Rika was.

“This faction does not have for goal to serve the needs of its members, but instead to provide a stable future to our nation. In other words, this is the birth of a structured neutral faction.” He said, and another wave of whispers came. He raised his hand, demanding silence, and once things calmed down again, he dropped another bombshell.

“I am in full support of this neutral faction.” He declared to the surprise of everyone.

George Rollers was at the head of his own faction, and he had managed to stay at the head of the presidency for fifteen years. The reason for this success was simple: he was a cunning man, who planned all his moves and had managed to satisfy every other faction so that none opposed his rule.

Some would say he weakened the state as a result, but others would argue back that the nation had always been decentralized in the first place, and that what he did had a positive centralizing effect.

And now, this old fox of politics had declared his support for this newborn faction. There was no doubt that there were some backhanded deals in the background for this. Still, nobody dared to comment or speak out loud now that he had voiced his support. Voicing their concerns would have negative effects on them, after all, as proved from the immense cheers the announcement provoked.

““Whoaaaaaaaah!”” People were celebrating the creation of this neutral faction that had for goal the nation’s well being, and not its members. This meant that it would redirect its profits towards the citizens!

“Hey, does anyone have more info?”

“That's what I want to ask!”

People were now wanting to join the faction en masse, like it was a political party, but did not even know where to begin with, or if this faction was even recruiting. Still, there was another wave of thoughts that crossed their mind and excited them.

“Do you think the Unkillable Valkyrie is gonna run for the president office?”

“It might happen! She has the support of the current president after all.”

People were already speculating on the upcoming elections. George Rollers’s mandate had not ended yet, and he still had some years in it, but everybody could see how sick and pale he was. If it was announced that he died in office, people would not be surprised…

But they had one thing wrong. Rika had no plan on running for the post of president, no. That would be left to the person who was leading the faction from the shadows…

Nobody except Rowla knew who that person was, but they had made themselves clear. Until the right time came, Rika would stay as the head figure of the faction, building up influence in the light while he focused on the shadows…

Meanwhile, David Fika was strangely calm as he listened to the announcements.

“General?” One of his aides asked worriedly.

“There's nothing to worry about.” He said back with a smile. “Don’t forget we have the support of the Twill faction. Besides…”

He did not finish his phrase, but simply looked at Rika who was now discussing with Berdo and Ticia. He was not looking at her like she was an enemy, but rather, like she was a prize. Barry Twill had told him before the parade about the creation of this new faction, and while he was surprised at first, the next words the field marshall said to him with an evil smile were still in his head.

‘David, I heard you’re good with women, right?’ The meaning hidden behind those words was clear, and David did not doubt his abilities. He will seduce Rika, and with that, gain the support of this new neutral faction, and more importantly, he will get the clones…




“Mom!” Vinia immediately jumped into her mother’s arms once Ticia opened the door to the barracks she and her clones had been affiliated to as a ‘temporary home’.

“I saw you! You were all so cool!” She said with stars in her eyes, and Ticia smiled at her daughter’s admiration.

“Thanks, dear.” She said, patting the girl’s head. “Were you and your sisters good while I was absent?”

“Yes.” Vinia responded happily.

“Even Nia?” Ticia asked with doubt, but the answer did not come from Vinia.

“Mom~, don’t you trust me?” Nia said as she approached, faking sadness. Ticia saw through her daughter’s act, and sighed.

“I would, had you not pranked Rika’s soldiers every time I wasn’t watching you…”

“Oh come on~, it’s not like something big happened~, right Miss Rika?” Nia made a small deal of it, searching for support from Rika.

“Hmm, true.” Rika agreed, the pranks had not been of any risk to her troops. In fact, she had heard from her second in command that the troops considered the ten year old girl like a cute mascot, and that it helped raise the mood of her brigade a lot.

“Rika, you’re not supposed to take her side here.” Ticia criticized, sending a stern look towards her friend.

“Right.” Rika surrendered immediately. “Sorry Nia, I can’t save you this time.”

“Eeeeh~~~~~?” Left to face her mother by herself, Nia prepared for what she knew was coming, but a saving grace came.

“Don’t worry, mother.” Ria said as she approached them, most of the Null clone girls were with her. “Nia did not do anything while you were away.”

“Mh, that’s good then.”  Ticia nodded, satisfied, and Nia released a sigh of relief.

“Was your plan a success?” Ria asked, to which her mother made a troubled face.

“Can’t say yet, we still have tonight’s party.”

“Yeah.” Rika jumped in the conversation. “That’s where politics and backroom deals will be done, so make sure to be ready to show off, Ticia.”

“Ugh, so troublesome…” Ticia sighed, she really did not want to be involved in what the party would imply, moreso for the daughters she would bring along…

“But it must be done.” Rika insisted with a serious look.

“I know.” Ticia sighed again. “Speaking of which, are Licia and Ticinia ready?” She asked as she looked around. Nia and those two would go to the party with her.

“We’re here, mom.” Licia said as she and her little sister appeared, and immediately, Ticia froze.

Both Licia and Ticinia were wearing cute one piece dresses. Licia wore a yellow one, and Ticinia a light green one with matching ribbons in her hair.

“Uwaah~, you’re so cute dressed up like this!” She ended up saying in admiration, before hugging her daughters, who received their mother's love happily.

“See, I told you to leave it to me.” Rika said from the side, a smile on her face. She was the one who chose the dresses for the girls.

“Yeah, good job, Rika.” Ticia sent her a thumbs up, eyes full of stars, to which her friend replied with a smirk.

“It was nothing.”

“What about me~?” Nia asked from the side. After all, she too was wearing a dress, a brown one. She even had flower decorations through her hair.

“Yes, yes, you’re cute too, Nia.” Ticia said warmly as she patted Nia on the head.

“Hehe~.” Nia giggled happily, relishing from her mother’s headpats.

“Ahem.” The warm moment was interrupted by a cough.

“Ticia, we don’t have much time.” Rika reminded her friend, they were on a tight schedule right now…

Ticia nodded, before looking at the rest of her daughters with a serious look. “Now then, mommy must change and attend a party. Just like I said before, Licia, Nia and Ticinia will come with me. Ria, you and ECG-011 are in charge while we are away.”

“Yes, mother.”

“Understood, Mother.”

Both clones replied to their mother seriously. Ticia nodded at them before looking at the clone that had accompanied her all along.

“001, get 021, 046, 071 and 100. Change into your uniforms and follow us to the party, like we planned.”

ECG-001 nodded, but before she could go, Ticia stopped her.

“Ah, and inform 031 and her sisters to make their move.”

“Are we passing to phase 2, Mother?” ECG-001 asked back. The fact that she asked for confirmation that it was the right time was proof enough of the ECGs’ gaining in personality and emotions.

“Yes.” Ticia replied, keeping her serious look.

“Understood.” ECG-001 nodded, before going outside. Ticia on her side went further into the building, followed by Rika.

“What was that about?” Rika asked. Ticia had not informed her of any particular move involving another clone girl.

“You’ll see.” Ticia replied mysteriously. “I think you’ll like the little gift I’ve prepared for you…”

She entered her own room and closed the door behind her, leaving her friend with a lot of questions she wanted to ask.

In the end, Rika sighed. She did not think it would be something bad, but Ticia's surprises were more than often things she never expected…

“I guess I’ll see for myself…”

Author's monologue:

Hey there! I'm back for good now!
So here's the first chapter of the second arc, and what can I say? Seems like Rika decided to come out with a huge boom!
a lot of things are going to happen in the following chapters, I'm honestly a bit scared that it might be too much info at once, but oh well, that's something that is necessary, I think. 
Anyway, you guys probably noticed, but this chapter has a name! Yes, this is something I though a lot about while reading other series. A lot of people name their chapters, but I myself was unsure I would be able to write a good name for them. But for this arc, I decided to throw my hesitance away and just get on with it! 
Also, I must inform you that while I am back, I cannot continue posting two chapters a week like usual... It saddens me, but my IRL life has become very busy right now, and I can't spare as much time as before to writing.  So if I want to keep a good stock of  unreleased chapters just in case something happens, it's better I slow down the release rate... It's also the reason why the chapters' release is gonna be delayed by one hour from now on too.
That doesn't mean I give up on this idea though! I like posting two chapters a week, so whenever I can go back to it, I'll do so! 
Also, since this is the begining of this arc, I'm still going to post the next chapter on thursday, it is already ready to be posted, after all.

And with that, that's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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