City Peculiar Immortal Emperor

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 I will wait

After Jiang Feng signed the name, Liang Dachao didn’t frustrate, and signed the name casually.

This kind of life and death is a trick often played by rich people like them, the purpose is to leave a piece of paper to prevent the loser from denying the account.

The birth and death certificate has been signed and will take effect immediately.

“Which one of us will come first? Or give you a chance, you come first.” Liang Dachao said.

“No, it’s better for you to come first. How do you say you are the host.” Jiang Feng said.

“Hmph, okay, anyway, no matter who comes first, you are doomed to lose.” Liang Dachao said contemptuously.

“Don’t jump to conclusions until the end, in case there is a surprise.” Jiang Feng smiled lightly.

“Now I still have a hard mouth, but it’s a dead duck with a hard mouth. Okay, I will convince you to lose. You look good.” Liang Dachao was very annoyed by Jiang Feng’s non-hot and cold attitude. It’s really annoying to not scratch the itch.

Liang Dachao walked to the Guzheng and sat down, slightly raised his hands and put them on the strings.

The guzheng that Qiu Yueer brought this time is 21 strings, which is the most difficult to play among the types of guzheng.

If you can play a song smoothly, then you’re in the room.


After Liang Dachao was attentive, he began to play.

The song “Lin Chong Night Run” tells a lot of charm.

This song tells the story of Leopard Tou Lin Chong who went to Liangshan on a snowy night after being persecuted. He is majestic and emotional, and there is no lack of helplessness and anger.

This song is the favorite song of men, and it is also the song that many men love to play.

Every man has a heroic dream in his heart.

May the sound of the qin be a hero, and bring energy to the world.

After a song is finished, the remaining sound lingers, everyone is already forgotten.

Bang bang bang

I don’t know who applauded first, which drew fierce applause from everyone.

To tell the truth, Liang Dachao’s skill in this piece of music is very good, and it can be considered a beginner, but it is much worse than Qiu Yue’er.

“It sounds so exciting, it makes my blood boil.”

“It’s amazing. As a young talent, Liang Dachao still has such sentiments. It’s really rare.”

“With this hand alone, I won’t be hungry in the future.”

“Unexpectedly, a man can also play the guzheng. I really gained a lot of knowledge today.”

“Liang Dachao can be regarded as a starter, Jiang Feng is determined to lose.”

“What is throwing bricks to attract jade, obviously is to throw jade to attract bricks.”

“Yes, yes, that’s the reason.”


“Jiang Feng is determined to lose, there will be no suspense.”

“Where can a rural child play the guzheng.”

“Yes, people in the countryside will never be able to beat our people in the city.”

“Well, that’s quite true.”

With Liang Dachao’s wonderful performance, everyone agreed that Jiang Feng would definitely lose this time without any suspense.

Qiu Yue’er not only nodded, but also approves of Liang Dachao’s skills.

“Young Master Liang’s skills are very good, and he has a certain prototype, playing such a piece of music can be regarded as a mid-level existence in amateurs.” Qiu Yueer said, giving Liang Dachao a very high evaluation.

Knowing that Guzheng skills are extremely difficult to practice and can be evaluated as a mid-level level, it means that there are really two brushes, and they can already get awards in China.

In fact, Qiu Yue’er had just given her a favor. Anyway, being employed by Liang Dachhao this time is not a bad thing.

But he didn’t tell any lie.

Liang Dachao was triumphant, and was very satisfied with the admiration gaze cast by everyone. He liked this atmosphere of being admired the most.

“It’s your turn now.” Liang Dachao looked at Jiang Feng, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, his eyes full of disdain and mockery.

“Okay, I can’t wait anymore.” Jiang Feng smiled and stepped onto the stage with his chest raised up, without the slightest timidity or fear.

The charming temperament is undoubtedly manifested at this time.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, just like Jiang Feng’s temperament, unlike a rural person, it was the son of a big family.

Because without years of training, there would be no such superhuman temperament at all.

“Hmph, I advise you to stop pretending, if you can’t, just say it, anyway, you will be ashamed, and it will be okay to lose some more.” Liang Dachao coldly snorted.

In his opinion, the Jiangfeng has been pretending from beginning to end, and now it is finally at a critical moment, depending on how he pretends, if he can’t play the tune for a while, then he will be self-defeating.

However, if Jiang Feng is to admit defeat now and lose without a fight, then Liang Dachao will be even more beautiful. Then he can slap Jiang Feng in the face, let Jiang Feng have nowhere to escape, and make everyone laugh at Jiang Feng. , Despise, accuse…

Liang Dachao looked forward to that moment.

“How do you know that I won’t? Isn’t it what a young talent should do to figure out people without authorization? Are your parents not educated to respect people?” Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Liang Dachao was actually forced to take a step back by Jiang Feng’s eyes, and there was a sense of fear in his heart.

Jiang Feng asked questions one after another, making Liang Dachao speechless.

Everyone is confused. Jiang Feng’s slightly offensive accusation is indeed good. As a person with a good head and face, he really shouldn’t try to speculate on others.

“You are so ingenious and unreasonable. Okay, you can play it. As long as you can play a complete song, I will kneel and kowtow for you ten times, shout grandpa three times, and give the’Star of Love’ both hands. Come on.” Liang Dachao was completely angry this time, and Jiang Feng dared to teach him in front of so many people. It was unbearable and unforgivable.

“Wow, you said this yourself. I didn’t force you. Don’t cry if you lose after a while.” Jiang Feng said half-jokingly.

“Haha.” Jiang Feng’s words made Cheng Shaoqing smile.

When is this, still thinking about joking, really a heartless guy.

“Let’s stop talking nonsense, let’s get started, I can’t chase after a word, and I never break my promise.” Liang Dachao promised.

“Okay, then I’ll start.” Jiang Feng stopped grinding, and immediately sat down, then closed his eyes and started brewing.

At this moment, Jiang Feng’s temperament changed again, as if he merged with the Guzheng in front of him, regardless of each other.


Jiang Feng opened his eyes, flashes of brilliant light suddenly appeared, his hands were raised, and the strings moved. Twenty-one strings bounced almost at the same time.

Ding Ding Dong Dong

A wonderful tune sounded, which is more artistic than Qiu Yueer’s “Singing a Fishing Boat Evening”, and more majestic than Liang Dachao’s “Lin Chong Night Run”.

This piece has never been heard before, but it is very nice, better than any guzheng song they have ever heard.

It was like walking into a fairyland, with fairy grass and spirit beasts, mountains and green waters, everywhere there were auspicious elephants, there was no pain, no illness, no parting…all there was just endless happiness.

This is a piece often played by Jiang Feng’s master Wu Muqing. It is called “Xianyou Ji”. It is also Jiang Feng’s most familiar music. It can be said that it is deeply engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten.

If matched with Master’s “Tian Yin”, this song is even more exquisite. When played to the peak, there will be traces of spiritual energy condensed in the body to achieve the purpose of improving cultivation.

It can even assist in breaking through the cultivation base.

I remember that Jiang Feng once entered the illusion of the heart when he broke through. Master used this method to help him get out of the illusion of the heart, so that he can break through successfully.

Now the Jiang wind blew up again, it seemed that the years were flying by, and it seemed like the master’s wonderful sound was still in my ears, and it lasted for a long time.

“Master, I hope that one day, we can see each other again.” Jiang Feng murmured in his heart.

After the song “Xianyou Ji” is played, the remaining sound curls up and lasts for a long time.

For a long time, everyone present was still in silence, silent, and the needle falling could be heard.

It was not until Cheng Shaoqing applauded softly and applauded that the calm was broken.

Everyone also applauded.

This kind of music is beyond the mundane, it’s definitely a voice from outside the sky, it’s so beautiful.

Invisibly, Jiang Feng slapped everyone in the face with his actions.

Seems to hear that crackling sound.

Those who don’t like Jiang Feng and despise Jiang Feng shut their mouths tightly and can’t speak anymore.

Because they have nothing to say.

“Mr. Jiang Feng, you played so well. Today’s Guzheng masters are less than one-tenth of yours. I beg you to accept me as a disciple.” Qiu Yueer’s attitude is extremely respectful, and even her title has found an essential change. .

“Hehe, I’m not a teacher, and I don’t have time to teach you.” Jiang Feng declined her.

A joke, where does he have time to teach people to learn these things? If he has time, it’s better to practice.

“Please think about it again, I really want to learn from you.” Qiu Yueer bowed sincerely.

Seeing that Qiu Yue’er was so sincere, Jiang Feng couldn’t bear to refuse, and said: “Let me think about it. Don’t hold out too much hope. I may not have time.”

Qiu Yue’er was overjoyed and said: “It’s okay, I have time, I can wait.”

Jiang Feng smiled, wait? Can you wait for a hundred years?

But Jiang Feng was unwilling to speak out against Qiu Yue’er.

Everyone has pursuits, as long as persistence is right, no one has the right to intervene and hinder.

“Jiang Feng, I didn’t expect that you would really play the guzheng, and it is so powerful. After listening to your music, listening to other sounds is rubbish, it is tarnishing your ears. Can I ask you to listen to such music again in the future? “Chu Qingqing said.

“That said, I’m really busy, I don’t think I have time.” Jiang Feng said.

“I understand.” Chu Qingqing said: “I will wait too.”

In an instant, Jiang Feng was favored by the two beauties, and such a charm was unmatched.

And Cheng Shaoqing had been staring at Jiang Feng in a daze. The influence of Jiang Feng in her heart was completely overturned at this time, and a Jiang Feng she admired spontaneously emerged.

This kind of worship comes from the heart, without any pretense.

Not only her, but everyone on the scene admired Jiang Feng incomparably at this time. All the disdain and ridicule were swallowed in their stomachs, with complex expressions and unusual entanglements.

The most ugly expression on his face was Liang Dachao. He seemed to have eaten **** and his expression was extremely ugly.

He cannot accept such a result.

How could Jiang Feng play such a piece of music, no matter what it was, it surpassed him a lot in every respect, and even a master like Qiu Yueer was convinced that he wanted to be a teacher.

Undoubtedly, he acknowledged the greatness of Jiang Feng.

And Qiu Yue’er also said that Jiang Feng’s skills are far beyond that of today’s most powerful Guzheng master. It is conceivable that the horror has reached the point.

No matter how he doesn’t believe him now, Liang Dachao is of no avail.

Because the facts are right in front of you.

There is no denying.

Besides, I was too full of words just now, and now I am reaping the rewards.

How to do? You can’t run away as a gangster.

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