City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 476: Offer

"How about this, my lord?" asked Miss Rolgath as her assistant flipped the page on the board.

Immediately, another interior design appeared.

It is rough, without any colors, but as I looked at it. It begins to fill with colors and soon, the entire image comes out of the page.

As it did, I did not see the image, but the entire fifteenth floor in these interiors.

It's an amazing skill. If I didn't have a Vision Projection; I would have desired it.

"It's good. Add it to the list," I said after a few minutes. She nodded and turned to her assistant, who flipped the page once again.

All the interior ideas are based on the current interior theme we have, but we are going to expand it to the whole floor and enhance it.

It had been six days since the legacy had advanced to Grade III and every floor aside from the underground, lobby, and store floors were being renovated.

Temporarily, most of the plants have been moved underground where Mage Irgal and his people taking care of them.

A lot of things have been broken and are being remade.

On every floor, people are working on different parts and among them, not a single person is below level 20. A third of them are over twenty-five.

We need people with a good level for the fast and quality work.

A week had nearly passed, and now there are only two and a half weeks before we open again.

Looking at the pace, they are making progress. We will be ready to open on the founding day.

One by one, I checked all eight designs and turned to Miss Rolgath.

"Make changes to the sixth one; add the color scheme of the third and lightning of the ninth," I said to her.

"I will ready the design by afternoon," she replied. A few minutes later, she left, while I remained thinking.

I stayed in my office for half an hour more before walking out. As I did, I immediately began to hear the sound and soon, saw people everywhere working on different things.

Big changes are happening on the top floor and all around the tower. Including a direct elevator to the roof from the lobby.

We are changing the entire system of the elevator. Bringing a more expensive, but efficient one.

I didn't choose it last time, because it was seven times more expensive to build and just as expensive to manage.

We didn't need that, but we need it now.

I knew I would need it for Grade III, but I thought. It is years away. If I knew it was going to be a little over a month after the opening, I would have chosen this expensive one.

The new system is going to be faster and will take less space. Most importantly, it will be able to ferry a large number without any problem.

It is not just the elevator, I am changing the way people come to the legacy.

Like before, the girls couldn't come through the underground floor. It is going to be a casino. So, we designed a different and more efficient route for them.

I walked around, looking at the changes happening. The people looked at me but didn't bow. I had forbidden it to the people working.

Seeing how many times I came out through the day. It wastes a lot of time of these people and there has been even an accident.

I could watch it with my new skills, but it didn't give me as satisfaction as I get watching with my own eyes.

"Master Silver, it's eleven," said informed Lola. I nodded and turned toward my office. As I reached it; I saw seven people in a waiting room.

I sat down in my chair, and Lola placed the file in front of me. I read through it quickly before turning to her.

"Send the first one," I said to her.


A few seconds later, a woman in her thirties walked in. She is a redhead with pale blue eyes and a round face, that anyone would fall for.

She is a Celah Poots from Namdar. Eva had recommended her.

"Lord Silver," she greeted and bowed impeccably. "Miss Celah, take a seat," I said to the woman.

"Thank you, my lord," she replied and sat down in front of me.

She sat straight, with a small professional smile on her face.

It's hard to sense what she was thinking, but I could see the faint nervousness in her pale blue eyes, which she is trying to hide.

Her eyes are on me, but she also casted a faint glance at Lola from the corner of her eyes.

"Your work is amazing, Miss Poots. In just a decade, you have taken your parent's company to new heights."

Her parent's company was small, but since she took over. She had taken it to a new height; got the contracts, that the small company of her parents would never gotten.

Eva had told me about this woman. How she convinced her to give her company the contract.

"It was a lot of hard work, a good team, and luck, my lord," she replied after a moment of silence.

"You have good things going with your company and will rise even further. So, tell me why you want this job?" I asked her.

She will earn a fraction of what she would at her company. If she gets the job, she will have to give up all that.

"Its legacy, my lord. A chance of a lifetime; I would be able to learn so much here," she replied with her eyes shining.

"Make connections and then leave," I added with my expressions turning serious.

A hesitation appeared on her face before she controlled her expressions.

"Yes," she replied.

Becoming the first one to accept it openly.

I have been interviewing people for a few days and asked the same question. All of them played around with words. They never accepted the fact.

The interview is for the in-house event manager. I would need one now with a legacy occupying the whole sixty-thousand square feet of space.

So much could be done with such a huge space.

I asked her more questions; related to the field, my expressions turning serious with her each answer.

"That is all, Miss Celah," I said to her as answered the last question. "Thank you for your time, Lord Silver," said the woman and left, disappointment flashing in her eyes.

"She is good," said Lola. "She is,", I agreed with a smile appearing on my face.

She is honest and talented and glowing a recommendation from Eva.

Soon, another person came, and then another. All of them are from the empire and came with great recommendations and experience.

Soon, I finished the interviews and rested with my eyes closed. When the door opened, the guard handed Lola an envelope.

"It had come," said Lola, placing the envelope with the emblem of Ranis Tavern.

The old man contacted me two days ago. He kept the details short, even with the secure connection of the synod.

'Caena,' I said to Caena telepathically. I would need her help, to decide on it.


I took the envelope in my hands and tore it open with my nails before taking out the letter.

The letter had a completely different emblem. They just used the old man to send the letter. Which is an offer for the five floors.

I have to say it's good.

They stated what they wanted and what they were willing to give in exchange.

I finished reading it and gave it to Lola.


A minute later, Caena walked over and sat in front of me. Lola handed her the letter.

"What do you think?" I asked. "We should take it," she replied directly. I thought there would be a hesitation or a few seconds of thinking, but there is none.

"They will milk it before it comes to us," I said, and she smiled.

"They won't be able to milk it for over 25%, which is the highest they could. The condition of the master isn't good. He won't be able to milk it over 15% before he dies," she replied.

"The imperials and the merchants won't be happy. They are already lobbying hard." I said.

I am not overestimating their reaction. They really want those five floors for their business.

There are casinos in the city, and they also want the space, but their business is not mature enough compared to the best. The ones who sent the letter are the best on the entire continent.

Onix Halcyon.

Is the legacy casino in Ilden and unofficially, the empire considers them the enemy. They are allied with the kingdom of Geim and provide them arms and other others in their war against the empire.

This is another factor making the negotiations complicated, but they are offering a real prize.

The core.

When a legacy dies; its core is divided into hundreds of parts and goes to different legacies, but if the host willed it. It then goes to a specific legacy.

It is called the first bite.

The specific legacy can absorb the elements they want before releasing the core, which will then be divided into hundreds of parts, which will be divided into the legacies from the world.

There is also milking. A humiliating process that fills my heart with rage.

"Then we will give them so much emotion essence that anger is the last emotion they will feel toward us," she replied. Making Lola surprised.

Now, she will know some secrets; that very few people are aware of.

"How much we could harvest from it if we got the first bite?" I asked her.

The core contains a true essence of legacy. It's precious, but taking the true essence directly is dangerous. It has a vision of an original master, which could corrupt their own vision.

It is why, even when one gets the first bite. They didn't absorb over 1% of it.

Extremely careful. That they wouldn't don't get polluted. It's why many hosts of legacies don't even accept the essence of a deal legacy.

"If we made the right preparations. Then around 6% to 8%," she replied, and I nearly sucked a breath.


Lola did. It might seem much, but it is massive.

She had come to know about a few things. She understood well how much emotion essence the core contains.

Even I didn't dare to believe it and looked at her.

"If we accept their offer, then we will not only take the essence, but the whole legacy, the casino. Absorbing their vision into ours. Which will make harvesting the core much smoother," she replied.

'Witchcraft.' I thought.

It is a concept magic. She explained it to me, and it is a dangerous thing.

Because of her, I know a lot about witchcraft, and I would rather face a powerful mage, than a witch of the same level. They are terrifying.

"So, we should accept it?" I asked once again. "Yes," she replied.

I will need to send people for the negotiations. There are a few things that need to be sorted out.

The question is who to send. Carla and Robin are unavailable. So is Hardt. Arryn is busy with the task, and I would need Valentina in the city.

I could have sent Andria, but she needs to handle the business side of things in Carla's absence, and Varza isn't good enough yet.

That leaves Margaux and Hendriks.

They too are busy with their responsibility, but they will have to do it since I don't trust any other people that are available.

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