City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 460: Battle Ends

"The enemy is retreating from the Greltheaven," informed Shaun.

Finally, I sighed.

We won, but it had been an expensive victory.

Those mercenaries cost a lot, but the witchcraft that Caena had weaved had cost more than that.

Those cannonballs didn't hit those siege towers because they were powerful, and our mages had cleared the way for them.

No, it is because of witchcraft, that Caena took months to weave and cost a fortune to me.

Those spells weren't normal, and they were hidden in the twenty-four pillars of the grand witch spell, that bound me to the establishment.

It's why nobody discovered them. Even the witches, that might come to Greltheaven, wouldn't have discovered them.

It costs a lot, but it's worth it. It had protected my city.

"Ask them to start loading the patients, I want them to leave the city within an hour," I ordered.

We have been making preparations to send the heavily injured back to the Greltheaven to heal.

We have found the carriages and modified them for the risky patients.

It helps, that we had a few soldiers with Carpenter Class. There are even civilians with Carpenter Class in the city.

We have announced that we needed the people of the certain profession and many people have come forward from the civilians.

We found doctors, nurses, and people of needed professions.

It's not become clear yet whether we will be able to keep the city. It will all depend upon the battle at Port Midlet and what the undead do after, but we have started with our work.

"Inform me as soon as goods and men leave the Greltheaven," I added.

There will be soldiers coming to the Panar, while the injured will leave. I had asked Cardin to send them as soon as he can.

We need to have Panar well-defended.

Though it would come at the cost of Greltheaven, it's a risk I have to take. If a large horde or army moved toward Greltheaven, I wouldn't hesitate to abandon Panar.

I have measures prepared, but these measures won't be able to handle a horde more than of two hundred and fifty thousand.

I pushed those thoughts away and got up.

I walked out of the office and silently walked. There was a high security, but as I crossed the hallway, it had become even tighter.

So much, so that even a small communication blockade is set up, and no one is permitted to even take a step out, for any reason.


Soon, I reached the door, and two guards bowed, and Shaun released his spell from the door before opening it.

Maximum precautions needed to be taken. I cannot let the enemies get an air of this.

I entered the room, and Shaun cast another spell, which made everything visible. Especially the man, sleeping on the bed with his eyes closed.

Bronze energy covered him and with every breath he took, it would send a ripple across his body.

The energy is suppressive, but I bore it. I still remember during the awakening process, it was hard for me to stay close to him, but now it only feels suppressive.

It might be because of the level, but I think it's aura.

The bronze energy had covered him the moment he slept. It was fainter at that time, but now it had become denser.

Stone had told me about his condition before sleeping and it was bad.

Three-fourths of his elder blood had been burned in defending against the enemy.

She was one terrifying opponent. If not for him containing her, we would have been retreating now or even dead or captured.

He paid a great price for that.

He seemed to be recovering, which is great news. There was the possibility of his elder blood collapsing because of the damage he had suffered.

It happens when such damage is suffered. Especially by newly awakening.

Fortunately, it is not with Stone.

Though, not everything is great. There is one bad news; we don't know when Stone will wake up.

He could wake up in a few hours, to a few days. He could even take a few weeks. I do not have much information and wish Caena or Bell had been here.

I stayed for a few minutes before walking out with Shaun casting the spells.

We are taking full precautions, with only four people having access to this restricted area.

"The goods and men are leaving for Panar," informed Shaun as we stepped out of a communication blockade.

The preparations were already made. They were only waiting for the enemy to retreat, now that it did. They are sending the goods and the people.

I stayed in my office till it was evening, before getting out.

It is night, and the city is dark. There are a few lights; the undead bastards didn't even maintain the lights.

It's quite cheap. They wouldn't have needed to spend much on it.

The city is silent, aside from the sound of steps made by the patrolling soldiers.

There is no other sound in there.

The civilians were in their houses, and teams of soldiers, along with a few officials, were surveying each house.

They are looking for the state of them. How much food and water do they have? What are their physical and living conditions?

I have also ordered my men to see. If there are people in serious condition and if they are, then take them to the hospital.

We are also asking them about classes and the professions they have, among other things.

Data is necessary for efficient planning. It will help me decide on the things I would need to focus on and how much, I should spend on it.

I will have the data by morning.

Soon, the carriage stopped, and I walked into the hospital. I had come here earlier, but I have come again.

I am worried about my men, and I need them to heal quickly to face any challenges that might come to threaten us.

We had already sent our most serious back to Greltheaven. Those who remained will be recovered by tomorrow and will be joining the battle, if any, enemy attack.

"How are you feeling?" I asked the bandaged young Orc woman as I stopped beside her.

"There is no need," I said, waving my hand, seeing she was trying to get up.

She is quite young and looking at bandages around, she had suffered quite injuries, but not enough to send her back to the city.

"Good, my lord. The healers are taking wonderful care of me. They said I will be ready to fight again by tomorrow," she replied nervously.

"There is no need to think about that. You only need to focus on your recovery," I replied to her and turned to a middle-aged human man beside her.

I talked to a few patients and healers before walking out of the hospital and visited a few more before sitting in my carriage.

On the way, I saw a few groups of soldiers and officials entering the houses.

I even saw a few people moving toward the hospital on the stretcher.

Soon, the carriage stopped, and I walked out and stepped into the city hall.

Soon, I was in my office; I wanted to close my eyes, but I didn't. Even now, I am tired and if I close my eyes for too long, I might fall asleep.

I plan to sleep early today, but before that, I have a few things to do.

"Let's talk to the rest of the people," I said to Shaun and talked to people from lords to governors and other people, I didn't talk in the morning.

I find it tiring, but it needs to be done and needs to be done now.

I could make some calls tomorrow, but I want to finish today. Tomorrow, we might need to escape or there will be so much work that I won't have time.

It took over an hour before I finished speaking with all and focused on the things in front of me.

I might not have the complete information, but I have some and that is enough to start.

"My lord, the battle of Port Midlet has ended," informed Shaun, and my pen stopped on the paper.

I gently put it back with my heart beating wildly and turned to Shaun.

"What is the result?" I asked.

"Port Midlet defended successfully," he replied, and I felt relieved. I hate the bastards' guts, but I needed him to win the battle.

"What is the size of the retreating enemy?" I asked the most important question.

Our next step would depend on the answer to this question.

"They are saying it is less than a hundred thousand," I said and slumped on my chair hard, with relief flooding all over my body.

If it had been more than three hundred thousand. I would have abandoned the city.

Now with a hundred thousand. I didn't have to worry. The undead are unlikely to attack me because I am not the only one here.

There is also Deerpond and, to some degree, even Port Midlet.

Though I know what their losses are in this battle.

It is especially Deepond; it will try to attack the city if they sees the chance. They might not have before, but they will now that I have done it.

They have enough forces to do it. They didn't lose much in battle against us.

'Less than a hundred thousand.' I thought. The bastard is good, reducing their number by nine hundred thousand. It's not a small feat.

"Call General Azalea," I ordered.

Now that I am pretty sure, the city will be ours. It's time we start.

It's going to take a lot of money, but I will forge this city into the shield. That will defend Greltheaven from at least one side.

It took me two and a half hours to finish my meeting with Azalea and talk to a few people. By that time, I had finished; I was thoroughly tired.

Thankfully, I am sleeping. Taking the rest, that I desperately need.

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