
WORLD OF CHUM: Superhuman Entity Report - Diane "Liberty Belle" Williams

PERKS Assessment: Diane Williams (Liberty Belle)

Classified Level: Confidential

I. Power Classification

Gigant: Super Strength

Code: G6/S/P/T

Rationale: Diane Williams, known as Liberty Belle, exhibits tremendous physical strength allowing her to lift extremely heavy objects such as cars, trucks, and firetrucks, and to break concrete pillars. Her strength is categorized as a Gigant trait and is rated 6, indicating significant power. This power affects herself (S), is physical in nature (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

Brain: Super-Proprioception

Code: B5/S/P/T

Rationale: Liberty Belle's advanced proprioception (the ability to tell where one's body is located in physical space), functioning without necessary eyesight and presumably using her vestibular senses, falls under the Brain category. It provides her with an enhanced ability to sense the position, orientation, and movement of her body, even in the absence of visual cues. It is rated at 5 due to its notable utility in combat and navigation, and has proven utility during low-visibility situations such as nighttime raids or fire rescues. The power affects herself (S), is physical (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

II. Power Ranking

Diane's abilities offer formidable capabilities, particularly her super strength which allows her to move heavy objects with ease. Her enhanced proprioception also gives her an edge in close combat situations and when navigating complex environments.

III. Control Rating

Control: 9/10

Diane Williams demonstrates exceptional control over her super strength and super-proprioception. Her decade-long experience in superheroics and her martial arts training ensure she utilizes her powers with precision and restraint when needed.

IV. Hostility Rating

Hostility: 0/10

As the de facto leader of the Delaware Valley Defenders, Liberty Belle maintains a strong sense of justice and responsibility. Though she may have had conflicts with various entities, her intentions remain aligned with the safety of the public and her team.

V. Collateral Damage Potential

Collateral Damage: 4/10

Given Diane's super strength, there's potential for property damage especially when facing formidable adversaries. However, her high control rating and agile fighting style mean she usually avoids causing unnecessary harm. Most of the damage risk would arise from adversaries or from situations where extreme force is necessary.

VI. Overall Threat Level

Threat Level: 3/10

Considering Diane's power ranking, her impeccable control over her abilities, her low hostility rating, and her potential for collateral damage, she is assigned an overall threat level of 3. While her superpowers are potent, her control and dedication to her role as a protector of the public significantly mitigate the potential threats she might pose.

PERKS Assessment Comments for Diane Williams (Liberty Belle)


Officer's Comments: New to the vigilante scene, operating under the pseudonym "Breakout". Demonstrated a raw but commendable desire to uphold justice. Occasionally clashed with local enforcement due to inexperience but no indications of malicious intent. Showed remarkable strength feats, aiding in several critical situations, most notably preventing a bus from falling off a bridge.

-Officer Grayson


Officer's Comments: Officially adopted the "Liberty Belle" moniker, demonstrating a refined approach to her duties. Partnered effectively with local law enforcement several times, notably assisting in evacuating a building during a gas leak. Underwent significant growth both in terms of her powers and her operational maturity. Indicated noted interest in operating as an official Registered Superhuman Entity.

-Officer Grayson


Officer's Comments: Solidified her position as a pillar of the vigilante community in Philadelphia. Took on a leadership role among her peers, especially in the operations of the Delaware Valley Defenders. In 2016, successfully applied for position as Registered Superhuman Entity, buoyed by recommendation from Professor Franklin.

-Officer Grayson


Officer's Comments: Demonstrated an intense commitment to her duties, especially after the tragic loss of Professor Franklin. While her dedication is commendable, there's a growing concern regarding her work-life balance. There were several instances where exhaustion seemed to affect her performance, though no major incidents arose from these situations.

-Officer Grayson


Officer's Comments: No additional comments.

-Officer Grayson


Officer's Comments: Liberty Belle continues to exert herself significantly in her role as the leader of the Delaware Valley Defenders. Reports suggest that she's taking on a substantial amount of the group's responsibilities, possibly to the detriment of her own well-being. While her intentions are noble, there's an increasing worry about the sustainability of her current pace. It might be beneficial for both her and the community if she were to delegate some duties or seek additional support.

-Officer Grayson

Interviewing Officer: Matthew R. Grayson

Date: January 13th, 2023

Civilian Clerk: Emily Hughes

Date: January 13th, 2023


Postcognitive Background Assessment: Diane Williams

Subject: Diane Williams (Aliases: Breakout; Liberty Belle)

Date of Birth: March 17, 1985

Consent: I, Diane Williams, consent to a postcognitive background check by the National Superhuman Response Agency. All findings will be kept confidential and only used for official NSRA purposes.

Background Analysis:

Childhood and Early Development (1985 - 2000):

Born in Baltimore, Diane exhibited leadership qualities from a young age. At the age of 8 (1993), she stood up against a school bully, which solidified her role as a protector. Her mother's death in her early teens instilled in her a strong sense of responsibility, evident in her role as the primary caregiver to her younger brother, Alex Williams.

Academic Years (2001 - 2004):

Diane attended Towson University, pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice (Class of 2008). During her freshman year (2004), she encountered a severe bout of academic and personal stress, leading to temporary withdrawal. This experience humbled her, refining her grit and determination. She re-enrolled the following year.

Superpower Activation Event (2005):

Aged 20, Diane survived a catastrophic subway crash in New York City. Trapped for hours, her powers began to manifest, allowing her to shield herself and others from the crushing weight. This traumatic event intensified her protective instincts and led her to realize her purpose.

Early Vigilante Years as Breakout (2013 - 2015):

After eight years of honing her powers and skills, Diane officially became a licensed vigilante under the alias "Breakout" in 2013. She had been operating under this alias, referring to a "brick breaking" video game she enjoyed during her youth, for several years, outside the purview of the law. Her vigilantism was marked by a robust physical approach, using her newfound powers to shield innocent citizens from harm. However, her approach was sometimes seen as rash and reckless, leading her to seek guidance from elder mentors in her community.

Mentorship with Professor Franklin (2013 - 2017):

Diane's mentorship under Professor Franklin (Jeffery Brown) was transformative. A significant moment was in 2015 when he suggested the name change to "Liberty Belle," reflecting her protective and nurturing nature more than her brute strength. Professor Franklin's death in 2017 was a turning point, deeply affecting her psyche.

NSRA Registration and Delaware Valley Defenders (2016 - Present):

In 2016, Diane became a Registered Superhuman Entity, joining the Delaware Valley Defenders. As Liberty Belle, her sense of responsibility amplified, not just towards the public but her team members as well.

Recent Challenges and Health Diagnosis (2021 - 2023):

The stomach cancer diagnosis in 2021, presumably caused by an encounter with the supervillain known as [REDACTED], brought her mortality to the forefront. This situation reinforced her drive to make every moment count, intensifying her work ethic and determination to uphold justice.


Diane Williams, or Liberty Belle, represents an amalgamation of natural leadership, a nurturing nature, profound trauma, and steely determination. Her formative years have been marked by responsibility, loss, and resilience. Recent challenges, especially her health diagnosis, amplify these traits. For optimal functionality, providing her with adequate support, both emotionally and physically, is essential.

Abridged timeline of important inflection points:

March 17, 1985: Diane Williams is born in Baltimore, Maryland.

August 6, 1993: At the age of 8, Diane confronts a school bully, becoming known as a protector among her peers. She receives one day of in-school suspension for giving him a nosebleed.

October 13, 1999: Martha Williams, Diane's mother, passes away from complications related to diabetes.

June 12, 2003: Diane graduates from Patterson High School, receiving an award for community service.

August 27, 2003: Diane enrolls in Towson University, majoring in Criminal Justice.

April 7, 2004: Diane undergoes a severe bout of depression. She temporarily withdraws from college after a failed relationship with a fellow student named Eric Carter. She does not seek therapy.

January 24, 2005: Diane returns to Towson University, becoming active in the student community and volunteering for various causes.

November 3, 2005: Diane survives a subway crash in New York City. This traumatic event activates her superhuman abilities.

December 17, 2005: Diane undergoes her first therapy session, in order to cope with post-traumatic stress from the subway crash.

June 2, 2008: Diane graduates from Towson University, having made the Dean's List in her final year. With a schedule free of schooling events, she turns her eye towards vigilantism, adopting the name "Breakout".

June 12th, 2008: Diane moves to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

July 27, 2010: Diane encounters Professor Franklin for the first time during an underground superhuman event. They begin their mentor-mentee relationship.

June 14, 2013: Diane receives her vigilante license.

October 4, 2015: Under Professor Franklin's recommendation, Diane changes her alias to "Liberty Belle."

March 21, 2016: Diane registers as a superhuman entity with the NSRA.

April 5, 2016: Diane officially joins the Delaware Valley Defenders.

December 19, 2017: Professor Franklin is killed, deeply affecting Diane and causing a hiatus from her vigilante duties for several weeks.

February 14, 2018: Diane starts a short-lived romantic relationship with a fellow team member from the Delaware Valley Defenders's Maryland branch, Mark "Silver Strike" Ramirez, which ends by mutual agreement in April.

May 27, 2021: Diane is diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, allegedly caused by the supervillain [REDACTED].

June 7, 2021: Diane begins her first round of chemotherapy.

September 16, 2021: Diane receives commendation from the NSRA for bravery in the face of personal adversity.

February 2, 2023: Diane's latest medical report suggests that her condition has stabilized, but prognosis remains unchanged.

February 21, 2023: Diane's background report is updated by the NSRA post-cognitive team, with the contribution of her personal psychiatrist.


Postcognitive-RSE#3012 (Nancy "Think Twice" Smitters, temporal vision)

Postcognitive-RSE#4286 (Oscar "Farce" Mitchell, historical reliving)

Postcognitive-RSE#5451 (Lauren "Backtrack" Kim, retrocognitive trance)

Empath-RSE#7210 (Daniel "Heartwave" Torres, affective echo)

Analyst-RSE#6592 (Dr. Elisa "Scrutinizer" Brooks, behavioral dissection)

Assessment Date: December 12, 2016

Updated: February 21, 2023

Authorization: NSRA Executive Committee.

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