Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 98: Explosive Reveal

Expect the unexpected.

Always be vigilant!

Always be prepared!

Those were some of the things Aunt Zaira used to remind me when I was younger. She taught me to always be ready and to never let my guard down. But on that day, I never thought I’d ever do something I never expected to do. Ever.


The audience of Anatoli Stadium cheered as we made our way to the arena. They were cheering for the team they supported, boosting the morale of the participants.

It was the sixth day of the Grand Academy Games, and at the moment, it was the finals of the Capture the Flag Event. Our team was against Retoulis Royal Academy, with the current points of one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. Meanwhile our team, Praiji Imperial Academy, currently had ten less points, something I was actually dreading. With how things were going, we needed to win all the remaining events to come out as champions.

Well, we did have a plan.

After a short introductory speech, as well as the explanation of rules, we were given thirty minutes to make some touches to our plans and get ourselves situated to our respective posts. Of course, I was a vanguard, so my duty was to charge inside enemy lines and try to take out the captain or get the flag.

“Luna.” Senior Trent called. “I leave Prince Andrei in your hands.”

I nodded my head and started heading to my post. On our side Torii, Senior Daniel and I were the ones who would charge into enemy lines. Our job was to either take down the captain (Senior Andrei) or get the flag. Our outer defenses were Seniors Trent and George. They are to intercept with the incoming enemy vanguards. Lastly, Senior Anastasia and Freya were set to protect the flag for those that would slip past Seniors Trent and George.

I was assigned to face Senior Andrei because I asked for it. I wanted to confront him for everything he had done, as well as ask him about the name he once said; Hilda Hysi.

From the name, I could already guess that whoever ‘Hilda Hysi’ was, she was related to Luna. Was she an aunt? Or a grandmother? Or a distant cousin? I did not know. But I was about to find out.


The event had started! Senior Daniel, Torii and I immediately bolted towards enemy territory. Once inside, I immediately locked unto a familiar magic signature; Senior Andrei and followed it.

I couldn’t help but be suspicious as I easily slipped past their defenses. It was as if they were expecting me to target Senior Andrei and they wouldn’t even stop me.

I stopped behind a boulder. Not far from me was the platform where Retoulis’ flag was placed and at the foot of said platform was Senior Andrei, manning the inner defenses.

“You’re here.” said Senior Andrei all of a sudden and looked at my direction. “I already guessed you’d be coming for me, so I prepared myself.”

-He already knew?

I stepped out of my hiding spot and faced him.

“How did you know?” I asked, looking at him skeptically, my twin swords on my hands.

“A strategist’s job is to see the enemy’s weakness and use it to their advantage. That and planning a few steps ahead of my opponents.” he answered with a smile on his face. “Now then, I suppose you will be confronting me yourself while one of your friends distract the rest of my team? And then another one will pop up and lunge for the flag.”

I stiffened on where I stood my hands were gripping my swords really hard.

-He had us figured out, but even if he did we will still be winning the event.

“Senior Andrei,” I called. “Who is Hilda Hysi?”

I saw him stiffen at the mention of the name. He probably did not expect I’d be remembering it. But then he smiled a lopsided one.

“Why don’t you defeat me and find out?” he said. “I’ll even throw in something about the Spirit Ball.”

I had the feeling that Hilda Hysi was an important figure to me, or at least to my life as Luna Hysi, the same thing with the Spirit Ball he kept mentioning.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

I immediately got into a defensive stance, coating my body with energy. With my Spirit Eyes, I saw magic energy pool around Senior Andrei.

-He’s casting enhancement magic. Should I use my elemental control to fight him?

I lunged at Senior Andrei, bringing my blade down at his direction. All of a sudden, he was already a few meters away from me, dodging my attack. Next, he swung his fist, in which I noticed was strengthened by magic. I successfully dodged it but my eyes widened when it made a sizeable crater at where the fist landed.

Suddenly, his hand was thrust in my direction and I felt myself go weak.

-Damn it, he’s using his magic to weaken me!

Support mages could effectively do two things; strengthen someone or weaken someone.

-Not on my watch.

I let my aura flare, coating my body in thick energy. I’m not sure if it was visible to the rest of the people but to those who could I’m pretty sure they’d think I was getting coated by bluish-white flames.

I willed the energy to harden then charge at Senior Andrei. I kicked him in the head which immediately stopped him from casting his magic. I coated my sword with fox flames and dashed towards Senior Andrei. He was a little disoriented with the hit on his head but he was perfectly aligned to the flag, so I planned on taking him out the same time as the flag. I took the shot.

I brought down my swords which immediately sent a blade of energy towards Senior Andrei, but he evaded it. On the bright side, I did manage to chop the platform into two. But that we never got the chance to be awed nor to celebrate.

Just as my attack hit the platform, the ground shook and explosions were heard simultaneously. From what I could tell, the explosions happened both inside and outside the city.

I met Senior Andrei’s gaze and he was looking at me skeptically, as if asking me if it was me.

“It wasn’t me.”

The sound of bells was then heard; the warning bell when there’s an attack. I could hear people panic as more explosions were heard.

“Announcement, the city is under attack civilians please remain calm and remain in Anatoli Stadium. Guards, the stadium will be on lockdown. Make sure that nobody goes in or out without authorization. Participants, head to your assigned rooms and receive your instructions.” the event’s host announced, quelling the fear of those inside the stadium.

“Looks like we will not be seeing a conclusion with our fight.” Senior Andrei suddenly said with a disappointed look on his face.

“I nicked the flag. That means our team wins.” I retorted. “Once this is all over, let’s resume our fight.”

He did not answer but instead just smiled. We started walking towards our respective exits and headed to our assigned rooms. On my way there, I managed to take a glance at the balcony where Emperor Ivan, Aunt Zaira, Sun Wukong and a few important officials were seated. I could see Aunt Zaira whisper something to the emperor then glanced at Sun Wukong. Once their gazes met, Wukong left in a flash.

All of a sudden, I met Aunt Zaira’s gaze and she motioned for me to proceed inside. I just nodded my head and continued walking. When I arrived to where we were usually on standby my teammates were already there with Senior Leo and Professor Tresde.

Professor Tresde motioned for me to line up with my team then said:

“Listen up team. Azte City is under attack, we’re being mobilized.”

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