Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 109: The Space Between Us

Elthesia looked at me skeptically, eyeing me from head to toe.

“What?” I questioned, a little uncomfortable at her stare.

“And how will you achieve that exactly? Won’t you be a little busy? You have studies, training and all. How will you have time to search and collect for your tails?” she asked pointedly.

“I’ll get there. I will graduate and become stronger than I am now. Strong enough that this body will not break once it receives my tails. And then I will hunt for my tails and face my foes.”

“It’ll take too long. If you stick to studying in the Imperial Academy to become strong, it’ll take too long.”

“No. I’ll train any moment I have.”

She suddenly sighed and shook her head. Disbelief? Disappointment? I wasn’t really sure.

“What if there is a faster way for you to become strong? A faster way for you to collect your tails? A faster way for you to become a Colored Monarch? But in return, you’ll have to leave the life you currently have?”

I was a little confused at my sister’s words. I was hoping she’d give me one hell of some training so I could become strong. There was no one else in Praiji I could ask to be my teacher on that, only her. A way to become strong? But I had to leave?

-I can’t leave my friends. And what the hell is a Colored Monarch?

“First off, what’s a Colored Monarch?” I asked my sister, confusion pretty much obvious in both my face and voice.

“They’re the strongest in Afasia. Or at least in the mortal realm. But their powers can rival that of the Celestials’ and even the demons. A bunch of shadow leaders that manipulate the course of history in the background.”

“I thought that was you.” I pointed out.

“Pfft. I’m not the only one. But with the war against the demons getting closer, they will probably be resurfacing, fight in the frontlines and stake their claims in this world.”

I nodded my head in understanding. They sounded pretty cool, it made me want to somehow join their ranks.

-Being recognized as a Colored Monarch, I have to be one of the strongest. But-

“Can’t you just train me yourself?” I suggested. “I mean, you know what you’re doing. Plus, as you said, I have a life and my friends here. I can’t just leave. We promised each other that we’ll be together every step of the way!”

“I see.” she replied with such a look of melancholy. “How about a sparring session with me, Luna?”

-She’s seriously still going to call me that? Fine. I do know names have power and the Celestials might find me prematurely.

“At this time of the night? People are asleep you know. They might wake up in panic, thinking they’re getting attacked again.”

“Not here, dumbass.” she scoffed. “We both know the two of us going all out will be more than just a mere disturbance.”


“Why do you suddenly want to have a sparring session with me?” I asked, a little curious at the sudden offer.

“It’s been a long time since we fought each other in a mock battle. I want to see how much you’ve improved for the last few months. I want to see the current space between us, between our powers and abilities.” she answered, flashing a rather sweet smile.

I knew that smile. It was her ‘I-have-plans-on-ruining-you’ smile. It sent shivers up my spine and just shook my head to get my disturbed imagination out of my head.

“Sure. But where are we having it?”

“In the Celestine Territory of course. No one would mind and no one would stop us.”

“Point taken.”

“Do you want to change or something?”

I looked at my clothes, it was the same clothes I wore while wandering around the city that morning. It wasn’t an outfit suited for battles, but I liked it because I could move freely in it.

“Nah, I’m good. Just let me get Vyfal. My legs might give up after our mock battle. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be carried like a sack of potatoes by you again.”

Elthesia only laughed and shook her head.


Elthesia and I were in a clearing somewhere in the forest of the Celestine Territory. It was our usual training area; away from the villages therefore we would not be troubling any villagers.

I had my dual swords out and was in a defensive position. My gaze was locked on Elthesia who was standing a few feet away from me. On her hand was a mage’s staff and I could feel magical energy swirl around her.

Elthesia and I had the same type of power. Well sort of. She had a very large reserve of mana and could manipulate magical energy as she wished, which was why she could cast any type of magic. It was the reason she was called a sorceress rather than a mage.

Meanwhile, I could manipulate energy itself, the one inside me and the one around me, bending it to my will, aiding me in my battles. There was also the manifestation of that power into Fox Fire, a technique to use energy in its purest form.

Almost everything I knew about how to fight came from Elthesia, both as Nyxtriel and Luna, so I wasn’t sure if I could actually win against her.

-But there’s no harm in trying.

No one moved for a few seconds, until I did the first one. I threw a ball of fox fire towards my sister, but she evades it with swift movements. She then lunges at me, swinging her staff in my direction. I parried her staff with my swords and attempted to kick her but she stopped my leg and instead threw me to the edge of the clearing.

I groaned as I got up from the tree I was thrown at, checking if I did not break a bone or something.

But before I could even get my full bearings, I was barraged by elemental attacks; fire, lightning, ice, water, etc.

-She’s truly the strongest magic user in the continent!

I was amazed at Elthesia’s sheer power and skill. There was currently no one could pull off such an attack. It was one of the things that made her stand atop the magic wielders of Afasia.

I did not want to get hit, so I ran around the clearing, dodging the spells and parrying some once one got too close. Dust obscured my vision and I couldn’t find where she was. I got down to one knee and used the energy within the earth to track her, kind of like the earth spell Radar, only I was using energy rather than magic.

-That’s strange…

I couldn’t find her!

All of sudden, I felt something above me. But it was too late. I couldn’t run away. I couldn’t even parry the attack. Elthesia came at me with a flaming fist, hitting me square in the face. The blow rattled me in the head, enough for black spots to swarm my vision.

I crumpled to the ground, on the verge of unconsciousness.

In the state of my consciousness slowly slipping away, I swore I heard her say; “Dang it little sister, you have too much things to learn.”

And then darkness.



Hey! Just an announcement! I will be changing the publishing schedule from [former] 00:00(GMT+8) to [new] 12:00(GMT+8) starting on Wednesday. Hope you don’t mind.



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