Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 101: Demon Army and a Battlefield

“How is the evacuation going?” I heard Aunt Zaira ask someone.

“We have evacuated most of the residents of the city. Those who are in Anatoli Stadium are being transported to a safe camp as we speak.”

“Good. And the military?”

“They have been mobilized and have surrounded the city.”

“Put more soldiers in the southern gate just in case.”

“Yes your excellency!”

I heard footsteps and it stopped just behind me.

“How is it Luna, have you traced them?”

I opened my eyes and shook my head. I then said; “No, I couldn’t find anything.”

After she ordered the evacuation of the city, Aunt Zaira asked me to locate whoever was powering up the Transport Gate, which meant I need to find that dark room where eight cloaked mages were doing a ritual around a mini-sized Azte City.

Unfortunately, those mages had eluded me; I couldn’t find where they are. I’m pretty sure they were somewhere in the city though, they had to be since they were casting a spell in it.

“Then we can only ready ourselves.” I could only nod in agreement. It was actually our only choice at the moment.

Minutes later, the sound of a horn echoed in the city. Usually, such a sound wouldn’t be heard at the bustling capital, but it was loud and clear since only a few people were actually present. It only meant one thing; the Transport Gate had been activated and the capital of Praiji Empire had been breached.

<”Luna!”> I heard Vyfal yell through our bond. <”The demons are here!”>

I immediately made my way upwards and perched myself on the top of a building. I watched as what we believed to be the first wave of the demon army arrived.

I couldn’t explain it but all of a sudden, I felt extreme anger towards the demons. I wasn’t sure if it was because they were the lesser descendants of the Devil Clan of the Celestial Realm or the fact that demons had been messing up with my life ever since I awoke in the mortal realm. Or maybe it was both?

I watched as the first line of defense made by the army steeled themselves and intercepted the incoming demon army.

-Azte has now become a battlefield.

From the far back, I could see Aunt Zaira launch spells towards the demons. As we discussed a while ago, she would be supporting the soldiers at a distance and administer healing to whoever gets injured. At the same time, she coordinated with a group of healers for the supplies of medicine and reinforcement potions. Beside her was Sun Wukong who stood as her guard as she focused on attacking the enemy.

Well, there was a far-fetched ‘theory’ that there might be a traitor within our side so they placed guards on every important member of Praiji Empire. Too much? Better safe than sorry.

From behind her was Emperor Ivan himself who was personally giving orders to his soldiers. It took a lot of convincing and screeching within the nobles and military officers, but the emperor convinced them that he should be defending his land against his enemies, not cower behind his soldiers.

Him coordinating the attacks and part of making strategies was a condition Aunt ZAaira placed to assure those who were against it that he would be safe. His guards consisted of the commander of the Imperial Knights; Dean Hultir and one of the Four Guardians of Praiji; Kurt Faero. To my surprise, Senior Andrei joined in making the strategies. He arrived when they were deciding who would be making the strategies. To my surprise, both the emperor, Commander Hultir and Aunt Zaira vouched for him.

-I have to know about his connection to them later.

I was also supposed to be fighting, but I was placed as a back-up rather than at the frontlines, to my dismay.

Well, back-up would be an understatement; me and the most of my teammates from the G.A. games, plus Kai, were supposed to face any demons that would slip past the soldiers in the front. We were the last line of defense before any enemy could reach the army that was protecting Aunt Zaira and the emperor.

I immediately returned to where I was stationed and was met with Senior Trent and Daniel who already had their weapons drawn.

A while ago, we were given the chance to leave and join the evacuation or to stay and face the demons. Of course I stayed, I wouldn’t miss the chance of getting back to the demons. To my surprise, most of my teammates stayed as well, even Freya who was ordered by her father to join the evacuation.

“This is my opportunity to prove to him that I am not as inferior as he thinks I am. I will take it.”

Was what she said. Well, she had a determined look on her face, so we just supported her.

The one who was unable to join us was Torii. She was a little upset about it, but Aunt Zaira said;

“If something ever happens to me, it will be your duty to tell Edmund and Eliza. You are already aware of your duties as the third young miss of the Celestine Family, you have to do it.”

Torii gave a reluctant nod and joined the army that was in-charge of leading the evacuation. As for what Aunt Zaira said, I had no idea.

Just as the battle got heated and was about to hit its climax, I felt a shift in the atmosphere and the air suddenly became suffocating. An oppressive presence joined the battle and I couldn’t help but freeze on the spot.

-It’s him.

A scene suddenly played in my mind. It was a very unusual piece of memory, after all I did not remember ever having it.

I was watching a village burn. From the fire, people were running around, they were either fleeing or running away from someone, no, something. Creatures that resembled the demon army soldiers that were attacking Praiji; a dark brown skin with hooves for feet, claws or talons for hands, a pair of sharp horns on their head, blood red eyes and a forked tail behind them, they were killing the people from the burning village, bathing their weapons in blood.

-This is… Luna’s village.

I saw a scene once, when I got accidentally dragged into a part of Luna’s memory while I was inside Freya’s mindscape. It was the same, except in that memory, I didn’t see demons, only the fire.

But then everything went black and a pair of yellow eyes stared at me.

“-una! LUNA!” I felt a sting on my face and I saw Freya looking at me with surprisingly worried eyes.

-Wait, this scene is familiar…

“What are you doing? Why were you in a daze?” she asked, her voice both concerned and annoyed.

“I-I- Freya, I can feel that guy’s presence.”

“’That guy?’”

“The yellow-eyed demon in my memories.”

Her eyes widened and took a step back, obviously surprised.

“Are you sure?”

“I am.”

“You have to tell the archduchess. That guy- That guy’s bad news! You have to-“

“What’s wrong with you two?” Kai suddenly asked, stopping Freya from going hysterical.

“I need to talk to the archduchess.” I responded, my voice urgent.

“Not like I can stop you.” he leaned closer and then whispered. “She is your aunt.”

I just shrugged my shoulders and immediately headed to Aunt Zaira.

“That guy’s here.” she gave me a questioning look, basically asking me to elaborate. “That yellow-eyed bastard who killed my parents.”

Somehow, saying those words went easy in my mouth. It was as if, I was really talking about my own parents.

“Luna, you’re not ready. You’re not strong enough.”

“How are you sure about it?” I retorted, a little edgy already.

“Intuition, and it has never failed me.”

I pursed my lips, unable to find a reply.

“Are you thinking of revenge? It will get you nowhere you know.” she said, as if giving an advice. Well, it was an advice.

“How would you know?!”

“Been there, done that. But, you’re already mature enough to decide for yourself. I suppose the best way for you to see is to experience it.”

I could only raise an eyebrow in confusion.

-What is she trying to say?

“Do what you wish. Your power will at least ensure you’ll live.”

I was a little miffed that she was being cryptic but I took that as some sort of a ‘go’ signal, and dashed to the frontlines. I had a specific demon to confront.



Extra long one for the 100th chapter! Thank you for the readers that are supporting this ! Please don't stop and I look forward to be with you guys until the end!

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