Chongfei Manual

Chapter 157

Chapter: 157.1 out of 171

Many noble women had come to Duke Ying’s residence to attend old madam’s birthday banquet today. If Wei Bao Shan went to the reception pavilion and the guests saw her like this, she would certainly be ridiculed by other people.

If this weren’t true, Wei Luo wouldn’t have allowed her to go there.

Wasn’t Wei Bao Shan hoping to curry favor with the rich and powerful in hopes of advancing her social status and marrying someone from a good family? Wei Luo wanted to see. What were the chances that a madam would be interested in Wei Bao Shan as a daughter-in-law after seeing her like this?

When Wei Bao Shan arrived at the reception pavilion, second madam was speaking to Marquis Xin Yang’s wife. She was enjoying their discussion quite a bit. Second madam personally brewed a teapot of bi luo chun (a type of green tea grown in Dong Tian Mountain region), poured a cup of tea, and pushed the cup in front of Marquis Xin Yan’s wife. “I heard that a new temple has been built outside of the capital. How about going there to donate money on another day?”

Marquis Xin Yan’s wife picked up the teacup that had a pattern made with varying shades of grey glaze. Just as she was about to nod, she heard a collective gasping sound in the reception pavilion. She turned her head to look in that direction.

(T/N: Below is a picture of a teacup with that type of grey glaze.)

Wei Bao Shan had appeared at the entrance and she cut a sorry figure. Her cheeks were red and swollen and her hair was an unsightly mess. With red eyes, she walked to second madam Song-shi‘s side, curtsied and called out, “Mother.”

Second madam’s face changed colors. She felt as if Wei Bao Shan had caused her to completely lose face. “Who told you to come here? Why do you look like this?”

The surrounding madams started whispering. Even Marquis Xin Yan’s wife furrowed her eyebrows and put down the teacup she had recently picked up.

Second Madam Song-shi naturally didn’t miss her minute actions. She had finally succeeded in having a closer relationship with Marquis Xin Yan’s wife. She naturally couldn’t let Wei Bao Shan ruin everything at the last minute. Song-shi‘s expression became stern and she scolded her, “Haven’t I properly taught you? Why haven’t you even learned a small degree of propriety? Look at your clothing. Should you be coming out here and letting other people see you like? And your face, what’s happened with it?” As she spoke, her eyebrows furrowed.

Song-shi looked very dissatisfied as she continued, “That woman from outside probably didn’t properly teach you. But since you entered this household, you have to follow the rules of a duke’s household. Otherwise you’ll damage the duke’s family’s reputation when you go out.”

When the other madams heard these words, they suddenly realized. So, she was a daughter from an outside mistress. Everything made sense now.

Wei Bao Shan tightly bit her bottom lip and slowly said, “Mother, please calm down. Bao Shan came here to ask for forgiveness.”

Song-shi was very disdainful of her to begin with. When she heard the words, “ask for forgiveness”, she immediately felt annoyed. “What have you done?”

Wei Bao Shan said, “I…”

“Second Madam.” Jin Lu passed through entranced, saluted second madam, and said, “Miss Bao Shan had spoke rudely and offended Princess Consort Jing. The princess consort ordered this servant to teach Miss Bao Shan a lesson.”

Not only was Wei Luo previously Duke Ying’s family’s fourth miss, she was currently Prince Jing’s dearest person. Her position was incomparably higher than Wei Bao Shan’s. Wei Bao Shan, a daughter born from an outside mistress, had dared to offend Princess Consort Jing? Second madam fiercely glared at Wei Bao Shan. She was truly fed up with this girl to the core of her bones. Second madam asked Jin Lu, “Is Ah Luo okay?”

Jin Lu raised her eyes and glanced at Wei Bao Shan. She slowly said, “The princess consort was extremely angered by Miss Bao Shan. She’s currently resting in Pine Courtyard.”

Second madam hurriedly said, “It’s my fault that Ah Luo suffered a grievance. I was negligent in my discipline. I’ll go over there to apologize to Wei Luo later.”

Having explained everything, Jin Lu turned around and withdrew from the reception pavilion.

Second madam was infuriated by Wei Bao Shan, but it wouldn’t be good for her explode in anger in front of the other madams. She only angrily said, “Hmph! Why are you still standing here? Return to your room.”

Wei Bao Shan’s eyes were filled with glistening tears of humiliation. She bit her lip before turning around and rushed out.

Just as she had run to a verandah, she collided against a man wearing a sapphire blue robe embroidered with branches of flowering chrysanthemum. She hurriedly apologized and ran away with a tearful face.


Wei Luo was indeed resting at Pine Courtyard. But, it wasn’t because she was angered by Wei Bao Shan’s words.

She was currently in a great mood and talking with Liang Yu Rong. Liang Yu Rong had recently made several sets of clothing for babies. She had made little tops, little shoes, and little jackets for both genders. She had even prepared diapers. Wei Luo was stunned as Liang Yu Rong showed her these items.

Liang Yu Rong fiddle with small clothing as she said, “I calculated the time. My baby will be born in winter. I need to prepare more thick clothing.”

Wei Luo picked up a small crimson embroidered jacket to look. It was very small piece of clothing. She could almost imagine a baby wearing this jacket. She felt slightly envious and in a jealous tone asked, “How do you know if it’ll be a boy or a girl? These are mostly clothing for a girl. What will you do if you give birth to a boy?”

Liang Yu Rong didn’t mind. She said with a smile, “If it’s a baby boy, then I’ll just give birth to a daughter in the future.” She was already looking obviously pregnant. She straightened her back as she sat on the arhat couch. Her reasoning made sense. “Big brother Chang Yin wants a daughter. He prepared most of these clothes. Even if I don’t give birth to a daughter this time, we said that we would definitely have one in the future.”

Wei Luo puffed up her cheeks and pushed the small jacket back into Liang Yu Rong’s hand. “You’re not afraid of exhausting yourself by having so many children.”

Liang Yu Rong knew that Wei Luo was just expressing sour grapes and didn’t lower herself to argue with her. She looked around and seeing that there wasn’t anyone around, she asked in Wei Luo’s ear, “Ah Luo… have you thought about seeing a doctor?”

Wei Luo froze for a moment and thought of Wei Bao Shan’s words. “A hen that can’t lay eggs.” Her expression immediately turned ugly.

Liang Yu Rong thought she was angry and hurriedly explained, “Don’t take it the wrong way. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that…” She spent a long time trying to figure out the words to say, but she couldn’t think of anything. She let out a sigh and held Wei Luo’s hand as she said, “Ah Luo, you’ve already been married to Prince Jing for half a year and there hasn’t been a hint of pregnancy. Perhaps, it’s not your problem, but Prince Jing’s problem?”

It wasn’t that Wei Luo hadn’t thought about this problem before. But, she didn’t dare to face this problem and kept avoiding this issue. She continued to think that a child would come when it was the right time. After all, she and Zhao Jie were both very normal and didn’t have signs of illnesses. However, now that Liang Yu Rong had brought this up, she had to face this problem.

Could there really be something wrong with her body?

Wei Luo contemplated for a while and didn’t hear a single word that Liang Yu Rong said afterwards.

Chapter: 157.2 out of 171

Fifteen minutes later, a servant girl wearing a pink jacket and skirt came inside and said, “First Young Madam, First Young Master came here to bring you back.”

This room had been Wei Luo’s room when she was an unmarried girl. It wouldn’t be good for Wei Chang Yin to enter this room, so he waited outside near the doorway.

Liang Yu Rong hurriedly put down the clothes in her hands and walked outside.

Wei Luo followed behind Liang Yu Rong. She was slightly surprised when she saw the elegant and handsome man standing outside. Wei Chang Yin’s leg had mostly recovered and he could freely walk around.

He was currently standing underneath a locust tree in the courtyard. The flower petals fell from the tree with a faint rustling sound and onto his shoulders. He looked towards the doorway and faintly smiled when he met Wei Luo’s line of sight. He turned his gaze towards Liang Yu Rong and said, “You already spent enough time outside. You should go back and rest.”

After Liang Yu Rong became pregnant, Wei Chang Yin would closely watch after her. Liang Yu Rong had a careless and excitable personality, so Wei Chang Yin couldn’t be blamed for feeling worried. There was a set schedule of when she could go out each day. As soon as the time arrived, she had to go back to their room to rest.

Although Liang Yu Rong said Wei Chang Yin was too controlling, her heart felt very happy and sweet. What woman wouldn’t want to be watched over by her husband like this? The more he managed her life, the more it showed that he cared for her.

Liang Yu Rong reached Wei Chang Yin in a few steps and wrapped her arms around his neck. She said, “Ah Luo is here today. Can’t I spend more time talking to her?”

Wei Chang Yin smiled rather helplessly, “Today is already an hour later than yesterday.” The implication was that he had already extended the deadline.

Wei Luo didn’t put Wei Chang Yin in a difficult position. She smoothed things over by saying, “That’s good. I have to leave soon too. I’ll come back on another day to visit Yu Rong.”

Shortly after Wei Chang Yin and Liang Yu Rong left, Wei Chang Hong returned to Pine Courtyard.

Wei Luo was currently lying underneath a Chinese parasol tree in the courtyard and enjoying the cool air. Wei Chang Hong was wearing an indigo robe today. He walked to Wei Luo’s side and furrowed his eyebrows as he asked, “Ah Luo, I heard that Wei Bao Shan offended you.”

Wei Luo opened her eyes. Seeing that it was Chang Hong, she sat up and said, “How did you find out about this?”

Wei Chang Hong said, “I heard the servants speaking about it. There was a huge fuss when second aunt wanted to punish Wei Bao Shan. Everyone in the residence knows about this.”

Second aunt had an irritable temperament. She had dislike Wei Bao Shan from the beginning. Now that Wei Bao Shan had caused her to lose face in front of other people, she naturally wouldn’t let her off. The second branch’s courtyard was probably in a panic-stricken and chaotic state. Wei Luo didn’t find this matter strange at all. She shifted slightly to the side to give Chang Hong space to sit down. “She spoke disrespectfully to her superior. I already had Jin Lu discipline her.”

Wei Chang Hong didn’t sit down. After considering for a moment, he turned around and headed out of Pine Courtyard. “I’ll tell second uncle about this and have her driven out of this household.”

Wei Luo wasn’t able to stop him. She watched as he walked farther and farther away.

If second uncle could be easily persuaded, second aunt wouldn’t have ended in a stalemate with him originally. Their second uncle was usually very agreeable, but once he became stubborn about something, he was very stubborn. Wei Cheng felt a deep affection for his deceased outside mistress and was very fond of that woman’s daughter. If they wanted Wei Bao Shan to leave Duke Ying’s household, the only option was marrying her off sooner rather than later.

As for whom she would marry, that was very negotiable.


Zhao Jie had also heard about Wei Bao Shan offending Wei Luo. He didn’t ask Wei Luo any questions. Instead, he directly looked for Second Master and told Second Master Wei Chen to properly disciple his daughter. Wei Cheng was terrified by his powerful aura and didn’t say a single word in Wei Bao Shan’s defense. He repeatedly nodded and promised that he would properly disciple Wei Bao Shan. He even said that he would bring Wei Bao Shan over to apology to Wei Luo.

Zhao Jie calmly said, “No need. Ah Luo doesn’t want to see her.”

Wei Cheng started another round of apologies. Although Zhao Jie had married Wei Luo and was Wei Cheng’s junior in the family hierarchy, Wei Cheng wasn’t able to stand up against Zhao Jie at all. Honestly, it would already be good enough if he didn’t tremble in Zhao Jie’s presence.


After they returned to Prince Jing’s residence, Wei Luo single-mindedly thought about Liang Yu Rong’s words and remained distracted even during dinner.

Zhao Jie used his chopsticks to add a slice of fish in cream sauce to the small plate in front of her that had a pattern of peony flowers and lightly rapped her head with his other hand. “What are you thinking about? Didn’t you say you wanted to eat sliced fish in cream sauce? I specially had the chef learn how to make this dish. Try it.”

Wei Luo ate a bite of the soft and velvety fish. Zhao Jie had already removed the bones in the fish before putting it on her plate. It tasted deliciously creamy. Normally, a person would want to eat another bite after trying the first piece. However, Wei Luo wasn’t interested in food right now. She only ate a little bit of the meal before putting down her chopsticks and bowl and saying, “I’m full. I’m going to go take bath. Big brother, your should eat more.”

Zhao Jie stopped eating and watched Wei Luo’s back figure as she left.


Inside the cleansing room, Wei Luo entered the bath and mulled over what she would say to Zhao Jie later. When she saw the clothing that Liang Yu Rong had prepared for her future child today, Wei Luo felt for the first time that she really wanted a child with Zhao Jie. She generally didn’t like children. She felt their endless crying was too noisy and they also tended to have runny noses. They were so dirty. But, when she thought about it more, if the child was Zhao Jie and hers, she would like him or her even if he or she were slightly dirty.

Zhao Jie probably felt the same way as her. At his age, he probably wanted an heir more than her. During today’s visit to Duke Ying’s residence, she paid special attention. Most men of Zhao Jie’s age already had three or four children. Zhao Jie was the only without any children.

Feeling despondent, Wei Luo’s eyebrows were twisted. Empress Chen had told her that if she had a child, he or she would help her in the future. But, Wei Luo didn’t feel this way. She liked Zhao Jie, so she naturally wanted to give him a child. It wasn’t because she wanted someone on her side in the future, much less have someone to rely on.

After Wei Luo finished her bath, she dried her body off, put on a light blue robe that was embroidered with butterflies, slipped into a pair of embroidered satin shoes, and walked back to the inner room.

Chapter: 157.3 out of 171

Zhao Jie was sitting on the couch by the window. His expression was calm as he gestured at her, “Come here.”

Wei Luo could tell that he wasn’t in a good mood. She thought he was blaming her for not properly eating. She hurriedly went over, wrapped her arms around his waist, said, “I ate too much at lunch, so I wasn’t feeling hungry at dinner.”

Zhao Jie embraced her soft waist and carried her onto the couch. They sat on the couch face to face and he asked her, “What did Wei Bao Shan say to you?”

Wei Luo hadn’t expected that he would ask her this question. She mumbled, “Nothing important.”

But, her expression showed otherwise. Wei Luo wouldn’t tell him, but Zhao Jie could guess. It was definitely related to having a child. Zhao Jie stretched his arm out and pulled Wei Luo into his arms. His face light brushed against her cheek. “Ah Luo, don’t worry about it.”

Wei Luo stayed quiet. After a while, she finally slinked out from his arms. She held his face and seriously said, “Big brother, summon a doctor over for me.”

Zhao Jie’s thin lips were lightly pursed. He didn’t say a word.

Wei Luo sat up, tilted her forehead against his so they were touching, and slowly said, “Summon a doctor… to examine me. See if I…” can’t get pregnant. The more she thought, the more dejected she felt. Her small lips flattened. She almost wanted to cry. If this was true, she didn’t know how to face Empress Chen or Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie kissed her lips and blocked the second half of her sentence. After they kissed for a while, he finally let her go and said, “Little fool. How do you know for certain that you’re the problem? Perhaps, the problem is with my body?”

Wei Luo stared at him with red eyes. A long time later, she finally said, “All the more reason to see a doctor!”

Zhao Jie sighed and brought her into his arms again. He didn’t say if he would summon a doctor or not. This made Wei Luo feel increasingly uncertain.


Several days later, Wei Luo waited at home until Zhao Jie returned from Shen Ji Barracks. She ran over to him and said, “I want to go out.”

Zhao Jie lowered his gaze to look at her. The young girl had probably waited for him for a long time. Her cheeks had become pink from being heated by the sunlight and there was a thin layer of sweat on the tip of her nose. He didn’t know how long she had been standing outside. Zhao Jie took out a handkerchief and wiped her sweat for her. He asked, “Why did you want to go out? Don’t you dislike summer days the most? Today is hotter than usual. Go out on another day.”

Wei Luo shook her head. She showed a serious expression on her small face as if she had made a monumental decision. “You won’t agree to summon a doctor for me, so I can only visit the medical building. Even if you don’t agree, I’m still going to go there today.”

Zhao Jie’s hand paused and he stared at Wei Luo.

Wei Luo went around him and seriously said, “I’m going out.”

However, she hadn’t even taken two steps before Zhao Jie picked her up by her waist and place her on his shoulder. Gobsmacked, Wei Luo tightly clutched Zhao Jie’s back. Her head felt woozy. “What are you doing?”

Zhao Jie stabilized her body with one hand and used the other hand to firmly slap her butt. Feeling as if he was getting a headache, he said, “It’s already dark out. Even if you go to the medical building right now, it’ll be closed. Be good. I’ll summon a doctor tomorrow.”

Wei Luo had a stomach full of grievances. She didn’t say a single word in reply.

Right after Zhao Jie put her down on arhat couch, she jumped up and ended up fiercely collided against Zhao Jie’s forehead. Great, not only did her butt her hurt, even her head felt painful!

Zhao Jie dampened a towel and held it against Wei Luo’s forehead. The words, “Let’s see if you’ll continue to be disobedient” was clearly written on his face.

Wei Luo was physically and emotionally exhausted. She stretched her hand out and grabbed Zhao Jie’s sleeve. She pitifully said, “It hurts.”

Zhao Jie helplessly sighed. There was a large red mark on his forehead, but he wasn’t as delicate as Wei Luo. He would be fine after applying a little bit of medicine on that spot. “If it hurts, why did you jump up suddenly?”

Wei Luo naturally had to refute, “My butt hurt because you hit me. How could I sit?”

In order to apologize to Wei Luo, Zhao Jie personally attended to her with washing up and changing her clothes. He finally coaxed her into a better mood. Wrapped in Zhao Jie’s arms, Wei Luo said before she fell asleep, “You agreed. Remember to summon a doctor here tomorrow.”

Zhao Jie stroked her hair and said, “En, go to sleep.”

The reason why Zhao Jie wouldn’t agree to summon a doctor during the past several days was because he was feeling uneasy. If the doctor really diagnosed a problem, he didn’t want to see Wei Luo’s broken-hearted appearance. She was his young girl, so she should be unruly and pampered. Even if she was being unreasonable, she could still say something to make her actions sound reasonable.


The steward led a doctor to Zhang Tai Courtyard on the next day in the afternoon.

This doctor’s last name was Sun. He specialized in treating female illnesses and was famous for his research in this area. When Doctor Sun came to the prince’s residence, he didn’t inappropriately look around. He couldn’t help feeling more cautious when he found out that he was here to see the princess consort.

After walking into the inner room, Doctor Sun saw a beautiful, harmless young girl on the couch and actually let out a sigh in relief.

He had originally though that a girl, who could marry Prince Jing, would be fierce and forceful. He hadn’t expected that she would be so exquisitely cute. His heart, which had been anxious the entire way here, was put at ease. In a gentle tone, he said, “Your Highness, what do you wish for this old doctor to examine?” Looking at this girl that resembled a jade doll, he felt as if she could be scared just by a slightly loud voice.

Wei Luo dismissed the servant girls from the room. She looked at Zhao Jie, who was nearby, then her gaze settled on Doctor Sun’s body. “Doctor, I’ve been married to the prince for over half a year. But, I’m still not pregnant. Can you examine me to see if there’s a reason for why it’s difficult for me to become pregnant?”

Zhao Jie stared at Doctor Sun. Faced with this forceful pressure, Doctor Sun stepped forward. He took a silk cloth, placed it on Wei Luo’s wrist, and comfortingly said, “It’s only half a year. Some couples only have children after a few years of marriage. Your Highness, you don’t need to be worried…”

After checking her pulse, Doctor Sun had Wei Luo lie down on the arhat couch. As he gently pressed his fingers against Wei Luo’s lower abdomen, his face slowly became grave.

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