Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 59

Page 59

It’s time for the dumpling contest.

According to the competition regulations, each store can only have up to three people at the same time.

So early in the morning, Meng Chuan took Dudu and Tang Sanjie to the food street.

Along the way, the smell of the New Year has filled every corner.

Lights up everywhere.

This atmosphere is much more lively than later generations!

Arrived at the food court.

I saw that it was already crowded with people.

Following the staff of Guangdong Kitchen Alliance, we arrived at the designated booth.

Meng Chuan put down the prepared materials and looked up around.

A piece of the chef’s black pressure.

“There are so many people!”

Dudu also sighed.

In previous years, it was her father who represented Yangquan Restaurant in the competition.

She will naturally come to join in the fun.

So I know some people.

“That’s Master Zhang from Tao Ran Pavilion!”

“Look, that’s the chief chef of the North Garden Hotel, Master Wang Haoran!”

“I can’t believe that Datang Garden will send people to see it this year!”

“Last year, Guangzhou Dumpling Restaurant won. I don’t know how they did this year!”

Dudu took a few glances and found many acquaintances.

This little girl is quite knowledgeable.

Meng Chuan chuckled a few times and glanced at the audience.

Not to mention, he really recognized a few people.

I saw two figures standing proudly in the southwest corner.

The elder brother is dressed as a weak scholar.

The younger brother is naked, with a big black dragon tattooed on his back.

It looks like Kong Wu is powerful, not like a chef, but like a warrior.

At first glance, it is not a troublesome existence.

These two guys are none other than the dumpling brothers who appeared in the original work.

Brother Takeo, brother Aru!

These two brothers, in the original work, used despicable means to mark Master Ji Di.

And in the dumpling competition that followed, he almost defeated the little master.

But later, the little boss relied on his protagonist’s halo.Successfully used Shenglong dumplings to defeat two people.

won the final victory.


Because of its butterfly effect.

These two brothers actually arrived in Yuezhou ahead of schedule, see the competition.

“Brother, this Yuezhou is really different from our Hu Nan!”

Brother Aru, looking around, said in a rough voice.

“Of course, this is the capital of gourmet food!”

“As long as you can make a name for yourself here, you will enjoy the glory and wealth!”

The older brother Takeo had a high-spirited look on his face.

Not long ago, he had just won the title of Hu Nan’s special chef.

But obviously.

That place can’t satisfy itself anymore.

He needs a wider stage to realize his ambitions.

And Yuezhou, the capital of gourmet food, was the new stage he chose.

However, it is not easy to make a name for yourself here.

So he set his goal on the dumpling competition.

As long as you get the first name, then the next thing is much simpler.

“Let these chefs in Guangdong Province see our style!”

Takeo clasped his hands in front of him and said with a wanton smile.


The local chef in Yuezhou next to him sneered after hearing this.

These two guys are really delusional.

They don’t even think about it, where is this place!


a Mecca for gourmets! *

【46】Steel rod Master Xie!Tai Chi and Two Instruments! (1 more, please collect!)

This Cantonese culinary world has hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Whether these two guys can pass the preliminary round is uncertain.

Still want to win the championship?

Daydreaming and not changing places.

When Wuxiong heard this sneer, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

How dare you look down on them!

I’ll let you see later, our methods.

Wu Xiong secretly said ruthlessly in his heart.

On the surface, it looks the same as before, calm.

In addition to these two brothers, Meng Chuan actually found the figure of an acquaintance.

Other people’s stalls have at least two helpers.

And that guy, standing there alone.

He held a steel rod in his hand.

A look of contempt.

Isn’t this guy the steel stick Master Xie!

Unexpectedly, he came too.

“Humph! Guangdong Dumpling Competition!”

“This is my mainland’s first pastry chef, a good opportunity to make a name for yourself!”

Xie Lu held his steel rod with great pride.

He is from Shanxi, the birthplace of pasta.

In the early years, he studied art everywhere.

With his talent, his cooking skills continue to rise.

After reaching a certain level, Xie Lu found that no one could teach him anymore.

So, Xie Lu traveled the world.

With the goal of “the first pastry chef in the mainland”, I will challenge everywhere.

Every time a chef is defeated, he will engrave a star on his steel rod.

So far, there are 98 stars on his steel rod.

In this way, he is bound to win the Guangdong Dumpling Competition.

With their own craftsmanship, they must let these Guangzhou guys understand who is the real master of pasta!

There was a smile on the corner of Meng Chuan’s mouth.

Unexpectedly, this dumpling competition attracted so many top contestants.


The more people there are, the more interesting the game is!

The slaughter of the king by the master bureau is far more interesting than the cruelty of vegetables in the fish pond bureau.

Next to the food street!

The staff of the Cantonese Kitchen Federation have built a tall building.

On the front of the platform, a bright red curtain was erected.

It reads “Guangdong Dumpling Competition!”

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