Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 18

Page 18

As long as the time is up, Meng Chuan will not finish his work.

It is doomed to fail.

“Hey, boy! I won this game!”

There was a sinister smile on the corner of the King’s mouth.

At this time, the incense stick has also burned to the end.

The last wisp of blue smoke drifted away.

The eyes of the King of Quick Swords were already full of unstoppable joy.

“Boy, you…!”

He raised his hand and pointed at Meng Chuan, wanting to declare his victory.

But right now.

There was a smile on Meng Chuan’s mouth.

The time is just right!

At the last moment when the incense fell, he also fell his last knife!

“Tofu Carving – Done!”

Meng Chuan’s magnetic voice sounded.

The King of Quick Swords suddenly seemed to be stuck in his neck.

Can’t make a sound anymore.

His face was flushed, and he could not wait to swallow Meng Chuan alive.

Meng Chuan ignored it, but held the carved tofu in his palm.

Carefully take it out of the tank.

The tender tofu swayed gently in his palm.

He gently placed the tofu in the tray.

The crowd quickly gathered around.

Want to see what he actually carved.

But what caught their eyes was a lump of tofu.

Can’t see what it is.

all of a sudden.

Some of the guys started talking sarcastically.


“Hahaha, I thought it was carved!”

“I didn’t expect that it took so long to carve out a lump of rotten tofu. It’s really funny!”

“I’ve been looking forward to it for so long!”

After the King of Quick Swords saw this.

The originally depressed mood was swept away.

What did you think it was!

It turned out to be in a water tank, and it was all carved.

He was almost fooled by his calm demeanor.

“Master Shiquan, announce the result of this round!”

The King of Quick Swords couldn’t wait to shout to Master Shiquan.

And Meng Chuan, in the face of everyone’s ridicule, still had the same demeanor.

He took a teacup beside him lightly.

“No hurries!”

“It’s still the last step!”

After speaking, he took a sip of tea.

And then a bang!

call! *

[14] Xueyu Guanyin!Bet on the dignity of a chef! (3/3, please collect!)

The tofu ball was washed by this water.

Shake lightly!

The residues originally attached to the surface disappeared in an instant.

Like cedars shaking off snow.

This tofu is carved, revealing its final appearance!

The guys around, saw their eyes light up.

There seemed to be a bright light in the air.

Shine directly on the tofu carving.

A white jade Guanyin with a peaceful posture appeared in front of them in an instant.

It’s like a miracle!

This time, the guys present were not calm for a moment.

“It’s Guanyin Bodhisattva!”

“This is the manifestation of the Bodhisattva!”

Some fellow Buddhists almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Because the statue in the plate is like a white jade Guanyin.

It’s so beautiful.

The surface of Guanyin is extremely smooth.

The overall shape is exquisite and delicate.

Demeanor expression, lifelike!

Arms, floating dust, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth can be clearly seen.

It’s just like heaven!

It doesn’t look like there are any traces of engraving at all.

Master Shiquan was stunned in place by this amazing technique.


This, this is simply too incredible!

It’s not that he hasn’t seen tofu carving before.


When I saw the Dragon Chef Competition, I didn’t see anything.

When it comes to knife competition, several people have demonstrated the stunt of this tofu carving!

But it is nothing more than carving fish and carving flowers.

I have never seen anyone able to carve such a high level of Avalokitesvara.

This kind of tofu carving is unheard of!

“Xueyu Guanyin, welcome to taste!”

Meng Chuan introduced with a smile.

There was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth.

Master Shiquan stepped forward and leaned down to observe it carefully.

This carving knife method seems to be natural.

The surface of the tofu didn’t seem to be damaged in the slightest.

This technique is simply amazing.

“What kind of swordsmanship is this?”

Master Shiquan turned his head and asked quickly.

“This is the breeze blowing the lancet! The word is gentle!”

“Before the knife, you must consider all the steps!”

Meng Chuan explained with a smile.

The crowd also gathered around.

Carefully worship this Snow Jade Guanyin.

Even the pickiest guy can’t find any flaws in this Xueyu Guanyin statue!

This Snow Jade Guanyin is like heaven!

“No, it’s impossible!”

The King of Quick Knives tightly squeezed the corner of the table with both hands!

The pupils also trembled.

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