Child Bride’s Peaches and Plums Are All Over the World

Chapter 654

Chapter 654: Fanwai Heroes And Girls (1)

Bai Yitang knew from a young age that he was good-looking, and good-looking people are always easier to get benefits.

For example, because he was small and good-looking, Master favored him more when he was young. Then, after finding out that he was not only good at martial arts, but also talented, Master favored him even more.

Unfortunately, Master has no money and no power, and pampering him is to make him carry less water and wash less clothes.

But these days are also beautiful.

Occasionally, when the land that Master came to fail to harvest, and he couldn’t find any bad guys to attack, he would be scrubbed clean by Master and his brothers and sisters, and then put on tattered clothes and sent to the county to “beg for alms”.

Of course, such an experience is rare, but Bai Yitang still remembers it fresh.

Because of these hardships, the relationship between their master, apprentice and brother is very good. Bai Yitang thought that the four of them could be so poor, but happy and free to live forever.

But he learned later that he was still too naive.

When he was nine years old, brothers and sisters began to leave Master and him, and both went out of the village to explore the world.

Two years after the brothers and sisters left, the master also began to pack his bags and take him away to really walk into the arena.

Only then did he know that the outside world was so vast.

He followed his master back to Lingtianmen, where he practiced martial arts and then studied. When he was fourteen years old, his master took him out of the mountain and began to visit various sects, and finally arrived at the Shaolin Temple.

He made many friends along the way, and under the guidance of his master, he also began to learn from the masters of various sects, but within half a year, the title of Yumian Langjun resounded in the martial arts.

Then his master told him that he was going to pass on Lingtianmen to him.

Bai Yitang had long expected this, because his martial arts skills were higher than those of his brothers and sisters, and because he was good-looking.

Well, although Bai Yitang didn’t say it, he felt that this was another important reason why Master chose him.

In short, he began to contact the Anbu of Lingtianmen. Because the emperor was getting dizzy day by day, the number of corrupt officials in the local area increased a lot.

He then stole several houses under the guidance of Master, robbing the rich to help the poor. But he felt that Master’s stealing method was too stingy, so he began to use Anbu rationally. Every time he stole something, they would respond outside to help dispose of the stolen goods, and then convert the money into food and cloth to help the people.

In this way, things will be bigger.

When he steals things, he also likes to steal secrets such as various letters and account books. With Anbu, he can also get some news from the court. He can either send the things he gets to officials who have a good reputation, or Just throw it to those people’s opponents and let them bite the dog.

Then his reputation grew even greater. Before he took over Lingtianmen, he was already famous among the various sects.

Finally he has admirers.

But at that time, he was fifteen years old and too young. He devoted himself to practicing martial arts and promoting Lingtianmen, but he did not want to fall in love, marry a wife and have children.

Besides, although Lingtianmen did not stipulate that the head of the Sect could not marry a wife, but because of the various secrets and connections within it, they actually had very strict requirements on the candidates for wives.

For example, his master, such as his master, did not marry a wife during his reign.

So he didn’t want to get married either, and he didn’t have much affection for the female heroes who kept leaning towards him, instead he was bored.

So, he began to be unwilling to play with them, so he simply asked Xiang Feiyu and others to go to the rivers and lakes together.

Master said that he is still young and has little experience, so he can’t take over as the head of the head, and he has to go to experience. When he thinks it’s okay, he will naturally give him the position of head.

So, Bai Yitang took Xiang Feiyu and went out to play together, no, he went to the arena.

Bai Yitang jumped out, Xiang Feiyu was steady, the two of them were outstanding, and the other was skilled in swordsmanship. Together, they stirred up the waters of the rivers and lakes, and by the way, made the court uneasy.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they had a peerless genius An Ji on their heads, they would have been even more popular.

A year later, when the two of them traveled from the Central Plains to the Northwest, then from the Northwest to the Northeast, and then returned to the Central Plains through the South, they were already famous.

Then Bai Yitang, his master reassured him and threw Lingtianmen to Bai Yitang, waved his sleeves, and disappeared without half a cloud.

He left a message saying that he could finally live the life he wanted with complete freedom, and let Bai Yitang accept his apprentices and hand them over as soon as possible, and he could be like him.

At that time, Bai Yitang was interested in Jianghu, and he was still a child himself, so why would he take an apprentice to be burdened?

So he didn’t listen to Master’s words, but began to give full play to the functions of Lingtianmen, moving things around to give away.

There was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and the imperial court distributed money for relief. Bai Yitang stole the silver, and then used the money to buy food to help the victims.

When I was buying grain, I stepped on the spot, and when I turned around, I also stole the grain merchant.

During the drought in the north of the Yangtze River, the relief grain brought by the imperial court was embezzled by officials halfway, and then reported to a bandit for robbery.

He thought that his life would go on like this, and he would either die at the hands of these corrupt officials, or, like his master, find a successor and go to the mountains and forests.

But who knew that he didn’t rely on both sides, and became the first exiled head of Lingtianmen in history, it was really a shame.

Lingtianmen has always been a one-man biography. He knew this since he was a child, and of course his brothers and sisters also knew that. The master kept nagging them, saying that he violated the teacher’s instructions and even received three apprentices in a row.

In the future, Lingtianmen can only be handed over to one person, and after he showed his outstanding talent for martial arts, the master made it clear to his brothers and sisters that he would inherit Lingtianmen from now on.

He thought that the brothers and sisters understood and understood.

Then it turned out that he thought too well.

When he was flexing his muscles, his brothers and sisters informed Wu Lin that he would change his surname back to his original surname and no longer follow the master’s surname Bai.

At this time, he knew that the brothers and sisters had grievances.

But he was the beneficiary. No matter what he said at this time, it was inappropriate. He could only endure it, feeling worthless for Master.

But no matter how dissatisfied he is in his heart, does he still love his brothers and sisters? The friendship of growing up together and practicing martial arts together is not something that can be changed.

So after he made another big vote, he received a message from his brother and sister, and he almost went to the meeting without thinking.

Senior sister poured him the wine, and he drank it without any doubt. Then he became a prisoner.

Qiongzhou couldn’t trap him, but he was really sad, so he trapped himself in Qiongzhou.

Master has already washed his hands in golden pots and retired to the mountains and forests. When he gets old, does he want to make Master sad for the killing of each other by the three apprentices?

He didn’t want Master and his old man to go out and face such brothers and sisters.

However, apart from the master, the only people he cares about in this world are the brothers and sisters. In his heart, he can’t wait to go back and kill them. But he was unwilling to go back to face that situation, or that he was unwilling to make that choice.

And the life in Qiongzhou is not bad, except for the clothes and food, there is not much difference from before.

When he wants to leave, no one can stop him. With his ability, he will not eat or drink less. And it seems to be pretty good to be unconcerned here and let go of the mind.

Ignore the hatred in my chest and my increasingly empty heart, life is indeed not bad. It’s a pity that the “good days” are boring after a long time. One day, he couldn’t help but accept an apprentice…

A milk doll over three years old, only as high as his thighs, can’t run stably, but like a little adult, he helped him remove the quilt and wash it.

In the end, because of his excessive strength, he planted himself in a pot, and looked at him blankly like a duck that fell into the water.

At that time, Bai Yitang’s heart couldn’t help but soften.

Then the apprentice had to measure up, washed the quilt for him, and cleaned the house for him, and then began to ask him to bathe and wash clothes every day, drink porridge in the morning, eat less meat, and eat more vegetables…

There are a lot of rules and regulations, Bai Yitang once felt that he did not accept an apprentice, but a master.

There is always a little boy behind the apprentice, his expression is indifferent and sarcastic, and his words are particularly irritating.

Obviously he is twenty years older than him, but when confronted with him, he always jumps with anger. One day or two days or not, but one month, two months, one year, two years, nine years have passed, these two children have already occupied most of his time and space.

He seldom thinks of his brothers and sisters again, and rarely wants to go back and kill them when he dreams at midnight.

He thought more about the two children. It was his apprentice who was so stupid and was eaten to death by Gu Jingyun. How could he live in the future?

Gu Jingyun is such a daring kid, what if he turns the sky upside down and implicates his apprentice in the future?

Then he began to get closer and closer to the Qin family, and even after his apprentice left, he gave up his freedom and was willing to stay in this small sinful village to guard the Qin family and protect them for her.

Well, of course, the ending is also quite happy, because he accidentally got a sweet wife.

Bai Yitang thought Qin Wenyin was beautiful when he first saw her, but he didn’t really take it to heart. Because he had seen a lot of beauties when he was on the rivers and lakes, and because he was good-looking, he was often chased by beauties.

Therefore, he is very dismissive of beauties.

What really moved his heart was Qin Wenyin’s character. He liked her character, soft on the outside and strong on the inside, which was much better than his apprentice.

His apprentice is a strong man on the outside and soft on the inside. Sometimes, when he sees her being bullied by Gu Jingyun, he can’t help but want to roll up his sleeves, but she still smiles and doesn’t mind at all.

A long time later, his apprentice asked him, when did he target her mother-in-law, Bai Yitang thought about it for a long time, and he felt that it should have started from the day he left Qiongzhou.

Qin Wenyin had always had a bad impression on him, a sick child, or a sick child who couldn’t even keep his son and had to get Qiongzhou to attach to his exiled brother.

He has seen many people like this, and no matter how beautiful he is, he cannot be interested. Later, it was proved that people can’t look at their appearance, and they can’t draw conclusions in vain based on subjective guesses.

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