Chat Group: People In Fantasy, Investing In Wanjie

660 All Living Beings Want To Destroy Civilization, And The World Wails And Gives Birth To Weirdos (

Ye Hei: “I guess it’s the world itself that evolves weirdos.

Han Paopao: "I think so too."

Empress: "I agree!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Isn't civilization the most important to the world? He also destroys civilization. There is a problem. This is illogical.

Dragon King of the East China Sea: "However, this method is indeed a disaster brought by heaven and earth. Just like the world of gods and demons, once the world is in chaos, ghosts, demons, and evil gods will come out, causing the people not only to avoid military disasters, but also to face the Transcendent disaster. "

Hu Yifei: "Think about it, it's very similar to disasters coming from heaven and earth. Some of Teacher Saitama's weirdos even directly said that they were transformed by the earth's immune system! This is very problematic. How could the world suddenly destroy civilization? "

Ye Hei: "Could it be because there are more than one civilization in Saitama's universe? After all, there are aliens in "Seven Seven"."

Xiao Mi: "It's really possible."

Anrietta: "There is no result in guessing like this. Why not ask the almighty Tao Lord!"

Zhang Taixuan: "The Queen is starting to be naughty too!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Isn't this good? A queen who is putting on airs is not cute, a lively queen is more approachable. It would be better if she could stick to her."

Lin Daiyu: "Your abacus has fallen to my head."

Rem: "Your map is too short."

Chitanda Airu: "Can't everyone just let Tai Xuan-san talk? I'm so impatient!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I know you are very argumentative, but don't be impatient!"

Chitanda Airu: "...

Zhang Taixuan: "Everyone is half right. The frequent occurrence of weirdos in the world is indeed a disaster brought by heaven and earth. However, He does not want to destroy civilization, but just wants to cleanse the existing civilization."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Restart civilization? Do you mean not to destroy mankind?"

Zhang Taixuan: "It is true that humanity will not be destroyed. However, it is difficult to avoid the loss of several percent of humanity during the cleansing process. After all, the world will not take action to manipulate the weirdos. It will only wait for the weirdos to complete their mission and take them back. As for the He doesn’t care how many people die along the way.”

Ye Hei: "It's indeed the same path. Heaven and earth are unkind!"

King of the Jungle: "Normal. Beasts have no morals, and Heavenly Dao should also have no morals. Only civilized creatures can derive such things as culture and morality. Morality is something that is acquired, not something that people are born with. some."

Su Xiaoxiao: "What Brother Snake said makes sense. We think Heavenly Dao is ruthless because we are human beings and have acquired morals. However, there is no such thing as Heavenly Dao. "

Spirit Master: "Why don't I have this understanding?"

King of the Jungle: "Because although you are in the form of beasts, your common sense and habits come from humans. Rather than being beasts, you are better said to be humans in the form of beasts."

Bai Suzhen: "That makes sense. We demons are also affected by human civilization, but they are essentially different from real beasts.

Chitanda Eru: "What's the reason? Why is the world suddenly going to destroy human beings? There can't be no reason."

Zhang Taixuan: "Of course there is a reason. There are many kinds of modified people and various kinds of modified creatures in Saitama, right?"

Chitanda Airi: "Yeah."

Zhang Taixuan: "The technology in his world has reached its peak. However, it is not the ideal route for the world.

Zhang Taixuan: "The emergence of modified beasts and modified humans, as well as the emergence of serious environmental pollution, have made the world see an extremely scary future - human beings will be destroyed under this crazy, uncontrolled science. Therefore, the world takes action .

Chitanda Eru: "Technology without restrictions?"

Zhang Taixuan: "Humans and beasts were originally very excellent species. However, the emergence of modified humans has directly polluted the species. It seems that one can gain powerful power by transforming. In fact, the upper limit of humans and beasts has been directly cut A lot."

Zhang Taixuan: "Just look at the group members and the world of group members. All spirits can become immortals, and even become Golden Immortals. This upper limit is very scary. And if you transform people, even if you exhaust the resources of the entire Universe, you can still create How many Golden Immortals will come out? Moreover, even if they are created, what will it mean to the world?"

Zhang Taixuan: "A few Golden Immortals cannot be regarded as civilization and cannot improve the world level. If we take this path, even if the world exhausts its resources, it will not be able to improve and can only wait for death... How can the world let humans go? On this path?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "That's not right. The technological line should not be weak."

Zhang Taixuan: "Then you also have to look at whether the world is rich in resources. Without resources, no matter how strong science is, it cannot support a civilization, and it will be like a castle in the air!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "That's true."

Chitanda Eru: "So, a weirdo appears?"

Zhang Taixuan: "Yes. When the world discovered that the development path of civilization was wrong, He began to interfere."

Chitanda Eru: "What happens after that? After restarting civilization, what kind of civilization does the world want to develop? Cultivation, superpowers?"

Zhang Taixuan: "It seems that Airu has become smarter too."

Chitanda Eru: "I just guessed based on the situation on Teacher Saitama's side. In addition to transforming people, the power on the human side is to practice Martial Dao and people who activate super powers.

Zhang Taixuan: "This is indeed the original path forward of civilization. The upper limit of this path is extremely high, and the most important thing is that it is not so dependent on external resources. Once civilization restarts, the new civilization will be a civilization with super powers and cultivation civilization in parallel. "

Saitama: "Is that so?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Wow, Teacher Qiyu hasn't left yet?"

Saitama: "I'm always here."

Hu Yifei: "Teacher Saitama is a hero driven by interest, and he is still very worried about his own world.

0.2 Saitama: "A little bit. Now that the problem has been discovered, is there any way to solve it?"

Zhang Taixuan: "It's easy to solve. In fact, we have already spoken out.

Saitama: "Let humans embark on the path of superpowers and cultivation?"

Zhang Taixuan: "That's right. After you practice, let your soul revive a little, and you will be able to think of a solution quickly.

Saitama: "Me? Didn't everyone help me?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "That's right, that's your world, okay? Isn't it good for us to fish?"

Anrietta: "Indeed. It's very fulfilling to change your own world. Teacher Saitama is not weak. If his soul is revived and he has extraordinary wisdom, it shouldn't be difficult to change the world."

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