Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 166: Kazuma vs. "The Raven"

"Prove myself?" I frowned. Those words are something that I don't like to hear from higher-ups. Good thing the Oracle did not do this when we met last time.

"Even though I am blind, my abilities as a magician has never diminished. If you are underestimating me, then it might cause you pain."

I knew it. But I am not underestimating her I am wary of her abilities. Not only that, if she can produce this much pressure by just releasing a little bit of mana in the air, her magic skills cannot be weaker than that.

"If that is the only way for you to tell me what to do to prevent the effects of the Crazed Phenomenon Disorder, then I have no choice but to accept," I said before I wear the Flaming Gloves on my hands.

"Good answer," she smiled before she snaps her fingers.


It was so sudden that I was surprised when our surroundings suddenly changed from her office to a land floating at the center of boiling lava. I can even feel the heat coming from the lava just by standing here. The land in the middle of the boiling lava is big enough that you can call it a mini arena. It's not small and not big enough. Just right for two people to fight their hearts out.

"I don't want to ruin my office so this place is fine," she said while still smiling.

"Where are we?"

"Ah, yes. Currently, we are inside the Other World Mt. Fuji. Since this is the Other World version of Mt. Fuji, there is no need for you to hold back. Ah, and yes, I won't be fighting to my fullest since this will only beat you up to the pulp. I will also give you five preemptive attacks and I won't be attacking you until you used up the 5 preemptive attacks given to you. I won't be attacking but I will also be defending myself. After 1 minute, I will end the battle regardless of the victor, sounds good to you?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Then, let's begin."

Once she gives out the signal, I ignited my blazing shoes and darted forward. While mid-air, I activated the electricity charges and throw them on "The Raven" like lightning bolts.


The electricity was too fast for the normal eye to see. But yes, I used up all of the preemptive attacks in range magic attack. For some reason, I am a bit wary about getting close to her range, so to be on the safe side, I decided to use range attacks first.

"Electricity, eh? Those bolts are pretty destructive if used in the wrong way."


One electric bolt I have thrown landed on her arm.

"Oh, that was strong. That was something!~"

The other bolts are also incoming and coming fast in her direction. However, instead of dodging, she raises her arm and slaps the incoming attacks rapidly. The moment the electricity bolts hit her palm, they immediately disintegrated.

"Looks like the preemptive attacks are finally used up, then, I will be attacking!"

In a split second that I was distracted, she disappeared from where she was standing. Another blink in the eye, she was already on my left side. It was so quick that before I can even cast the Domain of Balmung shield, she already kicked me.


I felt like I was bashed by a sledgehammer on my side. The impact is very strong that I felt my lungs halt for a while before I was sent flying. When the damage connected and my lungs stopped functioning for a bit, I immediately supply mana to my body especially on my side and my lungs to mitigate the damage and to lessen the wound that it might have inflicted. After regaining a little bit of my power, I quickly positioned myself to stop myself from flying further and landed on the ground.

But the moment I landed on the ground, "The Raven already managed to get close to me and smiled.

"Not bad!"

She punched me this time around but because I already prepared myself, I managed to block her this time and countered it with a fireball in close range, causing her to step back a little bit, but that did not stop her and she disappeared once again before reappearing to my blindside.

"Ngh! No wonder people call you "The Raven", you are so fast and I can't just pinpoint where you will pop out!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, boy."


Our fists collided with each other and that's when I know the difference between our strength and power. Even with the help of the Skull Knuckle's hardness, it seems that it didn't even graze her one bit. On the other hand, my fist that collided with her's seems to have gotten injured and the stinging pain suddenly registered in my whole arm.

I didn't bother to get near her and quickly moved away.

"You are not getting away~"

She was too fast that I can't catch up to her. She appeared once again and this time around, she appeared before me, still smiling with her eyes closed. To think I will get beaten by a blind person.

"Hehe, I had some fun for a long while, kiddo. You are lucky that the time limit is already over."


Preparing myself for the pain, I already steeled myself. However, I heard her words and the snap of her fingers. Opening my eyes, we are already back in her office.

"Although I held back a little, most people wouldn't be able to retaliate against me. You are the second person who managed to retaliate to me without getting beaten to a pulp in the allocated time limit. Congratulations."

I sighed in relief but I still can't do much in my arm. After all, my arm is broken after the collision of our fist. To think her fist is is very hard, if I knew that, I wouldn't have caught it and attacked it blindly.

"Sorry about it earlier. I thought you already have done the body tempering process but it seems like you still didn't do it. Here, let me heal you."


The moment she snapped her fingers once more, green light enveloped my arm and the stinging pain disappeared.

"My arm healed?"

"That bit was easy so don't worry about it too much."

She has indeed lived up to the rumors. All of the things being said about her is real. Her fighting style is straightforward and physical. Now that I think about it, she never used real magic in our battle. She just used up her punches and kicks. Even when I used up the electric magic, she just slaps it off like mosquitoes buzzing around her and even though one bolt managed to hit her, it didn't even graze her at all.

"You have already passed my test. Although you lost, it is an honorable loss. Fighting against me is already something that will make everyone crazy. Now, what do you want to know about the Crazed Phenomenon Disorder?"

"Many rumors said that you have already known the way to counter the effects of the disorder. Getting infected by the disorder the moment you start investigating it, how did you do it to stop the effects?"

"The Raven" sighed and sits down on the table.

"Looks like many people have misunderstood my reports last time. Those old faggots are a real pain in the arse as always. To think they would assume to stop the effects of that disorder is easy? Ha, what a bunch of pricks. But since you have the right to know, I will tell you."

"There is no such thing as a cure. When I investigated the disorder, I found out that this has no such thing as a cure. Once you get infected, you will be infected. Nothing more to do with it. One thing I can tell how I escaped it is when the time I became blind. After all, the creature that caused the disease is much dangerous as it was meant to be. Even I will have trouble in defeating it. I sealed it last time due to the sheer amount of power it possesses and to make sure it will never appear again."

"Huh? Creature? Seal it?"

"Yes. The cause of the disorder is not some virus or curses. A creature caused it. It was a corrupted creature that saving it is no longer possible. Due to its ability, [Cursed Eye], every human, magician, or other creature that catches its gaze, will immediately contract the disease. One thing I accidentally discovered is that it is only affecting the people who can see it. The effect gets removed once you are blind."

"You purposely blinded yourself just for the sake of sealing this creature?"

"Hahaha, of course not. I am not that silly to blind myself just for defeating a creature. I was accidentally blinded by that creature itself. It was too strong and I got caught off guard by its abilities. But it isn't so bad. If I didn't get blinded, I might be one of the people that is missing right now. After weakening it to some extent, I managed to invoke the sealing magic and sealed it off. That's it."

I never expected the answer to "The Raven". If she, who is much stronger than me almost fell victim to the enemy, what about me who is inferior to her? Also, if she sealed it, why did it reappear? Did someone break the seal and freed the creature?

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