Chaotic Nights

Chapter 150 - Messy

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 150. Messy

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 4/4

“I have prepared the list you mentioned.”

Choi Youngheung felt overwhelmed because he had not seen the Grand Prince for a long time. Something had changed.

He found himself glancing around the messy room while Jihak reviewed the list. He felt like time had stopped.

An overturned soban lay on the floor, with porcelain shards scattered in other areas.

The strangest item was the chima jeogori on the bed.

“Is it true that she left?”

Jihak, who looked at Choi Youngheung’s face, put down the list.

The list included all the officials registered in Harye, it also included his family members. Choi Youngheung had completed this task quickly.

This man, who could not hide his snobbery, was useful because he had authority.

“It looks like you have many questions.”

His voice was very cold. Youngheung with a forced smile said,

“I was curious why your attendees didn’t handle this task.”


“How can the Grand Prince’s room be messy…?”

His creepy look gave him goosebumps.

Instinctively, Youngheung dropped to his knees. He should have realized the situation when he saw Kim before he entered his quarters.

“It was a slip of the tongue.”


Cold sweat ran down his back. Youngheung asked,

“What is causing the rumor that the Grand Prince is seriously ill? Your eyes…?”

Holding the teacup, Jihak gazed at him with the disdain one might have for a dog.

Youngheung glared at him as he casually sipped tea.

“I just can’t sleep.”

His heavy eyelids rose.

Two weeks had already passed.

Her disappearance shook his whole life. He hadn’t expected her to influence so much.

He didn’t even try to forget Eunha. She was as essential to him as the air he breathed. Despair came over him because she had deserted him. He trembled so much that his teeth chattered. He felt an intense helplessness.

He could not believe that a woman could affect him so much.

That was why Jihak couldn’t give up. He didn’t want to give up. Even if she had hidden herself so he couldn’t find her, he would find even her hair.

Maybe he could sleep soundly after he found her.

“If you’re having difficulty sleeping, give this a try.”

Youngheung pulled out something carefully wrapped in paper. Jihak cocked his head to the side. Youngheung, who opened the paper, smiled.

“It’s tobacco mixed with opium. It not only lets you sleep soundly, but also eliminates pain. I also smoke it often, so I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“You think I’ve never smoked opium?”

Jihak scooped up the powder with his fingers and gently massaged it in. The substance glistened under the light. A bitter smell wafted into the room.

“In the Royal Palace there is a place where opium smoke rises all day long.”

“I’m worried about your health.”

“Choi Youngheung.”

Youngheung raised his head when the Grand Prince mentioned his name. He questioned why he found it challenging to hold eye contact.

“Is this coming from Harye?”

His lips moved freely at the unexpected question.

“Yes. There is someone in Harye who grows high quality opium flowers.”

“Who? Tell me who is cultivating poppy without authorization.”

Youngheung awkwardly smiled.

Then Yuljae’s shadow appeared behind the paper door.

“It may be impolite, but I have something to tell you.”

The faint smile on Jihak’s face disappeared.


The moment Jihak gave permission, Yuljae suddenly opened the door. He, who approached Jihak, bowed. And then a lame warrior appeared with a haggard face.

The warrior, with tears in his eyes, bowed deeply.

Jihak looked at the warrior with a stern face.


“I found Eunha, my Lord.”

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