Chaotic Nights

Chapter 147 - Strangled

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 147. Strangled

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 1/4

Jihak recognized Gari’s face.

The Grand Prince seized Gari by the neck and forced her against the wall. When the bookcase with books shook, Sir Song asked him to be careful.

The strangled girl gasped. She begged him to let her go, that she had done nothing wrong.

“Where have you taken her?”

Jihak’s eyes blazed with fury. He could wring Gari’s neck at any time. She, who shook her head, spoke in a weak voice.

“I can’t breathe…”

“I demanded to know where you took Eunha. This is your last chance to answer.”

“She looked for her sister. I can’t breathe…”

Jihak relaxed his grip on Gari’s neck.

Gari, who let out a dry cough, sat down on the floor.

“You are bad. I almost lost my life because I tried to stop Eunha.”

She was angry.

“Someone told me you helped Eunha escape.”

“How can you believe that? I almost lost my life because I wanted to stop her! A warrior was going to kill me, but Eunha saved me. Jihak!”

Gari’s eyes trembled. Now that Eunha was gone, his face looked thinner.

She raised her head as she wiped away tears.

She had never seen Jihak with such an emaciated face. Gari, who had returned to her owner’s house as Eunha suggested, received a severe reprimand because she had done so without any notification.

Gari headed to Sir Song’s bookshop to seek information about Eunha.

“It was unfair.”


“I was preparing food when suddenly I heard her screams. I felt sorry for her because she was trapped. It seemed like an overly drastic action to me. Suddenly, they dragged Eunha into the front yard.”

Jihak clenched his fists as he suppressed his emotions.


Gari, her eyes filled with fear as she gazed at the men, parted her quivering lips to speak.

“Kim. He was furious when he kicked Eunha out. It looked like he wanted to kill her.”

Gari began to tell the story in detail what happened the day Jihak left Harye. She had tried to stop Kim, so they took her to the mountain to kill her.

And the reason why Eunha said she would leave Harye. She averted her gaze to Sir Song, who was restless. Jihak felt an indescribable anger.

He realized Kim was driven by his ambitions, but he didn’t expect him to take independent action. Although he felt sorry that Kim had an impossible dream, he trusted him.

Her words became a poisoned knife that cut his heart.

“What’s that?”

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