ChangNing’s Imperial Army

Chapter 78 - That Air of Arrogance

Chapter 78 – That Air of Arrogance

As expected, His Majesty’s decree created an uproar. Not too long ago, he demoted Zhuang Yong one rank, and right now, he promoted him three ranks. Hence, it made several people within the imperial court unhappy. However, His Majesty took pleasure in seeing them unhappy. Of course, those people were not truly undiscriminating – amongst all of His Majesty’s counselors, Zhuang Yong’s position was the lowest. It was only natural for him to promote Zhuang Yong sooner or later.

Hence, they diverted their attack towards a young man named Shen Leng. Everyone explicitly expressed their discontent – they felt that promoting a young man directly to a Qizhuan Qingche Commandant was too much.

The emperor had no choice but to make him a Liuzhuan Shangqi Commandant instead. Hence, everyone was happy.

In the first place, the emperor only wanted to make him a Shangqi Commandant.

But after that, the emperor felt that the young man’s meritorious deeds were not only limited to that one battle – he changed the structure of the Navy, he managed to get hold of the most advanced Qiuli battleships, allowing Great Ning’s battleships to be remodeled. These were significant things that greatly impacted their future. Hence, he decided to give him a Class A Fifth pin Yongyi General’s salary instead.

Since it was simply about money, nobody objected to it. Besides, Great Ning did not lack money.

A Class A Sixth pin official receiving a Class A Fifth pin official’s salary, coupled with the salary from being a Shangqi Commandant – it was a rather huge sum of money to Shen Leng.

The decree was going to be announced to everyone.

In the northern border, a group of men, who were covered in snow and blood, returned. Whenever they got thirsty during their journey, they would take the bottles of alcohol that were hung on their waists and take a large mouthful from them. It burned like fire from their throats all the way down to their stomachs.

There were not many of them – only about thirty odd. When they walked their horses into the military camp, they were greeted by cheers. These thirty men came back with their heads held high, emitting waves of pride.

“The reconnaissance unit is back!”

“Military Officer Meng is back!”

The soldiers gathered around and took the horse reins from them as they cheered.

Their mission this time took twenty seven full days to complete before they returned. They left with more than fifty people, but only came back with two thirds.

Meng Changan passed his horse to one of the soldiers; the soldier looked at him with eyes that were filled with burning respect. It had only been a while since Military Officer Meng Changan arrived at the northern border, and yet he was already a figure that several people looked up to. He had already done things that were once deemed impossible to achieve. In fact, he had already completed nearly half of those tasks. Even though the troops did not know what Military Officer Meng Changan did every time he entered Heiwu, they knew that it was sufficient.

When he returned to his barracks, after Meng Changan washed up and changed into a fresh set of clothes, he realized that there was a pile of documents from a long time ago. He took the one that was right at the top – it was a military bulletin… When he saw that name on it, his lips curled upwards, as he muttered to himself.

“Class A Sixth pin already, huh? Liuzhuan Shangqi Commandant. Nicely done.”

He skimmed through the rest of the documents. There was nothing interesting, hence he casually tossed them into the brazier. The northern border was near Heiwu, and that area suffered harsh winter all year round. On the other hand, in Changan city, the flowers had not fully withered, in contrast with the northern border, where people did not dare to casually extend their arm out in the open.

The only thing he kept was the military bulletin with that fella’s name. He folded it and placed it into his suitcase, under his clothes.

“Military Officer, the general wants to see you,” said one of his soldiers, who was standing outside.


Meng Changan grabbed an overcoat and pulled the brim of his helmet down before heading out of his room, braving the wind and snow.

From Sheng city to Hulan, the frontier was approximately 93 miles. It was under the jurisdiction and defense of Class A Fourth pin General Guo Leiming of the Northern Border Cavalry. Guo Leiming was a general under Great General Tie Liuli. He had been risking his life through all kinds of danger alongside Tie Liuli for twenty two years, ever since he was sixteen.

The moment he opened the door, snow came gushing in from the outside. The fire in the fireplace made crackling sounds as a result of the strong winds.

After Meng Changan entered, he turned around and shut the door. He stood at attention before saluting. “Greetings, general.”

“Sit down and talk.”

Guo Leiming pointed to a stool not far from him, next to the fireplace.

Meng Changan took off his overcoat and hung it on the rack by the door. He sat by the fireplace and casually added a few more pieces of coal. “This time we traveled over a distance of about 93 miles; it was already the limit. We got to the area where His Majesty led his troops to.”

He took out a roll of kraft paper and placed it on the table. “I have drawn a map of the area we covered. On our journey back, we were discovered by Heiwu’s cavalry. They chased us over a distance of 93 miles and we ended up losing sixteen men.

Guo Leiming lifted his head and looked at the young man who said those words in a calm tone with an expressionless face. This fella did not seem to feel that what he did was an unprecedented brave feat. Even at that time, in the battle which His Majesty led his troops 93 miles into Heiwu, he did not have the time to draw the map. That was because Heiwu’s counter attack was extremely ruthless and ferocious. He absolutely had no time to spare.

And presently, this young man, who had not even been in the northern border for half a year, had brought the reconnaissance unit into Heiwu six times in total, and traversed a distance of 93 miles into it. He was almost entirely familiar with the deployment of their military forces, as well as the positions of the different hamlets.

It sounded easy, but Heiwu had positioned tens of thousands of elite troops along the frontier. The red-haired people were natural born fighters – they were tall and muscular, and possessed a much greater physical strength compared to Great Ning’s men. If both sides were to fight one on one, Great Ning’s soldiers would be entirely on the losing end. Additionally, their reconnaissance troops were a lot more familiar with the terrain, and also physically stronger.

And yet when Meng Changan said those words, he showed zero emotional fluctuations, as though the feat that he completed was not worthy to be proud of.

“I have already reported your meritorious deeds to the great general. If nothing bad were to happen, your reward from the imperial court will get here soon. What you did is as significant as what the Navy did – they went to the southern border and hijacked three Qiuli battleships. To us, what you did was more important than what they did.”

Guo Leiming looked at Meng CHangan. “Do you have any requests?”

Meng Changan used metal tongs to move the coals about. “Two things – firstly…the reconnoiters that were assigned to me were as well-trained. They could not keep up with me. This is also why the accident happened on our way back. I need stronger and more capable men in order to guarantee that we will be able to cover a greater distance into Heiwu the next time around.”

His hands stopped moving. “Secondly, I heard that someone wanted to take credit for what I did?”

Meng Changan lifted his head and looked at Guo Leiming.

Guo Leiming went silent.

“As for Pei Xiao, I will naturally find a way to deal with that.”

After Guo Leiming stayed silent for a while, he looked at Meng Changan. “You also know that he is the nephew of the eastern border’s Great General Pei Tingshan. During that battle, Great General Pei was only a lieutenant. Because of his great achievements, his current status is higher than that of Great General Tantai Yuanshu of the imperial guards. Great Ning has two pillars – he is one of them. Our great general has to treat him with respect and honor too.”

Meng Changan put down the things in his hands. He said softly, as though he was muttering to himself, “General, you should understand me well…if anybody wants to touch my things, he will have to kill me first.”

Guo Leiming stood up and walked to the door. He shut the door even tighter. “Changan, can you be less obstinate? From the first time you entered Heiwu to work on the map, the great general has been holding you particularly in high regard. Pei Xiao cannot stay in the northern border for much longer, and the great general will not do you an injustice.”

Meng Changan said plainly, “Injustice only occurs because of tolerance.”

He lifted his head and he continued to say plainly, “Many people will tolerate, but I won’t. Maybe it’s because I am more inflexible. I will break, but I won’t bend.”

He got up. “If there is nothing else, I would like to go back and sleep.”

Guo Leiming let out a long sigh. “You may go back. I will select those well-trained reconnoiters that you want. Rest for half a month. After that, I will send them to you.”

“Ten days.”

Meng Changan draped his overcoat over himself. Once again, he pulled the rim of his helmet down. “I can’t wait that long.”

“Why?” Guo Leiming could not help but ask.

Meng Changan’s lips curled slightly upwards. “I don’t want to lose.”

Guo Leiming did not understand what he meant, but the young man who was colder than the strong winds and snow had already walked out of the room. Just before he shut the door, Guo Leiming looked at Meng Changan, who slowly disappeared into the snow. He seemed to have seen an image of himself brandishing his sword as he followed closely behind the great general.

He turned around and looked towards the back of the folding screen. A tall and big man walked out from behind. Despite being in a warm room, he did not remove his heavy armor.

“Great general, you have seen it for yourself too. Meng Changan is a wilful person.”

Great General Tie Liuli was no longer young, but he was still as sturdy as a wall and mountain. He was a sword that could cut through the snow. This was a dignified man with a bearded square face and some gray hairs on both temples. The kind of aura he gave off could not be mimicked by ordinary people.

Tie Liuli, who was still wearing his heavy armor, sat down on the chair, causing it to creak.

“One should not be too inflexible, or it will do more harm than good.”

Tie Liuli lowered his head and looked at the fire in the fireplace. “Pei Xiao is a rat, and Pei Tingshan is a fool who values family over logic and reason. At that time, you should not have put Meng Changan under Pei Xiao. Right now, it’s hard to resolve this matter. The memorial that Pei Xiao had submitted himself had already been sent.”

For a great general to say that the matter was hard to resolve, the matter at hand must be rather serious

Guo Leiming said in a lowered voice, “Why don’t we think of an excuse to get Pei Xiao transferred away?”

“Pei Xiao knows that if Meng Changan succeeds in his mission, his meritorious deed would be huge. Furthermore, he does not obey you. Remember the battle at Kunshan? In the second year after His Majesty ascended the throne, Heiwu’s people invaded the frontier. Zhuang Yong led his troops and managed to stall them on behalf of the main forces. I personally led the troops to destroy their return route. In that battle, a young man named Li Yong was Zhuang Yong’s subordinate. He went all out and killed many Heiwu people, forcing them to retreat. He attained first class merit. However, Pei Xiao forcefully stole it from him… Not long ago, in the military bulletin, it was written that Li Yong flouted the military rules and even tried to kill Zhuang Yong. Ultimately, he was killed on the spot. When I read it, my heart ached terribly. I cannot allow Meng Changan to be another Li Yong…”

Guo Leiming was a little confused. “General Zhuang is His Majesty’s counselor, why couldn’t he protect his own subordinate?”

After he asked that question, he realized that the great general had already changed the topic.

“Whether or not he could protect his subordinate depends on His Majesty, not him. The only reason why Pei Tingshan has been able to throw his weight about in recent years is because His Majesty is very tolerant towards him. However, he does not know that His Majesty is almost done returning him the favor from that time. The older Pei Tingshan gets, the more muddled he is. Because of Pei Xiao, he sent three memorials and firmly defended him, saying that Pei Xiao did not lie and did not seize credit. Hence, His Majesty gave him face. As for Li Yong being wronged, there was nothing that could be done. It was his fault for bringing 9,000 troops to Changan that year in the first place.”

Tie Liuli exhaled a long breath. “Pei Tingshan and I are like blood brothers.”

Guo Leiming finally understood. That statement was the great general’s answer.

“But great general, there has to be a solution to this matter. Pei Xiao cannot continue throwing his weight about.”

“It’s not going to work if we use military methods. We have to do something else.”

Tie Liuli took out a piece of coal from the fireplace that was still burning. He pinched it hard and it shattered to pieces. Sparks flew in all directions.

“Something happened to Meng Changan in the capital, right?”

“According to the rumors, someone wanted to kill him, but in the end, several people died.”

“Do you know who helped Meng Changan?”

“I do not know.”

“According to the recent bulletin, there is a newly appointed Shangqi Commandant named Shen Leng. Young men’s world is always interesting.”

Tie Liuli stood up. “Don’t tell anyone that I came by. I only want to see how long Meng Changan can last. From the looks of it now, as long as he’s not dead, he’s able to hang in there forever…”

Tie Liuli opened the door. “That air of arrogance.”

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