Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 13: Parvati

Shigure tended to treat many of his female Servants the same way. They were his property, his toys, his pleasure holes to fuck and enjoy and break. Sure, he had a few who were his favorites, and a few who he even acted all nice around to play into their specific hang ups or whatever. And then there were those that he was exceptionally cruel to, sometimes to play into THEIR specific hang ups.
But all in all, the way he played with his female Servants could mostly be categorized in the same way. Save for one. There was one among them that Shigure had found himself a bit more drawn to than the others. But rather than take her all the more aggressively, the young man found himself actively… courting her instead.
“Master? What is this?”
Blinking, Shigure looks up into star-shaped pupils as the Servant in question gives him a soft, confused smile. Parvati is a bit of a peculiar case for him, in that she’s always felt off in some way. But she’s a kind-hearted, joyful soul, and Shigure finds himself drawn to her nonetheless. Yet, he’s always felt like there was something missing. And now, he thinks he’s found it.
“… I got you a present, Parvati. Here. Why don’t you try it on.”
Blinking, the purple-haired Servant reaches out and accepts the gift bag from him. Her cute little lips part as her eyes widen in surprise and happiness.
“R-Really? A gift? F-For me?”
Shigure smiles at the pure, innocent joy that radiates from the Servant. She’s just too cute, too naïve. And while in some cases that might see him doing something else with her naivety, here Shigure almost wants to cherish it. He wants to treasure it and keep Parvati safe. But more than anything else, he wants to see her in the outfit he’s gotten for her.
“Yep. All for you.”
With a squee, Parvati hugs the bag to her bouncing, jiggling chest and darts away from him into the next room. Shigure doesn’t follow. He knows how Parvati would react if he decided to walk in on her while she was changing. He also knew he could control her reaction, he could make her do whatever he wanted… but forcing her to do anything WASN’T what he wanted at this point.
Instead, he stands there and awaits Parvati’s return, a soft smile on his face all the while. It takes her a few minutes to figure it all out, but eventually she slips out of her bedroom, a shy blush on her face as she moves much slower than before. Giving him a twirl, Parvati bats her eyelashes innocently.
“How… how do I look, Master?”
For a moment, Shigure just takes her in. What would anyone who knew him say, if they found out he’d essentially gone out of his way to dress one of his female Servants in MORE clothes, rather than less? Eh, they’d probably still call him a pervert. Just a pervert of a different stripe, as was the case here. While Parvati’s original ensemble of a blue crop top and a flowing blue skirt was certainly cute enough, this new outfit he’d put her in was…
Well, it was a schoolgirl’s outfit, plain and simple. Not even an overly sexualized one at that. While the black skirt ended at the knees, it still went all the way down to there, and the white blouse beneath the beige jacket was long-sleeved in nature, with a ribbon tied into a bow coming off of her collar. She was wearing pure white socks, along with completely nondescript shoes. Of course, Shigure was well aware of her pure white panties and bra as well. He knew exactly what she had on underneath her new uniform.
But he couldn’t see a single bit of it in that moment, and honestly, that was part of the fun. Parvati gives Shigure a radiant smile, her star-pupil eyes gleaming brightly as she runs her hands down the front of her uniform.
“Thank you, Master! This is the best gift I’ve ever received!”
Oh god, is he blushing? Shigure can’t believe himself. Valiantly, the young Master resists the urge to cover his face with his hand in embarrassment. All the same, Parvati is just too cute, and he finds his cheeks heating up as she abruptly steps forward and clasps his hands in her own. The cute, innocent girl brings both of their hands up to her bosom, earnest happiness shining in her eyes as she looks directly at him.
“M-Master… I know it’s been some time since you summoned me. I know… I know you act differently with me than the other Servants. A-And… in the time I’ve come to know you, I’ve fallen completely in love with you.”
She pauses for a moment, even as Shigure’s mouth goes dry.
“I know you have your flaws… but I gladly accept them as part of the man that I love with all my heart! Master, please say you’ll take me as your wife, and assume the position of my husband!”
Even as cute as Parvati is, it doesn’t even cross Shigure’s mind for a moment that he might actually assume the traditional role of husband and stop all of his other sexual activities. But then, he knows that Parvati wouldn’t expect that of him either. With a grin on his face, Shigure nods his assent.
“I will, Parvati. I’ll be your husband, my darling little wife.”
The purple-haired Servant gifts Shigure with another radiant smile, her purity and her joy and her honest innocence shining through. Though, even innocence is not so innocent in a place like this. Blushing cutely, Parvati suddenly releases his hands and steps away from him. Not to run though, nothing like that.
Instead, the cute girl with literal stars in her eyes reaches down and grabs the hem of her black skirt. Pulling it up, she shyly exposes her snow-white panties to Shigure’s gaze right then and there, revealing the slight damp spot right above her hidden slit. Glancing to the side, Parvati shivers under Shigure’s stare, even as she bites her lower lip.
“T-Then… d-dear husband… may we consummate our union?”
Shigure’s grin stretches from ear to ear and its his turn to step forward as he reaches out and takes Parvati’s hands in his own. Her skirt slips back down, but that’s just fine because he will most definitely have her virginity for himself soon enough. Drawing Parvati’s gaze back to his own, Shigure laces his fingers through the purple-haired Servant’s and nods once again.
“Yes, we may.”
Then, he leans in and gives her a chaste kiss on the lips, before slowly leading her back into her bedroom. Parvati allows him to take control of the situation, her own inexperience shining through as Shigure takes her in hand and guides her along. Once they reach the end of her bed, Shigure pulls Parvati into a deeper kiss, but even this one is more innocent then some of the lewder kissing he’s done with his other Servants.
Shigure does not seek to dominate or conquer this beautiful snow flower though. Parvati is so innocent, so pure… conquering her would be as simple as bending her over and taking her. There’s no challenge in that. Making her fall in love with him however, convincing her to confess her feelings for him despite all she knew of his activities… now that was an accomplishment to be proud of.
The young Master did not seek to conquer Parvati… he sought to guide her, to teach her instead. And to her credit, the star-pupiled girl proved to be a surprisingly fast learned. As he slides his hands over her body and begins to undo the buttons on her vest, Parvati eventually brings up her own hands as well. Though her fingers tremble and she’s clearly not as sure of her course as he is, the beautiful Servant still does her part in the process that follows.
Together, they strip each other down slowly as they kiss, pulling garment after garment off of one another until they’re both wearing nothing but their underwear. Shigure pulls off Parvati’s bra, but when the purple-haired Servant moves her hands towards his boxers, he stops her and gives her a confident smile.
“Go lay down on the bed my dear.”
Wearing nothing but her socks and panties, the innocent, pure goddess obeys. Shigure slips his boxers off, his raging hard on flopping free of its confines, and moves to join her. Parvati lays on her back, looking nervous but also excited, her eyes filled with worry but also anticipation. Her hands are up near her chest, as if she’s not sure what to do with them, so Shigure takes over and laces his fingers through hers again, pushing her hands back so that they’re resting on either side of her head.
With the two of them holding hands, Shigure positions the tip of his member at Parvati’s entrance. He looks down in her unique, starry eyes as she stares back up at him. The devotion and trust and adoration she feels for him are clear… and Shigure quite enjoys the way her face transforms as he slowly penetrates her, sinking into her moist depths inch by inch.
He pushes right through her purity. Parvati’s lips part at that, but before the resulting cry can leave them, Shigure leans in and captures her mouth with his own, silencing her pain. He kisses her heatedly, making her forget all about the loss she’s just suffered, focusing her instead on all that she’s gaining as he pushes deeper and deeper inside of her.
When Parvati moans into his mouth, Shigure finally pulls back. He grins down at her, even as he begins to slowly thrust in and out of her cunt, making love to the sweet, purple-haired goddess beneath him right then and there.
“A-Ah… husband… more, p-please, more…”
Not one to disappoint, that’s exactly what Shigure gives his new ‘wife’. He fucks Parvati in the missionary position as they hold hands, but as far as the innocent, naïve Servant is concerned, they’re engaging in the absolute depths of debauchery. Her face is crimson red, and she moans and mewls pathetically, even as her body responds more and more to being filled with his length time and time again.
“I-I love you, husband.”
The first time she says it is quiet. Shigure smirks a little, a bit of his usual self leaking through as he leans in and whispers to her.
“I can’t hear you, darling.”
Parvati’s blush only grows more intense at his teasing, but innocent as she is, she takes his words to heart and earnestly replies again.
“I love you, h-husband!”
Shigure can’t help but growl, deep in his chest, at the words. They feel… right. Even if he’s not really Parvati’s husband, even if she’s not truly his wife… what does it matter? Laws are laws, but love is love. Parvati loves him with her entire being, and in his own way, Shigure loves her back. They might as well be husband and wife in such circumstances.
“Say it again.”
His tone is guttural, his voice dark and husky as he continues to thrust up into Parvati’s gripping depths, his cock being squeezed from all sides time and time again. Parvati moans wantonly, before doing as she’s told.
“I love you, husband!”
“Again, again, again!”
The pace of things increases as Shigure demands more and more of the goddess beneath him. Parvati’s breath grows uneven, but all the while she does her best to acquiesce to his demands.
“I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!!”
Her words resound deep in his soul. This woman, this goddess… she’s his. In mind, body, and even soul. Parvati is HIS, be it his Servant, his wife, his plaything. She belongs to him, and he will keep her by his side forever more. Woe to anyone who tries to take her from him. Hearing her say she loved him, hearing her call him husband and beg him for more… it’s absolutely perfect. It’s exactly what Shigure wanted from this particular Servant.
And so, with a triumphant roar, the young Master thrusts deeper into Parvati than ever before. She cries out in a passionate fashion, and a moment later begins to cum along his buried cock length. The feel of her insides squeezing down around him, of her inner walls clenching at his member… it only serves to hasten what was already coming.
Shigure’s seed spills forth from his cock and into Parvati’s womb. His white, hot ejaculate pours into Parvati, painting her insides with sticky fluid and leaving her absolutely filled with his cum. Shigure groans at this, his own back arching even as Parvati’s mouth remains open in a silent, continuous scream of pleasure beneath him.
And then it’s over, at least for the time being. Shigure comes back down from his pleasure high, and so does Parvati. His cock is still hard but turning this into some sort of marathon sex run isn’t what Shigure intended. No, this was Parvati’s first time. This was the consummation of their union… it needs to be special.
So, with his cock still buried in Parvati’s cunt, Shigure pulls the star-pupiled Servant close to him. Parvati in turn moans and wiggles as she cuddles into his chest happily, nuzzling against him with her purple locks. Together, they remain like that for a brief time, simply enjoying the silence and each other’s company.
Eventually though, Parvati pulls back and looks up into Shigure’s eyes. Shigure looks right back down into those stars that rest in the center of each of her irises. He smiles at her, even as she smiles back at him. It’s not the same radiant smile of innocent as before. No, Parvati can never go back to what she was before this. But change is not always a bad thing. Moving forward is not always a bad thing.
The smile that Parvati directs his way is still filled with joy and happiness, but it also has the rosy quality of a woman freshly bedded, even as she runs her hands down between their bodies.
“Dear husband… thank you for your gift. Thank you for both your gifts.”
Shigure simply lifts an eyebrow at that, and Parvati’s smile widens a bit more as one of her palms comes to rest right atop her abdomen, right above her womb.
“I can tell, dear husband, that I will soon be heavy with your child. Your seed is virile, and my womb fertile. Our joining will result in a babe, and I promise I’ll raise our child well. And… if you will have it of me…”
Once again, Shigure just waits for her to find the words. His silence seems to bolster her rather than turn her away, as Parvati finally finds her confidence.
“I shall help raise your other children, too. If that is alright.”
When she looks up at him, it’s with that very question in her eyes. Shigure just smiles and brushes her purple locks from her face.
“Of course, love.”
The beaming smile he gets in return leaves him half-inclined to roll back over and fuck Parvati again… but he holds off for now. He’s got other fuck toys to do the rough stuff with. He doesn’t need to outright defile Parvati… at least not now. Perhaps not ever.


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