Chains of the Senju Princess – Uzumaki/Senju Oc

Part 1 – Experiment gone wrong!

In a dark underground cave system, 5 men clothed in doctor garbs stood around a moderately sized table.

Upon this table lied the unmoving body of a rather beautiful woman.

She had long red hair cushioning her back and hips.

The five men looked at each other before one said: “Is everyone ready for the sealing? We have created the perfect vessel …"

Another nodded: “I can’t believe that the only thing missing is the soul!”

Some sighed in agreement.

“Alright. Start!”

Instantly the 5 men straightened their postures and their hands flashed through hand-seals before all slammed their hands onto the woman’s body.

If they were outside, they would notice the sky darken and thunder clouds forming in the sky.

They were interfering with the natural boundaries of the realms … they were breaking a taboo.

Soon, one single light flashed down from the black vortex forming above the body. Upon entering the woman’s body, her eyes shot open.

Her bright blue eyes frantically looked around, trying to make sense of her situation, or so it looked to the 5 men.

They looked at each other before ripping off their masks and laughing hysterically.

One of the men looked at the woman intently: “Experiment 1323, do you know of your purpose?”

The woman turned towards the man before tilting her head.

“Where am I?” She spoke quietly before looking down at her body as if surprised by the sound of her own voice.

Her eyes widened, her breathing grew short and panicked.

“Experiment 1323! Do you know of your purpose?!” The man shouted, moving a hand towards her to grab at her hand.

Just before he touched her, a black chain shot out of the woman’s arm and pierced his heart, shooting out of his back and proceeding to cut off his head.

The man died instantly.

The other men started screaming, knowing that their experiment had failed.

“Y-You should be programmed! You are nothing but a weapon!” One screamed before getting impaled by two chains.

The woman instinctively let her chains attack them.

She could just feel their intentions towards her. She feared what they would do to her, letting her already trusted chains kill them before they could even do anything to hurt her. Instinctively she devoured the foreign energy in their bodies.

As the chakra, as her implanted knowledge implied, traveled through her chains and finally entered her body, it rushed towards her stomach.

She could feel it merge with her own energy, making her feel pleasantly satisfied.

“So this is … the world of Naruto?” The woman said, speaking to herself, slightly shaking.

What year is it? … nothing. So that apparently isn’t important. Well, at least I know how to use chakra. There are some other things … but …

This feels weird. The knowledge about chakra, jutsu, medical ninjutsu, my chains, this body’s kekkei genkai and its heritage … should not be mine, but just is.

Anyway, what to do? I escaped my old world, thinking that I’d face eternal nothingness (which would have been alright), but here I am. Alive. And in a body I could grow to like. Thank god I'm not male again. This long hair is beautiful, I never did manage to love my old self, maybe I have a chance at finding happiness this time …

She shook her head, impossible, and looked around.

Her eyes took in the gory and bloody sight around her, but she felt … nothing. She simply did not care about the death she had just caused.

Something’s wrong with me, definitely. Though, even in my old life, I wasn’t exactly sure whether I’d feel anything after killing someone, or whether I’d even be able to do it. Either way, this makes life here easier. The Naruto Universe is filled with glorified killers.

Also, judging from my implanted memory, I am to be a weapon of these scientists. Apparently, I’m a ‘toy’ of Danzo.

This underground facility is just outside of Konoha.

Honestly, can I even escape or live a normal life? I doubt it.

Either way … I’d like to get out of here, this place is kind of scary.

The woman slowly jumped down from the table, making sure not to step into any blood on the ground.

Looking around, she spotted a black cloak that she used to cover her naked body, instantly feeling less exposed.

Slowly, and with her feet not making any sound when she walked, she reached the door and pulled it open.

What greeted her were two long, dark corridors that seemed to be endless.

Thinking for a second, she decided to go right first.



A few steps in, she started feeling scared and willed her chains to surround her in case she got attacked.

There could be traps … right?

She sent out small waves of chakra to scan her immediate surroundings.

One turn to the right and another few minutes of walking later, she reached a staircase leading down further into the compound.

Mulling over her decision for a bit, she decided to go down, sending out small waves of chakra continuously. When they returned to her, they gave her information about her surroundings. This formed a mental map and told her of any foreign chakra in her range of sensing. Immediately afterwards, another wave shot out, forming an endless cycle.

Around a hundred staircases later, without feeling even a bit of exhaustion, she reached the bottom layer and found herself looking at a large space filled with huge glass tubes that seemed to carry unfinished test subjects.

Through her chakra, she could feel a slight connection towards these body parts.

This chakra … it’s like mine. These are the previous attempts at creating my body.

She felt a feeling of disgust take over her body, but … only seconds later her mind returned to its previous state.

Right. A weapon shouldn’t have emotions. Haha, seems like they did not really manage to create a perfect weapon after all!

She laughed out softly, realizing that they forcibly made her body reject emotional reactions. Emotions are what makes life worth the trouble (only the positive ones though). She could obviously still feel them, but only for a few seconds before she returned to a calm that was so unlike her previous self.

She previously was an inherently scared being, fearing almost everything … but, this would help her do things that she needed to do, fear was what held her back and depression and simple coincidence is what killed her in her past life.

You do not need courage to kill yourself … it’s a loss of hope that gives you the last push.

To think I did not realize that until my life broke apart, I could have ended it so much earlier … but perhaps I wouldn’t have gotten the chance at living in this world and in this body then. Perhaps this was fate.

She laughed softly before sighing and looking at the ceiling.

Should I destroy all this? I can feel that these things have similar chakra to mine, but they are missing life, or rather, a soul.

Thinking it over a bit more, she decided to assimilate all of the chakra in these experiment bodies, it would cause her chakra capacity to almost double.

The more chakra one has, the longer one’s body will live, her memories supplied.

Dozens of black chains pierced through the glass tubes, devouring all of the chakra liquid and the piercing the body parts to absorb the chakra they held.

This process took no longer than 5 minutes and she decided to head back up the staircase to try the other path, seeing that there was nothing else down here.



Coming back up the stairs, she sensed three presences coming towards her.

Upon seeing them, she noticed that they wore ANBU clothing and masks, without thinking much about it, her chains shot out and punctured two of the figures, killing them instantly.

The last one managed to dodge and pulled out his short sword. He used the body flicker to appear behind her.

He tried slashing at her and mere centimeters before the sword hit her ‘unguarded’ back, several chains bound his body and held his sword in place.

She turned around and decided to take off his mask, seeing that his death was already certain. No one can escape her chains once they start devouring chakra.

Taking off the mask, revealed a rather normal man. He looked slightly handsome in her opinion, but his face held no emotion.

No anger, no fear, nothing.

Clearly one of Danzo’s men.

She stretched out one finger, only now noticing that her nails were covered in red nail polish, and tapped on the spot where his heart was at.

Sending a bit of her own chakra towards his heart, his heart tenketsu exploded and his heart stopped, killing him without pain.

A few seconds later, her chains had gathered all of the chakra from the three figures, leaving only empty husks of who they were before.

What happens if I devour a tailed beast? Also … the chakra that I absorb gets converted into my own chakra, but what if the chakra I absorb is of higher quality than mine, meaning sage of six paths chakra. Or … would I be able to awaken the Sharingan or the Rinnegan? Interesting.

She looked at one figure on the ground, realizing that it was a female Anbu.

Deciding to take her clothes, she took off the corpse’s pants and long-sleeved shirt and put them on. The armor that previously covered her torso was thrown aside; it didn’t look comfortable at all. And seeing that she easily killed elite Anbu like they were normal people, she let the arrogance of her new abilities blind her and decided to not wear the armor. Honestly though, if her chains failed to protect her, then that armor certainly wouldn’t do much either.

Disgusting, but I do not really want to be naked if I don’t need to be.

Right, shouldn’t I try to at least destroy this place as to make sure no evidence gets out? Maybe I can pretend to be just a random Uzumaki-Clan-member that miraculously survived and reached the village … yeah, no. It probably won’t work, but I should at least try to destroy evidence of my escape, right?

“Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu.” She said, after letting her hand instinctively do the hand-seals needed.

A barrage of fire shot out of her mouth, setting the bodies on fire.

What to do about the glass tubes down there?

Hmm, maybe I could just flood it?

“Suiton: Mizurappa.”

A stream of water shot out of her mouth, rushing down the stairs.

A few minutes later, the water reached the upper stairs and she decided to stop.

Breathing out a slight sigh, she could feel a bit of exhaustion take over her muscles as if she had exercised a bit.

So, using a lot of chakra does have its effects on my body, though my reserves are clearly nearly full. I can also feel my chakra slowly refilling, that’s probably the passive chakra regeneration every human has in this universe, though mine is amplified for sure, since this body is made from Uzumaki cells and holds some Hashirama cells too. Wait, that’s right … could I do the wood style?

No? Hmm, which chakra nature do I even have? I really need to test that sometime soon. It’d be so awesome if I could use Mokuton.

She turned around and walked past the still burning bodies.

Upon reaching the room she woke up in, she set everything flammable on fire and slowly walked down the other path.

Oh. I should probably start sending out my chakra waves again, otherwise I won’t even notice any hidden doors or traps …, she thought slightly frowning at her carelessness.

Soon enough she reached a staircase leading upwards. A few long minutes later, she came upon the exit of this underground facility.

It was cleverly hidden in a natural cave deep inside of the forest surrounding Konoha.

Sending out slightly bigger chakra waves, she could feel the very, very small chakra presences of civilians behind walls in the distance.

Now, what to do. I can’t just walk into Konoha, right? Actually, I don’t even know at what place canon is right now, or if this world even has the same characters that I read about. Sure, there seems to be Danzo, but …

Though, if the canon characters exist, then I’d like to at least meet Naruto once … in the anime and manga they always made him seem like the Sun itself. He was always positive and always seemed to have a heart that could hold the very world and still not exhaust its kindness.

I think … I might need someone like him in my life.

With newfound determination, she stepped through the forest and headed towards the path leading to Konoha’s gates.


A/N: So, I've decided to write another one. I'm still not done with my exams, so don't expect many chapters until then. At most I'll do one a day or something ... though I'm not sure. My last exam is on the 3rd next month, so I'll have lots of free time after that. I've found that I do like writing ... but I'll need to put in some planning and take my time this time, otherwise it'll just end like the two novels before this one did.

Let me know what you think about Uzu, as we already know she is called. 

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