
Chapter 45 2/3


Cassandra sat, perched even, on the open-air cafe's chair, one leg crossed over the other. She wore a tight fitted business blouse along with a pencil skirt, appropriate for her respected position as the manager of a high end legal firm.


Her high heel clad foot swayed with irritation. Really, first she had been brought out by the most ridiculous waste of time demand from the firm's most well paying customer, and now she couldn't even get a coffee in a reasonable time frame!


It had all been a trick on the snakes part of course. She realised that now. Rina had demanded her presence immediately and she had rushed over for her very important customer. She had found the pink scaled Lamia apoplectic with fury, steam practically coming out of her ears. It wasn't hard to see why, a giant dragon being dumped on your property was a homeowner's worst nightmare, doubly so when said dragon had claimed ownership of said property. That was a headache in itself. It was just a fact of life that the law didn't apply very well to dragons, they were just on another level of existence in comparison to everyone else. 


There was a reason that basically every city on the planet was ruled by a dragon.


She had told Rina as much, and Rina had told her to try anyway. Cassandra… really didn't want to. Taking a dragon to court was a good way to get the court burned down. She had hurriedly told her a lie that since the dragon now owned her property her credit rating had dropped through the floor and based on previous debts the firm was no longer able to extend help to her since she was considered financially insolvent. 


Rina had looked flabbergasted. 


But then she had played her ace. And it was a doozy of an ace.


She would pay for her firm's services with… a carnal act!


Specifically one between a centaur named Fey and herself!


Clearly an outrageous suggestion… But Cassandra found she just couldn't say no. Her inner fangirl just wouldn't let her! Night after night spent reading many a lewd newsletter while sipping a glass of wine by the fire left her with no choice. Sex with Fey? Obviously Invaluable for a hardcore fangirl like herself.


After signing the contract with Rina there had been… a long queue, but she persevered, waiting patiently until…. until she had been rushing past practically jogging, a teddy bear snipping a lock of hair away as she reached out and grasped a pair of horse balls.


Grasped for only a moment however as she was hauled away and sent off with nothing but a ball warmed pair of hands.


No doubt that the supposed 'centaur' hadn't been a centaur at all, just a regular horse. She hadn't seen the front half as the horse was partway through a door. A clever trick.


It made her wonder if the entire newsletter was all just lies. She had heard many times from other fans that it was totally real and Fey was a real person and not fiction… but with this.


She let out a sigh. It would be a shame if the stories weren't real, she had masturbated so much over them and had spent a small fortune on the mini rubbers much to her husband's chagrin.


She blinked as with a ceramic click her coffee was placed on the cafe table.


"Took you long enough." she snapped at the cat girl barista.


She snatched up the cup and sipped.

"Hey, this is cold!"




The young barista looked flustered and blushed.


"I can get you a fresh one, I-"


"You made me wait this long and you expect me to wait even more?"


Cassandra stood, her heels giving her height on the barista, her chair squealing against flagstones as it skidded back.


She took hold of the Barista's blouse dragging her close as she leaned down, staring into her eyes.


"Do you even know who I am?!"


"A c-customer!?" squeaked the barista.


"Hah. Funny. No I-


She paused as something pressed against her rear from within her clothing, something large and very very warm.




She blinked down at the Barista to find her squirming in her grip, grabbing at her rear as gasps slipped from her mouth.


"I- I d-didn't think it would happen so quickly! I thought it would be, hnff, hours! Oh gods Feeey! I'm at woooork!"


The pressure increased on Cassandra's rear, her ass cheeks and thighs pushed apart as something massive pressed at her pussy. Wait, what did the cat girl just say?


"What did you just say? You were at the estate too?"


The barista glanced down at her hips then up. "You too? You were linked too?"


Linked? Cassandra suddenly felt very out of the loop and lost. Of course she didn't have much time to think on that as the pressure massively increased and the two girl's legs nearly buckled, knees turning inward and clutching at each other to remain upright as their pussies slowly yawned open.


"What is happening!" Cassandra keened, fingers clutching at the barista's shoulders as she struggled to remain standing.


The barista flailed out an arm, pointing as she moaned into Cassandra's breasts.


Cassandra followed her finger and found a dozen women similarly struggling around the cafe, moaning and squirming in their chairs, practically falling over the tables, hands grasping desperately at their rears.


And behind, out in the street, women in expensive clothing tottered past, knees turned inward, trying their best to pretend nothing was wrong even as they groaned as their pussies were stretched.


Cassandra knew how they felt, something massive was entering her and there was nothing she could do about it but maintain a mostly straight face.


She wondered if there was no end to the stretching and the sensation would simply last forever, but then, as one, a loud wet and obscene sound came from every squirming women there, SCHRLLUR-POP!


Cassandra howled, hugging the barista like a life raft as her pussy engulfed epic amounts of cock, her high heels wobbling madly as she struggled to remain upright, the sound of fluids pouring from between dozens of legs filled the air and Cassandra wondered if this was the end.


But no, the cock just kept pushing into her!


She darted hands down to her midriff in a panic. Her stomach was rising, stretching over the massive penetration, her belly bulge pressing against another mirrored in the barista clutching her, two cock bulges pressing together between them, rubbing against each other.


"F-Fey?!" whisper-hissed Cassandra.


Around her the moans were only increasing as the horsey length moved ever deeper, and a soft muffled schlurp-op marking the penetration of so many cervixes at once.


That seemed to be the limit where most women were able to hold any semblance of calm together and Cassandra watched as legs flailed into the air, women screaming as they fell over their tables, knocking aside drinks and food, spraying down customers behind with squirt as they succumbed to too much pleasure.


Cassandra too hit her limit along with the barista and the two of them fell back on the table, the barista on top as Cassandra's long high heeled legs went straight up into the air.


They hugged and yowled into each other's hair as the underneath of their skirts were presented to the shocked customers, two massively gaped pussies, their insides shifting as they were penetrated by something invisible. The cavern of their gapes was bridged with a slim line of cloth, the underside of their panties stretched between clit and asshole, the barista's pink cat themed panties straining to breaking point, her rear squished by the pinching fabric, similarly with Cassandra expect with a pair of thin black professional panties.


The customers goggled at the sight and then cried out as the two women powerfully squirted, messy sprays of boiling hot cunt nectar launching from beneath their skirts and hosing down the audience.


Cassandra didn't care, she didn't care that she was a powerful and serious businesswoman, in that moment she was only for Fey.


She let her desire known, crying out her name, her voice repeated by many of the other howling women.


And then it was coming, the length thickening hugely within her passage. She wrapped her legs tight around the barista's back, hugging her almost painfully close as their belly bulges pressed together and then an immense liquid heat was pouring into her womb and they were being forcibly separated as their bellies expanded with horse cum.


The two women cried out, grabbing for each other's hands as the barista rose, as every screaming woman in the place expanded with cum.


With a crash tables began to collapse across the cafe, no longer able to support the swelling women.


They grew and grew, pushing aside tables and chairs until the cafe's shading parasols were being knocked down or bent upward, and customers were calling for help trapped between cum bellies. 


In the end each of the domes was maybe fourteen feet across and filled the street from end to end.


Cassandra looked around in disbelief, so much rounded taut flesh, the cafe had been swallowed by women's bellies.


"Fucking goddam it! Rina got me, she really got me," she groaned. It seemed her firm really would be suing a freaking dragon.


Celia squirmed her hips, her boyfriend's large cock sliding within her folds as she clenched down tight on it, her pink one-piece swimsuit pushed to one side of her penetrated muff.


They were sat in the couples bathing area of a public baths, at the edge of the main pool, the water just high enough to cover her waist. Which was a good thing as it hid what was happening below the waterline.


The place was busy at that time of day, male and female swimsuit clad bathers busy relaxing or swimming or playing in the steam filled baths, or lazing by the pool edge with towels on. After leaving the estate she had been spotted by her boyfriend and she had split off from the others to follow him here.


Sex was of course strictly prohibited in the public baths… but that was a rule that had a habit of being broken. Celia had kinda hoped the excitement of being penetrated by her boyfriend completely in public would bring back something, some sense of danger, or excitement, or arousal. 


Instead the teenage elf just felt unsatisfied, her needs failing to be met. He was one of the biggest guys in class, over a foot taller than herself, a genuine beefcake. But the truth was after thrusting herself on a mini rubber horse cock for hours on end he just couldn't match up. He felt… small. It didn't help that mother was always trying to drag her out to her silly Size Queen Tea Club, Celia was sure that was giving her impossible expectations of guys. Still, she felt how she felt, and she couldn't help that.


It was time to say something.




He leaned down to hear her, his hips still gently thrusting up into her as she sat on his lap.


"I know we've like been together for like a whole month, but like-"


"AHNN! Oh God not now! It wasn't supposed to-! NUUU!" came a voice.




Celia blinked as someone cried out in the baths, then she felt her boyfriend thrust up against her really hard, his hips…? No, she realised, this was something else, something harder, something enormous trying to slip inside of her.


She bit her lip. This couldn't seriously be happening now could it?! She thought the whole thing was a joke, just a quick peck on a centaur's balls for giggles, but the thing pressing against her rear told her otherwise. Her mind darted back to reading the newsletter, crouched over her bed, hand between her legs, eyes frantically reading of immense penetration. Was that seriously about to happen to her?! 


With a cry like many of the girls there her muff started to spread, inching out as the invisible force relentlessly eased into her, her pussy walls once clamped around her boyfriend's cock came away as they spread out for something far larger, something insistent, something stallion like. Then, in a rush, her slick with wet pussy slipped around the head of the cock, so slick it seemed to slip deep very quickly and she goggled as her one piece swimsuit started to bulge outward from her front, the indistinct blunt head of a horse cock outlined in pink.


Her boyfriend's cock was left stiff and erect inside her massive gape, the tip of his cock twitching and flopping against her pussy walls, or against the narrow strip of her pink swimsuit that now bridged her gape.


The moment penetration happened a number of girls around the crowded baths let out a gasp… rather a lot of girls actually, and their partners exclaimed in alarm, wondering what was wrong, exclaiming over their bulging bellies.


The girls panicked of course, desperately trying to hide their massively gaped pussies and bulging midriffs, hands darting over themselves, but finding it impossible to hide their obscene shame.


The males started to shout as they saw this and then the girls began to really panic. 


The first fled from the water, sprinting over the tile, pool water falling from her gape divided by her one piece swimsuit.


That triggered a fight or flight response from the others, and dozens of girls leapt from the water, their partners slow to follow.


The slap of bare feet on tile filled the air as the group all ran for the door, pushing and shoving at each other.


Unfortunately, with pool water spilling from their gapes it made the tile very slippery, and as one girl fell she dragged down those next to her just as the girls reached the doorway.


Shouts and cries for help filled the air as they fell over each other, legs and arms sliding over slippery bodies, girls piled in the narrow doorway, their gapes stacked on top one another as legs flailed, slapping against tile and bodies alike.


Their boyfriends who after their immediate shock had dashed from the pool crashed into the piles of squealing girls as they also lost their footing, slipping across the tile as they slid up against them.


The panic didn't abate, only becoming worse, girls desperately trying to hide their shame with their hands but unable to stop their moans as their bellies rose and fell with massive penetration, driving them higher and higher until as one they were wailing, legs going stiff, toes splaying, and powerfully squirting over their boyfriends.


Celia shrieked as she came, her hips moving on their own thrusting herself down on her massive penetration, her boyfriends cock slapping against her clit as she clawed at her belly bulge, her swimsuit stretching so far that it began to split, oval gaps appearing where her flesh bulged through.


She felt him grab at her belly bulge, unable to understand what was happening, but she only wailed harder, squirming on his lap.


Celia's cheeks burned with shame. But… it also just felt soooo fucking good!


And then piping hot cum was exploding into her and her swimsuit was tearing, pulling apart as cum belly spilled through the gaps, her body growing larger and larger, spilling between her thighs as the swimsuit gave out and broke apart, swelling across the pool as she screamed and creamed herself.


Her screaming was only matched by those at the door, their bellies rising like dough, pushing each other apart and filling the doorway, bellies expanding as their wombs were filled and filled, one piece swimsuits coming apart at the seams as they reached their limits, bellies spilling across tile and pushing against their boyfriends.


The rising tide of cumbellies was so great that the girls were being pushed by each other back into the pool, great round shapes the size of coaches coming down with a splash as they continued to grow.


Celia groaned as she felt her boyfriend spurt little strings against her walls, her hands clutching weakly at the smooth mass in front of her that was her stomach.


She could never go back to normal sex, not after this.


"I'm sorry Sarah, but that was kinda… disappointing?"


Sarah scowled at her classmate. 


They were sitting at a table, one of a number of tables that the many students had taken over at a restaurant after leaving Tami's estate.


Of course, after queuing for an hour and only being able to kiss the centaur's balls there was a certain amount of… annoyance. The students felt like they had been scammed. 


"I wanted a gape like in the stories, Fey's mark on me, something I can show off," muttered one.


There was a general murmur of agreement around the circular table.


"I mean, licking all over her balls was cool and all, but teacher is gonna be so mad at us…"


"You got to lick? Boo. I only got a kiss before that stupid elf dragged me away."


"Listen, you heard what the doll said, she said we'd get Fey once the queue had finished. Sooo maybe we'll see her soon?"


"Uh, did you see that queue? It literally led out of Tami's place it was so long. We're going to be waiting for an absolute age if that's true. Urgh."


Sarah picked at her chicken with a fork. It was true that the promise they had made to their classmates had been somewhat disappointing. They had been rushed past Fey's rear end, allowed a touch, made to toss a clip of hair in a box, and then simply hurried away. 


They'd found themselves in some random waiting area with a bunch of other girls, maids handing out small appetisers to eat from silver platters. 


After about an hour of that the teenagers had started to get bored and fidgety as teenagers tended to get and Sarah had suggested going to a nearby restaurant. The gaggle of girls quickly agreed and then on arrival promptly taken over the middle tables of an upper class place near the estate.


They were of course all members of very rich and wealthy families and had no trouble ordering an absurd amount of food which they promptly dug into.


"You just need patience, there's this thing with Lily's Class that works like… Well, it's hard to explain, it's like teleporting a penis." 


"That sounds like bull. What is so special about this Class thing anyway? something that barbaric and uncivilised adventurers rely on because they are weak-willed?" one of the students sniffed in reply.


"Uh, not quite, and I uh, also recently got a Class," said Sarah.


The group of girls stared at her.




Sarah shrugged but hesitantly reached out to the empty glass of wine of the girl next to her. She brushed her fingers on the glass then withdrew.


After a few seconds the glass started to make a ringing sound before it suddenly shattered, glass going everywhere as the wine dregs dripped onto the table.


The girls stared.


"What did you do?"


"It's my class, I wanted to prove it's real. Ruby has a class too. Now do you believe me that something is going to happen? It's special magic stuff, okay?"


"I don't actually Sarah. Gods, play pretending being an adventurer is pathetic even for you, and not only do I think this is all totally a farce I - OH!"


The girls all suddenly jumped as something touched against their rears, something that was definitely not the chairs they sat upon.


"What the f-fuck?!"


Sarah's smugness levels rocketed up from zero to the upper atmosphere as she spooned another forkful of chicken into her mouth. She raised her eyebrows up and down suggestively a few times as she smiled smugly.


"D-don't just sit there looking smug! We're being, we're- hnnff! gods, how freaking big is this thing?!"


Sarah swallowed. "Hey you wanted Fey, you got Fey."


The student next to her lowered her voice urgently. "Sarah, we're in the middle of a freaking public restaurant!"


Sarah squirmed her hips as her cunny started to spread wonderfully around the horse cock.


"Y-yeah? That's too bad. Guess you should've paid my low low price of five gold huh? It included an advice package about the best private locations to wait for Fey." She ate another forkful of chicken.


The students boggled at her.


"You're butthurt about that of all things?!"


"Hey, I've got bills to pay, mostly bills involving the purchase of large quantities of large rubber horse penises."


The students looked at her in growing horror, then jerked forward on their seats once more as Fey thrust at them.


"This- this can't get out! My parents would kill me!" cried one of the students. 


She leapt from her chair and sprinted for the bathrooms.


Unfortunately for her the pressure reached an inflection point mid run and the girl squealed as Fey slipped inside.


She staggered as her legs went weak at the knees and crashed into a table that a family were seated at. She flopped on top as the family cried out in alarm, plates and wine glasses flipping into the air as she beached on the table cloth.


The students who had remained seated weren't doing much better and were all bowed over the tables, struggling to remain sensible and quiet as they were ravaged, hands clenched tight in fists or grasping desperately at the table cloth.


They didn't succeed and quickly found themselves bent over the table as the thrusting came faster and faster, their chairs screeching as their flailing legs kicked them away, moans rising into gasps and wails, food staining their blouses as they were roughly fucked.


The dozens of students squealed as they were thrust onto the circular tables, legs going up and short skirts riding up thighs, their massive gapes presented to the other diners. 


The teenagers screamed and clutched at each other as things just became more and more intense, fingers intertwining with those next to them until the students squirted together and clear fluid rained down on the other diners, sprinkling across their food and upturned faces.


Sarah grinned fiercely as her belly started to expand. Lifting her away from the table. 


"Yeah, totally should have paid me."


The table promptly collapsed.


The hall was one of the largest on the estate yet the crowd of girls filled most all of the place. 


Admittedly that had a lot to do with a number of massive cowkins whose enormous hovering breasts took up a lot of space, each vast rounded shape being held up by multiple floating bras.


When the cowkins turned they had a habit of knocking other girls flat, or knocking over tables, and chairs, their great size creating a huge amount of momentum that was hard to stop once it got going.


It was fortunate then that they had brought milking nozzles with them or the hall might have already been flooded. As it was, the milk was pumped from their breasts out a window where it was forming a small lake in one of the ornamental gardens.


A large elephant like loxodon girl moved and accidently pushed against Taylor the cowkin's nipple, knocking the glass nozzle off.


Heather blinked as milk sprayed up her leg, a sharp gasp coming from behind.


The loxodon peered around the heaving breast as a puddle spread across the floor and over her broad foot, finding a short stack cowkin behind the absurdly over-full breast.


"Small one." The elephant girl glanced at the heaving mass of breast flesh. "...Mostly small one, are you okay?"

"Y-you knocked my milker off!"


"Ah, let me replace that."


The loxodon bent down and grabbed up the glass nozzle from the puddle of milk then gripped hold of her massive nipple with her other hand. Brow furrowed with concentration, and tongue sticking from the side of her mouth, she lined the two up and pressed them together.


She missed and the fat nipple glanced off the glass, milk spraying in every direction as Taylor gasped.


The luxodon reached down with her trunk and helped stabilise the stiff nipple, this time holding it tight as she forced the nozzle onto her.


The glass slipped around the slippery flesh and quickly formed a vacuum, sealing tight and applying pressure. The glass was instantly swamped with milk and white surged down the rubber tube attached to it.


"Th-thank you!" groaned Taylor.


Heather scratched her trunk. "Don't you have a dairy like cowkins are supposed to?"


Taylor's happy expression turned dark.


"We did… but the owner, she turned bad. After Fey happened the quality of our milk started slowly increasing, but when the customers started demanding more platinum grade milk we didn't have she went crazy, locking us up to be stimulated and milked all day and all night  until we could produce it. She turned us into a battery farm!"


"Tell me where she is mostly little one and I shall snap her neck for you."


"Uhhhh, that's okay. We escaped."


A mouse tail pressed against Taylor's chin and lifted her head. She found herself looking up at a girl with a pair of large mouse ears protruding from her hair. 


Octavia smiled. 


"So you're saying that you are free agents? All of you?"


"Uh, yeah…?"


"Interesting. Very interesting. Would your group perhaps be interested in a business opportunity?"


A trunk came down and clamped on Octavia's head, turning her to face the elephant girl as she bent down.


"Octavia. Are you trying to run one of your scams on my new friend here?"


"N-no! It's a serious offer!"


She licked her lip and lowered her voice.


"Don't you think it's a little unfair that Vivi is making all this money of our newsletter? I mean C'mon, this is perfect, Fey created milk, we advertise and-


"You want to turn us into a dairy? We are not a dairy, we are a dignified hunting club, one that's about to be partially successful in our aim to hunt Fey down for sex."


"I mean sure sure but this wouldn't be the clubs, it would be mine, I'd just be advertising through the newsletter, like the dildos. What? Do you want to buy in?"


The loxodon gave her a confused look, but before she could reply something pressed against her rear.


"Oh fuck here it comes!" groaned Octavia, her hips wiggling.


"Th-this is larger than that dildo Rebecca used on me!" exclaimed Heather.


Octavia grabbed Taylor's shoulder as her pussy started to spread. 


"W-we can talk about this later!"


"Uhm, y-you should know if Fey has an effect on us anything like last time, hnff! you might have to protect us because we'll be producing so much more a-and probably platinum, and the dairy union will come for us!"


Octavia groaned long and low as the invisible cock eased inside, her walls stretching wider and wider as her belly started to distend. 


She grabbed hold of Heather's trunk still resting on her head to steady herself.


"That's what heather here can be for!"


"Wh-what?" groaned the elephant girl, having to rest one hand on the breast of Taylor just to keep upright.


"Y-you know protect our new assets, you're terrifyingly strong so you could do that right?"


"Suuuure." groaned the loxodon, her tail flagging up as her abdomen pressed out with cock.


"G-Glad we agree! N-now Taylor we have-"


"H-hold I didn't agree to anything oh gawwd!"


"I'm just talking hypothetical-- oh fuck--, like we'll need some of dairy, I supposed, hnff, you no longer have that? oh god how is there so much cock!"


"Y-yes, although we stole the nozzles, hnnngggh!"


"That's p-perfect AHNN! then you just need a space and some k-kind of storage. The recently purchased Fey Hunting Club headquarters has several warehouses attached, Vivi's request, -fucking furrk it feels so much better without a condom-, you could set up there no?"


"I- I guess! oh nuu is she getting faster?"


"I, hnff, th-think we should be- AHHNNNNN!!!


"AIIEEE!!!! YES!!!"


"Yes! I'm glad you a-agree! and- HNYAAAAA!!"


The three girls clutched at each other as the messy sound of their inside being rearranged filled the air, joining the chorus of girl throughout the hall that rose to a peak until with a combined scream the hundred or so girls started to expand, massive breasts rivaled by massive bellies as girls were slowly enlarged with boiling hot cum.


The space between each girl was rapidly filled with cum belly and then it became a competition as they ran out of space, pressure mounting as they were filled, bellies rising over each other.


Of course all that weight pressing down on rubber tubes meant that many glass nozzles were ripped free from many engorged nipples.


The milk level began to rise.



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