
Chapter 40 2/3

Tami crossed her arms.


“Oh yeah and like you don’t get a leveling boost from being fucked full of Fey’s babies, you don't get to call anyone a cheater!”


Vivi scratched her cheek, a little embarrassed. “That is true I guess, but hey, cheating isn't a bad thing! You think it matters that you cheated when your life's on the line, a terrifying monster trying its best to kill you? Nah, cheating is fucking awesome.”


Ruby handed the rapier to a maid who cleaned it off and put it away.


“Right? I would have hated being an adventurer, all that blood and death and danger every day. But... it’s not so bad with Wummy armour, it’s kinda fun honestly. I don’t mind if it even is cheating because I probably wouldn't do this otherwise, oh and with Fey accelerating everything there’s way less fighting so even better!”


Tami seemed to suddenly recall that Fey was the reason they were here in the first place and turned on the pink eared wolfkin.


“Quick how much did you level, how much larger of a portal can you make?”


Ruby blinked at her then paid attention to what her Class was telling her.


“Uh, I’m level twelve.”


“Thirteen here!” said a happy Sarah, being pulled from beneath her bear by Wummy.


I’m… level three.” said a slightly crestfallen Lucy approaching, bridle in hand.


“Gods, the Fey effect is really strong on low levelers,” murmured Vivi.


“It could just be that her Class sucks and she can't level normally…”


“Hey my Class doesn't suck!” Said Lucy petting her now calm and quite normal horse, “It's a great Class! I could fight anyone with it and win!”


Tami scoffed “Oh come on, you clearly picked it because you wanted to use it on Fey and not to fight with, but hey, guess what? That class is blatantly meant for horses and not centaurs, you saw the horse head on the cover, it's not going to work on her!”


“I didn't pick it for that! ….m-mostly. I also just love horses okay, why do you think I love riding so much!”


“Because you get off on having your pussy pounded on the saddle?”


“Shut up no it's not that! I just like riding even without that, having a Class that works with that just makes sense for me okay, what if I got a Class that only worked on Centaurs, what if Fey never notices me or sees me? I’d have had a useless class then! This way I can ride the plains with the wind in my hair, a massive sweating red stallion between my thighs! B- bouncing up and dow- I- I mean riding normally and professionally! It would just be sooo wonderful!” Lucy’s voice became dreamy as she went on, her imagination running wild.


“She is correct,” said Vivi, “...not about her saddle humping fetish, but about the Class.”


“It’s not a fetish!” cried Lucy, a little louder than was necessary.


“She chose something that would be useful to her, useful to anyone I imagine, especially if it has Skills to make a horse run faster and travel greater distances like I suspect, that would be very handy.”


“See! The veteran adventurer agrees with me!”


“Yeah yeah horse girl, I’ve seen your dream diary, you just left it out for anyone to find on our sleepover, all those stories you wrote that you keep in a tied up sack inside a locked box inside a padlocked chest under your bed, that one took a while to pick. And I thought Ruby here had a thing for horses, your horse dreams are wild Lucy. A whole stable? Really?”


Lucy froze. “Y-you what- wha- what did you just s- say- WHAT DID-


“Now enough of your crappy Class, it's time we focused on what we really came here for.”


Tami grabbed Ruby’s hand and towed her back to the dining table, a panicked yelling Lucy following in their wake. There she grabbed up the bracelets once more and handed them to the wolfkin.


The wolfkin hesitantly held one up.


“Uhm, as much as I’ve leveled and gained a bunch of new Skills I need to try I still can't make a portal quite this big yet Tami, so I’m going to need something smaller. Sorry, it’s the Class, it's not really meant for this, it's a super specific assassination Class really, I understand that now.”


“What?! How does that work?”


“Well I’d pass a ring onto my target, and ideally they would either put it in their pocket, or put it on their finger, or even better I’d sneak it into their bed, and then when they are unawares I’d take a rapier and thrust it through the portal, my Skills are designed to help with that. It’s actually a really really freaking scary Class Tami, and that butler Lucy met probably isn't a butler, but a killer for Lady Ariawyn, a cold blooded assassin.”


“Huh.” said Tami leaning back against the table.


Lucy who had been ranting angrily about Tami not respecting personal space paused hearing that.


“Harrison is an assassin? Wait? Really? But he’s served me tea and- and cocks!”


“It seems like it’s probably true,” said Ruby, “at least if he got the Class years ago before the Size Queen Tea Club became a thing and it could be put to other uses, and he probably did considering how high level you have to be to make bigger portals.”


Lucy made a face, unsure how to feel about being served cocks and drinks from a scary assassin.


Sarah and Vivi had caught up as they spoke. The two discussing her Class and her abilities.


“You think I would have to kill a lot more monsters? But I leveled up so much from just killing one!”


“You did, but that was because it was a particularly strong one and you were level one. That won't happen again, you need to do more to level up as you climb in levels, fighting stronger and stronger and more and more monsters.” she paused. “But really since you got Fey’d and preggers even that isn't necessary, you could just wait a really long time and you’ll probably level up slowly that way too, faster if you keep interacting with her, which is like super mega cheating… Don't ever tell an adventurer you can do that by the way, they will likely strangle you to death out of jealousy.”


“They don’t even have to fight monsters?!” said Lucy in dismay overhearing them, “B-but what about me? I will still have to do that on my own! And way more! Hey! What am I supposed to do! What if Fey never notices me!” said Lucy, fretting now. “I’m not a fighter, I can't be going out hundreds of times killing monsters to level up! I’m- I’m going to get left behind… Everyones... going to pull so far ahead of me...”


The others went quiet at the emotional outburst.


“Hmm, well you can start changing that by drinking this,” said Tami. She turned and snapped her fingers at one of the patiently waiting maids. They turned and jogged over to one of several large wagons that had been used to transport the massive dining table and other things out onto the plain. 


A large tapped barrel was set into one side of the wagon and after fiddling around with the faucet for a moment a wet sound came from in front of her, the sound of fluid pouring, filling something. She then turned and jogged back. She held a large two gallon glass jug in her hands and a pint glass under her arm. The jug appeared to be solid white at first and not glass, but that was because it was nearly full to the brim with a thick white substance.


The maid put it all down on the table ready to be used.


Tami gestured and the rope around her hips extended out and lifted the jug by the handle, pouring the thick goo into the pint glass, nearly filling it to the brim.


“Is… is that what I think it is?” said Lucy biting her lip.


“Yep, freshly stored and perfectly preserved prime grade Fey cum. Unfortunately I lost all of mine because of that stupid greedy gnome, but I was able to get this on the black market. You would not believe the competition and the price this stuff is going for right now. It was only because of mother’s connections that I was able to get my hands on it at all. Women all over the city are spending big to secure a private supply.”


“But I haven't even touched Fey let alone- How am I to…”


“It's okay if you can't drink it all, just consuming some of it will probably help with your leveling a bit and make you more powerful.”


Lucy lifted the pint glass in both hands. It weighed heavily in her fingers and the contents were viscous and barely moving. It smelled incredibly strong and the musk hit her nose like a hammer sending her eyelids fluttering as she squeezed down on the minotaur cock in her pussy. She was holding a pint of warm horse cum in her hands. True it had likely been pumped from some cumflated girl's well stretched pussy and not direct from the source, but that didn't bother her, this was something that she had only dreamed of, yet now it was real, real and ready for her to gulp down.


Unwilling to wait she put her lips against the glass, her plump lips just touching against the sloppy white. She jerked back, the cum was tingly! No, it was… it was moving on a tiny tiny level!


“I can feel it moving!”


“Oh? You got the new kind? I heard it had started doing that with her recent stuff, don't worry though it tends to calm down a lot over time, it's not going to start crawling up your thighs or anything like that.”


Lucy nodded hesitantly and then tried again, lifting the cup fully this time.


The white slopped into her wide open mouth, instantly filling her from her molars to the roof of her mouth. It tasted, it actually tasted amazing! The kind of taste that made her want to eat more and more, like a musky tasty satisfying snack she couldn't stop putting in her mouth while she watched a play.


She went cross eyed as the wiggling cum touched up against the sensitive flesh in her mouth, millions of little wrigglers squirming against her cheeks, it tickled! 


Trying not to giggle she swallowed, throat moving, and drew the cum down her throat, gulping it down, thick blobbing white rolling from the pint glass into her mouth and down her teenage throat.


She shuddered as the intense muskyiness moved through her, a wet messy sound coming from her mouth as she gulped and gulped and gulped, a thin trickle of cum rolling down her chin as she swallowed down the entire pint of horse cum.


She almost didn't make it, her stomach was feeling full and bloated by the time she saw the bottom of the pint glass, trying to drink this much cum without Fey’s gift of elasticity was difficult to say the least.


Still, she finished and slammed the glass down on the table with a gasp, panting and gasping, her lungs and nose filled with the smell of nothing but cum.


She could feel the minotaur boy cumming into her pussy again, she hadn't realised she’d been frantically squeezing down over and over on him as she drank, she’d barely noticed him in fact, and the minotaur’s semen adding to the existing pool in her pussy was barely worth a second thought, it was just an insignificant amount compared to the gallons in front of her.


She lifted the jug and poured another pint.


As Lucy had been discovering a new horse cum obsession Ruby had been talking with Vivi. The fox girl listened to the wolfkin speak and then one of Wummy’s tentacles had snaked over to one of the wagons. One that Vivi had brought for herself. 


It pulled free a miniature Fey dildo, a pink one, one designed for those who hadn't met Fey but were still fans of the newsletter and wanted to practice stretching themselves, starting at a small size and then moving up. The tentacle slapped it down on the dining room table. 


“Okay, this should work, give me a second.” She held up a new pair of bracelets, a pair that was smaller than the ones Tami had asked her to use. They were Lily's, the metal made to fit a smaller otterkin wrist and so creating a smaller circle.


The teenager righted the six inch dildo so that it was standing proud and placed one of the bracelets on the table next to it. Then taking the first bracelet she held it in both hands and concentrated, her brow furrowing as she stared the thing down.


It only took a moment, at first the bracelet was just a plain unadorned band of metal, and then the space between was flickering, sparking and sputtering before it suddenly turned a flat blue. 


“Oh, didn't it work?”


“No it worked, look, the blue is the sky, the other end of the portal is flat on the table looking up so that's what it sees.”


She waved her hand over the portal on the table and her palm became visible through the bracelet she held in her other hand.


“Do the thing, do the thing!” said Tami excitedly.


“Alright, don't rush me, this is all new to me.”


The wolfkin put both hands back on the held bracelet and lowered it down onto the dildo.


A tower of pink rubber slowly emerged from the bracelet resting on the table even as the dildo slowly disappeared through the bracelet she held.


The two girls gasped in delight, it worked!


“This is going to be so useful if you can get it big enough to fit Fey! We can have lovely horse cock anywhere at any time at our convenience!”


“Can you imagine? Just going about day to day, going shopping, watching a play, all while she’s inside? Oh, I can't wait!”


Tami lifted her hand and the two teenagers high fived.


They then hugged and bounced together, as only excitable teenagers could.


But then a teddy bear standing on the table politely coughed into its paw and waved to get their attention. They blinked down at it and it pointed behind them. They turned to find Lily, the otterkin resting atop the great mass of her pregnancy. She waved down at them nervously.


“Erm, that is very nice Ruby, but I wish you had made me understand this is what you wanted to use it for, I’ve been working on this same idea for a while with Vivi, I would have been happy to help!”


The wolfkin's ears drooped as she looked up at the broodmother. “Y-you have?”


“It's true,” said Vivi, “Look, she was even working on it while we were on our way out here.”


A pair of tentacles grabbed hold of Vivi’s wagon and hauled it closer. It was quite clearly Vivi’s because of a hand painted sign on the side which mysteriously stated ‘rubber from that newsletter’. The covert advertisement had seemed to do the trick for what the fox girl wanted, nearly a dozen girls had approached the wagon as they had been leaving the city, furtively giving money to her before dashing away with a piece of rubber in a brown paper bag.


Another tentacle dove inside the covered wagon and hauled out a sack, a sack which fell open as it was dumped on the ground. A large number of cylinders spilled from the sack and one was plucked into the air by a tentacle.


Ruby hesitantly took it, turning it over in her hands. It was a plain soft and supple rubber cylinder, except at one end which had been moulded and cast to look like a vagina. 


“I touched the lot of them against Fey’s cock as she slept before we left so they are especially stretchy, somehow. Kinda felt bad about doing that but she hasn't woken once since she got back from the palace so there wasn't much choice… Oh and that's why Lily’s bears have been sewing as we came out here, in preparation.”


A plushie of a white furred fox girl was pressed into Lily’s hands by the teddybears and one of the rubber sleeves was tossed to her. She inserted it into the plushie which had a specially designed gap between its thighs to fit a rubber pussy, the front of its belly was open too so that the back of the cylinder protruded from it.


A teddy bear passed her a twelve inch dildo and she thrust the plushie down onto it, the mini rubber horse cock filling the rubber pussy. 


She turned to Vivi expectancy.


“Uh, I hate to tell you this Lils but you're gonna need to fill me with something a bit larger than that before I can feel it.”


“But you can feel it right?”


“A little I guess, tickling.”


“Then it works!”


Ruby’s ears drooped further, “Th-then I’m useless! All that Affinity training was for nothing!”


“Uh,” said Lily, not sure what to say to the miserable teenager.


A tentacle patted Ruby comfortingly on the shoulder while another lifted her chin.


“You’re wrong actually, you won't regret the Class, that's why I didn't stop you.”


“Why!? she can do the same thing!”


“Isn't it obvious? Lily, how many golems are you controlling back in Bine right now?”


“I’m not controlling any, my ability can't reach the city walls from here, it's much too far.”


“You see?” said Vivi turning back to Ruby


“So what she can't… wait, not even that far? Not even to the walls?”


The teenager's wolf tail started to wag behind her, her excitement returning.


Tami tilted her head. “Then how far is your range?”


The wolfkin turned on her excitably. “I don't have one, Fey could be anywhere in the entire world and the portal would work exactly the same! With this it doesn't matter if she goes to a dungeon like before, my portals can still reach her! She could be fighting monsters all while I ride her cock!”


Vivi nodded, “Right? And trust me, we ain’t staying in Bine forever.”


“Sorry for upsetting you Ruby, I didn't understand, well, anything,” said Lily crestfallen, picking at the Vivi plushie unhappily.


“It’s okay,” said the teenager waving away the apology, “My ability will be much better eventually.”


“No, it’s not okay, I should at least do something to make up for it. So- so- you can be the first to try the plushies, er, well after Vivi that is.”


“But we don't have-”


A teddybear appeared in front of Ruby and held up a plushie. It was of a wolfkin, a wolfkin with pink ears.


“Uhhhhh, is- is that one of me?”


“Mhmm! Now just a little of your hair…”


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