
Chapter 23.5

Shiva reached out and grasped at Fey's back legs to either side to steady herself. She had turned so that her back was facing Fey's upper half, her small wings revealed, and they were small, cute looking even in their shape, as well as her tail that tickled at Fey's barrel. The wings flapped slightly as the Kobogon got her balance. She glanced over her shoulder at Fey, quickly snatching her gaze back as she found Fey looking at her.

“Are you going to fuck me, or do I have to hold you down and rut you until you scream yourself hoarse,” said Fey some of her more dominant side spilling over now that the Shiva’s gaze was off of her.

The Kobgon froze up at that taunt, although her pussy twitched slightly at Fey’s description, betraying her. Still, Shiva was not about to be rolled over so easily. She Gripped Fey's back legs almost painfully tight and then after a moment of settling her hips used her immense strength to squeeeeeze herself down, the bulge in her belly inching upwards.

Despite gritting her teeth Shiva couldn't stop various shameful noises from escaping her desperately held together lips, every vein and bump that slipped past her labia eliciting wonderful sparks inside her mind.

The Kobogon halted suddenly as the broad flat head got stuck at the entrance to her womb, her belly was bulging out obscenely by this point, a shelf below her ribs that marked the flat top of the cylinder that was Fey's dick inside of her. Wide eyed she rested a hand atop it.

“Am I as a dragon might be?” said Fey.

“Y-you’re n-nothing- you’re just a c-centaur!!”

“Then show me.”

The Kobogon was starting to get really agitated by this point and the chains that had been wrapped around Fey snaked downward and wrapped around Shiva’s thighs.

“I’ll make you r-regret those words!” she hissed.

The chains hauled down and Shiva let out a howl as Fey's dick pressed up against her cervix, then after a moment of increasing pressure in which the Kobogon twisted and writhed atop her Fey penetrated her womb. She slipped inside with such a loud popping sound that it could be heard outside the Kobogon’s body, an obscene sound that echoed off the cavern walls and tugged at the ears. 

It was momentarily followed by the Kobogon meteoring down with a ragged cry, her stomach thrusting out as feet of dick entered her, straining her outward, pushing up her belly to breast height.

Her eyes rolled up as a tsunami of stimulation crashed over her leaving her mouth open as far as it could go all to let out a scream that seemed to come up from her very core, a deep deep hormonal feeling, a primal breeding feeling. She was having scratches itched that she wasn't even aware existed, her pussy convulsed around Fey as she slapped her claws over the obscenity of her tummy, desperately clutching at it as she came so hard that the spray of fluid from her cunt tickled her clit.


Fey groaned as she felt the no longer quite so composed and elegant Kobogon go physically mad. The rolling pressure was verging on painful Shiva was squeezing down so hard, and Fey wondered if she had not become stronger that the Kobogon’s vice like pussy might have simply crushed her length.

It was as Shiva’s scream descended into delirious gibbering that something out of place caught the corner of Fey's eye.

It was a white sphere. A floating white sphere.

She blinked down at it in momentary confusion, then more so as a floating doll was held up before it.

“K-Kayla?” managed to croak out Fey.

A slight shushing sound came from the sphere, and then a low urgent whisper.

“She never noticed me, or she didn't realise I'm a person.”

“Wha- you need to run Kayla! What are you still doing here!” whisper hissed Fey back.

The sphere seemed to rotate slightly as though its owner was furiously shaking her head. The doll was once more held up, this time more urgently. Fey looked at it in confusion, it was clearly Kayla’s doll but something had been done to it, the tail was removed, and the ears, and Kayla had placed a pair of wooden twigs in its hair. Tufts of fur had been taken from somewhere and stuffed in every spot that they could be placed on the doll, even poking from its mouth and clothes.

“It’s Braddox! He’s still alive! Y-you need to save him Fey!”

Fey nearly cried realising just what the otterkin had done, she’d taken her own doll and made it into a doll of Braddox. 

“He still breathes?”

The sphere nodded. “His Skills are letting him hang on, but he’s dying Fey. He’s- he’s gonna die!”

Fey was already reaching for the doll and grabbed it up into her arms. The doll looked nothing like Braddox, she could only imagine that the connection would be weak, and since her magic barely flowed through a good connection this would be all the worse, hell she didn't even know if it would work at all.

But that wasn't about to stop her. Green silently surged from her palms into the doll, flooding the cloth and stuffing and causing the minotaur fur stuck in it to waver as though underwater.


She breathed and doubled the input.

At her groin Shiva had managed to recover herself and was slowly lifting up with wobbly legs, using her chains to help pull her torso higher, the body dominating bulge in her slender torso slowly pulling downward, each scrape of the Kobogon’s nerves eliciting a shiver.

Then she slammed herself down with a shriek, her cunt slipping and rolling over every bump before it slammed down brutally against Fey's medial ring, her clit slapping down on the rim. Her eyes rolled back and she screamed into her belly bulge, her claws frantically raking red lines across her snow white scales as her toes curled.

Fey doubled the input.

Shiva groaned long and low as she lifted herself, up then up, then slowing to a crawl as her rise peaked she then SLAMMED herself back down, her pussy crashing against Fey’s medial ring before easing over the top and snapping tight below. Her voice rose into a wavering high pitched singing wail that hurt the ears. 

She didn't pause however, the chains already lifting her, her pussy dragging out behind her groin as it refused to be pulled back over Fey's medial ring. Shiva applied herself and with a lurch upwards she won the war and her cunt schlopped back over. She heaved herself up, near instinctive in her determination, her mind wracked with crashing pleasure, before hauling herself back down, once more forcing Fey’s ring inside herself, her stomach bulge reaching up to her neck now.

Fey doubled the input, the doll was now a solid glowing mass of green, every thread and button glowing bright healing green, washes of green mist spilling from its surface as particles stormed about it. Fey doubled the input.

“I c-can take you, you damned use-useless centaur, you are no d-dragoooon. HNNNN!”

The Kobogon hauled herself up, her voice becoming a squeaking mess as she peaked.

Fey doubled the input, then doubled it once more, her eyes flashed bright and began to glow green, spilling mist.

“I th-think you sh-shall become m-my concubine after this, it is rare that I-I f-find such- s-such a s-size, oh g-goooods, and y-you are s-somewhat satisfact-tory, w-with p-practice you could l-learn to p-pleasure m-me in s-some m-minor way.”

By this point the air was starting to vibrate and hum, the air rippling as the sheer amount of magic being concentrated into the doll started to distort reality, glowing so bright that the cavern began to light up. Particles of green were pouring from the doll so quickly by this point that it looked like Fey was holding a hand held waterfall. 

A high pitched ringing sound filled the air and at last Shiva noticed something was happening behind her.

Unfortunately it was a little too late as she had already commanded her chains to rip her downward, her head turned to the side in surprise seeing what Fey was doing, her eyes going wide in shock.

She couldn't do anything to stop it however, she slammed down Fey’s length far harder and more abruptly than before, barely slowing as her pussy engulfed Fey's medial ring and slamming down to the base of Fey’s dick, her buttox slapping down as the massive belly distension silhouetting Fey’s dick passed her head.

Fey screamed and quadrupled the input, then quadrupled it again. The cavern was filled with a roaring rushing sound and a green so bright it was hard to look at.

“MORE! MOOORE!” roared Fey, her arms glowing green as she pushed herself to the limit and far beyond, her skin flaking away as she went too far. 

She’d never felt like this before, this was everything, her greatest desire in life, to heal, combined with an ejaculation that defied all reason. 

She’d found a new fetish.

Fey thrust her hips up into Shiva as the ringing became hyper sonic and then she came.

Exploded into might have been more accurate.

Shiva’s belly was forced up as cum instantly surged into her, pushing far past her head before slopping back down ballooning out her womb with cum so virile it instantly put her into an extreme hormonal state, her body going into overdrive producing dozens of eggs a second for Fey’s incredibly aggressive sperm to hunt down and multi-inseminate. 

Shiva’s legs kicked into the air and her toes splayed as she stiffened up and her back arched, the Kobogon had never felt anything even remotely like this before, it was like she had become a receptacle for a lake of insemination and her pussy went mad with joy for it, fireworks exploded in her mind as her sanity was shredded by a torrent of hormones. Her belly expanded in surges, each massive ejaculation making her bigger, rounder, her belly quickly filling the space between Fey's legs and spilled out onto the ground, touching up against the cave floor and rolling outward, growing larger and larger as Fey came and came and came.

The ejaculations only seemed to grow in quantity the longer things went on, the green light becoming brighter and brighter with every passing moment and then Fey screamed, her hair lifting up as particles of green washed from every lock.

Six foot across, seven, ten, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, Shiva’s belly was the size of a large room, then larger, Fey just didn't stop, gallons of cum spraying up in the kobogon girl, turning her womb into a whirling hurricane of cum, driving her overstretched nerves to ever greater heights. 


Fey's entire bottom half was awash with the Kobogon’s continually squirting girlcum by this point, her extreme emission back spraying against her own massive belly to gush around herself and over Fey's barrel, waterfalling down its sides as she came without end.

Then with one final roar that seemed to shake the cavern itself Fey thrust up into Shiva ejaculating her last. The doll instantly vaporized, a pulsing wave of green shot out in every direction and the wounds of the others instantly healed over, their chains shredding away into nothing as the greater magic washed away their magical binds. The pulse washed up against the crystal dotted walls and then spilled back, the cave awash with a lake of green healing magic that seemed to have no interest in going away anytime soon.

Braddox was already up on his feet, his chest wound just gone, he was as he was, completely normal, perhaps with a brighter more bushy tailed look in his eye. He lifted his hammer and bellowed, charging straight toward the greater than room sized cum sphere that was Shiva.

He wasn't the only one, weapons were being drawn in every direction.

Shiva was near out of it with pleasure, but she wasn't completely gone, her chest rising and falling with desperate need to draw in breath she glanced around at the adventurers advancing on her in desperation. She flung out her hands, almost panicked, and the chains materialised around the adventures, before being instantly washed away by the still present waves of healing magic which completely overwhelmed any other magic, even Ellaria’s fire couldn't be sustained in it.

Seeing enemies on all sides the Kobogon became desperate and began to flap her wings. 

At first this seemed like folly, her wings were ludicrously small, not enough to do anything, but as she flapped them the amount of force on her body each flap provided clearly signalled they were not as they seemed. She rose, angling upwards, pivoting from where her great cum belly rested upon the ground. Her pussy being forcefully lifted up Fey's slowly softening length, until with a great SCHLLURK-POP and a gush of cum that poured over Fey's barrel before her cervix could close it off the Kobogon was freed, her twitching gaped cunt rising.

She rose higher still, peaking at the top of her great lake of a belly. Then she began to flap all the harder, and beyond all comprehension, the great mass seemed to lift, drooping low in a great droplet shape from where it hung from her torso. She rose, her fists clenched as she focused desperately on flying. Shiva rose higher, higher still, an arrow plinked harmlessly off her belly and she scowled down at Raeger, almost attacking him before controlling herself. 

The hole in the cavern ceiling neared and then she was through, a great inexplicable white sphere suddenly flapping madly to stay aloft above the forest. 

Shiva turned and then she fled. 




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