Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 96 – Swords

A blade arcs swiftly through the air, aiming right for my neck.

It was good... but it could be better.

Usually, I would either block or counter this, but instead, I twist away while bringing my sword under the approaching blade, guiding it along its path while correcting the imperfections of the slash as it whizzed by my hair.

After all, this was training, not a spar.

Stepping away from her once again, I watch as she resets her posture before bringing down her blade once again.

Her swing was... not perfect, but better.

But since she was focusing on her swing so much, she seemed to have forgotten about her footwork.

That wouldn't do.

Since this little rascal is a very physical learner, there was only one way to teach her about this mistake.

Bringing my sword up to block hers, I let her blade slide down mine before flicking it off, causing her to falter and step forward to correct her balance.

A massive opening.

Since this was only training, I wouldn't bring down my blade, but I couldn't exactly let her get away with leaving herself open like that.

And so, charging my pointer finger with stellar magic, I flicked her on her forehead before she could recover.

"Auch!" Ais exclaims.

"Come on, you deserved that. While your swing that time was better, you can't neglect your fundamentals. Remember?" I say chidingly.

"Mmm..." Ais pouts.

"Well, I think that's a good place to end it, no? We've already been at it for a few hours, and I got some stuff to do today." I say while putting away my sword.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Your teacher here is gonna pick up his new weapon!" I say with a grin.

Ais' eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"Really? Hmm... Lefiya's going to be sad." She says.


"Why is that?" I ask.

Her eyes then grow wider before she turns her head to the side.

"N-No reason." She stammers.

Ais... you're not subtle at all.

"Was Lefiya... thinking of getting me a weapon or something?" I ask slowly.

"Mmm! Nope! N-Not at all!" She answers.

So she was.

"Well... tell her not to spend too much on me. It's the thought that counts." I say after a moment.

"W-What are you talking about?" Ais says.

"Ais. You're a terrible liar, so just stop and we can leave it at that." I say with a sigh.

Seriously, this was the famed Sword Princess, now one of the elite few level 6s in the world?

No matter how much I saw it, she was just... a girl.

A very airheaded girl.

"Well, come on. Your place is not that far away from Hephaestus', so I'll take you home." I say.

"Thanks but... I can protect myself." She says with a confident smile.

"It's not about protection, you idiot! Just-! Haa... let's just go."

Jeez... sometimes I get surprised about how out of touch my disciple is.

Lefiya... you have a long road ahead of you, girl.

I can't imagine Ais picking up on any romantic signals any time soon.

Walking through the city, we got Jagmarukun's from the stand on the way, with Ais ending up with mine shortly after eating through hers.

But the saleswoman... I swear I remembered her face from somewhere... but I couldn't quite place it.

Either way, as we continued on our leisurely way, Ais eventually asked me a question.

"Sirius... if there happened to be a weapon you wanted... what would it be?" She asks.


"Why is that?" I ask.

"No reason." She says, keeping her gaze forward.


Well, I'll concede for now.

"A weapon I'd like, huh? I'd say... a whip? Yeah, a whip sounds good." I say with a smile.

"Sirius... I'm telling Ryuu." Ais says disapprovingly.


Wait, why?


"Wait! Not like that! I mean as an actual weapon! Not for... for that!" I say.

Where the hell did the battle maniac muscle brain get the idea of that from?

Or maybe... is this my fault?

Did I... corrupt her somehow?

I... I think I'll stay away from Riveria for a while.

Just in case.

Parting soon after, I make my way toward Hephaestus' main home, the weight of the 5 million valis in my backpack weighing heavily on my soul.

Comparatively, 5 million valis were not bad at all for a good weapon.

Especially a 'divine weapon' like Nike's Sword.

In fact, a sword like that likely wasn't something that could be bought by simple valis.

But still... 5 million valis was 5 million valis, and considering the fact I had spent a lot more for Lefiya's new weapon, it hurt to spend so much on maintenance.

Thinking back to the trip, I think back to the villagers that we had brought to Orario.

They had taken over a few large houses near the outskirts of Orario and had nearly all gotten hired by the Demeter Familia, and overall... they were good.

I hadn't really stuck around them much, as Sophie was the main one making sure they were doing well.

It was nice to see that she was taking her vow to protect them seriously.

But speaking of the girl...

She was definitely a second Alise.

Maybe not as cheerful and charismatic, but those two had so many similarities, at first glance you would think they were sisters.

Anyway, Mini Alise had started her basic training, this time taking lessons from both Kaguya and Alise, unlike me who was left with that demon in human clothing.

But, to be honest, when she was serious, Alise was just as bad.

Well... not my problem.

So things were good, looking up with the Astraea Familia.

But for some reason... I still felt uneasy.

Like something bad was going to happen soon...

But no, who was I kidding?

We had been gone for... what, 4 months?

Things couldn't have gotten that bad in such a short time, right?

Heading into the Hephaestus Familia building, as soon as I tell the receptionist my name, I'm taken to the hallway that leads to the Goddess' room.

Or was it a smithy?

"Ah, Sirius. You're here." Hephaestus says.

The Goddess looked the same as usual, with the same hairstyle and outfit, but I couldn't help but feel that she was a little... sad.

"In the flesh. So... is it ready?" I ask.

"Indeed. As expected, it needed some of my... personal touch, to repair the blade, but there were no problems otherwise. I even added a sheath to go along with it." She then gestures toward the sword that was hung on the rack in the back of the room.

Grasping the hilt, I instantly feel a shock run through my system.

It... was perfect.

Just like Infinite Eclipse.

Well, they were both made by the greatest smith in the world, so it's to be expected.

Pulling out the blade, I'm met with the pleasant sound of metal sliding across hardened wood, creating a soft hum.

Looking down at the revealed sword, it had been changed from its original form, the blade flattened and shaped while keeping its dual-edged form, transforming from a western arming sword into a xiphos-style, ancient Greek sword.

Well... Nike was a Goddess from Greek myth, so it fit rather well.

Taking a swing, the blade rips into the open air, creating a ripple of wind that scatters across the room.

It was... different from a katana.

More centrally balanced, rather than leaning into the edge like Infinite Eclipse did.

While I knew it would take some time to get used to it, my mind was already swimming with possibilities as to what techniques I could use with this.

"You did a good job. It feels amazing." I say.

"Hmm. Being done by me, did you think it would be anything less? Well... I must say, as a smith, I can't help but feel happy about seeing my work be wielded so masterfully. Make sure you don't neglect it, alright?" She says.

"Don't worry, I won't. Anyway, here's the payment." I say while handing over the bag of valis.

Weird... compared to last time, it felt a lot quieter.

Why was that?

...Oh yeah!

"Hey, where was that Goddess that was here last time? Hestia... right?" I ask.

Looking over the Hephaestus, I watch as her lips curl into a frown.

"Tsk. That girl got too lazy, so I kicked her out. Well, I made sure she had a place and a job beforehand, so it's not like she's in a bad place or anything." She says.




"Did that job... happen to be a food stand?" I ask slowly.

"Indeed it is... how did you know that? Did she come complaining to Astraea or something?" She says, but I wasn't really listening.

After all, I was in shock.

A Goddess... working at a food stand?

Not for some fun or anything, but as a means to live?

I... I really need to thank Mother Astraea for being how she was.

"Well, hopefully with this, she'll push herself to get a Familia. After all... I know that she would be a wonderful Goddess to her children." Hephaestus says, her face now radiating a kind warmth with a small smile.

I guess she really was her friend, huh?

"I see... Well, if I see any lost kids coming to Orario, I'll be sure to direct them her way." I say.

"I'd appreciate that." She responds.

"Anyway, I should be heading back now. I got to try out this guy now." I say while lifting up Nike's Sword.

After all, it was time for me to learn dual-wielding.

I had already learned how to do it with two short swords, so adding a few inches in length shouldn't be too bad, right?

Plus, my dexterity stat should be able to correct any blaring problems.

"I see. Well, treat it well. It is a divine weapon, after all, so I'll be pretty angry if you manage to damage an unbreakable weapon." She says.

...What'd she just say?

"Wait, this thing was unbreakable?" I ask.

Hephaestus then looks at me with confusion.

"Of course it is. There's no way for a divine weapon to be harmed by mortal means. That's the reason only a Goddess like me could repair it properly." She says.

Damn... unbreakable, huh?

...Maybe I should just use this thing as a shield instead?

----- 1 Day Later -----

The soft jingle of a bell rings through the air as I open the door.

The shop was small and quaint, with the smell of old books and candle smoke permeating the air.

This was the Witch's Secret House, which contrary to its name, was not a secret at all.

In fact, it was known as the best place to get magic items and mage equipment in Orario, but since I used neither a wand nor a staff, there was no reason for me to come.

But I wasn't here for me.

Sitting behind the counter, the old woman picks up her head to look at me.

"Ah, welcome. You're here to pick up that sword, no?" She says with a raspy voice. 

This was Lenoa, the owner of the shop.

She looked... really old.

Like 'is this person about to disintegrate into thin air' old.

With dry wrinkled skin and a long, hooked nose, she really emphasized the feeling of a 'witch'.

But in actuality, she acted more like a mischievous granny than a witch.

"Yes, I am. Is it ready?" I ask.

I really hoped so.

After all, Lefiya's birthday was tonight.

"Young'uns these days, always in a rush. But yes, it is. I have it right here." She says.

Reaching under her desk, she then takes out a sword.

It was a little longer than my short sword but in the same Western style.

The handle was black, wrapped in leather while the pommel held a large blue magic stone and the blade was made mostly of wood except for the polished black edges, which looked sharp enough to cut the air itself.

Taking the sword in my hand, I instantly feel my senses in regard to magic change, as if I could unleash an ocean of magic rather than a stream.

...Maybe I should get myself a wand, huh?

Taking a leisurely swing, I watch as the blade cuts smoothly through the air, balanced and fluid.

"It's made quite well." I say to Lenoa.

"Of course. While it is rare, it's not the first time I've been asked to make something like this. Though with the materials you gave me, it's definitely in a different tier from the others." She says.

Well, she's right. 

Considering that I gave her a sacred tree branch, a few dragon claws, and a giant magic stone, I would be a little pissed if it wasn't a good final product.

"I see... how'd you make such a good sword anyway?" I ask.

When I came with my request, she just told me to 'leave it to her', so I did.

But I was quite curious how a magic item specialist made such a fine blade.

"I didn't make the sword, you dunce. I had someone else do it. Do you think an old lady like me could survive in a forge?" 


Well, that answers that question.

"Does it have a name?" I ask.

"Mhmm. Twilight's Requiem. Quite nice, no?" Lenoa says.

Twilight's Requiem... is it bad that I thought it sounded cool?

Fuck, was I getting too used to the cringy names and stuff?

Dreaded assimilation...

"Anyway, you've already paid, so you're free to leave. Ah, and take this with you too." She says while handing me a scabbard, before promptly shooing me away.

How rude...

----- 5 Hours Later -----

"And here's a toast~ to celebrate~ our dear, cute, pretty, beautiful-"

"Loki. Hurry it up." 

"Ah, don't be such a mommy, Riveria!"


"Anyway, our Lefiya has finally become an adult, so let's drink a lot! Woohoo!" 

And with those... nice words from the Goddess, the hall was embroiled in a festive mood, with the sounds of buzzing chatter and clinking of glasses filling the air.

This was now my second time coming to the Twilight Manor, and this time, I had brought the newbies along with me to celebrate my student's birthday.

They had gotten quite close during the quest, after all.

Anyway, since the mood around the room was quickly becoming increasingly like a bar, I should get this over with before Lefiya fell prey to alcohol.

"Hey, Lefiya." I say to her.

Wriggling out of the tight grasp of Tiona, she then turns to me.

"Y-Yes, Sirius?" She asks.

While she was trying to act cool and composed, I could tell that was but a facade.

The twitching ears... her finger twirling a loose strand of hair... her averting eyes...

She seemed to be excited, eh?

How cute.

She must be thinking of when I gave Ais her Tempest Faith last year, huh?

Well... I'll aim to not disappoint.

"I have something for you. You know, for your birthday and all." I say nonchalantly.

Her ears perk up.

"Oh, r-really? But you didn't have to get me anything though..." She says.

But seeing the way the corner of her lips curled upward, I had a feeling she was lying.

"Anyway... since you've come so far as both a swordsman and a mage, I got you this."

I then hand her the sword, with a small bow wrapped around the handle.

Her eyes light up as she slowly unsheathes it, the lacquered wood and polished dragon tooth edge giving it a glossy finish.


It seems she was too shocked to respond, as her mouth was left agape.

"Its name is Twilight's Requiem, and if you can't tell already, it's a sword with enough magic amplification to act as a wand." I say.

"Whoa~! That's awesome! Now you can cast magic on the front lines with us!" Tiona exclaims.

Instead of responding, Lefiya simply glides her hand across the flat side of the blade, her fingers caressing the wood before she brings it closer to her chest.

"W-Why does it feel so... nostalgic? So close?" She asks.

As I suspected.

Ryuu told me that she was able to feel a deeper connection with her sword, not only because it was an Elven sacred tree branch, but because it was from her homeland's sacred tree branch.

"Well, that's probably because it's made from a sacred tree branch from Wishe Forest." I say with a smirk.

Her eyes grow wide in shock before turning slightly teary, and before I know it, I'm enveloped in a hug from the girl.

Relishing in the comfortable warmth, I soon reciprocate by wrapping my arms around her shoulders, but as soon as I make contact, she flinches and backs away.

"Ah! T-That! Yes! T-Thank you, Sirius! Umm... but wasn't this..."

"Don't worry about the price." I say, cutting her off.

Please... don't worry about it.

I didn't want to be reminded.

My frugal heart has already been squeezed once by this thing, so I'd rather not be reminded of the hole that's been left in my wallet.

"Well? Do you like it?" I ask the blushing Elf.

"Huh!? Yes! I l-l-love it!" She says with some difficulty.

For some reason, her blush intensifies a little more.

Don't tell me...

Was she already drunk?

That would explain why she was having trouble speaking, and that random hug...

Well, good thing I gave her that before she got too drunk.

"That's good. I'm glad. Happy birthday, Lefiya. I'm proud of how far you've come." I say while gently patting her head.

Her eyes seem to go vacant as her mouth hangs open once again, but in the next instant, she snaps out of her daze and grabs a jug of wine from the table before downing it straight from the bottle.

...I guess she was excited to be an adult.

But... I thought Elves had a pretty bad alcohol tolerance, or was I mistaken?

"Pha~! T-Thank you, Sirius. It's... It's all t... t-thanks to you~" Lefiya says, her cheeks flushed and mouth set into a giddy smile.

...I remember this look.

This is the exact same one Ryuu has whenever she's drunk too much.

"Hic! Y-You know... I t-thought you were a- hic! Bastard when we first met... You had those two girls with you- hic! And acted all c-confident and shit..."

Umm... did Lefiya just swear?

Shit, she definitely picked up some of my habits, didn't she?

Dammit, and Riveria's right there!

"B-But you know~ After getting to- hic! Getting to know you more... And with all the times you've taken care of me... I actually- hic! Actually..."

Before she could finish, Lefiya crashed onto Tiona's lap, instantly falling asleep.

"Aaa! Lefiya! Are you okay!?" Tiona asks, trying to gently shake Lefiya awake.

But all she gets in response is a soft snore.


I... think I'm just gonna go.




Exam season is starting, and while exams themselves aren't too bad, the professors rushing to get their final assessments in is. Due to this, I might be a little late to my usual upload schedule.

But worry not! It's not a hiatus or anything, and once exam season is done, I'll be back to normal, or maybe even more chapters than normal, depending on how it goes.

For anyone wondering, we are now ~3 months from canon in this story and ~2 months from Bell arriving in Orario (since he tried to apply to places and went dungeon diving before the start of the story)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.