Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 88 – Final Extermination

----- Alise POV -----

The air is doused in a tense silence as we wait, the approaching roars getting closer and closer all the while.

While I was by no means a sensor, I could feel it.

These things were strong.

Stronger than the Amphisbaena at least, and maybe even stronger than the Udaeus.

"Husband, are you still certain you want to leave the strongest one to Ais?" Ryuu asks.

Seems like she's noticed it too.

And if we both have noticed how strong they are, then Sirius definitely has.

So why is he just standing there so nonchalantly?

Even I would be worried about facing the strongest one down there alone!

"It's fine. She'll just have to overcome it." He responds.


"No, it is not 'fine'! She's a level 5, Sirius! The strongest down there is basically a level 8!" I lash out.

He was such a kind and gentle person, especially to those he viewed as close to him, like Ais.

So why was he suddenly being so unreasonable?

He had to have realized the danger he was putting his disciple in!

"I'm not going to let her die or anything, she just needs to experience it. A challenge. A nearly impossible one. She needs to experience her own powerlessness and then crawl her way to victory, in any way possible." Sirius says resolutely.

Following his gaze, I see him looking at Ais and Lefiya.


Was that-?

Ohh... I see now.

This was as much of a challenge of prowess as it was a challenge of spirit.

Ais had finally accepted the idea of comrades helping her with her grudge, but that was only on the surface.

Would she truly accept help for her battles?

Especially when it's the only path to victory?

I guess we'll see.

"But... why did you tell her to do it on her own then?" Ryuu asks.

Seems that she found the hidden meaning of her words as well.

"...It means nothing if she decides to accept help as an order. She has to truly accept it herself. Accept that she can grow stronger with friends helping her out." He responds after a moment.

"And her going against your words will help that?" I ask.

"Yeah... more like if she does, she won't have any excuses to go back on. Something like 'Sirius didn't say I had to kill that monster alone, but this one I must kill by myself.' At least... that's the hope."

I see, so it was like that.

I could see it in his eyes that he was worried, but there was a feeling of confidence too.

But damn, acting so mature and helping someone blossom into their best self... It's so cool!

Maybe I should pick up a disciple too?

Hmm... maybe Leo? He chose a sword like mine, right?

Or maybe Stella and Eleanor, if they chose to pick up fighting.

Or maybe even someone totally different, like our next recruit if we get one!

Decisions decisions...

The sound of crumbling stone breaks my line of thought.

They were here.

Eyeing my surroundings, I see that everyone is at the ready with their weapons drawn, while the separation between the intercepting group and the supporting group is clear.

A few years ago- hell, even one year ago, we would be shaking in our boots with this situation.

But now, all I could spot were sharpened eyes, even breaths, and unwavering stances.

Oh how far we had come.

And we were still far from being done growing, at least if I had anything to do with it.

The surroundings suddenly turned silent, and I could feel time slow to a crawl.

Staring deeply into the cave, I wait.

One moment passes.

As does another.

And then-

"Ventus." Sirius chants.

A ball of concentrated wind appears over my husband's head as numerous Dragons fly out of the cave with a stampede of monsters following behind them.

The Dragons were a myriad of different colours, from green to red to blue, but all of them had a similar web of black crawling up their bodies, some more covered than others.

As I chant for Agaris Alvesynth, I watch as Sirius pushes his hand forward, sending forth a hurricane that makes everyone's hair tussle in the ensuing gale.

"Don't get too hasty now, can't have you getting out just yet." He mutters under his breath.

He then swings his hand down, and the hurricane follows its path, pushing down the Dragons that were trying to fly above, throwing some against the wall as others crashed to the ground.

Jeez... he was really pulling out all the stops here, huh?

Taking that as the signal, Neze, Kaguya, and Ryuu all jump forward with their weapons drawn.

"Ais, you take this one."

Sirius then swings his hand to the side, and the Dragon that was nearly completely black gets tossed to the side, heading right towards the blonde.

"Alise. I'm gonna stay back and make sure no one gets hurt. I assume that's fine?" He then asks.

It wasn't part of the plan, but I suppose there wasn't much of a plan here anyway.

Besides, we were strong enough to fight our battles without my crazy man.

And I was the captain for god's sake!

"Don't you worry! With me there, this will be a piece of cake!"

My body set aflame with my magic, I give him a quick wink before leaping forward, right towards two Dragons that were recovering from crashing into the wall.

It seems that Sirius' wind attack had done more damage than I thought, likely due to these Dragons having a very limited amount of flying experience.

I won't let this chance go to waste.

These two, from what I could tell, were between high-level 6 and low-level 7.

Not an easy fight at all.

Feeling my pulse quicken, I notice my steps get faster while the flames surrounding my body get hotter, Lubrude Bequia and Batleate Asyrath acting in tandem and raising my stats.

Right... my words from before were not simply bravado.

After all, I was strong.

Raising my sword, I focus the fire onto Crimson Order, the flame turning white and then a pale blue.


Swinging my sword down with all my might, I release a torrent of flames forward, the rocks on the ground glowing bright red as the flames pass over them.

Remembering my training over the past month, I concentrate on the flames.

It wasn't like the flames that were wrapped around my body.

If I could explain it, the flames surrounding my body were like staring at something in front of me.

The image was clear, concise, and sharp.

The flames I released, on the other hand, were like looking through a clouded window.

It was murky, obscure, vague...

But I could still see it.

And if I could see it, no matter how murky, then I could control it.

This was my magic, after all.

The torrent of flames, inching its way closer toward the first Dragon, focuses on itself, transforming into a straight line.

And as it reaches the Dragon, it digs into its neck, before impacting the canyon wall behind it, decapitating the monster.

In less than an instant, the number of opponents was halved.

Yes, while not as insane as my dear husband, I was strong.


"Next." I say, pointing my sword toward the other Dragon.

...Come at me.

----- Sirius POV -----

I watch as the Dragon Ryuu was fighting gets slammed into the ground from her stardust explosions before having its head lopped off a moment later.


My wives were scary, weren't they?

Whatever you do, future me, do not cheat on them. Ever.

Ignoring how I wouldn't want to hurt them by betraying their trust like that, I was more worried about what would happen to my little Sirius.

So, from this day forward, the pleasure district is formally off-limits, even for business-related things.

Anyway, the battle was going well.

Everyone who couldn't fight a Dragon by themselves had teamed up, while the ground monsters were getting destroyed by the back line.

Ais on the other hand...

I watch as she rolls across the ground, barely dodging the Dragon's tail as she comes to a stop.

Well... she was surviving, and that's all that I could ask of her.

It had to be a challenge in order for her to break through any limit, and challenges were naturally difficult.

But even without me standing guard, I could see the rest of the girls sending a glace over to Ais every now and then, making sure nothing was going wrong.

Everything was going well.

Almost too well...

Just then, as if fate itself had taken offence to my words, I felt numerous presences making their way out of the cave.

And fast at that.

Drawing my sword, I leap forward to intercept just as a bunch of Dragons, nearly the same amount that came up at the start, exit the cave.

A second wave, huh?

Good thing I stayed back.

But... was this intentional?

These guys were fast and were sent out a fair bit after the initial wave, almost like a cavalry charge.

Could the Black Dragon do a strategy like that?

If it had intelligence of that level...


Putting those worrisome thoughts aside, I swing down my blade, tracing a golden arc through the air as the stellar magic impacts the monster at the front of the group, sending him tumbling back into his comrades and halting the group's advancement.

The first set of dragons had more of a Western style, with large wings on their backs and lizard-like bodies.

The kind you'd see in fairytales and stuff.

These guys, on the other hand, were more of the Eastern variety, with long, serpentine bodies without any wings and stubby legs.

"Well, not like it matters though," I grumble to myself. "Let's finish this quick, yeah? I got a disciple to look over."

I'm interrupted by a tail whipping its way toward me as an open jaw closes from above, trapping me.

"How rude."

I slash my sword downward, sending an arc that cuts through the head above me while the air pressure from the swing flips me over the sweeping tail.

Before I can land, though, another open jaw closes in on me from below.

Trying to make use of my lack of footing, eh?

Well, I don't know exactly what it was looking to do, but whatever it was, this was not the right answer.

"Let me tell you something..." 

I raise my sword overhead with two hands, angling my so I face down the approaching monster.

"When someone cuts your friend up with a careless slash..."

Focusing, I feel the blade tremble as the light around the edge curves inward ever-so-slightly.

Swinging my sword downward, I release an arc that cuts through the monster's head, down through its body, before leaving a deep scar on the ground below.

All in less than an instant.

"Don't give them time to do a serious one." I say as I land on the ground.

Ah... it was already dead.

Too bad.

Turning to face the others, I angle my body sideways while pointing the tip of my sword toward them.

"Welp. Come on now. I did ask to finish this quickly."

----- Ais POV -----

It hurts.

The physical pain, sure, but what hurt more was my new understanding.

I was weak.

So very weak.

Even though this monster was far from my real enemy, I was still being thrown around like a child.

But this was my fight... my challenge...

This was my chance to grow stronger, just as Sirius said.

But I was barely holding my own just trying to defend myself.

Raising my sword, I defend against another claw attack from the Dragon, sending me flying back toward the canyon wall.

Using my wind to slow my speed, I land on the ground with a crouch, taking the moment of peace to catch my breath.

I... didn't want to resort to this skill.

I wanted to be stronger without needing this trust, without feeding my black flame even more.

But it seemed like the only way.

Standing up once again, I let the hate flow through me, the familiar heat coursing through my blood.


The manifestation of my hate and bloodlust.

It massively increased my power against monsters, and even more so against dragon-type ones.

A skill so strong, Durandal was the only sword that could withstand its power, at least so far.


The pure, controlled gust from before transforms into an intense gale of black wind, cutting into the ground I stood on without even doing anything.

"What the fuck!?" I hear Sirius shout.

...I'd definitely be getting a talking-to after this, wouldn't I?


But this is what you wanted, isn't it teacher?

To break past my limits?

Well, here I go.

Crouching down, I feel the black wind wrap around my legs before leaping forward.

I was much faster than before, and I felt no resistance as my wind diverted the passing air.

Landing before the Dragon, I pull my sword back like I'm drawing a bow while the tip of my feet dig into the ground.

I was going to end this right now.

My body becomes wrapped in a flurry of air currents as I push the raging tempest into my blade.

And, as the Dragon begins preparing its attack, I lunge forward, releasing all the tension that I had gathered in my limbs.

Extending my arm, I thrust my sword forward as I near the monster, releasing a tornado of terrifying power.

The attack lands, and the Dragon is sent backwards into the canyon wall.

...But it still lives.


That was my strongest attack!

If that didn't kill it, what could I possibly do that could?

Suddenly, the world stops as my eyes unconsciously look to the past.

A memory.

Father, swinging his sword unwaveringly in the sunlight.

Even though he did not bear a falna, and even though he was swinging vertically downward, each slash caused the air to crack as blades of grass were cut evenly across the yard.

'Listen, my little princess. The basics are most important. Be true to yourself, be true to your blade, and even the mightiest of foes will bow down to your might.'

An incomprehensible swordsmanship, and cryptic words laced with immense wisdom.

My eyes tracing the path of his sword, his image unconsciously overlaps with Sirius, their black and silver hair merging into a light grey.

Their footwork, their posture, how their hands wrapped around the hilt, how the blade arced through the air... I burned it all into my vision.

Raising my sword, I feel my wind gather around the blade as something seeps into the hardened metal.


My power increases a step further with the chant, as the black wind wrapping around me becomes even darker and transforms from a gale into a cyclone.

Making sure everything was perfect, from my feet to my fingertips, I take a deep breath in and swing down.

...Nothing happens.

But I could feel it.

I was so close to doing something, yet at the last moment, I lost it.

I went to raise my sword again, but the Dragon was already ready to pounce.

I wouldn't make it.

I just needed more time.

A few seconds, just to make sure everything was perfect.

...This was my fight though.

Sirius said I had to do it alone!

I had to defeat it on my own, just like I used to think about the Black Dragon-!

...Just like I used to think about the Black Dragon?

But... now I knew that I could have comrades.

Now I knew they wouldn't want me to go alone towards a fight, and that it was okay to ask for aid.

So how was this different?

I needed help with an enemy, I should swallow my pride and allow myself to be protected, just as I would want to protect them.

And I knew exactly who I wanted to help.


Knowing my teacher, this was definitely part of his 'lesson'.

Sirius... you meanie... 

----- Lefiya POV -----

Hearing my name being called, my eyes widen in surprise.


But only for a moment, as I then shot forward, using the explosion from a stardust orb behind me to propel me further.

The battle had all but come to a close, with Iris as Ariel chasing down some stragglers that had broken through the defensive line and Leon killing the final Dragons.

I had been feeling itchy this entire fight.

I had watched Sirius destroy all those Dragons with relative ease, watched the rest of the interception group win their hard-fought battles, and then did nothing as I saw Ais struggle against the strongest monster here.

I hated this feeling.

But now, I could finally do something.

I was stronger than before.

Much stronger.

So... for all those times you've helped me, Ais... for all those times you've saved me...

Let me repay you.

Landing in front of the Dragon just as it swings down, I send the barrage of stardust orbs from Luminous Wind towards it as I move my sword to block its strike.


The air leaves my lungs as its claw impacts my blade, the explosion of stardust being the only thing stopping me from being instantly crushed.

My arm trembles as its strength bears down on me.

I wanted to parry it, but it would just continue toward Ais, if I could even successfully deflect it that is.

Spirits it was heavy!

But I had to grit my teeth and bear it.

It's only for a second, so bear with it, Lefiya!

I hear cracks spread throughout my arms as a wave of searing pain assaults me. 

My vision turns white for an instant.

My focus returning, I see my white skin turn a deep purple as I keep blocking the Dragon with all my might.

It hurt.

It hurt so bad.

But... I did it.

The air trembles from behind me, and in the next moment, a straight line is traced across the Dragon's body.

The pressure on my blade weakens, and with a gurgling breath, the Dragon bursts into dust.

I crumple onto the ground in a heap.

It hurt everywhere, from the tips of my fingers all the way to my head.

Feeling my body being raised, I open my eyes to see Ais wearing a beautiful smile, her lips stretched naturally across her face with the smallest bit of her white teeth showing.

Although her eyes were shining bright like a morning sun, they were also filled with worry.

My only regret was how blurry my vision was, both from welled tears and the agony I was in.

I wanted this moment preserved perfectly in my memories!

"Thank you, Lefiya." 

Her words sound like an angel's, and I feel her fingers brush through my hair as I slowly close my eyes, thinking how I wanted to see that smile every day.


To explain how Ais won:

Her enemy was a low-level 8 / high-level 7. We know that Ais in canon won against the Udaeus who (at least for this fic) is a high-level 6.

Adding on the teachings of Sirius, her enhanced swordsmanship, and the fact that Avenger boosts her stats against dragons, I considered these to be enough to increase her prowess enough to win, at least against this Dragon, she won't suddenly be able to destroy Balor now.

Also, I'll be rewriting the first ~50-60 chapters with my free time, this will not affect the upload schedule.

 I decided to do this because this was the first piece of creative writing I've done in... 6 years? 

Yeah, a long time.

And I was kind of floundering around at the start, but now that I've cemented by 'style', I want to up the quality of the beginning a bit.

The actual events will be minimally changed, if at all. It will be the writing that is mainly affected.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.