Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 86 – First Day’s End

With the battle's smooth progress, Leon and I opted to get a head start on the troublesome monsters while at the same time scouting ahead and finding any ambush points.

All in all, it was quite fun, and I was able to gain a new appreciation for Leon's skills.

As a swordsman, he was strong, and as a commander, he was even stronger.

Kind of like Finn.

And with him looking like a grown-up version of the Loki captain cemented that thought.

But what really set him apart was his prediction skills.

Even if he swung his sword lightly, slow enough for a normal person to see, his enemies still couldn't dodge.

Or rather, they dodged right into the path of his sword.

It was quite funny to see.

I was hoping to learn some things from his fights when I felt it.

A sickening feeling of anxiety.

Not the headache-inducing feeling that I attributed to my future knowledge, but rather the raw instincts that came with my Stellar Sword Style skill and my high level.

I didn't hesitate to speed back to the main group.


And I made it just in time to watch Ais give away her position before launching her attack.


Why would she do that?

Well, that will be for later.

After saving Ais from her own stupidity, I glanced over to Lyra, asking her to explain the situation.

"It's a level 8 irregular Bone Dragon, and it seems to be able to nullify magic."

"Thanks." I reply.

That explains why Ais only had her body cloaked in her wind, but setting that aside...

Was this thing really a level 8?

Although I only saw it fight a little, this thing didn't compare to Balor, so it must be on the low side of level 8 if it is at all.

But... at the same time... its presence was stronger than Balor.


But seeing how even its fellow monsters were paralyzed in fear, it must be a type of skill or inherent ability.

Well, its level doesn't really matter, does it?

I just have to kill it.

It then sweeps its single claw toward me, prompting me to pick Ais up and leap away.

That speed...

Yeah, definitely wasn't as strong as Balor.

Now... Lyra said it had 'magic nullification'... I wonder if that works on my Sword Saint arts?

Yes, 'Sword Saint arts', because I refuse to call it the 'Swordsmanship of Heroes'.

I mean, it does work by using the latent magic power in the air, but magic power doesn't necessarily equate to magic, in the form of spells and stuff.

But Kaguya had cut off its claw with her sword... but she can't use Sword Saint arts...

Argh! So confusing!

Screw it, I just have to hit the thing to find out.

Raising my sword overhead, I feel the surrounding magic power slowly get sucked into my blade like a vacuum.

Perhaps sensing the danger, the Bone Dragon chooses that moment to attack, this time swinging its tail forward like a whip.

Judging from the widened eyes of Kaguya and Lyra, this was a new attack.

This guy... with his magic nullification and general attack patterns... it's just like a Juggernaut!

Though not as scary, as it didn't reflect magic and wasn't as fast.

Instead of dodging to the side, I leap forward, keeping my sword overhead to deflect its attack.

The whip-like tail whistles through the air, slamming against the flat of my blade a moment later, sending a shockwave behind me as my feet dig into the ground.


Maybe it was a level 8 after all?

But why would it keep that attack hidden away? 

Monsters don't use tactics like that as they always come out with their full power, a big reason why they're so dangerous.

So it should have used it already, unless it suddenly got stronger...

Feeling the pressure on my sword relax, I start running forward, making sure I keep close to the tail.

Just like how Take explained in his martial arts lessons, the best way to land a devastating blow is to follow the opponent's limb that they just attacked with.

Not only would they be blocking their vision of you, but the limb that was moving back wouldn't be able to suddenly attack you, at least not with enough power to deal damage.

At the time, I was a little confused, but then he demonstrated it to me, after which I quickly understood.

It was in the same vein as catching an opponent's leg when they kick you.

Finally reaching the base of its tail, the Bone Dragon jumps back just as I finish raising my sword.

Got you~

I don't hesitate for a second as I swing down my blade, the power from the swing alone causing the rocks near my feet to dig into the dirt.

A vertical arc of white, invisible to the naked eye, rushes through the air toward the Dragon's head.

But with Magic Sense, I could see it quite clearly.

An unexpected aspect of my first ability that greatly helped in developing my sword technique.

And, as I had somewhat expected, as it finally clashes with the Dragon's head... nothing happens.

But that does finally answer a question of mine I had been wondering since beginning to use 'Sword Saint arts'.

What exactly was sword technique?

Not the aspect of feints, stabs, slashes and stuff, but the supernatural shit that allowed me to draw a line across a monster's neck from meters away.

I had first thought it was air pressure, and while that can be done by swinging a sword just right, that wasn't exactly it.

Later I thought it was 'intent' or 'feeling', and thinking it was just some fantasy bullshit without an explanation, I didn't think much more about it.

And then Take told me about the 'Swordsmanship of Heroes', using the latent magic power purposefully to do incomprehensible feats of technique.

I originally thought it was normal swordsmanship, but just... better.

But that wasn't it.

Not quite.

Not only would geniuses like Kaguya and Ais eventually find the answer if that was true, but just on instinct I knew it was different, that I wasn't just using ambient magic power willy-nilly.

And so, after analyzing my swordsmanship with Magic Sense, I formed a theory.

Regular swordsmanship, the kind that Ryuu, Kaguya, and Alice all use, is using the latent magic power in the air, not fully controlling it, but more like a wave.

They swing their blade, pushing particles of magic power which pushes other particles of magic power and so on, until a sharp and fast slash is delivered at the end, far away from the original sword swing.

My swordsmanship, on the other hand, fully took control of the ambient magic power.

But one could not take control of ambient magic power, as that goes against the word 'ambient', at least in the context of magic, where it was uncontrolled and just... there.

Instead, like many mages, I took the ambient magic power in through my sword before transforming it into a different form of magic power.

While Take would probably call it 'Hero Magic', I'll keep it simple, and less embarrassing, and call it 'Sword Mana'.

And this 'Sword Mana' was a lot like my stellar magic, hence why I could sense it with Magic Sense.

Yeah... confusing fantasy bullshit, but I've gotten used to it by now.

But I couldn't be sure, or rather, I couldn't find anything to test this theory.

Until now.

...But as nice as it was to finally know for sure, it doesn't really help my current situation.

The Dragon's ruby-like eyes glow as it opens its mouth, revealing a ball of shimmering rainbow-coloured light.


Before I could try to guess what was going on, a beam of pure white shoots toward me, carving into the ground like butter.


I positioned the fight so that the girls were behind me to make sure the Bone Dragon wouldn't suddenly change opponents, but now that meant I couldn't just dodge its attacks.

Especially one as dangerous as that.

"Essense of creation, root of nature, heed my call, Spatium!"

Quicker than ever before, I speed-chant Elemental Orb as the familiar whispy black element streams from my fingertips.

Not even letting the magic power form above my head, I grasped control of the magic as it left my body, willing it to make a shield in front of me.

I made it just in time, as the beam impacted my magic an instant later.

There was no sound, nor was there any force, but my senses were overwhelmed as the clash of black and white enveloped my vision.

...I guess Magic Sense can also be a weakness, huh?

I'll have to work on that.

But wow, that was... an extremely powerful and advanced attack.

So advanced, in fact, that I couldn't even sense its core... if it had one that is.

The magic of monsters was weird like that.

As the two magics begin to peter out, I raise my sword and chant Elemental Orb once again, with the spatial element of course.

Though if I was right, I wouldn't need it.

Narrowing my eyes, I watch as the Bone Dragon's tail goes slack, slinking across the rocky earth like a cut rope.

The magic nullification Lyra was talking about... likely wasn't just a simple nullification.

Like the tail, there's no reason that this monster wouldn't bring out that beam attack right off the bat, especially against Kaguya when she took its claw.

Magic absorption, eh?

And the ability to empower itself and fire off a beam using the accumulated energy and magic power...

Thank god I got here when I did.

Honestly, if this thing was able to grow its reserves and be able to fire off that beam attack again and again...

Yeah, let's not think about that.

My chant finished, I leap forward, the wind fluttering my hair as I stick close to the ground.

As I run forward, I go through numerous simulations about the upcoming clash, reviewing what I had seen about the monster.

Analyze, extrapolate, adapt, obliterate.

Strength was a wonderful tool, and that was the thing.

It was a tool.

Useless if someone without a brain possesses it.

Or rather, useless in front of me.

Dodging the Dragon's claw, I slide the edge of my blade across its wrist, cutting deeply into the scales and bones to no effect, as there were no tendons to slice.

Damn, maybe its muscles and stuff were inside the bone?

Like some kind of exoskeleton?

It would have to be, right?

Too bad monsters burst into dust before we can study them.

Pivoting on my foot, I dodge another sweeping blow, this time jumping off the claw as it passes, launching me into the air.

Twisting my core, I orient myself so that my feet are pointed towards the darkening sky.

Alright, so, use the ambient magic power without actually using it.

...That sounds kind of stupid, but I had to do it to actually damage this thing.

So, I needed to dumb myself down to the level I was at before learning under Take.

Okay, this was... good!

Yeah, this was good!

I'll need to do this to properly teach my kids once they get older anyway.

You don't teach a 3rd grader integrals, after all.

So just swing your sword, Sirius.

Swing it with as much gusto as you can.

Swing it well, but not so well that magic starts to gather on the blade.

Levelling my sword against my side, I send stellar magic toward the soles of my feet, creating little platforms that I could use to boost myself.

Time seems to come to a stop as I take a sharp breath in, the air hissing between my teeth.

Right, back when I was younger and dumber... which was only two years ago... I had thought this move was the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

How naive.

But at this very moment, it was perfect.

Tensing my core, my biceps, my back... every muscle that would enhance my strike was primed for release.

Faster than lighting- no.

Faster than sound- not quite.

Faster than light itself- that's more like it.

My legs that were pressed against the two constructs of stellar magic released their tension, shooting me forward as the small barrier of stellar magic wrapped around my body removed any air resistance.

Like a comet, I inch closer and closer to the Dragon even though the rocks falling off the cliffside remained motionless in mid-air.

The colour seeps from my vision as I'm greeted by the oh-so-familiar world of monochrome.

And then, a moment later, it comes back, while I find myself back on the ground.

The ringing in my ear and the shortness of breath are just as annoying as I remember.

Blinking away the balls of light from my vision, I turn around to see the fruits of my labour.

As expected, the Bone Dragon was dead.

Reduced to a cloud of dust, a magic stone, and a pile of scales.

A drop item? How lucky~

But what I had not expected, was for the canyon to have gained another branch, one that expanded around fifty meters into the canyon wall.


So that's what Longsword of Light can do at level 6.

Yeah, best to use that sparingly... unless I want to get another Juggernaut claw, of course.

"Well done, Sirius! And thanks for the save." I hear Lyra say as she walks toward me.

"No problem~!" 

Giving her a high-five as we pass each other, I head toward the rest of the group as Lyra picks up the loot.

Alright, with that thing dealt with, it was time to address the other issue.

Releasing Elemental Orb, I cast Aqua Corona on Kaguya and Ais, cleaning the dirt off their skin and healing their wounds, before crouching down in front of the latter.

"Thanks, Siriu- Auch!"

I then flicked her forehead.

"Uuu... why?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean, 'why'? That's what I should be saying! So tell me, Ais, why did you shout out your attack name when you were launching a surprise attack?"

The embarrassed or ashamed expression I had been expecting was... not there.

Instead, her golden eyes were wide in confusion as her head was tilted to the side.

"But Loki said that saying your attack name out loud increases its power..."


My eyes dart over to Kaguya, who was similarly in a state of shocked confusion, though I could also feel her trying to hold in a laugh.


Was Loki trying to explain how putting pure feelings into a strike makes you stronger and boosts your falna?

But Mother Astraea said that was something one needs to discover themselves in a moment of need to work properly...

Was she just playing a prank?

Picturing the lecherous redheaded Goddess... I could definitely see it.


Hesitantly, I deliver the truth upon my airhead of a disciple.

"...That's not how that works. Loki... played a prank on you. She lied."

A moment passes in silence, save for the sounds of battle from ahead.

Ais' face goes through a range of expressions with just her eyes.

Shock, confusion, understanding, anger, and then... shame.

Her face lit up in a deep shade of red, cheeks puffing out in a pout while her eyes trembled before promptly burying her face into her legs, hiding away from the world.

"Well... sorry. Ais." 

Giving her a couple of consoling pats on her back, I stand up before turning to face the rest of the girls.

"Everyone! Let's end it here for today!"

This was due to a variety of factors.

The still crazy amount of monsters that lay ahead, the approach of nighttime, the fatigue everyone had accumulated... and also give Ais some time to grieve about her betrayal, and likely rethink a few things about her Goddess' words.

Looking back at the downcast girl, I offer a small prayer in my heart.

Good luck, my disciple.

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