Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 84 – First Contact

"Okay, we probably should have planned before this, but... how do we get down there?" I ask.

"Ah, we'll jump down the cliffs one by one while letting down a rope for the way back. We'll also send a barrage of ranged attacks on our landing point so that we're not instantly swarmed by monsters." Leon responds.

"Alright then. That's all my questions, are we ready to go, team?" I say, turning behind me.

"Yep. Let's get this over with. I want another hot bath."

"You spent nearly all of last night in there, Iska."

"Oh come on, Noin. You're no better."

Ignoring the two's squabble, we begin walking toward the canyon, the various students of the Student District set on guard duty following behind us.

The teams were the same as always, except for my team which was basically dismantled.

Leon and I would essentially be working as one-man teams, with the Head Teacher protecting the back line while I would be the main attacker.

Alise and Ryuu, on the other hand, would be watching on the edge of the canyon with the School District in order to stop any monsters that came by that the others couldn't handle.

They would also be protecting Mother Astraea and the kids, who really wanted to see the fight.

Even though it was pretty dangerous, the safest place for them was by two top-class level 6s.

I hope they don't get traumatized by any of the sights.

As for Celty, she would be the main backline cannon, with her teammates being Ais and Lefiya.

The rocky dirt crunches beneath our steps and the distant roars become louder and louder as we eventually reach the edge of the canyon.

"Holy shit." Someone says.

A few other gasps of shock are heard as we look down at the sight below.

A sea of various colours, mostly black or red, stretched beyond the rocky terrain.

That is... a lot of fucking monsters.

Surveying the horde, I soon spot a few monsters that stand out from the rest. 

In that instant, I feel my senses scream at me as my blood runs cold.

N-No way.

"Yes, it seems like you can sense it." Leon says from beside me.

But rather than listening to him, I could only hear the pounding of my heart get louder and louder.

"As you can see, with monsters of that calibre around, even if I could eventually destroy them, it would be dangerous to have them riled up for so long." Leon adds.

I thought that this monster massacre would be like a blender, with the quantity of opponents being the only factor.

But oh how wrong I was.

"Level 7s." I say breathlessly, causing the entire Familia to widen their eyes in surprise.

This was not going to be a walk in the park, that's for sure.

While I was glad there was going to be some challenge, perhaps one great enough to allow some of us to level up, that also meant that there was an increased amount of danger, much more than we were planning on.

"W-What the hell, Leon!? You didn't say anything about level 7s! That's stronger than the fucking Udaeus! And there's multiple of them!" Lyra screams.

Yeah, he didn't mention anything about a level 7 at all in the briefing, much less more than one of them.

"Ah, I do apologize, I simply didn't want to scare you all. Don't worry though, those will be my opponents. I only ask you to assist me if needed." He says smoothly.

"No." I instantly shut him down.

I had soloed Balor, the level 8 monster rex, and that was back when I was level 5.

I was stronger now, both in stats and technique.

Some level 7s?


While they would be a challenge, especially if they display any irregular traits or skills... I could do it.

"I'll be joining you. The hardest challenge I faced the entire way here was having to shit in the woods, so it's about time I had an actual fight."

Plus, I wanted to see how I stand with one of the so-called 'strongest in the world'.

I feel a pain in my side as Ryuu pinches me.

"Don't be so crass." She says, likely with a blushing face.

Ignoring the pain, I look over to see Leon wearing a difficult expression, a mix of doubt and curiosity.

'Doubt', huh?

Well, it makes sense.

After all, to him, I'm probably just a novice level 6 trying to look good in front of a bunch of girls, including my beautiful wives and children, so it makes sense to doubt me.

But... while I'm by no means blinded by pride... I worked hard for this strength, you know?

So to see such an expression, it's a little bit... frustrating.

"Well, alright then. Should we begin the operation?" He says, clearing his face from suspicion.

But I could tell he still had his doubts.

So, in order to lighten his load a little, maybe... just maybe... I should show off just a little.

"Yes. Does anyone need help getting down?" I say, turning toward my Familia.

"Uh, I do!" Alea shouts with enthusiasm.

"No, you do not. We're remaining up here, remember?" Ryuu instantly shuts her down.

But damn, did my daughter still want to come down with us despite seeing the horde?

While I'm glad she isn't scared, I'm starting to worry she's reckless rather than courageous.

A thin line to walk.

Giving each of my children a small kiss on their foreheads, and one on Alise and Ryuu's lips, I then step toward the edge.

"Well then, no time to waste. Stay in your teams, and don't die."

I say before promptly jumping into the canyon, with the rest of the group following behind me.

Skipping down the various cliffs and edges, I begin chanting Elemental Orb while in freefall, pouring as much mind into the magic as possible.

"-heed my call, Flamma."

A giant ball of flame appears above my head, one which I quickly take under my control before forming countless smaller orbs of concentrated fire inside of it.

The air hisses as the previously roaring red flames turn bright blue.

The monsters below raise their dirty maws toward me as the ground approaches.

Closer... closer...


I unleash my barrage, and the previous roars of monsters quiet as the deafening blast of my magic consumes them.

What was left of my facial hair gets singed as the heat envelops my body, but it's not too bad.

But for the monsters down there... that was another story.

The updraft from the giant explosion slows my descent as I crash into the ground, instantly swinging my sword to dissipate the cloud of dust.

Looking around at the vacant area I had created, a small smile forms on my face.

"I still got it, huh?"

Although... maybe it was a little too much, as I could see a mirage forming above the ground due to the heat.

Welp, I hope everyone's wearing good-quality shoes.

I hear the fluttering of clothing as Leon lands deftly beside me, much more gracefully than I had.

"Well... that was certainly a surprise. But wasn't the plan for everyone to send a barrage of magic together?" He says.


I forgot.

"No matter. The result is what matters. Anyways, let's begin." 

He then draws his sword, the bluish-steel glimmering in the sunlight as the blade instantly takes on a gold hue.

A skill?

Or maybe it was an ability of the sword.

I guess I'll find out during the battle.

Raising my sword, I prepare to deliver a ranged strike to the approaching monsters, before being stopped by Leon taking a sharp breath.

"Chronus. Tempo."

Magic power exploded from his entire body before spreading throughout the surroundings like a wave.

The magic power was... strong, yet with no real weight to it.

A common attribute among status affecting magics.

As the wave reaches the stampede, the monsters begin to just... slow down.

They don't start walking rather than running or anything, they just... go slower.

Like they're in slow motion.

But before I can take advantage of the situation, a streak of blue flashes across my vision, and in the same instant, the first wave of monsters is bisected.

Barely, just barely... I could see it.

Fast and fierce like a storm, but controlled and compressed into a slash, sharper than any sword.

A perfect strike.


It seems he's surprised that I could see it.

In response, I raise my sword overhead, the polished black blade glinting in the sunlight.

From what I could gather, Leon's magic could take away the speed, or rather the 'time', of enemies while converting the energy into his own speed, or perhaps power.

Regardless, with his talent and skills, he could transform that energy through his sword, forming a beautiful, perfect arc of sword aura.

That was Leon Vardenburg, Head Teacher of the School District, one of the two strongest in the world, and one of the modern masters of swordsmanship.

But... while he could perform that perfect slash... I had reached a place beyond perfection.

The realm of a Sword Saint.

I swing down, every turn of my joint, from my shoulders to my elbows uncoiling to release their raw power as my sword traces a path through the air, pulling in the ambient magic power to instill into my blade.

Efficiency and beauty, the pinnacle of both aspects of the sword, combined into one slash.

There is no visible arc, nor is there any disruption of the surrounding air.

After all, my targets were the monsters.

Limbs and heads soar through the air before promptly turning into dust as the wave of approaching enemies is decimated save for a few lizard-like monsters.

Well, if my magic didn't do the trick for a landing spot, that definitely did.

The girls land at the next moment, their faces all wearing large smiles at the scene.

And looking at Leon?


I was not so childish as to admit that his shock and awe made me really happy.

...Outwardly admit it, at least.

But as befitting a man of his ability, he quickly shakes off his surprise, returning to the serious yet laid-back smirk he wore before.

"Well... I suppose you were not lying about your ability. That's quite the swordsmanship. Anyway, let us continue. Our goal is to clear out this canyon, or at least as much as possible. We have the advantage in position and teamwork, so don't do anything reckless. Go."

And with his small speech, we were off.

Ah, I hope I can get some good drop items from this.

The School District had some cool shops to buy from, after all.

----- Leo POV -----

"There goes your father. Seriously... I didn't think he was so childish as to show off like that." Mama Ryuu says from my side.

"Come on, you know that's just how Sirius is. Besides, it's not like you hate that childishness." Mama Alise responds.

"Haa... I suppose so."

My two mothers were conversing at the edge of the canyon, where our family, minus Papa, were standing.

But I wasn't listening to them.

Instead, I was focused on the swathe of destruction that I could barely see down below.

First, the monsters slowed down, before that Leon guy delivered an awe-inducing strike that cleaved through the first few rows.

But then, the air trembled.

Or maybe that was just me, but I could definitely feel a change in the surroundings as Father swung down his sword, showing off that ridiculous technique he calls 'cool'.

Something like that... it was not 'cool', it was terrifying.

But... to wield such strength so easily... so calmly...

There was absolutely no doubt about it, my father was strong.

Insanely strong.

Not to the level I was before the Asuras arrived and showed me how weak I was, he was the Asuras, at least for this world.

The summit of strength, or at least close to it, and with competent enough brains to go along with it.

Could I... leave it to him?

My progress with the sword had slowed without mana to aid me, so it would be a while before I could actually help my Familia in battle.

But, past that... could I let him protect everyone?

I had promised myself that in this life, I would protect everyone I hold dear, and not let any tragedy befall them.

This circle of expansion, with my sisters at the centre, grew to encompass my parents, then the girls of the Familia, to Ais and Lefiya, to the civilians of Orario...

But hasn't my father already been doing that?

He'd constantly gotten stronger as the years passed, for what other purpose than to save everyone?

...Other than doing cool stuff, I suppose.

But could I just... take my time?

Thinking such a thing was uncomfortable, but at the same time, I felt weirdly... relieved.

Like a giant weight had been taken off of these small shoulders.

A feeling of freedom.

It reminded me of how I felt back in Elenoir, playing with Tess and Gramps every day, just... living.

Growing stronger for the sake of growing, not for any higher purpose or grand ideal.

But then again, if a monster like Papa could rise to the strength he has in, what, five years?

Who's to say another can't do the same?

Who's to say there's not another being of his talent that had been sharpening their fangs for years before Papa came here?

What would we do then?

Pray that Papa could pull some mythical bullshit and save the day?

Such wishful thinking... while not necessarily useless, often comes with a cost.

A heavy one, like losing Regis did for me.

Who cares about killing Agrona if the life of one of the few members of the family I had left had been exchanged as a result?

But that was then, this was now.

I didn't want to live a third life of regrets, where I could only continue on with the sacrifices of others.


"Whaa! Papa's amazing! Hmph, but ever since he did those air slashes, he hasn't danced with his sword anymore..." Alea pouts.

"Then I guess you'll have to take on his style!" Stella responds.

"Hmm... I suppose. But I don't know if someone as clumsy as you can actually be a swordsman." Eleanor adds.

"Hah!? Just who needed a floaty last night in the swimming pool?" Alea responds.

"N-Nonesense. Papa explained perfectly, swimming in salt water is much easier than in fresh wa-" Eleanor hastily responds.

"Lalalala~ Excuses~"

"Damn... Sister..."

...Could I act like a kid, like my three siblings so easily seem to do?

While I could understand Alea and Stella, wasn't Eleanor amongst the 'strong' in her past life?

Didn't she have people she failed to protect? Mistakes to rectify?

But seeing her play around so casually... maybe I could do that too.

Just maybe.

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