Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 8 – Magic Lessons and Weapon Training

After another gruelling lesson from Rose early in the morning, I returned home to start my exercise routine.

With Kaguya and the rest of the Familia out on patrol, I unfortunately couldn’t train until she got back.

And since I was still forbidden from entering the dungeon, I had to resort to this to pass the time and hopefully improve.

Weighted pushups using rocks, weighted pull-ups on a tree branch, running around the training ground while holding weights…

There were a lot of weighted exercises.

But that was to be expected, as with the strength boost from a falna, I was already as strong as a professional athlete back on Earth, so I had to resort to the extra weight to improve.

“Yo! Sirius!”

Just as I was finishing a set, I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Hey, Alise. What’s up?” I respond.

Yes. It was my redheaded captain who came to greet me.

With her, Kaguya, and Ryuu being the three strongest members, one of them was always at the Stardust Garden to guard their home, greet any visitors, or help out any other patrol units.

And today was her turn to stay back.

“It’s time for your first magic lesson!” She says with a wide smile.


“I didn’t know we were doing that today.” I say with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Oh. Well, no time like the present, right?”

Uhh… I guess?

“Sure. Just give me a second please.” I respond.

I then walk over to my water bottle before taking a big swig and wiping off the sweat on my face with my shirt.

“Alright, I’m ready!” I say after I’m done.

“Sweet! Well, I guess I should start by explaining why I’m your teacher for this. You see, while Celty and Ryana are the best magicians in the Familia, from your status, Celestial Ascent sounds a lot like my own Agaris Alvesynth in that it enchants your body and can fire ranged attacks.” She says.

“Cool. So what’s the first lesson?” I ask.

While I had been busy with Kaguya and Rose’s lessons, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in my magic.

But the problem was… I had no clue where to start.

But once I did, I would be able to easily fuse it into my regular combat as it didn’t need a chant to be used or controlled.

Or rather, I should…

I guess it depends on how good of a teacher Alise is and how far my talent can take me.

“First lesson! How to activate it! Can’t do anything with it if you can’t even use it, right? Anyway, while I don’t know anyone who has no-chant magic, I asked Mother, and she said you should be able to activate it by chanting the name of the magic.” She says.

“Uhh sure. Is there anything special about chanting? How is it different than just talking normally?” I ask.

After all, I had said Celestial Ascent more than a few times now, and nothing has happened.

“Hmm… how to explain it.” She says in a thinking pose.

Oh no… please tell me she can actually teach.

“Alright! So, it’s all about willing the magic to activate it! While you can’t control your mind at all at this point, just try imagining the magic activating while picturing an energy flowing through your body. For my first few times, I thought about a campfire or a bonfire while chanting. Oh! Here, I’ll show you an example!”

She then steps away from me before closing her eyes.

Arga, Arvana, Arvelia.” She says, her voice barely louder than a whisper.

A moment later, her body is engulfed in flames, the bright red twirling around her legs and hands.

The heat was nearly overwhelming, but for some reason, I didn’t feel in danger of being burned.

It was like I was in a sauna.

And then, a moment later, the heat disappears as the flames recede into nothingness.

“See? Easy! Now, it’s your turn!” She says with a wink.

Uhh… I don’t think it’ll be that easy, but I’ll try.

Closing my eyes, I begin to follow her advice.

The status sheet said it was ‘stellar magic’, right?


A blazing star… a giant ball of plasma… a kaleidoscope of these luminous balls across a black canvas… lines connecting forming shapes… these shapes forming stories… these stories forming…


With the breathtaking scene of swirling galaxies and constellations vividly pictured in my mind, I imagine the nonsensical energy flowing through my body, willing it to coat my body.

"Celestial Ascent."

I feel an unknown power spread through my body before rising to my skin, coating me with this mysterious energy.

It was… weird.

I felt a sort of connection with this energy, both inside my body and out, though they were a bit different.

The energy inside my body felt free, yet constricted to inside my body, like water in a bottle.

The energy outside my body, on the other hand, felt… suppressed.

It could only spread across my body, and I had no control over it, yet it was still connected to me.

So this was magic…

If I had to guess, the energy inside of me must be my mind, the pure magic power that powers magic, while the one outside me was Celestial Ascent.

Though… it felt weird to call this flowing energy a single thing, so I think I’ll just call it stellar magic.

“Whoa~! So pretty! Well, good job chanting it on your first try, Sirius! Now you just need to try moving around with it!” Alise says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Looking down at my body, I can see that I’m coated in a subtle golden light, with streaks of white light swimming throughout.

While it was a little different from what I was picturing, it was still cool.

Though… I guess I can’t use this for stealth, huh?

The next thing I notice is that my body feels… tight.

Like a compressed spring.

This must be the physical enhancement side of it, right?


Well, as my teacher said, I should try it out.

I take a step forward, focusing on keeping the compression around my body active and…

Nothing happens.

Well, that’s good.

I wasn’t meaning to use the magic just then.

Now… let’s try it for real.

I take another step, this time releasing the tightness while picturing my body moving forward.

The wind whistles past my ears and I watch as the edge of the training ground gets closer and closer.


Completely unprepared for the sudden acceleration, I trip over my feet as I step back on the ground, instantly flipping over to land on my face while the stellar magic recedes from my body.


It seems that I need to maintain a minimum level of concentration to keep the magic up.

"Hahahaha! G-Good job! Ah, that was great!” I hear Alise say from behind me.

Turning with a pout, I watch as she wipes away the tears in her eyes before calming down.

“Anyway, I noticed you restrained the power boost on your first step and let it go completely on the second, which didn’t work out too well.”

I already knew that.

“So for your next task, try to control it somewhere in between those two steps."

Wiping the dirt off my face, I get back up with my face flushed in embarrassment.

Fuck, let’s just focus on the task at hand.

I can wallow in shame later.

Closing my eyes, I keep the image of stars in my mind while focusing on how the energy flowing through my body transforms into stellar magic, hoping I could replicate the process to do it chantless.

"Celestial Ascent."

I feel the mind, originating near my heart, spread through my body.

It was like water, and while it could flow throughout my entire self, there were certain channels where it was smoother… faster...

Were those my veins?

Was the mind catching a ride on my blood to go there faster?

I didn’t know…

Concentrating, I notice how the nature of the energy changes as it crosses the barrier to the outside world.

How to explain it… it was like water turning to steam, or something like that.

I guess ‘mind’ was the magic energy within the body, and it transformed into ‘magic’ once it formed a spell outside the body.

Well… that makes sense.

After all, a fire mage wouldn’t be very happy if their mind turned into fire within their body.

I once again feel the tightness across my body as I open my eyes.

…I was glowing again.

Good thing I didn’t mess up the second chant.

Okay, use the power, but not all the power.

Easy, right?

Imagining the power being absorbed into my body, viewing it as an extension of myself rather than an addition… I take a step.

And… it works.

Appearing five meters in front of my previous position, it felt like a smooth, controlled, well, step, rather than the explosion of speed like before.

Mission success.

“Way to go, Sirius! You’re a natural! Keep practicing like that, just walking with increased speed until it becomes instinctive. Then, we can try running.”

The magic lesson continued for half an hour, with me becoming increasingly familiar with how to manipulate the power from the enhancement, and understanding how much the enhancement, well, enhanced.

Taking another step forward, I suddenly felt a wave of extreme fatigue.


Why… was the ground getting closer?

Crumpling into a heap, I watch as my blurred vision gets darker and darker before my consciousness is whisked away.

Suddenly, I was awake again.

I… must have passed out.

Slowly opening my eyes, I’m greeted by the strange sight of Alise feeding me a vial of bright blue liquid, as the taste akin to an energy drink spreads across my tongue.

The fuck?

Although I was still groggy from fatigue, I instantly shot up in surprise, before quickly grabbing my head as the dull throb of a headache assaulted my brain.

Ugh… it feels like a hangover but… worse.

How annoying.

“You’re finally awake.” Alise says.

…I feel like I’ve heard this from somewhere.

“I seem to have passed out.” I say.

“Yep, you did! That right there is called a ‘mind down’, which happens whenever someone uses all of their magic power. But hey! You lasted way longer than I thought you would! It seems like either your magic is very efficient, or you yourself are.” She says with excitement.

Ugh… her voice… it’s too loud.

But thankfully, I could slowly feel my headache start to fade with each passing moment.

“What was that blue stuff you gave me?” I ask.

“A mind potion. As you might have guessed from the name, it regenerates your mind. Not all at once though, so don’t use any magic for a while.” She responds.

“So… does that mean our lesson is over?” I ask.

“Yeah. And no practicing until Kaguya gets back!” She says while pointing her finger at me.

“And why is that?” I ask.

“Because Kaguya might want you to use it later!”

…I’m still training with that demon today?

But still, she wouldn’t be back for a few hours…

“Hey, Alise? Since I can’t practice my magic, how should I train by myself? I don’t think the exercises are doing too much…” I say.

“Hmm… well, we can’t have you in the dungeon just yet. And we don’t want you to start training with weapons alone as you might build bad habits… Ah! You remember your spars with Kaguya, right?” Alise says.

Looking back on the memories, I feel a shiver run down my spine.

“Yes… I do remember. Very very well…”

A little too well.

“Alright, so how about you practice fighting an imaginary Kaguya! That’s how she usually trains her swordsmanship since no one else in the Familia is at her level.”

So… shadowboxing?

Or rather, shadow sparring.

Indeed… that was a good idea.

I should have thought of that sooner!

“That’s perfect Alise! Thank you! Anyway… I’m gonna go lay down until I feel a bit less tired, but I’ll try your suggestion afterward!” I say.

“How dedicated of you… Well, alright. See ya later!”

----- 4 Days Later -----

A few days have passed since my first magic lesson, and during this time, I've had it added to my daily schedule.

Rose's training in the morning, magic training with Alise once I got back until I nearly passed out from a mind down, resting for an hour or two, then Kaguya's combat training.

That was how I spent my days, with the free time I had leftover being used to explore Orario, do some chores, and, well, rest.

I’ve also grown a little closer to the rest of the Familia as their inhibitions about me being a male had all but evaporated.

According to Astraea, since I hadn’t once taken advantage of my situation, the girls have come to trust me.

So that was nice.

I’ve also gotten quite close to Kaguya and Alise due to our training together, although with Kaguya there was also a bit of fear mixed in there.

But she was a good teacher, so I had somehow gotten used to her sadism.

I had also gotten closer to Ryuu and Celty, the two Elves of the Familia.

It was mostly because of how we shared a quiet demeanour, and I often found myself in their company whenever I was reading, sometimes they even helped me out when I was having trouble with the material.

They were nice like that.

There were also some feelings of unity between the three of us as we were the youngest in the Familia.

But moving on from that, today was a special day as it would be the first time I trained with a weapon.

I had already changed into my training clothes, so right now I was just waiting for Kaguya to get here.

Thinking back, I had grown a lot in the past week of training here, and my status clearly demonstrated that.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

Strength: I29
Endurance: I84
Dexterity: I21
Agility: I54
Magic: I53


Heroic Will


Celestial Ascent


Yep, good progress indeed… at least according to Astraea.

Speaking of Astraea, last night, I had gotten the answer to a question I had been wondering about.

This city… while seemingly a medieval society, was littered with modern ideas and inventions.

The state-of-the-art plumbing, the chessboard Lyra loved to use, the fried food…

It was all a little… advanced.

So I asked why.

Apparently, this modern knowledge is known by the gods, and although humanity is meant to grow technologically by themselves, some gods who descended taught the mortals nearby for their own comfort or entertainment.

After all, in Tenkai they were used to toilets and showers, so they wouldn’t exactly take kindly to shitting in the ground on what is meant to be their vacation.

But anyway, this ‘divine knowledge’ as it’s called, has allowed the standard of living to be quite high, at least for city populations, and without the population being destroyed by plagues and famine, culture was able to flourish in certain places.

Which is why there were stalls that sold hashbrowns here.

I then catch a glimpse of Kaguya out of the corner of my eye, breaking me out of my thoughts.

She was carrying a box, a large one, and from what I could see it was filled with various wooden weapons.

"You seem excited about today's training Sirius. Are you that eager to begin using a weapon?"

"Of course I am! And after this I can improve my technique without needing to spar, right? Like the sword training you and Ryuu do in the morning.” I say.

Kaguya shakes her head in response.

“Not quite yet. You should only start training like that once good habits are instilled into your form. Once you can tell right from wrong, you’re welcome to train like that all you wish, though by that time you will be able to explore the dungeon. Anyway, that all comes later. First is to see what weapon fits you best.”

She then dumps the contents of the box in front of me, revealing a few different spears, a couple of shields, and a bunch of swords of various lengths of styles.

"Try out a few of them to see what feels best, what feels natural. Do keep in mind that too long of a length makes it harder to use in small spaces while shorter weapons give you a disadvantage of range, and in some cases, make it impossible to deal a fatal blow." Kaguya says.

Following her words, I then tried out each weapon, using it in a fight against an imitation Kaguya.

The spear was too long to control and was difficult to maneuver in short range.

The short swords were, as Kaguya said, too difficult to get in range.

The shield blocked my vision and movement.

The longsword was difficult to move with as I needed to use both hands.

And so, one-handed swords seemed to be my forte.

But that also had its fair share of styles.

The rapier was no good as I noticed that slashing was my go-to move rather than thrusting, and so I was left with two main groups of swords.

Single and double-edged.

For double-edged swords, there was an arming sword, a gladius, and a broadsword, and for the single-edged ones, there was a falchion, a sabre, a scimitar, and a katana, identical to the one Kaguya used.

In the end, I chose the katana for two reasons.

First was that it specialized in slashing, and with how I focused on only using one side of the sword anyway, it was perfect for me.

But that went for basically all of the single-sided swords, which led me to my second reason…

It was what Kaguya used.

I mean, she was going to teach me regardless, so I might as well use the same sword design as her.

So katana it was, one long enough to be used with two hands if I wanted, but still light enough to easily use with one.

“A katana, huh? I definitely approve, but you do realize that your training just became much harder, right?” Kaguya says with a smirk.

Oh fuck, I didn’t even think of that.

“Anyway, the katana does suit you, so there’s no need to waste any more time."

The next few hours were spent with me receiving detailed instructions on swordsmanship.

How to hold the blade, how to position the feet, and how to properly swing.

It was a slow, meticulous process, but by the end of it, I had the proper form and was able to swing it multiple times in a row.

Now, all that’s left is to practice over and over again until it becomes second nature, and then I can try to add Celestial Ascent into the mix.

“Now, I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but if so let me repeat it again. I will only be teaching you the basics of the sword, making sure you have no bad habits. It will be your job to refine your technique and find your style, though I will help when needed.” She says.

“Sorry, but what do you mean by ‘style’? Isn’t an overhead slash just an overhead slash?” I ask.

“That’s a question for later once you reach that level, but it is how one approaches combat. For instance, I am best when using iai techniques, accelerating the sword from the sheath for a swift slash. In combat, I always position myself so that I can perform such a move at any time. But that is just me, you will have your own approach to combat with the techniques you find work best.” She says.

I… think I understand.

Well, as she said, it wasn’t my problem right now.

“Now, we’ll continue doing spars with swords while I will constantly correct your movements. Swinging a sword in the middle of combat is very different from doing it standing still, after all. With enough experience, you will be able to take the skills you learn fighting me and translate them to use against monsters. Once you get to that point, you can then begin exploring the dungeon.”

I nod in response while drinking the water from my flask.

Fuck, it was hot today.

I was already completely drenched in sweat.

“Since you can now properly swing a sword, it’s time to turn that blade against me. There will be no drills, I will just properly instill the required techniques into your body.” She says with an evil smile.

Oh… this was going to hurt, wasn’t it?

—-- 2 Hours Later —--

I was right, it did hurt, a little more than usual, might I add.

The main difference, other than using weapons, was that I was now attacking back.

Or at least… I was trying.

With our difference in skill, it obviously didn’t work out too well for me.

Moving around with a sword was surprisingly much harder than it seemed, especially when Kaguya would strike my body whenever I left an opening undefended while harshly telling me what I did wrong.

"Your posture completely fell when you swung. Did you not just spend an hour training that attack? Did I hit your head too hard, or are you just stupid?"

"It means nothing to block my blade when I can so easily kick you with your attention diverted. Be better."

"If you cannot block my thrust, then move out of the way or parry it. Don't try to do the impossible, you’re much too weak."

"You left your legs wide open. Did you forget what you used to walk? Or perhaps that was the goal? Does baby want a nap?"

It seems that Kaguya is much more talkative when training with swords, and much more… ruthless.

Both in actions and words.

But the advice, while sharp, helped me improve faster than trying to find an answer myself, and I was quickly able to correct most mistakes I had been making.

Once the training was finished, I was able to understand one big thing.

I was severely lacking in everything related to sword technique, or in layman’s terms, I sucked.

Due to my previous combat training, I was not completely hopeless, but any attempt to strike, parry, block, or counter with my sword was swiftly met with criticisms and often a smack by Kaguya.

So yeah… I had a long way to go.

I was now eating dinner with the Familia as I went over the beating that was still fresh in my mind, and from what I overheard, the Astraea Familia would be going on an expedition in a week.

Expeditions usually lasted a week or more, and this time they were aiming for the 42nd floor.

I need to be allowed to explore the dungeon before they leave so that while they’re gone I could still improve.

I’d have to do more training to make it in time.

After dinner, made my way outside, grabbing my newly assigned training sword on the way out.

While I was still too inexperienced to practice swordsmanship without supervision, Kaguya did say my overhead slash was good enough to train on my own.

It was a simple movement, but a necessary one as it set the foundation for all other strikes.

As I'm about to get started, I notice a familiar Elf exiting the door.

"Hey Ryuu, what's up?" I ask.

She frowns lightly in response as her beautiful blue eyes pierced into mine.

I couldn’t help but avert my eyes under such an intense stare.

"Why did you look so upset at the table, Sirius? And give me an actual answer. No deflecting." Ryuu says.

Ah jeez, she noticed?

I didn’t think the emotionally innocent girl to pick up on that so easily, much less confront me about it.

But I guess it was her way of showing that she cared.

"It's nothing rea-"

"I asked you to give me an actual answer." She interrupts.

Oh, she looks a little angry now.

I guess I should satisfy her curiosity, even if it was slightly embarrassing.

"Haa… it's just… yesterday with Kaguya, I was able to keep up with most of her movements. Hell, I even made an opening after parrying properly. After that, I felt I was finally catching up. But after today, using the sword… it feels like I'm back to square one.” I say.

She nods in response, her eyes encouraging me to continue.

“Today… I felt like a newborn who had just learned how to walk, and I was being asked to run a marathon. I even tripped on my own feet! How shameful is that?”

“There’s nothing shameful about that, Sirius. Training with a weapon is much more difficult than it may seem, hence why Kaguya is taking it so seriously and not allowing you to train on your own.” Ryuu responds.

“Thanks, but… I just, want to catch up with everyone. I mean, even Celty who’s the same age and a mage would beat me in a fight. How fucking pathetic.”

My emotions had run a little hot at the end there, but saying it out loud like that was… nice.

I guess I just needed to let that go, huh?

Just as I’m about to thank Ryuu for helping me out, she breaks the silence.

"I believe we've had a similar conversation before, but I’ll reiterate it once again. You are not pathetic, Sirius. By any stretch of the word. You’re learning, and at a frightening pace, so take your time and don’t rush in growing stronger." Ryuu says while looking up at the starry night sky.

Her face then lowered to look at me, her eyes once again piercing mine, but… gentler this time.

“Soon enough, we’ll be relying on your strength to push us past adversity. And I know you’ll be there for us, just like you were on that day. So… be proud, and don’t do anything reckless.” She says with a smile.

I couldn’t help but be entranced by her face, as she was wearing the softest expression I had ever seen on her.

One of deep concern and empathy.

“T-Thank you, Ryuu. That… means a lot.” I say after a moment.

“No problem. I… also know what you are feeling. In fact, I bet everyone in the Familia does. The feeling of weakness… of inadequacy… So we know more than anyone that you’ll eventually grow stronger, just like we did. You just need patience.” She says.

Feeling a wave of embarrassment as I remember my childish whining, I give her a nod before starting my swings.

Trying to cast the thoughts of the pretty Elf out of my mind, I concentrate while lifting the wooden sword over my head.

My grip was firm yet loose, allowing for perfect, fluid control of the blade while also keeping it from being knocked out of my hand.

I then look down at my feet, ensuring that my posture and stance are correct.

My feet were spread out under my shoulders, allowing me to be ready to move in any direction at any moment, while also keeping me secure on the ground.

My arms were bent and flexed, ready to release the gathered tension with as much force as possible while keeping an ample amount of maneuverability and control.

Lastly, and most importantly… breathing.

A deep inhale through the nose and a controlled exhale through the mouth, imagining drawing strength from the air and fresh oxygen all the while, focusing as the strength spread throughout my body.

Timing my swing, I release a sharp breath of air while bringing my sword down in a sharp, powerful, and controlled manner, the air whistling from the speed of the blade.

A proper sword strike, but one I had yet to do while in motion.

But that’s okay.

I just had to practice, and as Ryuu said… I’d be on their level in no time.

This cycle continues, with me ensuring that every slash is filled with purpose.

Sometimes I stepped forward with the leading foot to generate more power and reach, and sometimes I focused on speed rather than power.

But they were all proper sword strikes none the same.

The world fades into the background as I focus on the motions.

The only thoughts on my mind were the cool air on my skin, the gentle moonlight casting down on my shadow, and the exhilarating feeling of hearing a perfect sword strike whirl through the air.

I get so lost in my own world, that I completely miss how a certain Elf was practicing her own set of swings, watching me train with interest.

After an unknown amount of time, I'm broken out of my concentration by the dryness of my own mouth.

Shit, from how high the moon was… it was already past midnight.

I was not gonna like waking up tomorrow.

"I originally thought Kaguya was exaggerating how quickly you took to the sword."

I jump at the voice while releasing an embarrassing yelp.

Turning to the side, I see Ryuu standing there with a sheen of sweat across her forehead, her hair tied back in a ponytail, and a wooden sword in hand.

She was also smirking.

…She definitely found my startled reaction amusing, didn’t she?

Ryuu then hands me over a flask of water, which I start drinking without complaint.

As I was too parched and tired to talk, I gave her a thumbs up as thanks.

“T-Thanks.” I finally say between breaths.

“It’s no problem.”

Ryuu then looks to the side with a slightly hesitant expression.

“You really are quite the hard worker, Sirius.” She eventually says.

“Ah, thanks. Again, I need to catch up, so…” I respond.

“Indeed. But your drive to improve has sparked a flame of motivation in all of us, so… thank you once again.”

“It’s uhh, it’s nothing.” I say with a light blush.

Dammit, now I was embarrassing myself again.

We fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the clouds drift through the distant sky until Ryuu eventually speaks up.

“I wanted to explain a little more about why I said to be patient. Years ago… this city was not as peaceful. I saw people die, I saw… I saw my friend die. So when I say I understand your impatience, it is not just empty words.”

Taking a shaky breath, she continues.

“We all became adventurers near the same time when the city was cast in turmoil, and Kaguya was the only one with proper training. The rest of us had no proper mentors, and we rushed into things as a result. Bad habits, bad mindsets, shaky foundations, and hastily built skillsets… We were reckless and careless, it’s a miracle we’ve survived for so long.”

She then turned to look at me, her hair drifting in the wind while her figure was bathed in the dazzling moonlight, crafting an enchanting scene that instantly took my breath away.

“You don’t have such disadvantages. You have the time, you have mentors who know what to do, and most importantly, you have an insane amount of talent and dedication. It will take you some time, but you will surely be a great adventurer. So please… trust us.”

She was gazing at me with such caring eyes, only adding further to the stunning view in a way that made calling it ‘beautiful’ an insult.

My heart pounded painfully in my chest as my breath still had yet to return.

And her smile… it was something out of a fairytale.

It was simple.

A small curl of the lips.

But it was charming.

Extremely, dangerously charming.

Seeing her like this, I couldn’t help but think that she looked like a fairy.

One whose beauty under the moonlight couldn’t be described.

Eventually snapping out of my dazed state, I shake my head before responding.

“Thank you very much for the kind words, Ryuu. I’ll be sure to keep them in mind… and I promise I’ll live up to your expectations. Good night.”

Not receiving an answer, I then make my way back into my room to get some much-needed sleep, not paying any attention to the flustered state I had left Ryuu in.

Unknown to me, when I had thought of how she looked like a beautiful fairy, I had unintentionally muttered the words, and for a level 4 Elf like Ryuu, her enhanced hearing made it extremely easy to pick up my hushed compliments.

What I also didn’t know, was that for Elves, receiving an earnest confession under the glow of moonlight was seen as the peak of romance, one akin to a proposal.

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