Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 69 – Rooftop Talk and Takemikazuchi

"Uuu~ Sleepy~"

"It's alright Ryuu. The kids are in bed, you can go to sleep now."

Thanks to Syr's insistence, Ryuu decided to indulge in a bit more alcohol than she could handle, hence her current state.

"But I wanted to do it~"

Heh, I'm definitely teasing her about this tomorrow.

"We can do that later. I'm gonna turn the lights off now, okay?"

"Okay~ G'night~"

Closing the door behind me, I hear her breathing calm before making my way outside.

Taking in the warm night air, I notice a presence on the roof of our home.

That's... of course.

She loves high places after all.

Jumping up, I come across the stunning sight of my lovely redheaded wife, hair dancing in the wind as her seated figure is bathed in the moonlight.


Turning her head back, my eyes meet her emerald jewels, shining with her natural charisma.

"Sirius... what are you doing up here?" She asks.

"I should be saying that to you."

I then walk over and sit next to her, both our feet dangling over the roof's edge.

"So? What's up?" I ask.

"Hmph! It's all that damn paperwork! Do you know how much I have to do after an expedition like the one we just did?" She complains.

"Doesn't Lyra do most of it? And you know I can help out, I'm even better than you with the numbers."

"Oh, quiet you. You actually went to school, and the ones from your world are way more advanced."

"Mmm, that's true."

Speaking of my past life, I've almost caught up in age, haven't I?

Since I didn't really have a birthday here, I decided to set it to be the start of every year, for simplicities sake.

Although I also could have it when I arrived here... but nah.

The new year was coming soon, in a week or so, and then I'll be 19 once again.

It'll be fun to take the kids to the festivities now that they're old enough to walk around.

Well, back to the 'issue' at hand, I could tell that Alise was feeling a little down, and I didn't intend to leave her that way.

"So. What's wrong, my beautiful maiden?" I ask teasingly.

"Hahaha, 'maiden'? Really? Ah, but... I was just thinking."

Pulling her head to rest on my shoulder, I urge her to continue.

"Thinking about what?"

"Just... my home. Or rather, the world outside Orario."

Taking a breath, she continues.

"You see... I decided to pursue justice when my parents died, and the best place to do that was Orario. Not only could I get stronger, but when I came here, the city was unstable. Evilus with their schemes, rampant crime, nasty adventurers going along unchecked... justice was needed here. But now... with how peaceful it's been... I don't know if it's right to stay here."

Sliding closer, I wrap my arm around her waist.

"I mean... there are still people out there who need saving. In places with normal people, with no combat experience or falna, die from monsters every day. And that's not even mentioning bandits and slavers."

Looking up at me, I can see the desperation in her eyes.

"But I love my home here. I love this city and I don't want to leave. But my justice... what do I do, Sirius?"

Gliding my hand through her hair soothingly, I feel her rampant heartbeat calm down.

"Hmm, it's a tough question. But you know, even if you venture out there, you're not going to find much 'justice' to enact. Monster attacks are rare, and happen fast without warning. Crime, like bandits and all that, would just pop back up after you rampage through the area. Evil is just... part of human nature... with enough humans around, that is. It's a constant for us mortals, and even some Gods."

Feeling her head nod, I continue.

"Here, in the center of the world, you have the most people to help with justice, all gathered in one place and with our home, you don't have to worry about bad guys popping back up. Well, you do, but we'll just beat them up again. If there's some horrible situation outside these walls, we're likely to get a quest. And to save the most people during that time, we'll need to be strong. You'll need to be strong."

"I... I see."

"Plus, with the quests we get from the guild, the monster stones go toward powering tools that help everyday people while the herbs we gather go towards medicines that save people. And who knows, maybe deeper in the dungeon there'll be something that will save even more. But those are just my thoughts. You should come to your own conclusion."

While I was a bit worried about her, well, leaving, I highly doubt she'd just up and do that.

She just seemed... conflicted.

"No, thank you, sweetie. I... I think I feel better now." She says.

And hopefully, this little talk resolved that.

Settling into a comfortable silence, I gaze up at the stars that dotted the cloudless night sky.

"It's rare for it to just be the two of us, isn't it Alise?"

"Hmm? Yeah... I guess it is. But I don't like being alone, so it's fine, as long as I get to spend time with you."

She fidgets slightly in my grasp.

"Umm... Sirius... without Ryuu's intervention... would we have been a thing? Without Ryuu in the equation."

"Hmm? What brought this on."

"Ah, it's just... being with you and Ryuu... really makes me happy. I just wonder how close I was to not having this happiness."

"Well, alright then. Without Ryuu's intervention... probably not, or at least not for a while. I would never have known you liked me back, and I wouldn't want to mess up the Familia dynamics. Especially since you were the captain."

At my words, she removes herself from my grasp.

"I'm still the captain!" She says in mock anger.

"Yes, but now you're much much more."

Cupping her cheek, I lean forward until our lips meet.

Initially a chaste kiss, it soon deepens as my body leans her down onto the roof so that I'm above her.

Our tongues twist around each other as my sense of time dulls until we eventually separate.

"Thank you, Sirius."

Looking into her eyes which had regained their usual jovial clarity, I let out a silent sigh of relief.

I guess she just needed to talk about her... insecurities, or whatever.

And considering how easy it was to quell them, I think she just needed someone to reassure her more than anything.

"Of course. Do you want to head to bed now?" I ask.

"A little later. Being with you like this... it's nice."


Leaning down, we continue to make out under the moonlight long into the night.

----- 1 Day Later -----

With Alise, Lyra, Ryuu, and Kaguya over at the Loki's to deal with the guild, I was resting at home with the rest of the Familia.

While they only needed the captain Alise, the vice-captain Kaguya, and the strategist Lyra, Ryuu went along with them to escape from my teasing.

"Like this! Ung!" 

Alea swings down clumsily, her body nearly stumbling from her unbalanced footwork.

"Not quite, sweetie. You have to move your feet during it or you won't generate as much power. Here, let me show you."

Gripping my practice sword in one hand, I step forward while bringing down the blunted blade.

Transferring the power from my step and the rotation of my hips, I keep my arm loose as the sword cuts through the air.

Finishing my swing, a small whirlwind forms at the tip of my blade, blowing away some of the loose dirt on the training ground.

Heh, look how far I've come.

With how much I've stressed control in my technique, I was easily able to not use any stats if I so wished.

And of course, so that Alea could actually see, I didn't use any of my falna-granted powers in my demonstration.

So that was all pure technique.

But still... I could feel a barrier.

I could do 'more'.

While I was nearing the peak of mortal technique, I would need something beyond that for my goal.

To kill the Black Dragon.

"Whoa~! Again, again!"

"Okay, okay."

As I set myself to demonstrate once again, I feel two people walking up to the front door.

"Sorry, Alea. We seem to have some visitors."


Walking over to my pouting daughter, I rustle her hair a bit.

"Don't worry, I'll come back. Why don't you practice with your brother, or play with those four?"

I then point over to Leo, who was doing practice swings under the shade of a tree which Iris, Ariel, Stella, and Ellie were sitting under.


Sending her off, I then make my way toward the front door.

Getting closer, I can better sense who exactly our visitors are.

A level 1 falna bearer along with a God.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

Flinching in surprise, the level 1 girl who looks to be from the Far East like Kaguya, turns toward me with her hand resting on the sword on her hip.

Seems like I spooked her quite a bit.

"Mikoto! He means no harm." The god says.

"Ah! Of course. My humblest apologies."

She then bows her head.

"It's fine. It's my fault for shocking you. But I must ask, why are you two here?" I ask.

"Of course."

The God then steps forward.

I must say, the man, or rather, God, had quite a refined appearance.

Sharp eyes and a pointed nose... I'm guessing he's quite the lady killer.

"I am the God Takemikazuchi, and this here is my child, Yamato Mikoto."

"Nice to meet you. I am Sirius the Celestial Sword of the Astraea Familia." I say in return.

They both widen their eyes in surprise before Takemikazuchi continues.

"Ah, good to meet you as well. As for why we're here-"

"Where's Haruhime?"

My eyes sharpen at the girl's words.


For what reason would they want her?

Did the Loki Familia snitch about her magic?

But for them to come here so brazenly to ask...

I activate Celestial Ascent and concentrate the stellar magic toward my hand, pushing it out before forming a sword.

A new move I made, one that is only useful in rare moments like these when I'm unarmed.

It also has a pretty good intimidation factor, the glowing magic sword and all.

"Where did you hear that name, and for what reason do you seek her."

Letting loose my aura as a level 6, I convey the fact that my question was not a request to be answered, but a demand.

"P-Please calm down! We mean no harm! We know Haruhime from-"


Turning around, I see Haru peeking through the front door with Mother Astraea right behind her.

Does she... know these people?


Far East...

Orphanage children being taken care of by a God...


I see.

Dissapating the magic sword, I see Haru run toward Mikoto and engulf her in a hug.

"You guys are here? In Orario? Why?"

"That's something we want to ask you, Haruhime! And you even became level 3!"

Mother Astraea then makes herself known.

"Well, it seems as though you are friends of Haruhime's. Please, come inside."

Settling down in the common room, Takemikazuchi and Mikoto then tell us their story.

The Takemikazuchi Familia, originally from the Far East, is a Familia of six members, all orphans from the local shrine that took them in.

They were also the orphans that would sneak Haruhime out of her mansion and play with her during the night, alleviating her boredom and loneliness, at least until she was abandoned by her parents.

Without the support of Haruhime's father, taken away after he found out about the orphans' late-night fun with his daughter, the shrine continued to go through its dwindling savings.

The six members of the Takemikazuchi Familia, being the oldest and strongest of the shrine orphans, decided to move to Orario to make money to send back to the shrine.

Arriving yesterday and quickly finding a residence, the two before me decided to register for the guild, where they just so happened to see Haruhime's level-up notice.

And wanting to know the fate of their old friend, they came to the Astraea Familia home, which leads us to now.

"Hmm... I see. Sorry about threatening you. I had assumed the worst." I say.

"No need for apologies. We came to your home and asked about one of your members. You were right to be suspicious." The God says in return.

Well, at least that's sorted.

But Takemikazuchi, huh?

"Hey... Your, well, 'domain' in Tenkai. It's something to do with sword technique, no?"

He had taught the orphans of his Familia everything they knew after all.

"Ah, you're quite right. I am the God of martial arts."

I see.

They need money... and I'm already rich without even counting the valis I'll be getting from the expedition...


Let's make a deal.

"You must be having some trouble in regards to money, no? You came here because you were poor, and the first thing you did was buy a house. And I doubt your children are skilled enough to make that loss up right away, considering they haven't even been in the dungeon yet."

"Hahaha, yes indeed. Our financial situation is quite... dire. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could buy some lessons from you. I pay quite well~"

And that is how I found my new combat instructor.

----- 1 Day Later -----


The fire twirls above my palm before moving upwards to above my head, circulating to form an orb.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the 'connection' I feel with the magic.

It was stronger than before.

And from testing, the elements of water, wind, lightning, and finally fire felt like the same level of control, with space still being very volatile.

I wonder... was it the boost my magic stat received from my level-up?

Or maybe my skill, Magia Imperium, had gotten its effects enhanced from my level up.

Well, not like it matters much.

I'll make use of this new level of mastery regardless.

Opening my eyes, I command some fire to exit the orb in the shape of a bird.

The magic follows my command, forming a small, very simple, bird that circles the air a few times before landing on my hand and dissipating.

My magic control was not yet at the level of being an extension of myself, but it was getting there.

Rather than it being another 'limb' like Celestial Ascent, it was more like I was simply 'willing' it.

Like how when one holds their breath, it simply... works.

But I also need to stay focused on it and guide the magic as I wish.

Just that one bird took all of my concentration, and it wasn't even detailed!

Yeah... it would be quite a while before I could dance with the elements as I can with stellar magic.

"How ridiculous."

I also had Ellie watching over my training.

"What's wrong, El?" I ask.

What was so 'ridiculous', my dear daughter?

"Haa... nothing Papa. You're just something else." She says with a blank look.

"Uhh, thanks?"

That was a compliment, right?

She's amazed by her father's amazing powers, right?

Walking over to Ellie, I sit down next to her and look over her painting.

A simple landscape of a mountain, with a calm lake in front of it and a clear sky, much like the one today.

As she had yet to see a mountain or a lake, I'm guessing she got the idea from some books, but I was impressed that she got the colours right.

"Oh? That's very pretty. Good job."

I then pat her head a few times, causing her puffed-out cheeks to turn red.

"T-Thank you, Papa."

Hee~ My Ellie is so cute.

Since I didn't need to be on the training ground for my magic practice, I continued trying to freely control Elemental Orb while sitting next to my artistic daughter.

At least until I feel two people making their way towards us.

"I guess they came a little early, huh? They must be eager to get started."

Standing up, I walk over toward the front door to greet my two students.

"Over here you two."

Their heads both turn to me simultaneously.

"Ah! Good morning, Sirius!" Lefiya says excitedly.

"Mmm. Morning." Ais adds on... not as excitedly.

When my wives went over to the Loki Familia home to meet with the guild and collect our reward, Ais and Lefiya also notified them that they were hoping to start their training the next day.

Which is today.

"Well, let's not waste any time. Did you guys bring some water?"

"Ah... no..."

"That's alright. I guess I'll be getting some practice with my water element too. Anyways, follow me. Let's get started on your training."

Let's see how this whole 'teaching' thing goes.



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