Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 55 – Worries and Work

"So, we just wear these things, and the Xenos should come to us?"

"Indeed, and if you see any monsters acting weird, there is likely a Xenos in the area."

"I see. Thanks, Ray!"

"Of course, Alise. And one more thing I should say to all of you, and what you should relay to your fellow Familia members."

Raising our heads, we listen to Ray's words.

"Do not let the existence of us Xenos change how you view monsters. We are completely separate from them. Don't show any mercy to them. You people are kind, the first adventurers that have looked at us with compassion and it would pain me greatly if our existence were the reason for your deaths."

Taking in her words, Alise then jumps to hug the Siren.

"Of course Ray! Don't worry about us!"

Seems like Alise quickly befriended the Xenos, and with her outgoing personality, it's not too much of a surprise.

Though seeing the slight blush on Ray's cheeks, I'm a bit worried about how outgoing my beloved redhead is.

"Yes, we will remain vigilant. Isn't that right, wife."


Yeah, Alise, I'd get off of her now.

Ryuu's getting a little jealous.

"Ahem. So, if Xenos are being captured by adventurers, they must have a way to find them. Let's keep an eye out for any weird behaviour from adventurers as well."

Lyd then puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Right indeed, Sirius! I'll also be watching! Anyway, we should be heading back now, Ray!"

"Will you two be fine? Going back, I mean."

"Fels has some trinkets that can hide our presence, but it only works with a couple of people."

"Alright. Be safe, Lyd, Ray. We'll be visiting the main Hidden Village soon."

As we head back home, with Ryuu holding tightly onto Alise's hand, I think about our new quest.

Yeah, we should figure this out before we return.

"Hey, girls. Should we allow the newbies into this?"

While Lili, Haru, Ariel, and Iris have grown into an extremely formidable team, they were still the newest to adventuring in the Familia.

Paired with their young age, save for Iris, we call them the 'newbies'.

"With Evilus being involved, I don't want them to be forced into this."

With normal peacekeeping, it's fine to let them fight against people.

But with Evilus, they're different.

They use nasty tactics, curses, traps...

Against such a group, you can't knock them out like a normal criminal, and if you go in with such weak resolve, one could easily find the same fate as Ardee.

With Evilus, you have to aim to kill.

I don't think they're ready for that quite yet.

Well... maybe Lili and Iris, but definitely not Ariel and Haru.

"No... they should at least know about the Xenos and can take part in the relocation quest, just not the slavery side of things. We'll take care of that ourselves."

The rest of us nodding at Alise's words, we continue down the street.

----- Alea POV -----

"So, Leo, when do you think I can ask Papa to teach me sword fighting?"

Raising his head from his book, Leo gives me a curious stare.

"Why are you so interested?"

"I want to dance around like Papa! Swoosh and swish! Isn't it cool!?"

Scratching his cheek, he continues.

"Well, for my past life, I could only start training at three, but considering our increased growth rate, you'll probably be able to in a year."

Hmph, so I still have to wait a while?

But I can walk now!

"Even then, I'm not sure. I don't think he'd train you until you turn five or so. I mean, he's been pretty adamant about keeping us safe, but if you keep pressuring him, he will eventually comply. You are quite spoiled, after all."

"I'm not spoiled! I just give Papa love, and he gives me his! Maybe he'd teach you too if you gave him hugs!"

"I don't need his training, I already have my own sword style. It would only be more confusing."


Aversion of the eyes, a slight inhale, his increased grip on the page.

From years of practicing to be the perfect idol, I know.

"You're lying! Liar~ Are you jealous?"

"W-What!? No! No way! I was a king, why would I be jealous of a brat!"

Oh, it's worse than I thought.

Giving him a light smack on his head, I berate my stupid brother.

"Don't call Papa a 'brat'! You're just jealous that he's already better than you at his age, old man!"

"Grk! You little!"

Dropping his book, he then tackles me to the ground, tickling my sides.

Breaking into a fit of laughter, I beg him to stop his attack, slapping his sides futilely.

Eventually, he relents, allowing me to catch my breath.

"Humph! That should teach you."

Ellie then walks in.

"What was with that noise? Are you two really that childish?"

"Well, we are babies after all."

Ever since we revealed ourselves, Ellie has become a bit more... mature.

Always teaching me and Leo about the world and watching over Stella.

Though she still turns back into a child with Papa and our Mamas.

With our similar origins as orphans, I can relate.

Such loving parents... it's nice, really nice.

"Still, you should have some restraint."

"Hmph, so stiff!"

Jeez, acting so mature, it's almost like she's-



"What is it, Alea?"

"You were 24 in your past life, weren't you~"

Narrowing her eyes, she responds.

"Yes, what of it."

"Then compared to me, a 20-year-old beauty, an idol, the epitome of youth, you are quite-"

"Be careful with your next words, Alea."


"Don't say it."

"-old woman."


"That's it!"

Jumping onto me, she pulls on my sensitive ears while tickling my sides.

The dreaded double attack!

After her relentless assault, leaving me in a puddle of tears, she finally lets me go.

"Hmph! At 17 I reached level 7, extending my lifespan to hundreds of years. Thus, I was still in the spring of my youth even at the time of my death. Do not forget that, sister."

"Uuu~ Y-Yes Ellie~"

I guess she has quite the insecurity, huh?

"Haa, good. Anyway, from what I overheard, you wanted Papa to teach you his sword technique?"


"Well, it's not so simple. He's likely to soon become the strongest swordsman, both in power and skill if he's not already. Both Papa and Kaguya are already some of the most skilled people I have seen. Understand? It won't be simple to learn such abilities."

"Y-Yes, but I can try, right? And even if I'm not as good, I still want to dance around like him!"

"Hmm... While Leo was right about him not training you until you're physically ready, you can still show your enthusiasm for swordsmanship by swinging a stick around or something."

Hmm, I guess I could.

It'd help me build up my coordination too.

"What about you two? You already know how to fight, will you ask for training?"

"As for Leo, his 'mana core' is unlikely to transfer over to this world, unless it manifests as a skill or magic, so he'll need to relearn some aspects of combat anyways."

Leo frowns before bringing the book up to cover his face.

Hehe, guess he doesn't want some 'brats' to teach him, huh?

"As for me, well, I'll likely beg to receive my falna as soon as possible."

"Huh? Wait. Why haven't they given us it now? Won't it make us stronger?"

"It's said that for children 5 and under, having a falna stunts their growth immensely. Children end up relying on their stats instead of growing their bodies. I can only hope that our increased growth continues as I want to test something."

"Oh? What's that you wanna test?"

"Status is based on the soul, I don't know what it means for you three, who have previous lives, but I'm wondering what it'd mean for me."

Oh yeah, it'd be really weird for your child to be a level 7 out of nowhere, huh?

Wait, wouldn't it reveal our reincarnation if that happened!?

"E-Ellie, if you do..."

"Then I'll have to deal with the consequences. I have a family to protect, especially you and Stella who know nothing of combat. If they end up hating me for stealing their child, then so be it."

You say that Ellie, but I can clearly see the worry on your face.

I have to believe in Papa and my Mamas.

They won't abandon Ellie, they won't abandon any of us...


"W-What do you think will happen with your status, Ellie?"

"What do I think? Well, stats are often the experiences done by the body. Running will increase agility, getting damaged will increase endurance, etc. So I don't think my stats will be high, in fact, I don't think my level will be the same either. My body would simply not be able to handle the jump in power. As for my skills and magic... they will likely remain the same."

"Isn't that good then?"

"Not really. My magic... it's quite famous. The only offensive sound magic user in the world, nonetheless the one that terrorized Orario."

I see that the worry is back on her face.

I should distract her!

"Well, I guess I'll start swinging a stick around, asking for Papa to train me too. Where's Stella?"

"Stella? She's waiting by the door for our parents to get home. She's tired but wants to be sung to sleep by Papa."

Suddenly, we hear a familiar voice.

"Girls! We're back!"

"Speak of the devil. I'm getting quite sleepy too, so I'll be joining my sister."

Taking note of my heavy eyelids, I turn to Leo.

"I'm gonna go to bed too. What about you Leo? Aren't you tired from reading all day?"

Closing the book, he looks at me.

"I just don't want to be surprised by another war. Information is the strongest weapon, after all. But yes, I suppose-"

"Hey, guys! What are you all doing up?"

Holding Stella in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder, Papa comes through the door.

"Hmm, 'First Familias of Orario', huh? You really love your history books, don't you Leo?"

"Mmm. But I still can't understand a lot of it."

"Well, I think most people would be stunned by someone your age reading at all, so don't sweat it. How about I read it to you tonight, do the rest of you want to listen in?"

Bedtime story? Yes, please!

"Mhmm! Can we sleep with you and Mamas!?"

While I do like having our own room, especially since my parents love doing... that.

I do miss the times when we'd all cuddle together on a bed when Papa first read us stories.

"Uhh, I don't know-"

"It's fine, Sirius. Kaguya and I can tell everyone else."

"Are you sure, Lyra?"

"Yeah, plus, as the three of our four strongest members, I'll be working you guys to the bone for assignments."

"Haa, alright. Well, let's head to bed kids. Did you get a bath?"

Leo quickly responds.

"Yes! Yes, we did!"

We did not.

But I can understand.

While I only love Papa as a Papa, it's still a little uncomfortable to be in the bath with him.

Even if it feels good when he washes me.

I can't imagine what Leo feels like with our Mamas.

Actually, if he didn't adamantly refuse, I think I'd smack him until he does.

"Hoh? That's not what Haru told me. Do you guys hate the bath that much?"

Uuu, stupid smart Papa.

Well, if it has to be like this...

"Fine! But Papa can only wash my hair! And ears! I can wash the rest myself!"

"Haa, alright. Such weird kids. But you better do a good job! Do you have the same conditions, Leo? Ellie?"

Both nodding their heads in agreement, Papa then scoops up all three of us before going upstairs.

"Well, I don't think I'll be joining you this time, is that okay?"


More than okay!

That's the main reason we don't like bathing!

You and Mamas' looks that could blow away any model, and naked at that are the problem!

"Hmm, I do wonder though, if I get enough control of Elemental Orb, could I wash with the water element? I'd have to be gentle though..."


Papa's in his brainstorming mood.

Well, I guess that's one of his charms.

Silly Papa.

----- Sirius POV - 3 Hours Later -----

Adjusting Stella who was clinging onto my chest, I feel Alise cuddle closer to my side.

Looking down at my four sleeping children and my two dozing wives, a warmth spreads throughout my body.

Haa, I really got lucky, huh?

Such a loving family, beautiful and kind wives, well-behaved children...

Maybe a little too well-behaved.

But whatever.

With this new trouble of the Xenos, I'm glad I can trust them to be left with Mother Astraea and any of the other girls.

While I do love spending time with my family, I do have a duty as a member of the Familia of Justice, and I need to continuously get stronger to slay that big bad Dragon.

It's hard to balance my work, duty, training, and life.

And the best way to do that is to savour moments like these.

Hugging everyone closer, I feel a presence at the door.

"Come in."

The door opens to reveal my visitor.

"Good evening, Sirius."

"Kaguya. How did the meeting go?"

Sitting in the rocking chair next to the bed, she answers.

"They were at first hesitant about the Xenos, but after hearing us, they warmed up to them. They still have some doubts, but once they meet them it should be okay."

"That's good. Did we make a plan?"

"We'll split into five teams, each of us cycling through the dungeon, looking out for Xenos and their kidnappers. Except for the newbie team of course."

"I see. Wait, five teams?"

"Yes, you'll be on your own team due to your wide range of abilities and the fact that we don't want the kids to be without all their parents for long periods of time."

"That's good. I'm surprised Lyra okayed that though."

"It's only natural. Besides, you work better alone anyways."

I guess I do, huh?

I mean, I still dive into the dungeon alone to train, so that doesn't help.

"Alright. Do we have any plans for when we find out the slavers?"

"Ouranos gave us the go-ahead, so we'll be showing them no mercy. The plan will depend on who it is, their strength, their connections... the main business may not even be in Orario."

Yeah, and with Evilus lurking about, that's likely the case.

But their main operation starts in Orario, so at least we can put a stop to that.

Rescuing the Xenos that have already been shipped off though...

Yeah, let's not think about that for now.

"The main thing is to keep our actions a secret. For now, there have been no issues regarding the citizens of Orario. If they find out about our possible involvement..."

"They can hold the city hostage."

Well, Evilus always had that up their sleeve, so we just need to lie in wait until they give us an opening, and then wipe them off the face of the earth.

Or rather, Genkai.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. So? I'm guessing we'll be doing a lot more dungeoning now?"

"Indeed, Lyra is already drafting up expeditions. With the guild's backing, specifically Fels, we'll be able to get anything approved as long as we bring back a resource or something."

"Yeah, and we can also do explorations of the new floors while we're at it."

"Indeed. Though we need to fight Balor before then."

"It has a six-month respawn time, right? We could probably ask the guild to make the Loki or Freya Familia team up with us to take it out, then we'd have free reign."

Kaguya's eyes widen at this.

"Yeah... well, Lyra likely has already thought of that, but I'll relay that to her nonetheless. We have a past relationship with Loki and now Freya after destroying the Ishtar Familia together."

"She does sorta owe us for giving her the pleasure district, right?"

"Mhmm. Anyways, I'll leave you for tonight. You've been tasked with searching up to the 27th floor tomorrow, so do get some rest."

What? 27 floors in a day? That's crazy!


"Relax, Sirius. We'll have the newbies search through the first 17 floors. Anyway, goodnight."

"But nine floors is still crazy-! Haa, whatever, goodnight Kaguya."

Sorry, my sweet babies, it seems Papa's gonna be worked to the bone for the foreseeable future.

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