Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 52 – Lovion Children Council and Meeting Again

----- Alea POV -----

"~, there. Did you like that, Alea?"

"Un! Thanks, Papa."

Putting down his lyre, which looks like a complicated guitar, Papa then strokes my head before kissing me on my forehead.

Ever since I first heard him play, I had asked him to sing me a lullaby every night.

His singing, his playing, the moonlight casting the perfect scene...

It was simply too beautiful!

His songs also gave me a sense of relaxing nostalgia.

So I guess my Papa is also a good musician.


"Alright, now have a good sleep okay? If any of you want you can come join me and your Mamas, alright?"


"Ok, goodnight. Love you."

Those words.

The ones I had always dreamed of in my past life.

To be said so freely, so... comfortably.

Yeah, this life has truly been a blessing.

But I'll never forget my precious children, Aqua, Ruby...

Thank you for being the first one to teach me what love is.

"Love you too Papa!"

Smiling at me, Papa then closes the door behind him, bathing our room in the blue-green aurora from the nightlight Papa made us.

Hmm, I wonder how Ruby and Aqua are doing?

They're probably sad, but they have Miyako and the President, right?

I just hope that they're happy, or eventually find their happiness.

Well, not like I can do anything right now anyways.

It's been a bit over two months since Papa and my Mamas started to read to us as often as possible, and thanks to this, I was able to learn the language of this world.

...Although I still had trouble with vocabulary. 

In fact, I don't know what vocabulary is in this world's language.

During this time, I was able to gain control of my body and begin to crawl around, as did my siblings.

Rolling over, I see that Leo is already fast asleep.

Seriously, how can he fall asleep so fast?

But wow, my siblings are amazing.

To be able to crawl and talk like me, despite being normal babies. 

This world is something else, huh?

And here I thought I was making good progress by being faster than Aqua and Ruby.

Feeling the bed shift, I tilt my head just in time to see Ellie and Stella crawl over to us before sitting down, forming a circle between us four siblings.

"Leo. Wake up."

Not receiving an answer, Ellie's eyebrows twitch before she starts pulling on his ear, quickly eliciting a reaction.

"Ow! The hell!?"

"Good, you're up. Listen, we all need to talk."

Nodding my head, I can only swallow down my unease.

To be talked to so seriously by a baby... scary!

"Ok, well, I assume you all know already, but I'd like to confirm. This isn't your first life, is it? We're reincarnators."


"Wait wait wait... You're all reincarnators?"

All three of them give me a deadpan expression.

"Seriously? You think a baby can already crawl and talk at our age?"

But Aqua and Ruby only took a few months longer!

"Well, whatever. So you're a reincarnation. What about you, Leo? Stella?"

"Umm, I am."

"As am I."

Our little circle then descends into silence while I try to wrap my head around the revelation.


All my siblings are reincarnated.

They're all like me.

Not too big of a deal, even though this is very... weird.

But wait, doesn't this mean I can't be the 'older sister' anymore?

"Hold on."

Leo then interjects.

"You two, Ellie and Stella. You seemed to easily pick up the language and showed no surprise at the feats of our Familia. Are you-?"

"From this world? Yes, I am. And I'm guessing you are as well, Stella?"

Stella, who was staring intently at Ellie, flinches as her name is called before nodding her head in agreement.

Wait, so those two already were from here?


It was so hard to learn the language!

And those crazy powers like levels and magic... and I still don't know what skills are!

"So, Leo, from how you said that... you aren't familiar with Orario or the common tongue?"

"Orario? No, I'm not familiar with this entire world. I come from a different world, where this 'falna' stuff doesn't even exist."

Ellie's eyes widen in a rare expression of surprise, her mouth opening and closing slowly like a fish.

Well, I guess it makes sense, it was hard for me to comprehend that there are different worlds.

"O-Okay, so another world, huh? I'll ask more about that later. And you, Alea? Are you not familiar with this world as well?"

"No. But a lot of the concepts here are talked about in manga and anime. Did that help you too, Leo?"

Giving me a confused expression, Leo responds.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Are you not from Dicathean or Alacrya?"

Now it's my turn to be confused.



Did my brother ever look at a map?

"What are you talking about? I'm from Japan of course."

"But that doesn't- Oh, so it's like that, huh?"

What's like what, Leo?

"Have you figured something out?"

It seems that Ellie is also wondering.

"Yes. It seems that you two are from this world, while Alea and I are from different worlds, separate from this one and each other. I mean, if there is confirmation of multiple worlds, why couldn't there be more than two."

That... makes sense.

So he's not from my original world either, huh?

Oh, I should probably say that.

"I think us being here may have to do with Papa."

Turning toward me, they all give me a questioning look.

"When we said our first words, he looked at us and said 'Earth', remember?"

"Yeah? And? Is that not just a prayer or something around here?"

"No, it is not. Continue Alea."

Taking a deep breath, I follow Ellie's request.

"Well, at first I didn't understand, but afterwards, I realized. He said the name of my original world Earth, but just in another language that I knew but was not fluent in."

All their eyes widen in surprise as Leo is the first to confirm our collective understanding.

"So he's like us then? A reincarnation?"

"No. I don't think so."

Stella is the one to interject this time.


"I overheard Papa talking to Mamas, something about it 'being nearly three years since I got transported here.' At first, I didn't understand, so I didn't think about it, but now, I think he was transported here, not reincarnated."


"Well, we can confirm your hypothesis late, sister. For now, let's remove any confusion and introduce ourselves. Both our past lives and you two's past worlds. Afterwards, Stella and I will explain everything about this world that Papa and Mama didn't talk about."

"If we can stay up that long..."


"Can't they hear us!? They're, like, superhuman, right? I remember Papa could hear a guy scream from, like, a kilometre away!"

"Disregarding whatever a 'kilometre' is, unfortunately, or rather, fortunately, our parents are using an inn for some 'private' time, from what I overheard."

'Private time'?

They have their big room to themselves, why would they need any priv-


Turning my face down, I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"I-I don't want to think of Papa and Mamas doing, t-that!"

"How innocent. Well, it's in our favour to know they're gone, so let's make the best of it. Do you wish to start, Leo?"

"Sure, my past life was as Arthur Leywin-"


Before Leo could continue, Stella waves her arms around.

"What is it, Stella?"

"Before we start our pasts, I want to ask... who had parents in their past lives?"

Hmm, while I certainly had a mother, compared to how Papa and Mamas treat me...

Yeah, I don't think she counts.

"So only Leo, huh?"

Pointing her finger at his face, Stella continues.

"Listen up! Especially you, Leo! I want all of us, all of you, to treat Papa and Mamas as they deserve! They gave us life, love, happiness, and all these warm feelings... the least we can do is give them in return. So? Do you guys see our parents as your parents?"


"Of course!"

With Ellie and I's quick approval, we both turn toward Leo.

"Of course I do. My past lives parents were the father and mother of Arthur Leywin. Here, I only have two, no, three parents. I love them as a family just as I love you three."

Feeling my lips curl, I can't hold myself back from engulfing Leo in a hug.

----- 20 Minutes Later -----

"So that's the gist of it."

All three of us sitting in stunned silence, I'm the first one to break the ice.

"So you're a really old man then?"


"Truly, to receive a third chance at life... quite lucky."

"B-But your story was cool! To sacrifice yourself for your loved ones... how noble!"

With Stella's supportive words, Leo raises his head once again.

"Mmm, noble, huh? I hope I don't need to do it again."

"You won't. And you're much too young to do anything right now anyways, and Papa is quickly becoming a monster in strength. Anyway, Alea, your turn."

Putting my finger to my chin, I go through everything I remember from my old world.

"Well, the most surprising thing to you three would be that no one has powers in my world."


"What do you mean, no powers?"

"I mean that there's no magic, and everyone is only as strong as the people here without a falna. Oh! And there are only Humans! No Elves, Dwarves, Amazons... just Humans!"

Their mouths open in shock at my revelation, Ellie being the first to recompose herself.

"W-Wait, so no magic, no skills, no magic like Leo's world... nothing?"


"And you're saying Papa came from this world?"


"Then how is he so strong!?"

"Umm, I don't know, practice?"

Why don't you ask Papa that? Silly Ellie.

"Whatever, I guess we have more questions to ask Papa and our Mamas. Continue with your life then."


I then explain my life in detail from what I could remember to my untimely death.

It feels... good. To talk about everything like this.

Cathartic, yes, cathartic.

But really, what a stupid girl I was.

Always talking about 'lies this' and 'lies that', when the answer to my love was in front of me all along, in the form of my two sweet babies.

"I see... so you died at 20, leaving two children behind..."

"Yep! But it's okay! I have love now, I have Papa, Mama, my other Mama, you guys... so I'm happy!"

Suddenly, the three engulf me in a hug, making my breath get caught in my throat.

"G-Guys? What's wrong?"

"It was tough, wasn't it? You did good, Alea."

Hearing Stella's soothing words, I can't stop the tears from dripping down my face.

Why? I'm happy! I don't need to cry!

"Just let it out, Alea. All your fears, your sadness... let it out and leave it behind."

And with that, I break down into the arms of my siblings.

Despite the itching heat in my chest and the salty tears on my face, I only feel better the more I cry.

But I still don't understand-


So that's it.

Yeah, I need to trust in my family more.

While I thought I knew that they'd never leave me, it seems something deep down thought differently.

And with that, the lingering fear of abandonment washed away, soaking into the clothes of my dear siblings.

Ah, this comforting warmth...

Love, it's truly a wonderful thing.

----- Eleanor POV -----

"You okay now?"

"Un! I love you!"

"I love you too, Alea."

With Stella rubbing Alea's head, it seems my little sister's outburst has come to an end.

Hah, how pitiful, to be dropped into such a violent world.

Well, you've been strong, Alea, but as I've learned from Papa, you don't need to be strong in front of family, and it seems you've finally learned that too.

"Well, I guess it's my turn then!"

Sitting back onto her butt, Stella continues.

"Now, when I died, I was 17, it was from childbirth."

Wait, doesn't this sound familiar?

"Well, actually, it was from the combination of my disease and childbirth, but whatever."



"While I wasn't a combatant, I was a part of the Hera Familia before its destruction by the One-Eyed Black Dragon."

My heartbeat quickens.

This... this was something from my dreams.

A hope I didn't dare pray for after already attaining such a loving family and a new life.

"While I didn't have a last name, my name from my past life was-"


Emotions I've long since locked away come surging forth in a cascade.


"Yes! It's me, dear sister!"

Toppling over Meteria, no, Stella, no-

Toppling over my dear sister, I cry into her chest, sobbing uncontrollably as the memories come back.

The pain I felt when I heard the news of her death.

The sense of utter loss, of absolute nothingness I felt when seeing her pale corpse.

Having only one person I ever loved, I was protected from the feelings of loss so many others have felt when experiencing death.

But due to this... inexperience, the mental agony was too much to bear.

But to think!

To think I would get this chance!

To live with my dear sister, this time in a house filled with love!

The family that she always wished for!

I can only hope that the illness doesn't follow us in this life and that I did not once again steal her talent.

But those worries are for another time.

For now, I'm just glad.

Overjoyed that she, my dear sister who deserved it most, got another chance at life.

----- Leo POV -----

So they all died at 24, 20, and 17, huh?

Damn, I really was an old man in their eyes.

Well, at least my status as 'older brother' is unmatched.

"So you two were twins in your past life?"


What a coincidence.

"Hmm, it must be weird being younger than your own son! I wouldn't know what to do if I saw a grown-up Aqua and Ruby."

"Yeah... but I want to visit him. Hug him, hold him... Ellie? Do you think he's okay?"

"He has Zeus with him, and once we get older we can ask Papa to check on him."

"But how could we explain how we know?"

"We'll figure out something. If worse comes worse, we can wait until we are old enough ourselves."


Well, at least that's taken care of.

So Alea, my twin, was Ai Hoshino, a civilian with no previous knowledge of magic, ki, or fighting.

I'll have to protect her, but I have a feeling my father and mothers can do so just fine on their own.

Then there's Stella, my sister, who was Meteria, basically a civilian as she only did chores for the Hera Familia.

And lastly, Eleanor, previously Alfia, was one of, if not the strongest, person in this world... and also a villain.

But I can understand.

I was a king, and then a lance, of course, I would understand the need to make tough decisions.

I mean, imagine how much stronger Dicathean would have been if a single retainer wreaked havoc a few years earlier.

I'm glad that my father knew the truth of her past life's intentions, although she still doesn't know how, as Ellie seems to have cast off her guilt and fear of being hated.

"Well, I guess nice to formally meet you all. Could you explain a little more of this world then?"

"Sure. Although Papa's stories have covered most of the basics, I can teach you more about Orario and the combat in this world."

"But that's for later. Yawn~ I'm sleepy~. And I didn't even get to fall asleep to Papa's lullaby because you woke me up!"

"S-Sorry, sister."

"It's okay. Here, come cuddle with me!"

Laying down, the two hug each other before slowly falling asleep.


Well, I guess it's time for me to get some shut-eye as well.

Especially since I'll be getting a lesson about this world tomorrow.

At least I hope so.

"Goodnight Alea."

Not getting an answer, I turn to see my twin passed out, a trail of drool dripping down her chin.

What a carefree kid.

...I should stop sounding exactly like my mental age, for the sake of my sanity.

Wiping off her drool, I lay down and look up to see the soothing lights dance across the ceiling, lulling me to sleep.

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