Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 50 – Celebration and Bath

"Papa, ungry."

Reaching down, I grab a bottle before passing it to Leo, his head tilting back before downing the contents.

Our Familia was on our way to the 'Hostess of Fertility' with all four of the babies lined up in their carriage that I was pushing.

They were all quite cute, sitting like that, especially with Ellie fast asleep on her twin sister's shoulder.

Yes, very cute.

Even after numerous walks outside, Alea and Leo still looked around the city in wonder, at least compared to Stella and Ellie, who usually used the walks as nap time.

Well, as long as they're happy, I guess.

Soon enough, the familiar pub enters my view as the girls enter first.

"Ah! They're here!"

From the unmistakable voice of Tiona, it seems that the Loki Familia got here first.

Looking down, I see that Eleanor is wearing a frown with her arms crossed.


Meeting my gaze, I ruffle her hair which has grown to reach her neck.

"Just tell me if you want to go, alright?"

Getting a nod, I then push the carriage into the pub.

Thankfully, the door was just wide enough to fit with no problems.

Seeing the people gathered, it seems like not everyone from their Familia came, which is good as they would have crowded the place otherwise.

Seeing that everyone is now here, Finn then stands atop the table.

"Welcome Astraea Familia, I'm glad you could join us to celebrate a successful expedition. Let us drown the night in good food and drink!"

Getting a cheer, many of the Loki Familia take a drink from their cups as Alise pushes her chest out.

"Ohoho! But that is not all we're celebrating, Finn!"

Receiving a curious glance from the Pallum, she continues.

"While the guild hasn't officially been notified, we have three new level 6's and four new level 5's in Orario!"

Many spit out their drinks at the proclamation as Alise simply laughs.

Did she pregame or something?

Looking down at the kids, Eleanor is shrinking into a ball at the noise.

"Haa, it seems Mama Alise is quite a drama queen. Here, Ellie, want uppies?"

Ryuu rolling the kids into a corner of the place, I take Ellie into my arms as she buries her head into my neck.

Haa, can they quiet down?

"Your captain made quite a big show, but they should calm down in a moment."

Turning to Riveria, I see a young brunette Elf standing behind her, staring at me and Eleanor in curiosity. 

"It's alright, seems like little Ellie doesn't like all the noise."

"She's quite cute. From her hair, I can guess she's Alise's?"

"Mhmm, meet Eleanor Lovion, my sweet daughter. Ah, I don't think I've seen her around before."

Looking at the Elf, her ears twitch as she continues to stare at Ellie.

My baby's cuteness is quite something indeed.

"I'm guessing she's the new member from the School District? Lefiya Viridis I believe."

Now meeting my eyes, she tilts her head in curiosity.

"Y-Yes, I'm Lefiya Viridis. D-Do you know me?"

"Hmm? Not really, one of our members has talked quite a lot about you. Ariel! Your friend is here!"

"Ariel Sylven? She's an adventurer now?"

"You bet. Seems like she and Haru are doing something. Go on over, I'm sure they'd love to meet another person their age."

Giving a glance to Riveria, the High-Elf pats her head.

"You should make some friends. In fact, take Ais over there with you."

Her eyes lighting up, she then makes her way over to Ais before pulling her toward Ariel and Haru, the Amazon twins joining them.

"Well, I guess that's the kids sorted."


"Here, Ellie. Say hello to the pretty Elf princess."

Sooting me a glare, Riveria then smiles down at Eleanor, who had peeked her head past my shoulder.


Before then snuggling back into my neck.

"S-Sorry about that. She's quite the introvert."

"That's alright. With the noise my stupid Goddess always creates, it's to be expected."

Looking over, I see that Loki is trying to down two mugs of alcohol at once.

I think I can understand a bit more of the burden Riveria bears.

Although she said that it's alright, I can tell she's a little put down by Eleanor's rejection.

"Here, would you like to join Ryuu and me? I'm sure Alea and Stella would be thrilled to meet you."

"I-It would be my pleasure."

Sitting next to Ryuu who has Leo and Stella in her arms, I pick up Alea before handing her to Riveria.

"Here, this is Alea, from the ears you can tell she's Ryuu's along with Leo, my only son."

Resting Alea on her lap, she strokes her hand through her hair as my daughter leans into her touch, causing Riveria to form a warm smile.

I guess the 'Mama' trait wasn't a lie, huh?

"Alea, huh? You are quite cute, aren't you? Fufufu."


Jeez, someone please get this Elf laid.

"So? Who's the last one? It seems that she has her father's hair."

"Ah, that's Stella. She's also Alise's."

"Mmm, you three have a beautiful family."

Giving me and Ryuu a smile, she then goes back to playing with Alea.

----- Ais POV -----

Once again, I find my gaze travelling to the corner of the room, where Sirius, Gale, and Scarlet Harnel are talking with Riveria, their four children each held with so much love and affection.

The feeling of jealousy sprouts up as I remember such days with my own family.

How Father showed me his beloved swordsmanship, and Mother held me gently in her lap.

Haa, no, I shouldn't feel this way.

I'll get stronger, to slay the One-Eyed Black Dragon and rescue Mother.

Although we'll never return to such happy days without Father, I now have more people in my life that make me happy.

Riveria, Finn, Gareth, Tiona, Tione...

And also the new girl, Lefiya, who professed herself as my new friend.

Turning back toward the table, I see that the fox girl and the blue-haired Elf, Ariel, I think her name was, are talking with Lefiya.

From what I could pick up, the two new members of the Astraea Familia knew Lefiya from the School District.

"Hey, we're all at least 13, right?"

Lefiya answers the older sister, Iris' questions.

"Yes, I believe so. Why?"

"Well, I think we should order some drinks! We're old enough!"

"Iris, are you sure you aren't just mad at being sent to the 'children's table'?"

"N-No! Anyways, who's with me?"


I hadn't tried it before, but nearly everyone in the Familia enjoys it, especially when they celebrate like today.


"Alright! What about you girls?"

As everyone eventually agrees, except for Lefiya, we order drinks from the grey-haired waitress, who had been staring at Sirius' babies with interest.

I guess it would be odd to see children like that in a pub, I was under the impression there would be a lot more crying.

Receiving the mug, I bring the contents to my lips.

Hmm, it stings slightly, but it mostly tastes like juice.

I like it.

Downing the drink, I set down the mug before looking at the shocked faces around the table.


Was something wrong?

And why were they all leaning sideways?

----- Alea POV -----

Sitting on the nice green-haired lady's lap, I look over at my sister, Eleanor, with envy.

Stop hogging Papa!

I know you're not asleep!

Haa, what am I doing?

Getting irritated by a little kid, no, a baby.

But I can't help it, after all, I only feel completely safe in Papa's arms.

While my Mamas are wonderful, and I'm sure that they love me, whenever I'm held by them, I can't help but remember my Mama from my past life.

Would they abandon me like before?

Would they grow to hate me?

Even with the warmth of affection I always get from them, I can't stop those thoughts from sometimes surfacing.

With my time spent with the younger girls while my parents were doing... something, I tried to work on understanding this world's language.

Mainly by annoying the older girl, Iris, until she read me stories.

But still, I'm lacking a lot of knowledge.

Like what the heck were the 'levels' that they were celebrating?

And how could everyone move so fast and be so strong?

But I'll wait.

Being a baby isn't all bad, it's like a vacation!

Besides, even if I learned everything, my vocal cords were still not developed enough to talk, even if I wanted to.

I'm then lifted by the green-haired lady and placed into Papa's arms.

Oh? I guess we're going now.

Lifting my arm, I give a clumsy wave to the nice lady as Papa started walking out the door, giving a departing wave to the gathered people.

Ooh! Are we doing another city walk?


----- Sirius POV -----

As Riveria had to take care of a drunk Ais, I decided that it was a good time to leave.

Eleanor seemed to not like the pub, and I don't think it's a great atmosphere to keep the kids in for too long.

What better way to spend the rest of the night other than a city walk?

Placing everyone in the carriage, except for Alea who was clinging tightly to me, Ryuu was the one to push this time as Alise walked between us.

With the subtle glow of the magic stone street lamps, illuminating the cobbled roads, we eventually come across a small bookstore.

Ah, there was that.

While Astraea loved reading, there were only a couple of books we had that were suitable for little kids and none that were meant for teaching to read.

Opening the door, I see a clerk sitting at a desk while reading a book.

Good, so it was still open.

Walking past the shelves, I'm glad that they sectioned off the different categories.

Grabbing a few children's stories and a couple of encyclopedias, I look through them while Alea happily slaps the pages.

I guess my little girl's an avid reader?

Well, she and Leo have definitely been the curious ones.

Maybe I should start reading to them more?

I've missed a lot of time from the expedition, and now with my new magic, I'll have to train for a while before I return to the dungeon.

After paying for the books, we then continue our walk through the city, with all the kids falling asleep, even Alea, as she rested against my shoulder.

Entering the home, I carry Alea and the books to our room while Ryuu and Alise handle the other sleeping babies.

From the people I could sense around the house, it seems that everyone had returned from the pub.

"Hey, you two, do you want to have our own little celebration tonight?"

We had spent the entire week in the dungeon, and while we did cuddle together, it wasn't the time nor place to have any 'fun'.

"We would have to ask someone to watch over the kids first. But sure, husband."

"Hmm, their crib is still in Haru's room, right? Let's ask her."


Heading up the stairs, I walk up to Haru's room, noticing that she already has a visitor.

That presence... I think it's Ariel, right?

Knocking a couple of times, I open the door only to be met by the sight of Haru and Ariel sitting on her bed, in the middle of making out.

Before I could completely process what was happening, they notice me, freezing up as their cheeks form a blush.


"U-Umm, sorry. Have fun you two."

Closing the door, I can only catch a muffled yelp before I turn back to Ryuu.

"Nevermind, it seems like they're busy."

"Hmm? Well, as long as we aren't too loud, we can keep the kids in the nursery."

Yeah, let's do that.

But wow, Ariel and Haru, huh?

Guess we might have another couple joining the Familia soon.

Placing the kids in the nursery, Ryuu and Alise head into the bathroom to wash off while I make my way downstairs to grab a bottle of good liquor and three glasses.

Hehe, I can't wait.

----- 1 Day Later -----

Having had a very... eventful night, I woke up to the sound of Stella's cries, well more like her shouting 'food, food'.

With my two wives still asleep, I changed their diapers before giving them each a bottle.

The only thing that was on the agenda today was to commission Alise's wand and to try out my new magic, so I decided to bring out last night's purchases.

Resting the four on my lap with some difficulty, I start reading them a children's book next to the sleeping Ryuu and Alise.

Seeing them cuddled up naked under the covers, memories of last night resurface, bringing a smile to my face.

No! Reading time!

Done with the first book, I pick up another from the pile.

"You guys wanna read this? 'Biography of the World Traveler'?"


Getting an affirmative from Leo and Alea, I turn to the first page.

Oh, it's this one!

While it is a geography book, a genre not usually meant for children, the way it's written feels more like an adventure story while also teaching the reader about Genkai.

Hell, I could even learn a few things from this.

----- 1 Hour Later -----

Ryuu and Alise having woken up, I finished the chapter we were on before getting ready for the day.

Since the kids hadn't been cleaned yesterday, and we three parents had some... activities last night, we decided to take a family bath to start the day.

Usually, the kids would be cleaned off by Aqua Corona as it also had the secondary benefit to heal any possible injuries.

Child mortality is still quite a problem over here, after all.

But it's always good to get some natural cleaning done, although all the kids acted weird during it.

So here we were, sitting in the bath as I slowly scrub Leo and Stella.

Their weird behaviour including keeping their eyes shut, I don't have to worry about getting soap in them, so that's a plus.

Running my fingers through Stella's hair, I slowly rub under her ears and neck, causing her to lean back toward me, humming in satisfaction.

What a silly kid.

"So, husband, what's the plan for today?"

Scrubbing Alea's long ears, Ryuu turns her head to me.

"Hmm, well, I want to try out Elemental Orb to see how it works, I also have to get something commissioned by the Goibniu Familia."

"Oh? That's news to me, is it a new dagger?"

"No, it's a secret. But it will be using the Amphisbaena fang I have left over."

"If you say so."

Soon done cleaning off the kids, my lovely wives lean into my side as they begin cleaning themselves.

Urk, yeah, one of these days, we're definitely doing it in the bath.

"Well, I'll take out the kids so you can easily wash yourselves."

"Sure thing! Once we're done, we can watch them while you get your commission done."

"Thanks, Alise."

----- 3 Hours Later -----

Standing in the training field with Haru, Lili, Iris, and Ariel, I see that the two I had walked in on last night are still unable to meet my eyes, or each other's.

Haa, well, it would be terrible for their teamwork if we don't get this sorted, even though I wanted to get started on practice right away.

"Haru, Ariel, can you come over here please."

The two flinching at my call, we soon make our way to the edge of the training ground, where I sit down under the shade of the tree.

"Well, I should let you know that I'm the only one who knows. Are you two together now?"

Her fox ears drooping, Haru answers first.

"I-I don't know. We stopped after you came in."

I see.

"And you haven't spoken since?"

Getting two head shakes of denial, I let out a sigh before bringing my hand to their head, gently ruffling the two's hair.

"You dummies, you have to talk about that stuff, especially since you're on a team. So? How did it start?"

"I don't know. We had drunk some alcohol, and after we came back home, it just, kind of, happened."


So they were drunk.

"Hmm, well being intoxicated usually leads to making decisions without thinking. So, do you two regret it?"

The two shake their heads once again.

"And would you do it again?"

Their faces heating up, they shake their heads again, with more vigour this time.

"Then it's all good. You didn't make a mistake, and with you two being so young, there's no need to rush things. How about after today's training, you two talk with Alise and Ryuu, alright?"

Their faces perking up, Haru gives me a hug with Ariel soon following suit before they both return to their teammates.

Well, I didn't really give any advice other than pushing the problem to my wives, but they only really needed some reassurance.

And I also cleared the awkward air between each of us.

Haa, but man, will I have to deal with that once my babies reach that age?

That will not be fun.

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