Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 47 – Reunification and First Words (R18)

After that weird outburst from Stella and Eleanor, we decided to skip visiting Ardee's grave for today, as the other kids were getting tired anyways.

Seriously, just what set the two off?

Looking down at the two infants dozing in my arms, their little hands clasping my shirt with eyes red from crying.

Maybe the place was scary?

Or maybe it was just the stress of being outside for the first time.

Well, it doesn't matter now.

From the small smiles on their faces, I'd like to think my soothing words worked at calming them down.

"Are you sure you don't want to put them in the carriage, husband?"

"Don't be silly, Ryuu! Don't you see how comfy and cute they look with him right now?"

Looking over at the sleeping baby girls, Ryuu's face blossoms into a smile that could only be described as 'motherly'.

"Mmm. I suppose you're right, they are very cute."

Entering the Stardust Garden, Alise picks up Leo and Alea while placing the carriage off to the side while Ryuu runs over to Kaguya before whispering in her ear.

What's up with her?


Looking down, I see that Eleanor is moving around slightly.

"Hey, Ellie~ Are you up from your nap?"

Opening her eyes, she looks at me for a moment before burying her face into my shoulder.


I've never seen Eleanor be so... affectionate.

Well, this Papa here will savour this rare moment of clinginess.

"Sirius, Alise. Let me and Lyra watch over the little ones. Ryuu would like to-"

"Don't say it! Y-You two, meet me in our room."

Removing her hand from Kaguya's mouth, she then speeds out of the room and up the stairs.

I guess she wanted to cash in on Kaguya's earlier offer.

No way in hell I'd say no.

"Alright, let me just lay Stella down."

Passing off Eleanor to Kaguya, I then bring out the common room crib before placing Stella in it.

"Well, I'll meet you up there Alise, I'm gonna take a shower first though."

Receiving a nod from the visibly excited redhead, I then make my way to our bathroom.

After cleaning myself, I then open the connected door to our room, only to be greeted by the two beautiful bodies that I've been holding myself back from ravishing for about half a year.

(R18 Start)

The loose skin from pregnancy now nonexistent, I see that their curves have become even more emphasized, especially around their hips.

Oh. I like.

The two of them already getting started on tonight's activities, their faces flushed red while they massage each other's clits, their fingers slick with arousal.

Feeling my little man stand for attention at the alluring sight, I begin to take my clothes off as the two of them look toward me.

Before I can jump into action, I ensure that the same mistake as before won't happen.

"You two did make sure to take birth control, right? The actual birth control."

The two's ears heat up in shame before Alise responds.

"S-Shut up! Just get over here and fuck me!"

Accepting her invitation, I step forward before taking my redheaded wife's lips, my fingers tracing across her firm pink nipples while my other hand grips Ryuu's ass.

Getting a moan from the two, I move my fingers down toward Alise's pussy while Ryuu lowers her head toward my cock.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I place Alise on my lap facing away from me while my fingers begin to slowly massage her clit.

Glancing down, I see that Ryuu is grasping my shaft while looking up at me, her eyes full of heated desire.

Giving me a wink, she then takes my entire length, eliciting a short gasp from me as I feel a comfortable warmth engulf my senses.

Feeling her ass in my hand wiggle seductively, I know exactly what she wants.

Chanting Aqua Corona, I then let the stream of water envelop my index finger before I bury it into her tight asshole, the magic simultaneously cleaning and healing any damage, leaving only pleasure.

Her body spasms in pleasure while I feel the pressure around my dick increase, causing me to groan in pleasure.

Feeling my hand on Alise dripping with her juices, I lean her back and insert my digits into her slip, stifling her moans with my tongue.

This carousel of pleasure continues for a while before I feel both Ryuu and Alise begin to twitch.

Suddenly, the tightness around the fingers in both of my wives increases as they simultaneously erupt in pleasure.

Ryuu's movements then increase, her head bobbing up and down my shaft in enthusiasm as Alise lays down to mirror her position, leaving a trail of fluid on my bare thigh.

The two's lips meet at my tip and Ryuu further pushes my finger into her ass, I feel the itching buzz grow before the pressure becomes too immense.

Grasping Alise's head with my bare hand, I erupt into both of their mouths as I lean back to fully experience the bliss of climax.

A few moments later, I look down to see both of them exchanging tounges, the spare semen dripping down their chins.

Ahh, my wives are the best!

Chanting Aqua Corona once again, I let the stream envelop my body, causing my member to once again stand firm.

The unexpected benefit of Aqua Corona is that not only does it heal injuries, but it also heals stamina, allowing me to completely ignore my natural refractory period.

And so... our period of fun continued.

(R18 End)

----- Leo POV -----


Slightly muffled sounds of pleasure from upstairs, the same sounds that have been present for at least an hour.

"Seriously... could those three not show any restraint?"

Kaguya then shakes her head in annoyance.

It seems that my parents have been pretty pent-up.

And to be at it for more than an hour... way to go, Father!

Although I had remained a virgin throughout both of my lives, from the noises echoing through the mansion, it seemed that my father was quite skilled.

...No, I was not bitter about my situation at all.

Now having been 5 weeks since my re-reincarnation, I had learned some things about this world, the most important being the language.

Due to my previous experience of being born as a baby, I was able to take advantage of an infant's learning capacity to quickly understand words and phrases by observing the people around me.

Even then, my pace was incredibly quick.

I could only thank my parents and the 'Familia' for talking constantly and due to the language not being too far off from what I used back when I was Grey.

As for what I learned about this world, it wasn't much, but it was a start.

The people of the mansion were part of one 'Familia', which acts like a clan, where the leader is my mother Alise, who is the captain, as well as the 'Goddess' Astraea, who everyone affectionately calls 'Mother'.

From my previous experience of 'Gods', who were the Asuras, I had mixed feelings about this fact.

But from how nice Astraea was, I couldn't bring myself to hold any negative feelings towards her.

I guess I'll need to research this 'God' stuff more.

As for the power structure of this world... there was mana, called 'mind' here, and there was also aether.

At least, I think so.

From what I hear about 'skills' and 'stats' as well as some magic, I can only guess that aether is the cause of it, not that they seem to notice.

But the mana here seems extremely restricted in its use, only having a few spells that had minimal flexibility.

The way magic works here, from my understanding at least, reminds me of Alacrya.

So that will also need more research.

While I had been confused as to what exactly 'stats', 'falna', and 'levels' were, I got my first hint this morning, when Astraea dropped blood onto my father's back, causing it to engulf the room in an aetherial glow.

So that was a 'status update', huh?

This world... it was very interesting.

Extremely peaceful, reminding me of the days in Dicathean before the war.

While I didn't fully understand it, our 'Familia' seemed to be the so-called protectors of the city we live in, essentially acting as knights.

But we also went into the Dungeon.

While there were numerous dungeons back in Dicathean, and several relic tombs on Alacrya, this seemed like an entirely different beast.

A confirmed number of 61 floors, with the floors being the size of the city or bigger, and monsters at the level of S-class mana beasts roaming the bottom floors.

I can't lie, the idea of delving into the dungeon, getting stronger while exploring more of the unknown, it's all very exciting.

But who's to say these people aren't living in ignorance?

Just as Dicathean had no clue about Alacrya and the Asuras, who's to say there wasn't a bigger enemy in this world too?

From the few times I've seen my father narrow his gaze at the distance in firm determination, I have a feeling that my father thinks that too.

Or perhaps he knows about the enemy?

Well, not that it matters to me right now.

After all, I still can't even crawl properly.

As the noises from upstairs finally stopped, I set down the toy I had been playing with.

While of course, I didn't find any joy in a baby toy, it was a great way to grow my motor skills, and it seems to have been picked up by my sister Alea.

Speaking of sisters...

Looking to the side, I see that Stella and Eleanor are both in the crib, holding onto each other while in a deep sleep.


And from the appearance of my parents, I have a feeling they'll grow even cuter with age.

I'll have to fight off more than a few boys, won't I?

But at least I'll be able to count on my father, he seems like the overprotective type.

"Hey Kaguya, thanks again for watching them."

Appearing from the stairs, I guess my father has returned from his... activities.

His hair is slick with sweat and I can see a few hickeys around his neck.


Is that a bite mark?

...No, I don't want to know.

"It was no problem. It seems you have made efficient use of your break. Are the two of them resting upstairs?"

"Mhmm! Well, they both went to change the sheets while I came down to watch the kids."

"I don't wish to hear about what you guys did, I heard enough of it from down here. Haa, I didn't even know Ryuu could say something so vulgar."

"Well... Aqua Corona is quite something."

"I'm leaving. Leo and Alea have already been fed."

"Alright, I owe you one!"

Sitting down in front of me, he then takes Alea into his arms who had been holding her hands out.

Seems that my sister is a daddy's girl.

Well, he is quite a gentle father, so I can understand it.

"Now, how have you two been? I guess Stella and Eleanor are still fast asleep, huh?"

He then tickles under Alea's chin, eliciting giggles from my cute sister.

"Hmm. Do you guys want to play anything? Or maybe have me read you some stories?"


Yes, please!

I want to know more about this world!

Raising my arm, I nearly topple over from the change in balance.

Stupid infantile body!

I am Lance Godspell, how dare you disobey my command!


"Whoa there!"

Stopping my fall, he then takes me into his arms before placing me on his free lap, leaning my back into his chest.

"So you guys want to hear some stories, huh? Oh? Your sisters are up, let me check them over and I'll read to all of you, okay?"

----- Sirius POV -----

Sitting down on the bed with a book in my right hand, I look at my four children.

Stella and Eleanor were on my lap, Alea held in my left arm, and Leo leaning into my right side.

For some reason, all three of my girls were very cuddly today, even Eleanor.

All three grasped onto my clothing as best they could and buried themselves into my hold.

But for some reason, Stella seemed sort of down.

Placing the book down, I then wrap my arm around the silver-haired infant.

"Is something wrong Stella? Papa here will try to make it better."

Her eyes close while I rub her head, she then leans against my chest, body curling into a ball.

Well, maybe she's just tired.

Before I can begin, I feel Alea tug at my clothes.

"Bffaa. Bbfafa. Baba!"

She ends her exclamation pointing at my face.

What an energetic girl-


"Did you just say 'Papa'?"


"You did! You said your first word, and it was 'Papa'!"

Aww, my little girl is just the cutest most adorable, smartest-

Hold on.

Unnatural maturity, Leo's refusal of breastfeeding, already first words or at least an attempt at it.

Could my kids be reincarnators?

Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.

This world's language isn't like my old one, but it seems that the goddess had hardwired my brain to understand it, overwriting my ability to use English from my past world.

So words that are used in both worlds, like 'reincarnation' and 'past lives', can't be understood by them yet.

But here, there is no such thing as 'Earth', only 'Tenkai' and 'Genkai', so it should be unique to English.

Staring down at all four of them, I search their expressions before provoking them.


Only receiving a blank gaze from all my children, I pick up the book once again.

Seems like I was overthinking things.

And who cares, my kids are my kids, and only ever will be.

Nothing could remove the instinctual love I feel for my babies, and when my sweet daughters are so loving, I could care less about their past.

Readjusting Alea in my grasp, I open the book to the first page, showing a depiction of the Sword Champion, Albert Waldstein.

Ah, this one.

This story is about the first person to venture into the Dungeon, and the one known as the greatest swordsman in history.

Reading through the story, Alea and Leo watch on in wide-eyed interest while Stella and Eleanor fall asleep in my lap.

The two must still be tired from their big day out.

Finishing the story, I look down to see that both Leo and Alea have nodded off to sleep.

Stella and Eleanor both curled into my chest, Leo leaning onto my thigh, and Alea cuddled up into my side, her back supported by my arm.

Seeing all my children sleeping so softly, I can only smile while the warmth of love spreads through my body.

Although smelling the scent of a dirty diaper, it seems that one of them became a little too relaxed.

Well, compared to what I've smelled in the dungeon, it's nothing, so I'll let them rest a bit more before changing them. 

Chanting under my breath, I send a stream of Aqua Corona to all four of them to ensure they don't get a rash.

Sensing my two lovely wives coming down the stairs, I glance over as they enter the room, bringing a finger to my lips in a shushing motion.

Sitting on either side, the two watch on with loving smiles as they rest their head against my shoulder before breaking out in hushed whispers.

"You really are a wonderful father, husband."

"Aww, Ryuu! Our babies are so cute!"

"Yeah. Guess what you two? Alea said her first words! She said 'Papa'! Me!"

Their expressions become doubtful at my words.

"Are you sure she wasn't just babbling, dear? Alea has been pretty active with her murmuring lately."

"I'm sure! She even pointed at me when she said it and repeated it after!"

"Mmm, well, congratulations husband, I'm going to rest now. The two of you did a number on me earlier."

"Me too."

Their breaths calming as they begin to fall asleep, I reposition myself to make them more comfortable.

Yeah, times like these are what I use for motivation to get stronger, to ensure these wonderful times of peace can continue without issue.

Leo, Alea, Stella, Eleanor... by the time you all start a family, I'll ensure that the Black Dragon is slain.

After all, I would fight the world itself for my babies.

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